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The art of sisters


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It's got a Sister in it so I think this counts?





There is something very, very strange about that pose though. It looks like she just skidded to a stop as her horse vanished from under her, having previously been holding onto the back of her saddle?

@+Furyou Miko - How so? She looks to be striding towards the big xenos and has just turned to fire her bolt pistol at the xenos on her left.

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Nevermind what she does with her right hand (wild-west-style draw pose, holding a wound, or just realising she has run out of grenades), where is her gauntlet/glove? And maybe related to that, her primary weapon?

Considering the overall skilllevel required for this pic, I don't believe the artist left her right hand naked, just to avoid having to draw a black handshape over a black clad thigh. The pic is far too good, otherwise!


I do however, enjoy the general speculation on "what's going on, in and around these pictures", such details often prompt! :)

So, as a Sororitas' fan, I'd like to think our dear Sister, just performed an Act of Faith, in which she stopped one of those psychic projectiles, from that Tyranid-Warp-Witch-Beast, with her bare hand. Unfortunately her bolter as well as her glove, got evaporated in the process, which led to the wild-west-style draw of her bolt pistol, to continue fighting as fast as possible.


Considering though, that more often than not, the simplest conclusion is the best, another explanation resulting in an evaporated glove, could involve our poor Sister having had either a Combi-Plasma or a Plasma Pistol, as part of her initial weaponry.

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See, the rosarius and brassiere of holy fire mark her as a canoness, but her youth and lack of rosary beads indicate a rank novice... Yes, I really am that pedantic. :p

Tell that to the GW models who all have beads even for the novices.
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See, the rosarius and brassiere of holy fire mark her as a canoness, but her youth and lack of rosary beads indicate a rank novice... Yes, I really am that pedantic. :tongue.:

And the Liberite in me would suggest that perhaps the Canoness had fallen, the novice took her former leaders' rosarius and brasserie to prevent them from being taken by the greenskins :tongue.:

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See, the rosarius and brassiere of holy fire mark her as a canoness, but her youth and lack of rosary beads indicate a rank novice... Yes, I really am that pedantic. :tongue.:

And the Liberite in me would suggest that perhaps the Canoness had fallen, the novice took her former leaders' rosarius and brasserie to prevent them from being taken by the greenskins :tongue.:



That makes sense, preserve the holy relic and keep it from the Xeno's defiling hands.

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... I totally meant brazier of holy fire.


A brassiere would be slightly different. I'm going to put that down to iPad auto correct.

I just copied what you typed. I have admit I didn't think it was the wrong word :laugh.:

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A brassiere of holy fire sounds a bit too hot. I mean I know their hearts are full of burning passion for the Emperor but that's a little much.




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