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The art of sisters


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Your fault for posting so much on a forum that uses English spelling because it's run by English people based on an English game. :tongue.:


You cannot defeat the Power of our Armour!

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(I've already officially stopped spelling armour without a u).


Post 999! curse you Tzeentch!


It pisses me off every time 'armour' pops up on spell check.
Well, It doesn't bother me too much (I live in the US) but it seems wired that an international board like this one wouldn't accept either spelling


Miko: where I'm posting from, armour gets hilighted as incorrect, while armor does not

Edited by Servant of Dante
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It probably has to do with the English Settings of your OS.


I'm using Canadian English which has both American and English spellings for certain words. In my case, Armor doesn't get highlighted nor does Armour.

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A bit of fingerpainting I've been tinkering with...


Proportions are WAY off, I know.



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I'm guessing literacy is the hardest test for them.


Thinking of language...if High Gothic is Latin what is Low Gothic? English? Because it seems to be a completely seperate language.

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Ignoring the Inqusition symbols, what am I missing with these cross/skull things that several of these pictures show at the waist?


like this one, for example. What is that?


I like the fleur on her grenade, but are those xenos runes on her plasma pistol?


Edit: Oh, wow! I just noticed the chaos marine in the background! Looks like he took a few hits!



The rules always matter, as you agreed to follow them when creating your account.

Yes. That probably was a poor thing to say on my part.


What I mean is that my favorite part of these threads is the interesting not-exactly-on-topic discussions that happen. The thread is back on track now (as it should be).



Yes, Low Gothic is the not-English, just as High Gothic is the not-Latin/not-Greek at times.

I think the straight-up calling one thing another fits perfectly within the setting! Edited by Brother Tyler
Hot-linked image (quoted) turned into a ink.
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The "punk" Sister and the fourth picture of a Sister in Fulkes' post are two of my favourite ones :happy.: Edited by Aquilanus
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Not exactly my idea of a true sister, but it does look cool. I'd like to see fluff on such an order

They sing Bad Reputation when going to war. :tongue.:


I had to remind myself what that song was. Now I can't stop laughing.

Edited by Servant of Dante
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