Brother Cambrius Posted September 28, 2013 Share Posted September 28, 2013 (edited) Well to follow on my new post in the WIP forums bringing back Operation Reclamation, which some of you older members may remember form around 2010-11, here's the Completed, or "Reclaimed" thread, where I showcase the completed miniatures from my exploits! Now to start off with, I'm very embarrassed to say the first mini I'm showcasing is one that I in fact damaged/abused. After getting my first Storm Talon through the post from GW, I immediately got to work on building it and I decided it would be in the colours of my newest Space Marine army, a Crimson Fist successor called the "Vanquishers", who are the masters of city-fighting and urban warfare. Unfortunately, I made a mistake I will only ever do once, after discovering what a lamp's light bulb does to a Storm Talon if too close. I was trying to dry the blue wash on the cockpit glass, but I got too engrossed in an Imperial Armour book and must have lost a few minutes, which led to this horrific outcome, after 12 hours of work on it: Needless to say, I was pretty stunned and felt a bit hollow after seeing what I'd done, the Talon was so close to being finished too, all it needed was some washes, detail painting and transfers and then it would have been finished! But pretty much immediately after this moment of neglect happened, I immediately got to work on making emergency repairs, seeing this as a chance to make my Storm Talon look a teensy bit more unique. Grabbing my Green Stuff, I started to work on fixing the giant hole in the Talon and start making a base for my plasticard shrouding on the aircraft: Eventually, I managed to build a suitable Plasticard cockpit shroud/cover, making it look like a field addition for added shielding and worked on finishing the Storm Talon and its base. Unfortunately, the painting gods were clearly not on my side as more calamities befell the Talon. My black wash went crazily goopy and all over the place, leading to horrific streaks and other nasties and the 'Ardcoat I added onto the cockpit area did not cooperate well with the plasticard, leading to a bit of a mess on the front edges...but I stuck to it and finished the Storm Talon up, leading to this: And here's a better look at the base, where I made a custom satellite dish using a round base and some sprue pieces, along with other detritus I had in my bitz box. The Vanquishers are the masters of city/urban warfare, so I wanted to emphasise that with the pieces on the base: Whilst the Storm Talon isn't drop-dead gorgeous, I'm very proud and happy with how it looks after my huge error. Unfortunately, I had no way of repairing the upper vent intakes on the Talon, so I've kept them as they are and I've come up with a back story for this Storm Talon to explain its appearance: The Storm Talon "Kalore's Revenge", is a venerated aircraft in the armoury of the Vanquishers chapter. Kalore's Revenge has a very unique cockpit shrouding addition to it, along with distinctive battle damage along the top of its fuselage. This damage, and the subsequent naming of this Talon to be "Kalore's Revenge" emerged in the wake of the fall of the Hiveworld Kalore in M37; where a Chaos incursion, led by the Oblivion Warriors occurred. In the final days of the war, where the Imperial forces worked on evacuating as many citizens and Imperial assets as possible, the Storm Talon and its pilot, Techmarine Tandiel worked on harassing enemy aircraft to prevent them from attacking the evacuation forces. Despite the overwhelming numbers against Tandiel and his Storm Talon, they successfully brought down four Heldrakes and two Hellblades, before a squadron of Heldrakes managed to score a direct hit on the Storm Talon with a combined cataclysmic torrent of balefire. The top of the Storm Talon suffered serious damage, with the cockpit and upper fuselage being melted away and warped from the tainted flames, but remarkably, in his sheer stubbornness of refusing to die, Techmarine Tandiel and the Storm Talon continued to battle with the Chaos flyers, taking out the squadron with barely contained fury before retreating after expending all ammunition and running out of fuel. When Tandiel returned, his fellow Techmarines were stunned and awed by the damage wrought upon the aircraft and the apothecaries marvelled at how Tandiel was still alive, despite suffering catastrophic burns to his upper body and bionics. Eventually, with Kalore lost to an Exterminatus and the Vanquishers returning to their homeworld of Caeron, the Techmarines of the chapter began to work on repairing the Storm Talon. Despite the horrific damage from the taints of warpfire, they discovered that the Machine Spirit within the aircraft was defiant of the damage and still pure from any taint. Eventually, the Storm Talon and Tandiel were ready to take to the skies once more, with both having been extensively repaired and healed form their damage. The Storm Talon was giving extra reinforcing to repair its damage and was given an up-armoured cockpit, which also added sensor filters to better aid its pilot in dogfights. Upon flying with his Storm Talon once more, Tandiel declared that it would be renamed "Kalore's Revenge," bringing fire and vengeance for all those lost on Kalore. Kalore's Revenge continues to serve in the Vanquishers' forces, attached to the Fourth Company and has earned further honours since the Fall of Kalore. To pilot this aircraft is seen as a great honour and responsibility amongst the Techmarine pilots of the chapter and only the very best are permitted the honour to fly it into battle. And that's that! I will hopefully bring new images of reclaimed miniatures soon, now that I have a RT Land Speeder being stripped along with a classic Apothecary, so stay tuned! Any and all comments/critiques are greatly welcomed and appreciated! Cambrius Edited January 8, 2019 by Brother Cambrius Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nurglespuss Posted September 28, 2013 Share Posted September 28, 2013 Heya man, you've turned a potential disaster into a success. Well done! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted July 3, 2018 Author Share Posted July 3, 2018 (edited) -enacts the rites of threadromancy with Administratum approval- Well then, I am back with a newly reclaimed and restored model to show and display, this one as my first vow for E Tenebrae Lux VI in the name of the Adeptus Astartes. For those who have popped into my WIP thread and/or the Progress Log in Codex: Space Marines, you will have seen how this Dreadnought has been fixed up from its original condition over the past month or so. This originally was a Dreadnought I played against on the tabletop from a friend who got me into the hobby 11 years ago, but he had long since moved on from 40k and he offered to sell his army to me, which I accepted immediately to support a friend and also restore some of the models that have suffered the test of time.Here was it in its original condition: As can be seen, the Lascannon nozzles were broken and some other bitz were missing or snapped off. Repair work was done leading to the following finished miniature (if you want to see what repair work went in, check out my WIP thread linked earlier on. ) And as is my tradition with my Liber Astartes heritage and creation of DIY chapters, here's some history on Honoured Brother Kahl: Vanquishers Record File Alpha-Chi 326.04.5 Subject: Dreadnought Mark V Sarcophagus - Interred Member: Honoured Brother Devrim Kahl Notable Battle Honours: Hexclave Insurrection: . Wingspan Chasm Defence: Fellblade Kill - <IDENTITY PURGED> . Gate Obsidian Breach . Blackspine Ridge Assault Lauss Rift: . Fortress Echo-419 Defence - Confirmed Kill of 2 Helbrutes of Oblivion Warriors . Hexxan Fortress . Felwinter Hive Counterattack . Victrix Spaceport Recapture Verdan Primus: . Last Stand of Emerald Tears History: Access Sub-Folder Epsilon-1: Having served for one hundred and seventy two years throughout the ranks of the Vanquishers in the latter stages of the 40th Millennium, Devrim Kahl ascended through the ranks and earned the command of the Fourth 'Resilient' Company in 722.M40. Throughout his tenure, Captain Kahl led his company through various campaigns and crusades in clearing out Ork threats throughout the southern regions of the Segmentum Solar and beyond. As Master of the Fleet, Captain Kahl displayed an exceptionally logical cool head in numerous space battles with all breeds of enemy the Imperium faces, notably including the recapturing of the Swords of Orion Battle Barge, "Venator Aeternam" from Chaos Marine marauders. But during the heroic, yet ill-fated retreat from the doomed Hiveworld of Pyras II, Captain Kahl suffered grievous wounds from the rampage of a Brass Scorpion, being thrown away from death at the claws of the Khornate monstrosity from a heavy ordnance explosion. Having been recovered by the surviving elements of the Fourth Company, Kahl was interred within the sarcophagus of a Dreadnought and has served since as an Honoured Brother in the service of the Vanquishers. Since his internment, Honoured Brother Kahl has adapted well to his new life and the routines of stasis and activity, bringing forth his lascannons upon the enemy in assault and defence of the urban environments that the Vanquishers specialise in. In the nearly two centuries of service since his internment, Kahl has served in a score of Campaigns and has seen himself remain excessively active after the Cicatrix Maledictum tore across the galaxy. His crushing of an Iron Warriors Daemon Prince upon the broken tundra outside of Heimar Hive and the annihilation of a score of Ork battle tanks in the Entrenching of Crescent Scar have shown his skills in utilising his new form have come upon the veteran astartes with ease. Despite this, Kahl has yet to display any signs of fatigue to the Techmarines that maintain his form, in spite of the intense periods of excessive combat as a result of the events in the past decades. Honoured Kahl's body displays a number of battle honours that the Dreadnought has earned both before and after his internment, notably the green shield and Crux Terminatus upon his right shoulder, displaying his former command of the Fourth Company, whilst the black ringed skull upon his chest is an honour given for his actions in defending the Fortress of Echo-419 from an Oblivion Warriors assault duirng the Lauss Rift campaign. A less notable, but revered mark is the green tear on Kahl's left knee armour. It is a mark carried by a number of veteran warriors of the Vanquishers, displaying their remembrance in the loss of the Emerald Tears chapter in a heroic last stand against the Tyranids of Hive Jormungandr, who fell during the latter stages of M41, despite the efforts of the Vanquishers to open an escape route. +++++++ And that's all for now! Thank you very much for stopping by! i'll hopefulyl have more minis to display soon that will be given the Operation Reclamation treatment, including a Predator and possibly some Vanguard Veterans. Until then, I can declare my first Vow of the ETL VI event to be completed! As alwaysm any Comments/Critiques are welcomed. Cambrius Edited July 4, 2018 by Brother Cambrius Bjorn Firewalker, Dosjetka and Kurgan the Lurker 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 4, 2018 Share Posted July 4, 2018 Good job on the Dreadnought. Are the Vanquishers a canon Imperial Fists descendant (my assumption, due to the fist emblem displayed on his left shoulder), or one of your own creation? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted July 4, 2018 Share Posted July 4, 2018 You're doing the Emperor's work there, brother. It's good to see such a venerable warrior surviving the tests of time and looking as crisp and fresh as a brand new model. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted July 4, 2018 Author Share Posted July 4, 2018 Good job on the Dreadnought. Are the Vanquishers a canon Imperial Fists descendant (my assumption, due to the fist emblem displayed on his left shoulder), or one of your own creation? Thank you very much, Bjorn! Nope, these guys aren't canon successors of Dorn, but instead are a DIY chapter I made (details on them here) half a decade ago (still need to write them up properly in the Liber one day...) to go alongside my mainstay army. Plus purple's fun to paint and is very distinctive, with an utterly Dornian streak of proudly wearing such colours in the madness of Urban Warfare and stubbornly refusing to alter it. :P You're doing the Emperor's work there, brother. It's good to see such a venerable warrior surviving the tests of time and looking as crisp and fresh as a brand new model. Glad you think he looks as such, Ace! Took a bit of effort and TLC, but i'm very happy with the outcome after my last Dreadnought was painted over half a decade or so ago and the seamless repairs in places looks smooth. Cambrius Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted January 8, 2019 Author Share Posted January 8, 2019 Greetings everyone! Let's bring this back with a newly restored and reclaimed model. This time with a twist. As part of Grotsmasha's Boxing Day Bash, I decided to work on an old Rogue Trader Rhino, painting it in the Legio's colours as it is the 20th Anniversary of the website this year. I managed to get the model painted to a decent quality in the 24 hour challenge, but felt it could do with some more and did some further refining until I got the completed model you see below: Before: After: There was a lot of damage on the model already from its previous owner with holes and bubbling across the Rhino, so I decided to play it off as battle damage using Typhus Corrosion and some drybrushing to give it a slightly worn look. It has the Space Wolves and Blood Angels symbols on the hull, as the Legio is akin to the Deathwatch (and I plan on making a Deathwatch army painted up as the Legio this year) in taking Astartes from the Chapters across the Imperium into a single fighting force. *** This particular Rhino is also now being sold via a well known selling website where the winning bid amount will be donated to the B&C's 20 Year Fundraiser as this site has been my 40k home since 2007, so I thought I'd try something different and offer up the chance for someone to own a Rogue Trader era Rhino to do with as they see fit and help maintain the website. If you are interested into owning it and helping the Forum out, check the link in my signature. *** And that is it from me, thank you once again for stopping by, now it's back to the work station to paint some more. Cambrius Race Bannon, Bjorn Firewalker and Dosjetka 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted January 9, 2019 Share Posted January 9, 2019 Impressive work on the Old School Rhino. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted January 9, 2019 Share Posted January 9, 2019 Job's a good one, Cambrius. :tu: Let's see if I manage to claim ownership on it. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted January 9, 2019 Author Share Posted January 9, 2019 Thank you both! And good luck Dos! We'll see how it goes over the week. Cambrius Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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