Bjorn Firewalker Posted May 31, 2021 Share Posted May 31, 2021 Again, good job on the World Eaters Havocs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
space wolf Posted June 1, 2021 Share Posted June 1, 2021 Beautiful stuff! Jealously inducing...well done! Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted June 4, 2021 Share Posted June 4, 2021 Looking good, will the orange dust be carried up onto the model? It looks a bit off to see them so clean but I'd be wary of weathering that nice cream myself. I'm a much bigger fan of World Eaters Havocs than 41st millenium pre-heresy schemes so this is exactly the sort of project to confuse my aesthetic taste. Whether or not its worth making some Slaanesh Havocs to stay competative really depends on the time frame. Endless Crutch Cacophony seems very likely to vanish in any updated rules set. But as someone who's just reading a thread to see pretty models I would recommend that you just go all in, proper Slaanesh badge on one shoulder pad and rather than a pink leg plate a unique extravagent pattern like leopard spots or an high contrast camo scheme for each Havoc that's duplicated somewhere on one arm. Pink isn't a great contrast with Word Bearer red since it might just look like a faded or weathered panel and if you're going to put visual effort into showing dedication to the god of excess then subtlety feels quite misquided. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hungry Nostraman Lizard Posted June 4, 2021 Share Posted June 4, 2021 Aspiring Champion looks good!I'm still unsure about the wisdom in making the havocs be 5 man strong at the cap, without the sargeant/champion to be able to take the option as the rest of the squad. It would be nice to throw in another heavy weapon into the mix, plus the Legion heavy support squads operated that way. You COULD drop the heavy weapon, but the option is there is where i'm going with that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LameBeard Posted June 5, 2021 Share Posted June 5, 2021 Sorry if I’m late to the party but in my view pre-heresy World Eater scheme and dark red Word Bearer scheme look great together in the same army. This is awesome work and will be more awesome with Word Bearers - although if I may offer a small suggestion I would limit my palette a bit more on the Word Bearers, there are a lot of colours in the ones you’ve done. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted June 5, 2021 Share Posted June 5, 2021 My Chapter Scourge is Brother Spycha blade master of the Excoriators the blade at the Chapter masters side. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted June 6, 2021 Author Share Posted June 6, 2021 (edited) Fourth one finished!++Havoc Squad Chain Cannon guy++Love this guy. He's bog standard, except for his FW Sastaferrum MkII helmet. ++Lightning Claw Aspiring Champion++ In addition, I've been kitbashing the Aspiring CHampion of the second Khorne Berzerker squad together. He's equiped with the veeeeeery old school Chaos Power Fist with the long claws. And the fingers on that old school Power Fist are so incredibly long, I could easily use it as a Lightning claw - so I magnetized it so that he can be equiped with dual Lightning Claws as well as with a Power fist+Astartes Chainsword. Good times. ++Thunderwulfen++In addition, I've been incredibly inspired by a guy who'se been on Instagram a lot longer than I, but has started painting 40K miniatures only in 2012. His name is @thunderwulfen and he creates just... incredible loyalist Space Marines called the Soul Haunters. When someone pointed them out to me, it was only in text, and he described them as the Soul Hunteres - which was the name of my first Chaos Space Marine warband, created when I was 16 in the mid-90's. They where dark grey and had bone and gold details. So it was a very funny surprise when I set my eyes on thunderwulfen's Soul Haunters, which have a very similar recipe. It's just that tunderwulfen paintes like a pro, and his conversions are just beyond cool. I can go on and on about how incredibly detailed and just spot on all his detailing, conversion work, reposing, and his painting is, but you just have to go see it for yourself. This guy is just so talented!!He's recently reached 40,000 followers and it is well deserved. Again, go see his stuff and give him a follow, a few likes if you're so inclined, and a comment. He's inspired me to just do better on my own marine army/armies. So be prepared to se a lot more parchment, leather, chains, skulls, and trophies on my next CHaos Space Marines, which will feature some older marks in truescale, made by a third party producer. And I'm going to create my own Chaos Space Marine warband with a custom colour scheme, so that I can use them as any Legion I want in the game. ++Question++ Oh! And in case I forgot, can anyone direct me to that page on this board with a chaos space marine where you can fill in any part (trim, body, helmet, details, anything really) of his body with any colour? It's to try out a colour scheme and I really hate it, because scheme EDIT: Never mind. Found it.In any case, thanks for looking and happy hobbying! CheersReplies: @ Shovellovin: Yeah it's a great little bit for sure! The shell casings are from Zinge Industries. @ Bjorn Firewalker: Thanks you again! @ space wolf: Chears buddy! I love your moniker - short and simple, to the point! You must be an ancient member of the bboard to have it!@ CLoset Skeleton: I guess you're right - I figured because they stood on rocks and their feet aren't touching the dust, they wouldn't be dusty. But of course, they got up those rocks, so OF COURSE they should be dusty. THANK YOU for pointing it out, this will make these better. I don't agree with your suggestion of just adding Slaanesh symbols or dedicating a panel or shoulder pad to these havocs. That would be such a sacriledge I shivver at the very notion. These guys are Khornate World Eaters, afer all! No way will they accept anything to do with that feebleminded 'God'. No, if I ever will have Slaaneshi Havocs, I'll get a new kit and do them all over. @ Hungry Nostraman Lion: Well the unit is five man strong and you cannot add any more, so there really is no choice! I cannot give him another heavy weapon, just special weapon. But those are all either short ranged or energy based, neither of which can or will spill blood in the name of Khorne, so I'm sticking to the bolter! @ LameBeardThat's nice of you to say, and I believe you.... IF You prove it! Where can I find pictures of your red Word Bearers next to pre-heresy World Eaters? I agree on the limiting of the palette. I overdid the OSL green and it is a bit too yellowish. @ deathspectresgt7: Aha! Well int hat case: whoop whoop, buddy! Show me him! In any case, thanks for looking and happy hobbying! Edited June 6, 2021 by Augustus b'Raass Xin Ceithan, Viridia, Sagentus and 9 others 12 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted June 6, 2021 Share Posted June 6, 2021 The new bloke looks sweet. Sure enough on a pic working on him yet . Ditched his first born version and working on Primaris him with the new blade guard kit. Seen his Soul Hunters and man he is an artist. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Viridia Posted June 6, 2021 Share Posted June 6, 2021 There hasn't been a single 'merely good' model in your recent posts, just a string of non-stop excellence. The pre-heresy colour scheme on your World Eaters works amazingly with the conversion work you've put in and all the bits you've used for them as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted June 6, 2021 Share Posted June 6, 2021 YE GODS. The Teeth are looking gorgeous! I love how nasty, wrinkled and discolored you painted the Champion's bare head, gives me big Palpatine vibes and it provides a lovely contrast to the bright and mostly-clean colours of his armour. The level of detail with all the little nicks and scratch marks is fantastic btw, it shows that while the Teeth might not usually get close enough to be splattered head-to-toe in gore like their fellows they're by no means afraid to put themselves in harm's way and get their hands dirty. The bases are also excellently done, the half-buried skulls and spent shells in the sand are a lovely extra detail. The new WIP Berzerker Champion is looking sick! I take it the base is the Chaos Lord from the Blackstone Fortress set, right? The cape and back banner add a nice sense of motion to an otherwise fairly static pose, and really you can never go wrong with those sweet helms from the FW Zerker kit. The old school power fist is a great addition, as I mentioned previously, I really enjoy your mixing of parts both old and new to build unique-looking marines, although I would advocate adding a thumb to the fist just because the lack thereof looks very peculiar, especially when paired with the claw. In regards to the weapon options, I much prefer the visual of the Chainsword & Fist combo, it looks like he's perhaps ordering his squad forward or bellowing a challenge to some hapless git who's caught his attention, but either way he's looking super promising and I can't wait to see more of him! Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BadgersinHills Posted June 7, 2021 Share Posted June 7, 2021 Really nice stuff, loving the conversions. I'm waiting for the new Chaos Codex and I have the (perhaps naive) hope that the EC and WE codices will be released before then, so seeing your models is really great inspiration in a dry spell of motivation. I've seen Thunderwulfen's work before and it's really great. I will say that I've equally admired your past minis as I have his. Really looking forward to seeing your own warband! Hope everything is well otherwise bud. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LameBeard Posted June 7, 2021 Share Posted June 7, 2021 (edited) Fourth one finished!++Havoc Squad Chain Cannon guy++ Love this guy. He's bog standard, except for his FW Sastaferrum MkII helmet. ... @ LameBeardThat's nice of you to say, and I believe you.... IF You prove it! Where can I find pictures of your red Word Bearers next to pre-heresy World Eaters? I agree on the limiting of the palette. I overdid the OSL green ...thanks for looking and happy hobbying! Well I wouldn’t be so brazen as to say “proof” but not long ago my son and I wanted to play a game of ‘Betrayal at Calth’ and he didn’t have enough Word Bearers for the mission, so we made up the numbers with my World Eaters. Now they aren’t even consistently based, but I just thought they looked swell together. If the picture doesn’t convince you, search images of Argel Taal and Khârn together! Edited June 7, 2021 by LameBeard Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted June 7, 2021 Share Posted June 7, 2021 . I don't agree with your suggestion of just adding Slaanesh symbols or dedicating a panel or shoulder pad to these havocs. That would be such a sacriledge I shivver at the very notion. These guys are Khornate World Eaters, afer all! No way will they accept anything to do with that feebleminded 'God'. No, if I ever will have Slaaneshi Havocs, I'll get a new kit and do them all over. I didn't mean to suggest that at all. That's why I was commenting on whether or not Pink would contrast with Word Bearers red. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted June 23, 2021 Author Share Posted June 23, 2021 Hello! My name is augustusbraas and I am an addict. I became addicted to Oxydon, and Opioid, because I used it for 6 weeks straight after my spinal 'incident'. Currently I feel like :cuss because I quit cold turkey and thus have the shivvers, plus the lingering pain of not taking pain killers beside paracetamol, AND I got my second Pfizer shot yesterday and it's kicking my ass. So I got some distractions and kitbashed me some characters. First up is the Terminator Champion for the ten-man Red Butcher Terminator Squad in my army. He's not finished yet, but he's a big-un! I'm not a big fan of the Red Butcher sculpts by FW>. Their helmets and their poses aren't really my cup of tea. So I cut off their legs and dremelled out their torsos. Lookee how awesome one of those torso's looks on Lord Zuhfor's legs. I'll be replacing his head with a bare one, plus I'll be doing something about those boring Lightning Claws, but the trophy is a definite match, wouldn't you agree?He does psoe a problem, though, in that his base (which i raised so that he could looks down upon his enemies) makes him the tallest miniature in the army to date - so I'd have to come up with a pretty significant dude as an Exalted Champion.Enter a familiar face.Remember this guy? On an all new, raised, base. And then, last but not least, this guy: He'll be my Dark Apostle. I hate - hate - the GW Dark Apostle miniature. I think it is goofy comic-y, and stupid. It's a bad sculpt, a ridiculous concept better suited for a redemptionist kinda character, and poorly executed to boot. So I made my own!So, let me know what you think! Cheers @ deathspectersgt7: Sorry mate, but I really didn't get what this was about... [...] Sure enough on a pic working on him yet . Ditched his first born version and working on Primaris him with the new blade guard kit. [...] @ Viridia: Thank you! Yeah I love just diggin out the bits box of late. I've gathered so much over the years, it's time to not be sparing and NOT save that cool bit for something else. If it fits a miniature, it goes on that miniature! @ Nomus Sardauk: SanguiniusReborn! I'll always remember you like that buddy. Thanks for the kind words! (but dude - the fist has a thumb!) Also, thank to that GIF I went on to see Jurassic Park for the gazzilionth time. @ BagersinHills: Codex CSM will hit early 2022, if the rumour machine is correct... But THANK You for those kid words comparing me to Thunderwulven's. @ Lamebeard: Oh lamebeard.... quoting pics isn't cool, bro! (nobody wants to scroll through things twice, needlessly) ;) Thanks though for the comparison picture. And I agree: white-and-blue fits very well with red-and-black. BUT. The former will sit on these grey-stoned, rusty bases, while the latter will, because colour theory, have to stand on something more yellow-greenish. And different bases in the same army are a nono in my book. Your picture shows that very well too! You don't have to agree with me, I know I am super anal like that - it's just that I can't not be anal about it. @ Closet Skeleton: I know, buddy! I was joking, hence the ;) feigning Khornate singleminded/stupidity. Also I didn't read your comment well enough, for which I apologize :D Sagentus, Quixus, Kizzdougs and 11 others 14 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 23, 2021 Share Posted June 23, 2021 The modifications are well done. I especially like Khorne's Champion. Hope to see the completed models soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
acrowsperch Posted June 23, 2021 Share Posted June 23, 2021 Hello! My name is augustusbraas and I am an addict. I became addicted to Oxydon, and Opioid, because I used it for 6 weeks straight after my spinal 'incident'. Currently I feel like because I quit cold turkey and thus have the shivvers, plus the lingering pain of not taking pain killers beside paracetamol, AND I got my second Pfizer shot yesterday and it's kicking my ass. That sucks. Congrats on quitting though, it'll be worth it in the long run. Terminator champion looks awesome. Will you be completely swapping the lightning claws or just changing them? Awesome stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LameBeard Posted June 23, 2021 Share Posted June 23, 2021 @ Lamebeard: Oh lamebeard.... quoting pics isn't cool, bro! (nobody wants to scroll through things twice, needlessly) ;) Thanks though for the comparison picture. And I agree: white-and-blue fits very well with red-and-black. BUT. The former will sit on these grey-stoned, rusty bases, while the latter will, because colour theory, have to stand on something more yellow-greenish. And different bases in the same army are a nono in my book. Your picture shows that very well too! You don't have to agree with me, I know I am super anal like that - it's just that I can't not be anal about Augustus my friend! I admire you getting back to the hobby through your tough times. I agree completely on the Red butchers, and especially love the dark apostle here. Now let’s clear up a couple of things: 1) quoting pics. Yeah I know but the first time I made a complete mess of your thread by messing up the code. You gotta be so careful with the iPhone cut/paste. So second attempt rescued in a safer way, pic stayed. But it was a cool pic, no-one else will mind seeing him again. 2) I agree completely that one army means consistent bases. What I was trying to say was “these guys look moderately good together with our mediocre paint jobs and different bases - so imagine how amazing yours are going to look with your masterly paint jobs and consistent basing!” I think the colour theory problem is the orange dust is too close a clash with word bearers’ crimson. But I think dark red will look great on the grey rocks. So how about just extending the grey rocks out to the edge for them? Maybe they have the high ground? Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monstra Sumus Posted June 23, 2021 Share Posted June 23, 2021 Big respect brother. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sagentus Posted June 23, 2021 Share Posted June 23, 2021 absolutely jaw dropping Aug .... always inspired by your stuff! Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted June 27, 2021 Author Share Posted June 27, 2021 Cheers everyone!Several people have asked me how I do the bases I've been posting lately. I shared it on other media, but I figured I'd do it here too. 1. I start with the top piece by pinning the miniature on a piece of tree bark that I pluck from a tree next to my son's daycare now and then. 2. Then I find out at what angle of the piece of cork will the miniature on it look the coolest. 3. I then mix a ball of milliput that is about half the size of the narrowest width of the bark, put the ball in the middle of the black base, and then press the bark into that ball at the aforementioned angle. 4. Wait until the milliput is dry. 5. Superglue pieces of plasticard H- and T-beam, plus some rolls of greenstuff on the black base, at angles that will complement the miniature's pose or direction of movement. 6. Smear Vallejo texture paste (the brown stuff) on the base to mask the milliput and around the glued-on pieces of plasticard. 7. I then press various skulls into the texture paste and smooth the pasty edges around them so that they don't look like they've been pressed in, but rather have been buried by erosion. 8. Sprinkle some sand/slate/little rocks/miniscule pieces of cork that I got from putting whine corks into my kitchen blender on the paste. 9. Wait to dry 10. Done! I'll post a linky to the tutorial in the index in the first post in this thread, so you can find it back should you ever want to. Anyway, I've finished two more terminators for the Red Butchers squad. First up, the Icon Bearer. I initially put the Ago of SIgmar 1st edition Khornate icon bearer icon on him, but after some feedback from the community realisezxed that it was too often done and I reverted to sculpting my own. Here he is! And secondly, a very basic Terminator with a superhero landing pose! :D I'm having a lot of fun kitbashing these CSM terminators and mixing them with parts from the cataphractii and tartaros terminators kits I have left off my BaC and BoP boxes. Good stuff!Let me know what you think.. <3 CheersReplies:@ Bjorn Firewalker: Thanks and I hope so too! @ acrowsperch: Thanks buddy. I appreciate your kind words. Re: your question about lighting clwas - I don't really have a plan yet - I've seen people do it on instagram and will try it for one. And if it looks cool it's another trick I've learned hich I will undoubtedly use more, sooner or later. :D @ LameBeard: Haha don't worry about it buddy! I was just teasing a little - and always with a kind heart. iPhone copy/cut-paste function sucks monkey balls, just like the rest of the phones, so I know what you're saying for sure! And thanks for that kind last word :) Regarding your second point/solution to my problem - that's actually really not a bad idea! Thanks for that :D @ NomadPainting: Thank you, friend! And welcome to the thread? I can't remember if I ever seen you post in this thread. Apologies if you have, but if you haven't: welcome to the thread! @ Sagentus: Thank you, Sagentus my buddy bud! So good to see you always. Cheers bud ChazSexington, gianlucafiorentini123, LameBeard and 9 others 12 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted June 27, 2021 Share Posted June 27, 2021 Looking really nice mate and hope you are feeling better or atleast on the mend. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monstra Sumus Posted June 28, 2021 Share Posted June 28, 2021 @AbRaass oh I've been around. Used to go by Brother Tyrax years ago, dropped out of the hobby and now I'm back, I remember when you started this thread. I really enjoy your kitbashing and converting, you have a talent. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BadgersinHills Posted June 28, 2021 Share Posted June 28, 2021 Looking great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted July 2, 2021 Author Share Posted July 2, 2021 Boom baby! Exalted Champion finished! Pretty pleased with this guy - as I wrote before, his right arm is magnetized, so that it can be armed with either a chainsword as above, or with a lightning claw as below. The classic '90s 2nd edition plastic power claw has such large fingers that it can be used as either a power fist as a lighting claw, which gives this miniature a perfect flexibility between the two best melee options in the codex right now. Yay! I also wrote earlier that I was a little concerned that I wouldn't be able to build a proper power armoured miniature to act as the Exalted Champion in my force, because of the huge size of the Terminator Champion. I was even considering using either Ferrus Manus or Lorgar as a base for my Warlord (an expensive idea, anyone would agree) - but then I realized that the miniature I had already build to function as an Aspiring Champion for one of my Berzerker Squads has the needed height! As you'l hopefully agree, he's big enough to rival the termiantor in size, and thus rival him in stature. :DCheers!Replies: @ Doghouse: Thank you! Yes, the mends were.... harsh. I've been rewatching Trainspotting and they do it a fascimile of justice, visually. But I pulled through and I have SO much more energy now. It's quite amazing. @ NomadPainting: Wow, you have been around the block! Thanks for dropping by an leaving a comment, buddy. I appreciate it. @ BadgersinHills: Thanks! Monstra Sumus, Shovellovin, Doghouse and 13 others 16 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 3, 2021 Share Posted July 3, 2021 Excellent work on the Exalted Champion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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