Doctor Perils Posted January 11, 2016 Share Posted January 11, 2016 Great stuff IHF! (Also, I just discovered the Thanatar's PlasMortar, do you think that could be a nice option for a Basilisk/Medusa variant ?) Argh. :cuss, been looking at those NL Breachers for an age, and it has really made me want to create a rule for the unit. Not sure if this is anything like your vision of them? I gave them power spear options Malphaz Breachers (pts, tbd) Standard Breacher & Sergeant Stats Weapons and equipment; Standard Breacher, no specials Size; 5-20 Entire unit may elect to swap their Bolters for Power Spears (+5pts per model) Up to 1 in 4 may swap their Power Spears or Bolters for Nostraman Chainglaives or Lightning Claws (+10ppm) Vexilla and Nuncio options Land Raider DT Scout, Fear Dismember; When making a consolidation move after winning an assault, the unit may elect to roll a dice. On a 5+, the unit gains +1 Victory Point. If a challenge was fought during that same phase by a model in this unit and they killed their opponent, gain a +1 to that roll. I'd have liked if I had any left. When you say Power Spears, are these the same as Power Lances ? You should design a jump pack for the Vakrah Jal as well, I assume not everybody used one as they were an entire Chapter but Cyrene's guardian in Betrayer definitely uses one and I'd love to see what you could cook up. Inspiring stuff though, love the blades. Yep, that's the right word... Purge the Daemon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted January 14, 2016 Author Share Posted January 14, 2016 Wow, thanks everyone, nice to know y'all like the way they look OK this is just like the coolest thing you've done ever. Daaaaaaang those face plates are inspired. Hand Flamers and Charnabal Sabres? Consider me interested... Chem hand flamers and power scimitars And maybe artificer armour and "Argel Tal makes them troops." It'll be an interesting unit when FW gets to them. Thanks dude, Yeah, I was kinda avoiding thinking too heavily about rules considering it's likely they'll get a profile in FW's Underworld War / Shadow Crusade book. That said, I did try pretty hard to avoid some of the design features of the Ashen Circle to help differentiate the units Oh my Slaanesh. LOVE the Vakrah Jal and the NL Breachers are ace too!!!! (The Vakrah Jal are btw from the Chapter of Consecrated Iron and have afaik a similiar chapter icon to the former Serrated Sun, but metall and not a sun but a circle ^^) Thanks Atia - I couldn't find any reference to the Consecrated Iron Chapter symbol, although one of my original thoughts was along those lines - with the symbol being a stylized Crozius / Illuminarium head (which are literally 'consecrated iron') Anyhow, I've contacted A D-B, so he might be able to lend a hand in that department Argh. :cuss, been looking at those NL Breachers for an age, and it has really made me want to create a rule for the unit. Not sure if this is anything like your vision of them? I gave them power spear options Malphaz Breachers (pts, tbd) Standard Breacher & Sergeant Stats Weapons and equipment; Standard Breacher, no specials Size; 5-20 Entire unit may elect to swap their Bolters for Power Spears (+5pts per model) Up to 1 in 4 may swap their Power Spears or Bolters for Nostraman Chainglaives or Lightning Claws (+10ppm) Vexilla and Nuncio options Land Raider DT Scout, Fear Dismember; When making a consolidation move after winning an assault, the unit may elect to roll a dice. On a 5+, the unit gains +1 Victory Point. If a challenge was fought during that same phase by a model in this unit and they killed their opponent, gain a +1 to that roll. Hate to tell you Hesh, but I kinda outlined my idea for their equipment a few posts below the image (although your idea sounds pretty neat): The Malphaz are basically a twisted variant of riot police - deployed to break up any gatherings of strong resistance that can't simply be scattered & torn apart. They're each equipped with flamers, and have backpack-mounted variants of grenade harnesses, used to launch hallucinogenic/psychotropic gas canisters into the ranks of the enemy - the idea being that when you're mind is crumbling apart, a wall of mutilated corpses shooting fire is probably gonna be pretty panic-inducing I was considering something along the lines of the 'nade harnesses as either low-damage ranged blast weapons that reduce the Ld value of any unit which suffers at least 1 wound from the attack, or a one-use weapon which causes any unit wounded to suffer the effects of the 'Hallucination' psychic power. Also, maybe give them chem-flamers (as in, the DG rules) instead of vanilla flamers? You should design a jump pack for the Vakrah Jal as well, I assume not everybody used one as they were an entire Chapter but Cyrene's guardian in Betrayer definitely uses one and I'd love to see what you could cook up. Inspiring stuff though, love the blades. Yeah I assumed the Jump Packs were an 'upgrade' - thanks man (and for the final illustration, the Legionary way well get a jump pack) You should design a jump pack for the Vakrah Jal as well, I assume not everybody used one as they were an entire Chapter but Cyrene's guardian in Betrayer definitely uses one and I'd love to see what you could cook up. Inspiring stuff though, love the blades. Yeah, didn't he roast some cultists that were getting too handsy with the jump pack? It'll be interesting to see how they make their rules distinct from Ashen Circle or even Locutarus Storm Squads. Maybe package deal jump packs like Destroyers & Reavers get? I might have to ask about them at the Weekender for the heck of it (but mostly, rep this cool art ). They're a unit we're actually likely to see in the next 2-3 years if books 8, 9 or 10 bring anything about the Shadow Crusade and Argel Tal. Sounds cool - thanks in advance Great stuff IHF! (Also, I just discovered the Thanatar's PlasMortar, do you think that could be a nice option for a Basilisk/Medusa variant ?) Argh. :cuss, been looking at those NL Breachers for an age, and it has really made me want to create a rule for the unit. Not sure if this is anything like your vision of them? I gave them power spear options Malphaz Breachers (pts, tbd) Standard Breacher & Sergeant Stats Weapons and equipment; Standard Breacher, no specials Size; 5-20 Entire unit may elect to swap their Bolters for Power Spears (+5pts per model) Up to 1 in 4 may swap their Power Spears or Bolters for Nostraman Chainglaives or Lightning Claws (+10ppm) Vexilla and Nuncio options Land Raider DT Scout, Fear Dismember; When making a consolidation move after winning an assault, the unit may elect to roll a dice. On a 5+, the unit gains +1 Victory Point. If a challenge was fought during that same phase by a model in this unit and they killed their opponent, gain a +1 to that roll. I'd have liked if I had any left. When you say Power Spears, are these the same as Power Lances ? You should design a jump pack for the Vakrah Jal as well, I assume not everybody used one as they were an entire Chapter but Cyrene's guardian in Betrayer definitely uses one and I'd love to see what you could cook up. Inspiring stuff though, love the blades. Yep, that's the right word... Ehhhh, I personally don't think the Plasma Mortar fits for the Astartes - they're highly valued by the Mechanicum, and I doubt they'd give out toys that precious to the Legions, let alone sticking it on a Basilisk chassis - thanks anyhow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted February 5, 2016 Author Share Posted February 5, 2016 (edited) +++ More to follow +++ QUESTORIS KNIGHT YEOMANRY: Coveted for their immense power both by the Expeditionary leaders of the Imperium and the myriad Magos of the Mechanicum, Knight Houses played a vital role in the Great Crusade and the bitter civil war which would follow, with the arrival of their immense armours heralding victory for the Imperium across countless battlefields. Whilst the Knights themselves were undoubtedly the superior forces of any Household, they were not the only military resource counted amongst the Questoris divisions of the mighty Knight Houses. To fight where their Scions could not, as well as to fulfill martial purposes unsuited to the colossal Knight Armours, most Households deployed a number of retainer forces amongst their ranks, varying in their nature between Households as was warranted by each Knight World’s unique history. Despite the vast gulf between many such Yeomanry regiments, from huge militias drawn from the feudal subjects of some Knight Worlds to elite mercenary forces sworn to individual Knight deployments during the Great Crusade, the bonds of tradition and common technology between Households resulted in many similar formations being observed in kind alongside even the most disparate of Knight forces. HOUSEHOLD PARADIGMS: An army using the Questoris Knight Crusade list may select a single Household Paradigm at the cost listed as long as it contains a single unit with the Yeomanry special rule. Unless otherwise stated the effect listed for each Household Paradigm effect all units with the Yeomanry special rule, and may unlock additional options for certain units which are listed in those units’ profiles. MECHANICUM VASSALS: Accepted with grace or battered into submission, the Household owes its fealty to the Mechanicum, and has much closer ties to the Machine-Cult’s servants than a truly independent Knight Household – at a price. The armies of such Households often feature augmentation and equipment uncommon outside the ranks of their executors, and may maintain aspects of Taghmata Omnissiah forces within their own Yeomary divisions. HOUSEHOLD ASCENDANT: The Household has survived the ages to become a powerful lineage, its Knights bearing their glorious history upon resplendent plate, accompanied by disciplined and steadfast Yeomanry as the many Expeditionary Fleets petition for their aid. Afforded independence from the Mechanicum by their prosperity and influence, their proud Scions are aspirational figures for the forces who fight at their behest. FADING DYNASTY: Not all Knight Households find equal fortune in the constant fight for survival which marks the 31st Millenium. Whether due to a slow decline through the bitter ages of the Age of Strife, or tumultuous losses during the Great Crusade, the Household fights for its very survival. For the Household, each and every Knight armour is a vital resource, and those Scions who pilot them are hardened and ruthless, whilst their retainer forces are toughened veterans, though they may be poorly equipped in the eyes of Households who have not faced the same hardships. Glorious battle is all that remains for the Household – either they will gain enough favour from their actions that respite and re-supply may finally be bestowed upon them, or they will die in a final, furious maelstrom. QUESTORIS KNIGHT YEOMANRY UNITS: SACRISTAN MILITANT: Whilst the Sacristans of the Knight Households will never be borne into battle within the imposing hulls of the Knight armours they so venerate, for some this reverence is coupled by the urge to accompany the prodigious warmachines into the fires of war, that they might seal wounds which threaten a Knight armour’s structural integrity and return it to the fight once more. For these Sacristans, the Pledge of Militancy places them amongst the warhosts of their Household’s Yemonary, often accompanied by elite Armiger retinues or Servo-Automata thralls as they mend rent adamantium and slay the enemies of mankind with equal fervor. Where many Sacristans’ time amongst the mysterious orders of the Machine-Cult creates an uncomfortable distance between them and their erstwhile kin, the Sacristans Militant are perhaps the closest of their kind to the Scions whom they serve, the shared blood of their house compeling them not only to mend damaged knights, but to bring ruin to those who would seek to lay such icons of the Omnissiah’s holy wrath low. YEOMANRY ARMIGER DETACHMENT: Bearing partially powered armour of esoteric design and directed energy weapons that mirror the lightning projectors borne by the constructs of the Mechanicum, the soldiery designated as ‘Armigers’ by the Divisio Militaris can be traced by the heritage of their wargear back to the infantry forces which accompanied the original Knight armours of their Household within the Long March fleets during the Dark Age of Technology. Whatever the provenance of the Household whose colours they bear, the Armigers serve as protective retinues and elite warriors for their Scions, ever vigilant whether they are patrolling the halls of their Knight World’s holdfasts or stemming the tide of enemy infantry so their Knightly superiors might turn their attention to more formidable opponents. Such warriors are invariably members of the Household for whom they fight, whether they are lesser families bound by blood to their Scions, wards taken into the Household’s ranks from birth or exemplary soldiers inducted into the Household for particular feats of valour. Few in number, Yeomanry Armigers are amongst the best equipped mortal warriors of the Imperium, and when the finest Knights of the Great Crusade strode across the battlefields of the Heresy, Armigers inevitably marched in their wake. YEOMANRY RETAINER TROOP: Forming the bulk of most Households’ auxiliary forces, Yeomanry Retainers are deployed when the nature of a warzone necessitates large numbers of infantry forces, or when hordes of enemy infantry might threaten to overwhelm even the most stalwart of Knights. Professional soldiery who have sworn fealty to their Knight Household, the men and women who fight amongst their ranks display huge variance in equipment between Households, but all bear the mark of their liege-lords with pride. DESTRIER BATTLEFRAME WING: The Destrier Battleframes found within the armouries of Knight Households across the Galaxy’s span are said to possess features in common both with ancient patterns of pre-Unification Dreadnoughts and the ubiquitous Sentinel scout walker STC, and share a similar origin to the Knight armours themselves, although they pale in comparison to such magnificent constructs. Descended from the servo-frames used to deconstruct the Long March void-arks, once the founding settlements of the Knight Worlds had been built, the servo-frames were repurposed to scout the unmapped regions of their new homeworlds, searching for promising resource deposits and patrolling against the strange new threats of such alien planets. When the true threats of the void were unleashed upon the Knight Worlds amidst the horrors of Old Night, these machines were swiftly retrofitted into weapons of war, as the enclaves of mankind fought desperately to survive so far from Terra. Whilst most of the Battleframes were cannibalized to maintain the ranks of the ailing Knights as the centuries wore on, many Households retain the ability to produce Destriers - basic as they are – and the walkers have maintained a place in the warhosts of the Knight Worlds, serving in small wings to scout ahead of their fearsome Knights, or screening them from lesser foes. Sneered at by many Households as pathetic when compared to Knights, the Destrier Battleframes nevertheless prove useful – allowing aspirants to teste their mettle in battle without risking valuable Knight armours, or in darker circumstances allowing Scions to pursue a noble death in battle avenging the loss of their own Knight. Edited February 6, 2016 by Iron Hands Fanatic Viridia, Olis, Sulemain and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black Cohort Posted February 6, 2016 Share Posted February 6, 2016 mortal auxiliaries for knights is a great idea. Iron Hands Fanatic 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
depthcharge12 Posted February 6, 2016 Share Posted February 6, 2016 Bruh. You done awesome again. Make me some House Malinax Scorpion Warriors :drool: Iron Hands Fanatic 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted February 6, 2016 Share Posted February 6, 2016 So, will these guys be armoured in the same style as FW's Knight Scion? Iron Hands Fanatic 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted February 7, 2016 Author Share Posted February 7, 2016 (edited) So, will these guys be armoured in the same style as FW's Knight Scion? The Sacristans Martial & Armigers will both have armour similar to the Scions - although more heavy-duty to justify power armour: SACRISTANS MARTIAL: *Power armour, servo-arm & power weapon (probably sidearm too) *Battlesmith *Support Unit *Accompanied by either 'Armiger Retinue' (Same rules as Armiger Detachment pretty much) or Servo-automata, in the same vein to tech-priests Mechanicum Vassals Option: *Take a Cortex Controller & gain a unit of Castellax / Vorax / Domitar YEOMANRY ARMIGER DETACHMENT: * Power armour, ccw, grenades, 'Lightning Jezzail' (Basically a cross between a pike & a Thallax lightning gun - 2 profiles, one 18" assault ranged, one melee) * Can swap Lightning Jezzail for Boarding Shield & Augmented Weapon * Statline similar to SA * Dracosan / Thureos / Rhino transport Household Ascendant Option: * Increased unit size max, furious charge, must charge if in range, accept challenges Fading Dynasty Option: * Gain increased BS, Toughness, have to exchange Lightning Jezzails for Heavy Stubbers / Maxim Bolters / Heavy Chainsword YEOMANRY RETAINER TROOP: * Similar in style to militia, lots of options for wargear (less feeble), start of with decent equipment, can upgrade (no special / heavy weapons troops) * Dracosan / Thureos / Rhino transport Mechanicum Vassals Option: * Swap out Retainer Troops as a unit option for Adsecularis Covenant DESTRIER BATTLEFRAME WING: * Profile 1/2 between Legion dread & sentinel * 1 arm starts with Twin-linked Heavy Stubber, can swap for: - TL Rotor Cannon - TL Lightning Gun - TL Heavy flamer - Reaper Autocannon - Multi-melta - Volkite Culverin - Mauler Boltcannon * Other arm starts with 'Destrier Chainscythe' (anti-infantry), can swap for: - Seismic Lance (mini-version of Cerastus lance, but with similarities to Seismic Hammer) - Artemis Lascutter (inspired by the Cerastus-Atrapos lascutter, shaped like a broadsword) * May select one of the following 'retrofits' - Scouting adaptation, increased speed, scout - Basic Invulnerable save - Back-mounted 'Balestorm Mortar' (basically Heavy 2 Mortar) * Support Unit Mechanicum Vassals Option: * Effectively turns the Battleframe into an automata, changes behavior but increases resilience Fading Dynasty Option: * Increases WS, become scoring unit (Scions taking to the field in Destriers due to shortage of Knight Armours) FOC: I'll come up with some analogue to the SA Tercio rules which allow the above units to be taken in a 'bundle' as a single Troops choice for a Questoris Knight army, with limitations on the ratio of Destriers / Sacristans to Armigers / Retainiers. Elite / HQ Knights will also be able to select a Destrier Battleframe 'Retinue', but they must select the invulnerable save upgrade Obviously all this stuff is very Work in Progress, but I've got all the artwork to do for them so time isn't really an issue Edited February 11, 2016 by Iron Hands Fanatic Black Cohort and ninjasuperspy 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted February 12, 2016 Author Share Posted February 12, 2016 Disclaimer: I know these are super rough and look real ugly, but I just wanted to share how the concepts for the Armigers/ Sacristans Militant & Destrier Battleframes are developing: 1ncarnadine, Dantioch, Khornestar and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
depthcharge12 Posted February 12, 2016 Share Posted February 12, 2016 Dang man that's sweet! Honestly that's how I imagined the contemptor Cortus dread haha I think one with a shock mace would look sweet - sort of the same look as the mkII/III weapons upgrade kit - on one of the destroyer frames. Iron Hands Fanatic 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hesh Kadesh Posted February 13, 2016 Share Posted February 13, 2016 Lascutter, you say... Iron Hands Fanatic 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted February 14, 2016 Author Share Posted February 14, 2016 (edited) While I figure out the rules for the Yeomanry units, I thought I'd experiment with variant Battle-automata (along the lines of the Domitar / Arlatax both being constructed from the Conqueror template), so here's another Crusader sub-class: Idolum Class Battle-automata Maniple: Throughout the darkness of Old Night, the Idolum were held under the exclusive purview of the Prefecture Magisterium, built as counterpart to the Vorax upon the shared schematic of the venerated Crusader template. Unleashed in times of the direst doctrinal crises, where the most powerful machines of the Mechanicum had been corrupted against their sacred purpose, Maniples of Idolum Battle-automata would bring ruin to the heretek engines of any Magos who overstepped the sacred tenets of the Omnissiah. With Unification, the Idolum were given fresh purpose, produced in greater numbers an ceded by the Malagra Magos-warlords of the Magisterium to the Taghmata fleets of the Great Crusade, to purge the Galaxy of the blasphemous machines of Xenos civilisations and errant human conclaves alike. Upon the battlegrounds of the Heresy, the weapons of the sinister Idolum were once again turned against the constructs of the Mechanicum itself, fierce machine-animas uncaring of anything but the will to hunt. Idolum: WS: 3 BS: 4 S: 6 T: 6 W: 3 I: 4 A: 3 Ld: 7 Sv: 4+ Unit Composition: * 1 Idolum Class Battle-automata Unit Type: * Monstrous Creature Wargear: * Graviton gun * Two corposant shock-lances * Infravisor Special Rules: * Cybernetica Cortex * Fleet * Scout * Energy Shroud Options: * The unit may include: - Up to five additional Idolum Class Battle-automata * Any Battle-automata Maniple may be given any of the following options – all Battle-automata in the Maniple must have the same upgrade: - Searchlight - Frag grenades - Enhanced targeting array * Any Idolum Class Battle-automata may exchange its graviton gun for: - Multi-melta - Photon thrusters Corposant Shock-Lance: A modification on the esoteric corposant stave performed in emulation of the shock lances borne by the mighty Cerastus Knights, corposant shock-lances strike with terrifying speed, unleashing surges of energy which burn out circuits and haemorrhage neural tissue. Corposant Shock-Lance: Range: - Str: User +1 AP: 4 Type: Melee, Concussive, Swift Strike, Haywire * The additional attack granted by being equipped with two shock-lances is already included in the Idolum profile Energy Shroud: A potent side-effect of the powerful energy capacitors required by their twin corposant shock-lances, Idolum Class Battle-automata are cloaked by a crackling haze of electromagnetic radiation, which serves to confuse targeting systems and sensors, confounding the defences of their mechanical prey just as they move to strike. Idolum Class Battle-automata count as having the Shrouded special rule against attacks made by Vehicles. Edited February 14, 2016 by Iron Hands Fanatic 1ncarnadine 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted February 14, 2016 Share Posted February 14, 2016 Knight SUpport Units????? You sir .... made me happy. Now hop hop, do a kickstarter for them ;) !!! Iron Hands Fanatic 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted February 15, 2016 Author Share Posted February 15, 2016 Knight SUpport Units????? You sir .... made me happy. Now hop hop, do a kickstarter for them !!! Well, I can't take all the credit - you were the one who first put the idea in my head Haha, I think that might be overstating my capabilities somewhat :P Atia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ishagu Posted February 15, 2016 Share Posted February 15, 2016 Some great talent on display in this topic :-D Iron Hands Fanatic 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor Perils Posted February 15, 2016 Share Posted February 15, 2016 Knight SUpport Units????? You sir .... made me happy. Now hop hop, do a kickstarter for them !!! Well, I can't take all the credit - you were the one who first put the idea in my head Haha, I think that might be overstating my capabilities somewhat :P Don't underestimate your talents ;)Do you think it would be easy to make these easily available legally on a kickstarter? There's a lot of different people with all kinds of talents on the board so it wouldn't necessarily have to be you on your own. Iron Hands Fanatic and Atia 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted February 15, 2016 Author Share Posted February 15, 2016 Knight SUpport Units????? You sir .... made me happy. Now hop hop, do a kickstarter for them !!! Well, I can't take all the credit - you were the one who first put the idea in my head Haha, I think that might be overstating my capabilities somewhat Don't underestimate your talents Do you think it would be easy to make these easily available legally on a kickstarter? There's a lot of different people with all kinds of talents on the board so it wouldn't necessarily have to be you on your own. Well, I'm flattered - but considering the whole end goal of this jazz is to have a portfolio so I can apply for a job on the FW / GW design team, I think that route might be a bit counter-intuative Besides, there's waaaay more work to do on the Yeomanry yet Doctor Perils 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted February 15, 2016 Share Posted February 15, 2016 Well, I'm flattered - but considering the whole end goal of this jazz is to have a portfolio so I can apply for a job on the FW / GW design team, I think that route might be a bit counter-intuative well, you are only allowed to use it if you make them release these guys (and girls) haha :P otherwise - apply for the job ... in the strange weird case you don't get it (o.O) you still can do a kickstarter :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted February 15, 2016 Author Share Posted February 15, 2016 Well, I'm flattered - but considering the whole end goal of this jazz is to have a portfolio so I can apply for a job on the FW / GW design team, I think that route might be a bit counter-intuative well, you are only allowed to use it if you make them release these guys (and girls) haha otherwise - apply for the job ... in the strange weird case you don't get it (o.O) you still can do a kickstarter Haha, well I've got another two years to get better at whatever the hell you'd call this whilst I finish my Degree & Masters But yeah, I'd only take the job on the off chance I got it if I could redress the gender balance in non-astartes figures Atia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor Perils Posted February 15, 2016 Share Posted February 15, 2016 (edited) *snip* Well, I'm flattered - but considering the whole end goal of this jazz is to have a portfolio so I can apply for a job on the FW / GW design team, I think that route might be a bit counter-intuative Besides, there's waaaay more work to do on the Yeomanry yet Seeing the quality of your work, we're all rooting for you edit: maybe you and slipstreams will form the core of a new generation of Games Workshop :D Edited February 15, 2016 by Lord Thørn Black Cohort, Iron Hands Fanatic and Skalpynock 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fire Golem Posted February 15, 2016 Share Posted February 15, 2016 *snip* Well, I'm flattered - but considering the whole end goal of this jazz is to have a portfolio so I can apply for a job on the FW / GW design team, I think that route might be a bit counter-intuative :lol: Besides, there's waaaay more work to do on the Yeomanry yet Seeing the quality of your work, we're all rooting for you :) edit: maybe you and slipstreams will form the core of a new generation of Games Workshop :D That sounds like a great idea, until I think about my poor, poor wallet. Doctor Perils 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted February 20, 2016 Author Share Posted February 20, 2016 (edited) Thought I'd post this over here for 'the regulars' (it's from here) Hi all, figured this would be a good place to fish for some assistance on designing a feasible icon for the Chapter of Consecrated Iron. As far as I can tell, there's never really been any info on the Vakrah Jal chapter icon, although the biggest pointers come in the form of 'Consecrated Iron' and the fact that they were formed by Argel Tal, so there might be some reference to the Serrated Suns in the symbol. I've done some concept work of plausible icons (I'm planning on doing some artwork for the Vakrah Jal - the rest of the concept designs for them are here), for which I assumed that 'Consecrated Iron' refers in some way to a Crozius - the first is a stylised brazier / censor, the second is a much simpler design, and the last is based off Illuminarium from the FW model of Lorgar - for all three, I've used flames, which are present in most of the Word Bearers' chapter icons, and seem particularly fitting for the 'Bearers of the Jade Flame': My current preference is for the rightmost design, but I'm interested in what you ladies & gents think. Any pointers? Come across any lore which suggests a slightly more solid basis for the Vakrah Jal icon? Any contributions would be welcome (Just as a side note: I've been in touch with A D-B about this, but he's a very busy guy, so hasn't managed to get back to me in relation to the chapter icon, before anyone suggests that ) Edit: thought I might as well just post the other Vakral Jal concepts here so you can get an idea of the aesthetic I'm going for: Edited February 20, 2016 by Iron Hands Fanatic 1ncarnadine 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1ncarnadine Posted February 20, 2016 Share Posted February 20, 2016 This is my reaction when you post amazing new art :D I think I actually prefer #1, although #3 is a very very close runner-up. Maybe something in-between? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Viridia Posted February 20, 2016 Share Posted February 20, 2016 Number 1, the idea of the flames coming from the iron as well as enshrouding it really works. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DimDim Posted February 21, 2016 Share Posted February 21, 2016 I need forgeworld to make models of the armigers stat. So freaking sweet! Iron Hands Fanatic 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted March 7, 2016 Author Share Posted March 7, 2016 (edited) Thought I'd just give you a heads up, as well as noting this down for myself - now that the Legion rules for the Ist, Vth & IXth Legions have been released, I'll be doing some additional 'basic' sketches for some Legion-specific units. With these, I'm gonna try and avoid the obvious ones, as they'll likely be done by Forge World when each Legion is covered in full - so these might not necessarily be what you'd directly associate with each Legion: Ist LEGION: THE DARK ANGELS Judex Seeker Squad [FAST ATTACK]: - A format of Seekers the Ist Legion prototyped before the Great Crusade, not widely adopted by the other Legions - routinely deployed alongside larger formations as well as in independent divisions, they were utilised to provide more mobile ranged support to other units & eliminate units which threaten to counter the DA advance * Jump Infantry 5-10 * Combi-weapon, CCW, Plasma Grenades * 1 in 3 can swap combi-weapon for: Volkite Caliver / Plasma Repeater / Grenade Launcher / Heavy Bolter with Suspensor Web / Missile Launcher with Suspensor Web * Special Issue Ammunition, Marked for Death, Shadow of the Valley of Death: Shrouded when Deep Strike, Judgement of War: if enemy infantry unit has caused at least 1 wound to a LA: Dark Angels Unit in the same army, shooting attacks can force re-roll cover save, Sanctum Retinue [HQ]: - The Rite of Sanctum can be invoked by any legionary whom is found wanting in his duties or suffers a stain upon his honour, whereupon he submits himself to the personal service of an officer of the Legion, serving as an honour guard until his death or that of his ward - if their charge falls in battle, they have failed in their oathsworn duty and surrender their names, usually seeking a quick death in battle or a slow one within the ranks of the Legion's Destroyer Cadres (because the oath is unto the death, they often accompany dreadnoughts if their charge is interred within one) * Artificer Armour Infantry 3-7 * Calibanite War Blade, Bolt Pistol, Grenades * Can swap pistol for Volkite Serpenta / Plasma Pistol; can take Combat Shield * Sanctum Warden can take Terranic Greatsword * Oathsworn Retinue: Must be selected as retinue for Independent Character / single Dreadnought Talon - Fearless when joined by / within 6" of ward (respectively) - must maintain both. If IC / Dread is killed, opponent gain VP as if unit was destroyed + 1 VP. * Chosen Warriors Vth LEGION: THE WHITE SCARS Avarga Strike Squad [ELITES]: - Formed of those Scars who take the most pride in personal combat, they strike at the heart of the enemy in the confusion sown by the arrival of the main WS force - while the body reels, they remove the head * Jump Infantry 5-15 * Power Glaive, CCW, Bolt Pistol * 1 in 5 can take Twin Lightning Claws / swap Bolt Pistol for Plasma Pistol / Volkite Serpenta / Inferno Pistol * Implacable Advance, Hit & Run, Chosen Warriors, Laughing Blades: Once at least once challenge has been won by a model in the unit, it gains +1 to Combat Resolution for the rest of the game, The Falling Rain Which Blackens the Earth: Can Deep Strike as normal, alternatively write down a turn number (except 1) before deployment, on that turn reveal number to opponent, unit auto Deep Strikes & can re-roll to scatter Dairakh Recon Squad [FAST ATTACK]: - Heavier Recon squad as likely to rush into assault as they are to sit back and snipe - once their role as recon is over & the Scars strike force arrives, they dive into the thick of the fighting * Power Armour Infantry 5-10 * Bolter with Kraken Rounds, Bolt Pistol, CCW, Grenades, Shroud Bomb * Can swap Bolter for Sniper Rifle / Volkite Caliver * Scout, Outflank, Acute Senses, Crusader, Fleet IXth LEGION: THE BLOOD ANGELS Direblood Veteran Squad [ELITES]: - Heavy assault reserve / forlorn hope defense - whilst the BA deploys most of its assault units in rapid strike configuration, these guys are all about attrition - if there's a combat which threatens to stall the Legions advance, the Direbloods are deployed to tear through the enemy by sheer brutality. Often formed by those legionaries who have reacted the worst to the BA geneseed, these are grim, brooding warriors all. * Artificer Armour Infantry 10-15 * Heavy Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Grenades * Can take: Combat Shield, Meltabombs, swap pistol for volkite serpenta / hand flamer * Direblood Champion can take Thunder Hammer / Blade of perdition * Stubborn, Implacable Advance, Counter-Attack, FNP (6+), Blood and Bone: gain +1 combat resolution for each turn the unit has been locked in combat Abyssal Choir Destroyer Squad [ELITES]: - The warriors of the BA destroyers have a hateful duty, especially considering the state of Baal. Warriors can only volunteer to join the Abyssal Chiors, and each takes great sorrow in their arts. * Jump Pack Infantry 5-10 * CCW, (Chem) Hand Flamer, Krak, Frag & Rad Grenades * Any can swap CCW for Power Weapon, take Melta Bombs, swap Hand Flamer for Lucifex * 1 in 3 can take Chem Flamer / Missile Launcher with Rad Missiles (suspensor web) * Chior Lamenter can take Phosphex, swap CCW for Power Fist, Thnder Hammer, Lightning Claw * Bitter Duty, Counter-Attack, Fearless, Sorrowful Burden: Enemy never gains VP for destroying this unit (can never count as scoring), never gains positive Ld Modifiers Edited March 8, 2016 by Iron Hands Fanatic Sulemain, marine7312000 and helterskelter 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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