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  On 9/8/2015 at 11:22 AM, Apologist said:


  On 9/7/2015 at 10:46 PM, Iron Hands Fanatic said:


Iron Warriors Stormbreaker Veteran Squad:

Based off the idea that IW Legionaries train in multiple specialties, these veterans kinda cross the border between Tacticals / Seekers / Destroyers, with the idea being that they're line-breaker units deployed to force a breach via any means necessary. Think:

Combi-weapons, Heavy Chainswords, Rad Grenades, Breaching Charges, Hardened Armour (and like normal vets, they get a couple of special weapons, which may include mole mortars:P )


Iron Warriors ******* Terminator Squad:

Putting it simply, they're Breachers in Tartaros TDA, based off one of the red page images in the FW books which features a Boarding Shield behind a trio of Terminator Helmets, with a central Combi-bolter slot which seems designed for Terminators. Fluff-wise, they originated in the days pre-dating Phall, where the IW Warsmiths mass-produced modified boarding shields for Terminator units to give them increased staying power against their counterparts in the VIIth Legion. They'll have Banestrike Combi-bolters, CCWs, & some kind of special boarding shield which integrates a Frag Assault Launcher.


Love it. If you're looking for some name inspiration for the shield-carrying terminators, perhaps something based around Thyreos (shield) or Takabara (a type of shieldbearer); akin to the Cataphractii/Katafractoi? Terroros Terminators sounds appropriately pseudo-Greek/Latin for 30k. You might carry the Cataphract idea through to the shield – have the front covered with scales, which can be detonated like a one-use claymore mine.


While I'm thinking about names, anything spring to mind with Nyktophylax? It translates as 'night guard'. I thought it might work as an in-Legion term for the Stormbreakers (i.e. it's the Olympian word), but perhaps it might work better for VIII or XIX Legions?


Anyway, I think the ideas – as usual – are great. I'm very tempted to build a couple!



While I'm writing, I was thinking about your ideas for the various militia regiments. It struck me that the Salamanders are pragmatic and humble enough to admit when some things are beyond them. As a result you might play around with some specialist unit (a la Catachan jungle fighters) that can work in concert with the Astartes as scouts or specialists; or a group with unique equipment or wargear (skyboards, bionic enhancements or something) that gives them an edge in speed or agility over the Salamanders. Just a thought :smile.:



Well, I was gonna go with "Iron Warriors Archon Terminator Squad", to tie in with the Tyrants & because they were created in anticipation of Phall, so a name that invests authority over their VIIth Legion counterparts seems appropriate.


I'm still pondering over names for the modified boarding shields, my original idea was "Ultor Pattern Boarding Shield", but I'll consider some of the names you suggested. Ruleswise, it's a modified boarding shield which has a layer of shaped explosive charges similar to Frag Assault launchers, so I was thinking of making them:

+1 to Invulnerable save, bearer counts as having defensive & assault grenades, gains Hammer of Wrath, but cannot claim additional CC attack from multiple weapons.


To be honest Nyktophyalax makes me think of some kind of covert ops division of the IW's Thorakite Auxiliaries :devil:


And yeah, that kind of specialism for Salamanders Auxilia would seem suitable, I'll give it a think.


Thanks for the feedback :thumbsup:

  On 9/9/2015 at 12:14 PM, v6v77 said:

May i ask what the idea behind giving the Iron warriors Archon terminators banestrike and not shrapnel bolts?

We AL guard our secret bullets jealously.... Even though they are naff on the tabletop but ho hum.

  On 9/9/2015 at 12:50 PM, Reyner said:

Ah yeah shrapnel bolts would be pretty handy! Fluff wise and gaming wise since they cause Pinning and would be scary as hell in tight corridors with shrapnel blasting all over the place.

The concept behind the Archon Termies was that they're the result of the IVth Legion making preparations for fighting the VIIth Legion at Phall using combat data gained from Isstvan. So with Banestrike rounds being developed specifically to work against Astartes, they'd have probably reverse-engineered some gathered from the killing grounds of Isstvan V - either that or they'd have been released for more widespread use, as was the project plan for Banestrike rounds.

That said, all of this stuff is a process of gradual development, at the moment, I'm more concerned with churning out the illustrations.

Speaking of which:



And yes, the Thorakite officer crest is entirely stolen from the Uruk-hai command helmets :tongue.:

Edited by Iron Hands Fanatic

Thanks, glad y'all like 'em :biggrin.:

On to the Archon Termies:


Edit: oh god, can't unsee :pinch:


Edited by Iron Hands Fanatic

On to the Scars - I'm currently working through some ideas for WS Auxilia troops, based around the concept of troops tasked with holding ground the Scar's have taken, as they aren't particularly predisposed towards guard duty :P



Plus I've done some work on the Wolves' Kaerl Auxilia - I know it's out of sequence, but I had an idea so I had to put it on paper. They're specifically designed to deviate from the over-themed nature the Wolves have inherited recently, with a practical uniform prioritised over 'space vikings', but I think they fit the Legion pretty well:


Those White Scars look really cool. Very fitting with the upgrade kit too. And the SW Auxilia look awesome too, not overboard with the usual SW themes, but I think enough to know who they 'belong to'.
  • 2 months later...

Well, it's been a little while, but the old Heresy subconscious has been ticking away in the background, and now I've got some spare time, I'll be doing another bunch of sketches.

First up is the Scars' Auxilia forces - I envisage these troops as a temporary occupation force which rolls out in the Legionaries' wake, holding the ground which the Scars take as the Astartes rush onwards. Thus they've got a heavier look, partially inspired by bomb disposal gear, with lots of ballistic fabric (just a note, the sketch on the left is more representative of the uniform's proportions, as the right image was a bit rushed):


Plus, have a bonus VIth Legionary :tongue.:

Despite a certain amount of apathy towards the Wolves, I'm pretty happy with the aesthetic of this guy - again, going for a toned down approach - less wolf, more Norse


Hope you like them :biggrin.:

Edited by Iron Hands Fanatic




The idea with the NL Death Cult auxilia is that they gradually became the VIIIth Legion's effective auxiliaries over decades of concurrent deployment because they were the only human troops who could stomach the Legion's practices due to their exposure to mortality, and their brutal discipline.

Edit: also, can you tell I've been playing loads of Fallout 4 much? :P

Edited by Iron Hands Fanatic
  On 12/18/2015 at 11:28 PM, Skalpynock said:

I see exactly where you went with that Cataphractii's helmet and that's glorious. A mere detail, but it makes the whole thing.


Ha, the helmet on the SW Cataphractii is actually my least favourite part of it - I think it would have been far better with an alternative helm :laugh.:

  On 12/19/2015 at 1:54 PM, Iron Hands Fanatic said:


  On 12/18/2015 at 11:28 PM, Skalpynock said:

I see exactly where you went with that Cataphractii's helmet and that's glorious. A mere detail, but it makes the whole thing.


Ha, the helmet on the SW Cataphractii is actually my least favourite part of it - I think it would have been far better with an alternative helm :laugh.:




I think it fits pretty well :)



Great job on your sketches and designs !

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