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That could work. Jist thought of 2 pairs of wings (like higher order angels) and feet.

Something like that could work: after all, loyalist or secessionist, the Astartes are still angels of death, and the Suzerainty - unlike the Imperium - is ruled by elements of the Legiones



Maybe something like this?




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That could work. Jist thought of 2 pairs of wings (like higher order angels) and feet.

Something like that could work: after all, loyalist or secessionist, the Astartes are still angels of death, and the Suzerainty - unlike the Imperium - is ruled by elements of the Legiones



Maybe something like this?




Hum, I think the idea of the eagle/phoenix is a bit too reminiscent of the Aquila, even with just one head.


I do prefer this version, Vitruvian bio-angel. However, I wouldn't have the angel half-black half-white, as this time it is too reminiscent of the Mechanicum. One other modification I'd make is have "bent-wings" (I've forgotten the heraldic term) like most polish eagles have:


or probably the other way






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Uhm...didn't kozja come from strela? That would imho fit if they rely on something from home^^


The symbol for Imperial Rogue Traders might prove useful:



Perhaps remove a head to signify that the group only look forward, not back to the past.


I lile your suggestion with the esgle only looking forward

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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I do prefer this version, Vitruvian bio-angel. However, I wouldn't have the angel half-black half-white, as this time it is too reminiscent of the Mechanicum. One other modification I'd make is have "bent-wings" (I've forgotten the heraldic term) like most polish eagles have:


or probably the other way








The half-and-half colours weren't intentional on my part, they were simply part of the artpiece that I found most suitible for the concept I was trying to get across so don't worry about them. The Polish-style wings could work, although I thought they might fit better with the rest of the Vitruvian Man image if they, like in the image above, were spread up in place of the second set of sketched arms in the original VM illustration, perhaps the Strelan Aquila is used in place of the standard version by the Suzerainity to show they remain loyal, yet stand apart from the rest of the Imperium?

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That could work. Jist thought of 2 pairs of wings (like higher order angels) and feet.

Something like that could work: after all, loyalist or secessionist, the Astartes are still angels of death, and the Suzerainty - unlike the Imperium - is ruled by elements of the Legiones



Maybe something like this?




Hum, I think the idea of the eagle/phoenix is a bit too reminiscent of the Aquila, even with just one head.


I do prefer this version, Vitruvian bio-angel. However, I wouldn't have the angel half-black half-white, as this time it is too reminiscent of the Mechanicum. One other modification I'd make is have "bent-wings" (I've forgotten the heraldic term) like most polish eagles have:


or probably the other way







And so begins the tale of the Winged Hussars in space...

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And so begins the tale of the Winged Hussars in space...


Begins? Oh no, this has been part of the Warbringers' plan all along http://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/msn-wink.gif


We remember

In September

That's the night that Terra was freed

We made the enemy bleed


The Warbringers battle cry post Insurrection

Edited by Sigismund229
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Alright! After a long session of graphic designing, I have emerged from my art dungeon.


So first thing I wanted to try out was the "Suzerain Dragon" idea I had first. I made them so that they'd intentionally mirror the Aquila, while still maintaining a unique and separate silhouette. In my mind, it's meant to signify the Suzerainty's alleged superiority to the Imperium, with the dragon being the "king" of the mythical world. It is also intentionally looking toward the heavens, keeping its eyes on the future. Finally, it can also symbolize the Suzerainty's work in genetic manipulation, essentially bringing the mythical to life. I did 4 versions with minor differences, so I'd like to see you guys' thoughts on which works best. Personally, I'm leaning toward #4.



Second, here are a couple iterations of the Vitruvian Man concept. Now I think that the man on its own is a powerful enough image that it doesn't need any further embellishment, but your opinions may differ, so I'd like to hear them.



This brings me to a problem I've encountered. You may be wondering,"What about the Eagle, or the Phoenix?"


So the two "big" factions in 40k both have a very distinct symbology. The Imperium has the Aquila, of course, and Chaos has the 8-Pointed Star. These icons have been reimagined, added to, embellished, and customized in every which way. Countless variants of the Aquila have adorned space marine armor and imperial tanks to the point where anything that bears an eagle or even bird wings is immediately associated with the Imperium. Same applies to Chaos, with anything featuring chaotic arrows and spikes. So if we were to have an eagle as the symbol of the Suzerainty, even with the wings turned down, it would still read as an Imperial symbol. Whatever symbol this faction has needs to be iconic enough that it can be twisted, shrunk, stretched and modified, applied to armor or buildings, and still be recognizable as a symbol of that faction.


That's why I'm leaning toward the dragon symbol. Simple enough to encourage variation, distinct enough that a space marine bearing dragon wings on his chestplate won't necessarily be labeled as Imperial. While the Vitruvian man is a great symbol, it is a bit too complex to fulfill that same role in my opinion. Now if anyone has other ideas for a symbol, or would like to tell me why I'm dead wrong, please go ahead. I just thought I'd share my thoughts.


/Semi-rant over.

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