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"Y la Sangre Correrá" A IX Legion Plog-2/8/16 The Wall


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The following is taken from the report created by Scribe Erastenee following the Siege. It contains sensitive data taken from testimonials of the 63rd Company, 6th Chapter, IX legion, as well as first hand accounts from Solar Auxilia, Mechanicus, and Civilian personnel. The report titled, “Y la sangre Correrá” tells the story of the 63rd as it fought to hold off the VIIIth and XIIth legions in the Memorial District and the Habs beyond it. The 63rd would take 85% casualties, with 90% of those in the last few days of the Siege, with the Auxiliary taking almost 95% casualties. House Vyronii forces would be completely lost. 


“Y tu? Tú conoces la historia de somos?” (Loosely translated as 'And you? Do you know our history?' Found at the start of the report)


“Do you know why we were called “Los Diablos Rojo”? Not many people do. We are called Angels, Redeemers, Saviors. But we are none of those things. On my home planet, Aztlachual, there were tales of red demons, invincible to weapons, who descended on flames to punish the wicked, and to claim a tribute of male warriors. It sounds similar does it not?  It rang true for us. We are not, nor have we ever been saviors. We are warriors, devils, that come to purge the wicked, and inspire awe and terror in those we leave alive. We are not Angels, despite what other claim. My people knew it the moment they saw us.


It is funny how mythology often changes though. So quickly, do the storytellers change the story. Red Devils we may be. But we have become a necessary evil. How very true. How very true…”


-Veteran Sergeant Romiero, speaking to the newest recruits before facing the VIIIth legion


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[squad Halcón, led by Sergeant Romiero I-day -1 Status 20%]


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[unconfirmed Footage of War Leader(Captain) Raul Perido "El León de Tnochtli"]

"Look at him. He is no Angel. And he does not pretend to be. He is a warrior, through and through."


Following image is eyes only: Proceed with Caution


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golly, a new project thread with pics in the first post!!!!!!!


I feel faint...


Some nice kitbashing in there with those BaC marines, Vazz. Always nice to see another IX Legion army starting up. :)

  On 12/30/2015 at 10:13 AM, Brother Chaplain Kage said:

golly, a new project thread with pics in the first post!!!!!!!

I feel faint...

Some nice kitbashing in there with those BaC marines, Vazz. Always nice to see another IX Legion army starting up. smile.png

Thanks BCK. I'm not too fond of starting with nothing. Expect Knight WIP tomorrow. And a red test probably.

  On 12/30/2015 at 11:02 AM, GrandMagnus said:

Ok, I feel the need to correct the spanish translation: It should be "Y tú? Tú conoces nuestra historia"? 


I will be keeping an eye on this thread, it looks like it's going to be one of the good ones.

See, I knew that, but I wanted to technically say do you know the history of us. I won't lie, my Spanish is conversational at best, and I'm practicing. Thanks for bringing it up though! I may PM you with some questions/translations later. 


Here is the Initial Paint test. I think it'll end up being different, as these are hand painted with Vallejo Flat red, and I'll be using VMA Bloody Red on the rest of the army. There won't be too much gold, as it gives a very 1k Sons looks, which I don't like. So mostly black trim. 


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What do you think?

So, Hosuton has been having Bi-Polar weather, so I've gotten no priming done. I'll have some pictures of a deredeo tonight. Probably. But! I'm part of the Forgotten Legion's live podcast tonight. I'd love for y'all to tune in and listen! Here's the Link to the page! Tune in around 7, for things like the "WAAC off" and hobby updates!



So shout out to anyone who watched the stream. We had some noise and technical issues but I hope y'all enjoyed it. Here's some photos of the Deredeo. I'll have a bigger update tomorrow morning. 


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[Pict Capture of Venerable Dontéllo I-Day +4]

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"I am Gregor, First among equals, and heir to the throne of my Father. We are Vyronii, the God Eaters, and I will see you fall, traitor." 

-Seneschal Gregor Themlatz, to Warlord Titan Incarnadine 

  • 2 weeks later...




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[A pict taken by Remembrancer Arjullío three days before I-day. Missing are the Armored portion of the company, as well as Leviathan Zertus]


"In those days before the Invasion, everyone was a little to happy. It was so very...forced. All of us knew that in all likelihood none of us were getting off Terra. On the day the Heavens split, many of us had donned our deathmasks, faces powdered in bone ash. It mattered not whether or not we survived at that point, we know our legacy will live on. All that mattered was that it was witnessed by our Brothers. The cry of 'Witness ME!' would ring out far too many times throughout the siege."


- Battle Brother Artemisio Gurdadu


Also, the TFL is recording another Webcast this evening at 8:00 Pm. LAst week we gave away a Knight Warden, and this week is a heresy themed Yeti cup. Feel free to tune in and try to win! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHeLawaVGvNbVbOte39CGkQ

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  • 3 weeks later...


“That’s how it starts. The Fever. The Rage. The Helplessness, that turns good men, cruel.”

-Unknown Dramaturge M.2


“We had deployed at Wall-34 Gamma Epsilon, a lynchpin in the Nord Afrik wall defense. The 63rd  along with elements of the VIIth legion 533nd recon cadre were to ensure the defense of the Monument district and the Habs within.  A little over 400 Astartes, and about 70,000 mortals versus millions of Auxiliaries, and at least 2,500 Astartes of the XIIth, XVIIth, and VIIIth legion, but hold we did. Ten days, with over 65% mortal casualty rate, and almost 85% loss of the VIIth legion. And then they were in.”

-Legionary Esteban IX Legion


“What we saw, when they broke through-well, it just isn’t worth repeating. It was a massacre. Daemons poured from the earth, the blood of our fallen brethren feeding them, giving them life. It was a nightmare, and yet I could not wake up, luckily, the Ninth held the line, though only just so.”

-Auxiliary Maximilian Voss


Sergeant Ademus crouched next to Viktor and Cesár, bolt pistol in one hand, power blade in the other. The squad had split, bolstering the 352nd in their bid to hang on to Imperialis Plaza. The three Blood Angels watched as a 20 Night Lords advanced into the shattered promenade. 


“Sergeant, Michael and Rafael report they are in position, request to engage?”


Ademus shook his head. “Hold, “ He growled, “Let them come to us.” 


The Night Lords continued their advance, armor marred with grisly trophies. Cesár growled as he spotted a battered helm, sporting a golden tear drop on it’s cheek. 

“They took Nico’s helm, the bastards. They’ll pay for it.”

Ademus nodded, regret filling his heart. Nico had died saving a group of mortals as the wall collapsed, only to hear their screams as volkites turned them to ash as he fell, impaled on a chain glaive. 


Ademus stood and with a roar charged into the Night Lords, bolt pistol cracking with fury. His brothers advanced behind him, bolt guns dropping a Night Lord with every shot, drawing gore packed chainblades.


Ademus first swing took the warrior in the chest, MK III plate parting as easily as paper beneath his blade. He ducked a combat blade, ramming his blade under the arm of the owner, grunting as a bolt round caught him in the knee. He spun, pulling the sword free, emptying his magazine into the Night Lord behind him. Red clouded his vision, and he felt the Thirst rising. Before him, the remaining Night Lords were brining weapons to bear, and Ademus smiled. He would tear them apart. 


On the tenth day, the wall would fall, and the 63rd would find itself desperately holding the traitor legions back, preventing a total rout of loyalist forces. With the assumed loss of the House Vyronii warriors in the nuclear destruction of the Warlord Saethgyn , there was little answer for the Knights that would pour in. Squads found themselves cut off rom their brothers, but despite this, much of the 63rd would survive to regroup within the habs. This is in part of the sacrifice made by the Sons of Dorn, staying atop the wall to delay as much enemy force as they could. 


[Legionary Cesár, I-Day +11: Cesár would die on I-day +25, along with Ademus and Viktor, to the blade of a a Daemonic Herald. Acting Sergeant Marcos reported them raving about blood shortly before cutting out.

Geneseed: Recovered]


[sergeant Ademus I-day +11: Ademus had served for over a century, with over 300 compliances under his belt before Signus. Stoic, and renowned for his skill with a blade, after Signus, he would be more withdrawn, but prone to bouts of rage. It is believed he fell to the Red Thirst before his loss.



[Legionary Viktor I-day +11: Viktor was a comm specialist, and was something a figure head for Squad Ademus. Raised during the hectic days post Signus, Wall-34 Gamma Epsilon would be his first taste of combat. It is believed he, unlike his brothers did not fall to the Thirst. He is credited with slaying the Herald, his dying breath recorded as "Witness me.", before detonating Ademus's melta bomb.

Geneseed: Unrecovered]


Thanks for looking guys. I'm sorry if the fluff isn't that great, my writing ability has really suffered this year. Hope y'all enjoy it.

  On 12/30/2015 at 6:36 PM, Vazzy said:


  On 12/30/2015 at 11:02 AM, GrandMagnus said:

Ok, I feel the need to correct the spanish translation: It should be "Y tú? Tú conoces nuestra historia"? 


I will be keeping an eye on this thread, it looks like it's going to be one of the good ones.

See, I knew that, but I wanted to technically say do you know the history of us. I won't lie, my Spanish is conversational at best, and I'm practicing. Thanks for bringing it up though! I may PM you with some questions/translations later. 


If you want to say " the history of us" it would be "la historia de nosotros", but then it would be grammatically wrong since both languages have different grammatical structures


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