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About shabbadoo

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  • Location
    The Rock
  • Interests
    Too many. :p
  • Faction
    Dark Angels

Previous Fields

  • Armies played
    Dark Angels, Orks, Eldar, Tau (used to be a lot more than this)

shabbadoo's Achievements

  1. Nice models overall. the new Warp Spider Phoenix Lord may be the best of the bunch. Notably absent is Kharandras....and a Shining Spears Phoenix Lord. Two models to go, plus any of the Craftworld specific characters to be redone in plastic.
  2. "NYAAAH!!! Quit dancing about, you fool! I need to put you to the question using...The BLADES OF REASON!!!" - Asmodai (as voiced by Frank Todaro [i.e. Cobra Commander]) The Blades of Reason don't need rules. At all.
  3. What "a lot of buffs?" Units get OC 1 instead of 0. Nothing else is mentioned. Am I missing something? We also have access to the Gladius Task Force Doctrine/stratagems though.
  4. Because aircraft systems are more fragile than those of an equivalently-sized floaty tank. Who else is just pleased as punch that our Taskforce rule has gone back to being not just a reactionary rule, but a situationally reactive rule in response to our units having had their arses handed to them and then failing a Battle Shock test?
  5. Which actor should play The Lion? Why, the greatest actor of all time of course - Kirk Lazarus! Even his last name more than implies rising from the dead!
  6. I've included a Dreadnought in nearly every army list I have have made since 1988. Why? Because of imagining things like this stomping through the smoke of battle and murdilating stuff a' la Dawn of War 1 opening animation scene.
  7. Lovely stuff as usual. I like the traditional decals on the white background. Provides some nice contrast, and makes the Chapter badge "pop." Some inspiration to get stuck in on the decal application:
  8. Quad roastin' followed by the gatler to gib the roasty bits into proper serving sizes. Very considerate.
  9. Agrax Earthshade here too, as I prefer a bit more contrast.
  10. Thanks for the info all! I thought the doors must be Forgeworld, but I didn't see them on their website (OOP apparently). As for the front icon, I will unabashedly steal that idea from you, as I finish up my own tanks!
  11. Very nice Bevulf! Where did you get the DA Chapter icons for the side doors and the smaller one on the front glacis from?
  12. Go to your local .99Cents/Dollar Store/equivalent, and buy: * One package (5) 3"x5" sponges with small pore foam like those below. * One pack of (4) Deli Containers (8 oz./236 ml; *shallow depth*). * One roll of Parchment Paper. 1. Trim corners of a sponge so that is lays flat in Deli Container, with yellow small pore foam facing upward. 2. Cut parchment paper sheets to fit top yellow foam of sponge. 3. Saturate foam with water, and place parchment sheet on top. 4. Parchment sheet will initially curl up as it absorbs water, and will then uncurl as it becomes saturated. Smooth sheet to remove air bubbles. 5. Get to painting! Now you have FOUR re-seal-able wet palettes perfect for travel/storing, and for only about $3.20 US! Buy MORE models/paint with the money you save, because...um....you NEED them!!! * Note: The Deli Container is just the right size to fit in the smaller front pocket of a backpack, and fits perfectly in a hard case I use for a traveling paint kit. This hard case is tall enough to hold Vallejo style dropper bottle paints and any GW paints, and may be found here: https://www.harborfreight.com/tool-storage-organization/parts-storage/abs-storage-organizer-95807.html
  13. Not October - ORKtober! WAAAAAAAGH!!!
  14. They look really nice, but it will be tragic if there isn't also a Tanith infantry box coming out.
  15. Seeing as none of the Deathwing units in Codex: Dark Angels have the teleport homer rule, I assume this stratagem only works in regard to the initial deployment to the battlefield from Reserves of Deathwing units specifically taken from Codex: Dark Angels. Also, I assume that the "teleport homer" rules portion of the stratagem only applies to Terminator units (with the Deathwing keyword; they also can still use the initial deployment option) taken from Codex: Space Marines. Is everyone else reading/playing it this way? Last, I really hate how spread out rules are across multiple books (that lack indexes no less!) this edition. Just awful. I am going to ahve to make a cheat sheet, just to have it all in one place to be easily referenced.
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