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Tiberius Cato

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About Tiberius Cato

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  • Location
    Vancouver, WA, United States of America
  • Faction
    I, III, VII, XX Legions & more

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  • Armies played
    Space Marines

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  1. Top notch stuff the both of them are. A suitably propagandist victory for the Eagles and superb should pad works, my dreams were made real without me present! I eagerly await the final tale of this segment of the clusters history. It's been a journey, lots of twist and turns and plenty of Libertasian pride from me on this project though I have been absent for awhile
  2. So what is going on? Is the cluster coming to a close as we draw closer to the end of the EWC? Have the Eagles claimed everything as their own? Surely Libertas is the center of the cluster by now! ;)
  3. Goodness gracious, much has happened while I've been absent! Hail brothers, I return! And for real this time, things have finally died down and I will finally be able to actually be an active participant again!
  4. Bah! The deadline cometh when I suffer from writer's block!!! This is a challenge worthy of a son of Dorn. By the Primarch I swear to finish the Siege of Baluarte!
  5. How am I to tell of the legendary deeds of the Eagles of Glory with less than 25 pages of content? Surely you jest in saying keep it short and sweet, brother. ;p
  6. Greetings fellow brother of the XI legion! I look forward to how this will develop!
  7. Oh sure, stick the English chapter in the Subsector whose name is spelt like "English", I see how it is! Heh, sure, that Subsector sounds like it could use a little old-fashioned Astartes soldiering. Just make sure we're far, far away from the Eagles. Put them right across a small warp anomaly from each other. Call the anomoly... pond. The warp anomaly Atlanticae commonly referred to as "the pond" for it's unique blue tint? :p
  8. I got some more of SR and my story for you guys! Enjoy. :) Grant's drop pod slammed into the mountainside with great force.The pod doors flew open, it sat about ten metres above flat ground. Grant's harness released it's lock and he fell to the surface, landing on his feet. All he could see for miles was mountains and desert, their target sat right in the middle of a valley surronded by towering walls of stone about five clicks north. Grant watched the rest of fifth companies drop pods land. "We march to Dorado! We will bring glory to our chapter and get our revenge for this filth felling the esteemed Captain Biddale! Check your weapons, steel your hearts, and suffer not the enemy to live! One Imperium under the Emperor!" Grant donned his helmet took up his bolter. The fifth company now followed him to Dorado. ++++++++++ The thunderhawk had just entered atmosphere, Veteran Sergeant Hao'le was designated as interim captain of the third company in Biddale's absence. He had gladly accepted the honour, he would bring much glory to the Eagles. "Captain Grant, can I get a sitrep?" "We are marching for Dorado, we are about one kilometre out, I expect to make contact within eight minutes. What about you Veteran Sergeant, what's your situation?" "Thunderhawks are all en route to Dorado, armour transports are just entering atmosphere and will arrive roughly twenty minutes after our arrival." "Very good, Veteran Sergeant. I will see you on the ground." ++++++++++ The fifth company had reached the crest of the mountains surrounding the valley Dorado sat in. Grant looked down at the valley, trying to find the best spot to deploy armour. To the East was a large opening, that would be perfect. There would be no escaping the might of the Eagles of Glory, Dorado was surrounded by mountains to the north, west, and south. Grant would make sure he would kill every last renegade in this valley.
  9. Number three without a doubt. The Philadelphia being sent out in a blaze of glory seems just right. "Yo, Scarlet Sentinels, remember that time we saved the Ark Imperial by blocking the Saint Jocelyn with our battle barge? Me thinks you owe us a favor." ;p
  10. Ta-da! EDIT: Holy on a sandwich, there's how much written about the Battle of Baluarte? You guys might have overshot the 500-word guideline just a tiny bit! One does not simply write 500 words when two rivals are forced to collaborate. :p The story is nearing it's end, and it shall be glorious. I'm looking forward to seeing SanginiusReborn's next portion and building upon it!
  11. Maybe the focus will shift away from the astartes and towards "normal" humans. Our tales could be of the valiant sacrifice of a regiment of guardsmen in order to stem the flow of xenos invaders in imperial space or the covert (or not so covert) affairs of an inquisitor and his acolytes in rooting out heresy or discovering technology valuable to fueling the imperial war machine.
  12. My interest lie in finishing up the EWC and seeing what kind of impact that has on the Cluster. There is also the matter of figuring out what happens to the Liberite chapters in the aftermath of Vandire's reign of blood. After that think maybe another campaign to unite the Astarte's of the Cluster could be interesting. Perhaps a xenos empire will emerged from the darkness of Garand in the Englican sector, blindsiding the chapter's there requiring the full might of the Cluster to crush this new threat underfoot.
  13. Gone is the man you all know as ArcticPaladin. I return to you reborn, under a new alias. I have chosen to embrace my Terran roots and shall henceforth be known as Tiberius Cato. With this new identity I hope to put forth new ideas and be of great aid in this corner of imperial space. This new year is full of new opportunities, and I intend to not let them pass me by and I look forward to what we can create for the Cluster. May the Emperor guide you in your endeavours, brothers.
  14. Maybe a hand resting a top a sheathed sword (like the SM Sternguard) would look good?
  15. Are veteran snipers a legal loadout?
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