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About Carrack

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    Black Maw

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  1. Last night in the hobby I painted the lead belcher and runefang on my black legion foul blightspawn. That makes 3 nights painting this week. :)
  2. TITH I painted a cultist, ending a year long hobby break, and had a great time doing it. All my paints survived being becalmed in the hobby warp for an added bonus.
  3. Gloriously hideous. Best palanquin I’ve seen.
  4. I use black and bronze instead of black and gold for the veteran core of my black legion warband, and I use it for all the trim, not just the top half. It’s not exactly a radical change from the norm, but it is noticeable. The fluff for my warband was that it has Khornate leanings, not Hounds of Abaddon complete dedication, just leanings, and brass is the metal of Khorne. You could do a minor tweak to a secondary color like that, or pick a armor piece like the left gauntlet, and paint it a different color on your models.
  5. Which arms have you found that fit best with these? I got a box but not enough cultist autoguns to go around. There’s a bunch of good chaos bits in there too.
  6. TDITH I started painting the inside of a rhino.
  7. Absent Calebra Hive
  8. I think orks would not be a good antagonist for a 40k pilot. A central component of the orks is their humor, and if you pull in viewers who want to laugh at ork meks trying to achieve the right amount of dakka, or truck boyz painting their vehicle red so it goes fasta, you will lose those viewers if the rest of the series is about mind bending horror, crushingly oppressive regimes, and the grim darkness of the setting. I’d save the orks for a later episode than the pilot.
  9. So chaos marines can maintain predators, rhinos, and even titans through the use of daemons, but not razorbacks, whirlwinds, and land speeders? Are daemons incapable of being bound to drop pods, but work great with vindicators? How come daemon possession only works on phobos pattern land raiders? There is certainly plenty of background on chaos warbands that are raiding and scrounging just to survive. There is also examples of chaos warbands conquering worlds and even groups of systems. There needs to be for our faction to be considered the Arch-Enemy of Mankind.
  10. Some chaos warbands are able to maintain and field titans, something the Imperium does with great difficulty, not just because of their size and power, but because of the complexity of barely remembered technology. The use of loyalist only weapons like handheld plasma cannons and multimeltas, razorbacks, and land speeders is far more widespread than that of titans, yet in spite of our faction's ability to field the more complex and resource intensive titans, we are suppose to believe that they can't maintain the far more common "loyalist only" marine weapons. Besides, most "loyalist only" weapons aren't described as being particularly complex or special. Razorbacks don't have to be sent to Mars for an oil change, and multimeltas are common enough to be fitted to imperial guard vehicles as secondary weapons. The loyalists certainly don't have any great difficulty maintaining them, even fleet based chapters, in contrast with equipment like TDA, which is given heirloom status and specifically described as near irreplaceable, which chaos marines are still able to field.
  11. I would say that the ability to maintain a warp capable craft, or in some cases, a fleet of warp capable craft, speaks of a capability far exceeding that necessary to maintain plasma cannons. The imperial guard maintain plasma cannons, it's not that selective of a skill set. Not to say it doesn't happen, but I've also never heard of a loyalist chapter having to routinely send their plasma cannons and land speeders outside their chapter for maintenance, I don't see why they would need to start doing that the minute they turned away from the False Emperor. My abyssal crusade reference wasn't just about surviving in the Eye for long periods of time, but also about surviving long periods of time bereft of outside support from the Imperium, something that happens fairly regularly.
  12. At least some of the loyalist chapters survived 800 years in the Eye of Terror fighting the Abussal Crusade without support from the Imperium. At the end of the crusade, they exited the warp, presumably in their ships, and if they could maintain their ships, it stands to reason they could maintain some plasma cannons.
  13. @ Warsmith. Mercy Song makes my top five list for all 40K fiction, pro and am. I went and wrote two prologues to Duty, my entry for last week. The World Marches Level 45 Set The World on Fire Level 45, The World and Port LeCroix Note.
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