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About this blog

Yes, the name is boring (I'm bad at naming things:sweat:). 


This is my attempt to keep myself on task with the hobby and showcase projects without having to create a new WIP thread for each one. 


For those of you familiar with my projects in the barracks and forge I intend to keep both of those updated as I post here as well. 


My intention is that by having everything all in one place I can help combat the absolutely glacial pace of my updates to the B&C. 


Armies to expect: 

  • Imperial Guard
  • Imperial Militia
  • Inquisition
  • Space Marines (40K)
  • Iron Hands (30K)
  • Alpha Legion (30K)
  • Necrons (maybe)
  • Whatever other madness or project I dream up between writing this and when you see it on the blog 


So without further ado..... 

Entries in this blog

Solar Auxilia Lord Marshal

I have managed to get a little bit more painting done for the Lord Marshal of my Burgeoning Solar Auxilia force:      The body is Anvil's gothic void suit commander while the head is from the command upgrade sprue for gothic void suits.    The hammer is from the old Coteaz kit.  


Harrowmaster in Solar Auxilia

Solar Auxilia Leman Russ Vanquisher

I have completed the Leman Russ Vanquisher for my burgeoning Solar Auxilia force:      This is a really nice kit, it goes together very smoothly and the rivets and other details (like the vertical movement on the hull gun) really make it stand out as a 30k era vehicle. I have magnetised the hull lascannon so I can swap it for an autocannon if I feel like it, and the gunner's head is a "gothic void helmet" from Anvil Industry. I prefer the look of the Anvil helmets to the GW


Harrowmaster in Solar Auxilia

Solar Auxilia Leman Russ

I couldn't resist picking up the new Solar Auxilia Leman Russ when it came out in plastic (plus I will be able to see how compatible the Anvil Gothic Void heads are with SA plastic bodies):      It is a bit further along than this but I don't have any photos.    I really like the build experience so far, everything slots together so neatly which is nice. I will be making this one a Vanquisher but will also magnetise the hull weapons for a bit of flexibility. 


Harrowmaster in Solar Auxilia

Did someone say new army?

Well, it didn't take that long for me to add another project    Here's the first mini for a burgeoning Solar Auxilia force.     This is a plasma gunner for a companion section in the command tercio, the antenna behind his head is from the vox interlock.   Parts list (all Anvil): Gothic void torso (plain back) Field radio Gothic void helmet Void suit arms (rifle stock) Ion rifle Void suit legs   Edit: Spelling.   
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