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About this blog

I've tried many times to start a WIP thread...and every time I've gotten sidetracked by other stuff and never really kept it updated. So with the new blogs feature I thought it'd be a good idea to consolidate my various hobby efforts under a single "banner". As such, this will be something of a mishmash of my various projects, from full armies to mini-warbands to singular models. Hopefully I remember it exists!

Entries in this blog

They live!

Success! My termagant sculpts have been printed, and they're delightful! I still need to sculpt some weapons for them, but they work with the plastic gaunt weapons as a stop-gap. This was quite a learning experience, and I hadn't quite appreciated just how...spindly they would be. On the plus side, Elegoo ABS-Like 2.0 is very durable and they don't feel like they're going to break. In hindsight I'll not add quite so many tiny bits in future as they're just so small that they get

Evil Eye

Evil Eye in 3D Sorcery

From the gestation chambers they came...

More 3D stuff is abound- I've been working on some definitely-positively-100%-not-termagants for printing. They're going to be poseable, with ball-sockets at the hips, waist, tail, neck and shoulders (all four of them) and plenty of alternate parts. So far I have the core body, legs and tails.   The main arms should be compatible with the official gaunt kit parts (so you can put printed arms on plastic bodies and vice versa).   All the parts so far in an e

Evil Eye

Evil Eye in 3D Sorcery


Having finally acquired a 3D printer- to be exact an Elegoo Mars 3 Pro- I've been having fun testing it out. I've done three prints so far, the first being the default rook models, followed by a few Tyranid things from MyMiniFactory, including Hive Delta's free Carnifaux body (which is awesome!). However, I was itching to try and print something I'd made myself, so I went a bit mad and sculpted up 5 'niddy beetle wing sets in the span of a few hours. I then printed 4 of them (one was

Evil Eye

Evil Eye in 3D Sorcery


You may be aware that I have a keen interest in 3D printing. I still don't have a printer yet (intend to get a Mars 3 Pro) but I thought I might as well make a head start on some things to print when I do.   My initial projects have been a bit all over the place. For instance I dove in at the deep end and tried modelling up an entire Hierophant...   I later dialed things back a little and started work on a modular goblin kit (which will include 40K gretchin parts)...

Evil Eye

Evil Eye in 3D Sorcery

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