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About this blog

An attempt to keep all my little projects and armies in one place. Expect army lore, completed and WIP models, and some battle reports.


Active Projects:

The Sin Eaters - A Blood Angel Successor Crusade army

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - A T'au infantry/stealth army


Backburner Projects:

Index Ordos - Inquisitorial warbands and support in the vibe of INQ28

The Cauldron Born - Firstborn Marine Chapter

The Aspermundi Partisans - Not!GSC Human Revolutionaries

Entries in this blog

Crusade - Game 5 - Down With The Sickness

CRUSADE GAME 5 - TAU VS DEATH GUARD A frank exchange of views.   The third game day in our Crusade began with a more interesting set-up, at least! Outflank against @Agnostic Doggo's Death Guard, with me on the defence. Seems fine, right? Tau gunline, plenty of cover, but this was a rough, but enjoyable one. Lost, in the end, but a fine scuffle.    Fully surrounded? Not with so many Scout/Infiltrate units!   Bit cramped, innit?   Sh


Wormwoods in Crusade

Crusade - Game 4 - Rematch in the Ruins

CRUSADE GAME 4 - TAU VS IMPERIAL GUARD Spending a lot of time in close combat in this Crusade...   My next game was a rematch, of sorts. Not for the armies so much as for the two most intimidating hulls currently in the Crusade! Yes, Andrew's Rogal Dorn - now a commander - against my Hammerhead, Shi'ur Monat. Oh, and some other things happened, I guess, but the two big tanks having another shooting match was the main thing.   At this range it was practical


Wormwoods in Crusade

Crusade - Game 3 - Scrap Metal

CRUSADE GAME 3 - TAU VS GROTS Fearful symmetry.   After a wait, we've now had our second game day for our new Crusade. After a strong start, this was a rough one for the Recon Cadre, but hey, it happens. Regressing to the mean of my gaming by losing horrendously.    Game 3 was against Kieran's Waaaagh! Grot-Snicker (or was that Grot-Snikah? Unclear) and a veritable horde of big robots and constructions. Killa Kans built from battlesuits, Grot Tanks built from w


Wormwoods in Crusade

Crusade - Game 2 - A Sudden, But Inevitable Betrayal

CRUSADE GAME 2 - TAU VS ELDAR Who could have foreseen this?   Immediately after successfully fending off an Imperial tank push, the two order-aligned Xenos factions have, inevitably, fallen to their own squabbling. Game 2 for the Crusade saw 500 points of Tau V Eldar on an alarmingly small board. It's fine, neither of us brought much in the way of close combat, which is more than can be said for the Chaos fight that used the board before us. We're probably going to enlar


Wormwoods in Crusade

Crusade - Introduction & Game 1

CRUSADE INTRODUCTION & GAME 1 Mêlée à Two-V-Two   Aaaah, it's been too long! Truly, Crusade is the only way to play modern 40K. 10th may not be perfect - far from it - but for largely casual, theme-focused Crusade games? It's a lot of fun. After ending my last Crusade early - you can find how that all ended over on my WIP Thread Post Here - we all took a break to paint something other than Space Marines and Tyranids (and, in one case, to have a child!) before finall


Wormwoods in Crusade

Craftworld Ythiril - Silver Spears & Fire Prism

YTHIRIL WILD HUNTER HOST SILVER SPEARS & FIRE PRISM   Three Spears of The Wild Hunt.   Iyanneth's mount snarled in her mind, and bucked beneath her with every searing blast she let off with her laser lance. The bike wanted those kills for itself, or better yet to feel the hot wash of Mon-keigh blood against its hull. She soothed it - for a moment - with a gentle push through their psychic link, calming the blood crazed jetbike's proto-soul long enough to allow h

2024 - Year in Review - Ky'Vash Recon Cadre

2024 - YEAR IN REVIEW KY'VASH RECON CADRE   A whole lot of Tau.   So, my first Call to Arms was productive! Pictured here are all the Tau I painted in 2024, all but the pathfinders and sniper teams being painted during CtA 2024. That's 1,550 points, and 63 models, including the first tanks I've painted since returning to the hobby in 2020. I'm quite happy with them. While most of these models have shown up on the B&C either elsewhere in my blog or on the CtA, I'

2024 - Year in Review - Sin Eaters

2024 - YEAR IN REVIEW THE SIN EATERS   My first major project on returning to the hobby - well, the first once I liked enough to stick with properly - finally hit that all-important 2,000 point mark earlier this year. It's currently 2,070, meaning I can swap out a character as required, as I did this last weekend in a final spurt of tabletop play for the year. I'll go into the individual units in a moment, but just at a top-level, I'm very happy with these chaps. The Crusade, thou


Wormwoods in Year in Review

2024 - Year in Review - Summary

2024 - YEAR IN REVIEW SUMMARY - ALL FINISHED MODELS Oh, hi Goose!   I’ve had a pretty good year for painting, and a decent one for actually playing some 40k! The Sin Eaters hit 2,000 points and finished up their Crusade, I started – and eventually completed about 1,500 points worth of – Tau, largely thanks to the Call to Arms, painted up a large BFG fleet, and started work on a second Xenos Army with my Eldar bikes.    That is, for me, a LOT of models. 151, at


Wormwoods in Year in Review

Craftworld Ythiril - Shroud Runners

YTHIRIL WILD HUNTER HOST SHROUD RUNNERS Those who roam beyond the Cold Iron Stars.   Precise and true.   Bound as it is to a slow, languid procession around the spior- ad a' bhàis - The Doom Spiral - Craftworld Ythiril must send its children out far afield to watch for threats to the long watch. More integrated into the Craftworld than most who walk the Path of the Outcast these rangers often choose to go to war in the style of Ythiril, joining the Wild Hu


Wormwoods in Craftworld Ythiril

Craftworld Ythiril - Windriders

YTHIRIL WILD HUNTER HOST WINDRIDER Riding out in close formation.   I've finished the first squad, and had a delightful time. I really liked this kit, even if I ran into some... Problems with my magnetisation. The weapon hole is an awkward size for the magnets I have left over from basing all my Tau, and even more awkwardly my drill bit doesn't fit my hand drill, so I had to do it manually. As such, the guns aren't quite level, with one of them unfortunately droopy. Oh w


Wormwoods in Craftworld Ythiril

Craftworld Ythiril - Windrider & Lore Thoughts

YTHIRIL WILD HUNTER HOST WINDRIDER Windrider Jetbike with Shuriken Cannon.   The core of the Wild Hunt, warrior-bond teams of Windriders scour the battlefield of the enemies of Ythiril, and its charge to guard the Cold Iron Stars. The Craftworld, militaristic and dedicated, blurs the lines between citizen soldiers and the Holy Aspects, especially amongst the main body of the Host, mounted on Jetbikes that will, in time, be coaxed into becoming steeds for their riders thr


Wormwoods in Craftworld Ythiril

Belligerents of Badab - Howling Griffon

BELLIGERENTS of BADAB HOWLING GRIFFONS One wound of many.   So, I'm not painting a lot of Space Marines these days, between my Tau Crusade Army and fun I've been having over in BFG. That didn't seem right. Now, I can't commit to a major project, but I can certainly muck around with single models, right? So begins BELLIGERENTS of BADAAAAAAAAAAB!!   The crowd goes wild.   Wanted to start out with something fiddly, so I've knocked out a Howling Griffon.


Wormwoods in Belligerents of Badab

Brothers of the Mark - The Fleet & Scheme Adjustment

BROTHERS OF THE MARK THE FLEET The brutal, hungry core of a fleet fallen to the ruinous powers.   So, I last worked on my little fleet back in June, when I painted up a test cruiser. I had planned to churn through the remaining over-a-dozen ships, before being entirely swallowed up by the 2024 Call to Arms! Glad I was, too. That was delightful, and gave me some distance to rework the fleet when I came back to it... Like a week and a half ago. I, uh... May have painted a


Wormwoods in Brothers of the Mark

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - Devilfish APC

KY'VASH RECON CADRE DEVILFISH APC TY7 'Devilfish' Armoured Personnel Carrier.   Infantry-heavy T'au forces often rely on Devilfish-Chassis vehicles for transport and fire support, the TY7 Devilfish having remained in service for much of the T'au's recent military history. The ubiquitous T'au anti-gravity technology is here used to ensure full viability over all surfaces, and when paired with the oversized engines allows for aerial insertion alongside battlesuit units. Wh

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - Piranha Skimmer

KY'VASH RECON CADRE PIRANHA SKIMMER TX4 'Piranha' Skimmer.   Despite being an older design, the TX4 Piranha has remained in constant service within the T'au military since the time of the Second Sphere Expansion. A light, but combat-capable grav-speeder, it serves as an all-terrain scout and harasser, often in support of Stealthsuit and Pathfinder teams. Ky'Vash forces most often field the Piranha with a hull-mounted fusion blaster for tank-hunting, though it is unsuitab

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - Cadre Fireblade

KY'VASH RECON CADRE CADRE FIREBLADE Cadre Fireblade Shas'el Yr'anto.   Not all warriors of the Fire Caste seek to don the 'Mantle of the Hero' - a T'au Battlesuit - once their time amongst the infantry has come to an end. Those with the aptitude and inclination may instead remain on foot, leading the bulk of T'au military forces in up-armoured, quasi-powered armour based on the standard Firewarrior raiment. Such warriors are - usually, though not always - limited to the

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - Ghostkeel Stealth Battlesuit

KY'VASH RECON CADRE GHOSTKEEL STEALTH BATTLESUIT XV95- 'Ghostkeel' Battlesuit, piloted by Shas'vre Ay'aata.   The still-developing industrial base of Ky'Vash precludes the deployment of some of the largest, and most expensive T'au battlesuits, as does the operational preference of the Sept Fire Caste. Having developed an identity that favours a mix of stealth, ingenuity, and a certain rugged self-sufficiency the most dramatic of T'au hyper-weapons have proven to be a poo

Brothers of the Mark - Slaughter Class Cruiser - Test Model

BROTHERS OF THE MARK SLAUGHTER CLASS CRUISER - ROLL THE BONES   Festooned with lance and gun batteries, ready to roam the flanks and prey on the weak and vulnerable.   After years of yearning, I've finally started work on my first BFG fleet! It turns out the local BFG community is surprisingly large and active, and possesses a number of very eager 3D printers, happy to print whole fleets for the coast of materials just to help a newcomer like myself get started. Thi

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - Stealth Battlesuit Team

KY'VASH RECON CADRE STEALTH BATTLESUIT TEAM Stealth Battlesuit Team 01 - Shas'ui in XV25 Stealth Battlesuits with Burst Cannons, led by Shas'vre in XV25 Stealth Battlesuit with Fusion Blaster.   Considered the natural progression for those Fire Caste warriors who serve as Pathfinders, elevation to the rank of Shas'ui allows - and, in fact, demands - training as a Stealth Battlesuit pilot. The XV25, only recently having made it to Ky'Vash alongside other more 'modern' bat

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - Firesight Sniper Team - Part 2

KY'VASH RECON CADRE FIRESIGHT SNIPER TEAMS Firesight Sniper Teams 01-03    Firesight Sniper Team 02 - Shas'la with Longshot Pulse Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter Firesight Sniper Team 02 - Shas'la with Longshot Pulse Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter Firesight Sniper Team 03 - Shas'la with Longshot Pulse Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter Firesight Sniper Team 03 - Shas'la with Longshot Pulse Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - Firesight Sniper Team

KY'VASH RECON CADRE FIRESIGHT SNIPER TEAM Firesight Sniper Team 01 - Shas'la with Longshot Pule Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter.   While the Fire Caste of Ky'Vash make use of drones, like all T'au militaries, certain roles usually reserved for these sub-sapient AI constructs have instead been filled by specialist teams of Shas'la Pathfinders. Able to remain still and silent, even switching off their equipment to reduce their chance of being spotted by auspex scans, t

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - Pathfinder Drones

KY'VASH RECON CADRE PATHFINDER TEAM 01 DRONE SUPPORT Pathfinder Team 01 - Drone Support. Gun, Marker, and Recon Drone.   Techpriests of the secretive, and tightly monitored Xenocybernetica have performed extensive investigations into the 'Drones' employed in battle by the T'au Empire. These creations, seemingly autonomous or semi-autonomous in combat were initially suspected to be a budding form of Abominable Intelligence, though such fears have been largely quieted. The

Index Astartes - Sin Eaters



Wormwoods in The Sin Eaters

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - Army Concept and Pathfinders

KY'VASH RECON CADRE PATHFINDER TEAM 01 Pathfinder Team 01, Pulse Carbines & Rail Rifles.   Active in Sub-Sector Vyndax, the Fire Caste of minor sept world Ky'Vash lacks some of the heavier equipment of the core septs, but has proven to be a thorn in the side of Imperial colonial and extractive concerns within the region. Ordo Xenos representatives in the Sub-Sector have tracked reports of T'au recon and infiltration forces on multiple worlds, striking from hidde


Wormwoods in Ky'Vash Recon Cadre

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