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Call to Arms 2023 - Stronghold Xenos - The Falcon





The Falcon was the last eldar, perdon, Aeldari, Tank chassis I had left in my Xenos´ Pile of Shame.

I have always liked this model was was the first one issued by GW that was not a bulky shoe box, Something with elegant lines and curves. The model aged quite well IMO for such a venerable sculpt.

Yet there is something that always left me a little bit uneasy: don´t you think it is a little bit squt? it looks like the balance of the scuulpt is missing something. At the rear. The Wav Serpent´s extended passengers´ compartment does not left the same impression.


Anyway, time to paint. Nor something too fancy. I will stick to the main red hull I used for the test WS. Some stripes to stick to the common Saim Hann iconography, and that´s it.


Here is the result, painted in parallel to the Dire Avengers of my second vow. Truth is that painting such a tank took me less time than painting an infantery squad...






As for other models of the challenge, decals willcome in extra latter on,  awaiting for the whole bunch to be completed... The turret of this model really needs something on its flat panel.


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