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Everything posted by OldManKryder

  1. Ah, but you do lose them if you fall back after failing a battle-shock check and roll a 1 or 2. This scenario is called a Desperate Escape.
  2. Sounds good to me. I'm looking to increase my Libby count as well.
  3. When you fail battleshock, you roll a D6 for each model who failed. On a 1-2, remove the model. IIRC. I've seen a few list running 3 Librarians they use to psychic down enemy tanks and such.
  4. Hi Brothers! As stated in the title, I just completed my first 10th Edition game against the Votann. We played 1000 pts. He had 3 units of bikers, some hearthguard, some other infantry unit, and a freakin land fortress. I took 2 units of 5 man Strikes, 2 units of 5 man Interceptors, a Brother-Captain, a Brotherhood Champion, and a 5 man Termie squad with Narthicium. We played on a smaller board than we should have and that did hurt my mobility quite a bit. I also did not have any special weapons which really hurt my shooting. Things of note: - 2+ armor save is boss. AP has really been toned down so our survivability is really good. Votann got 1st turn and only managed to kill 2 models. - Termies are very, very good. They sucked up a lot of firepower over several turns and, while they did get wiped out, I brought 3 termies back and ran through several units with them. - The lowly storm bolter isn't half bad. Rapid Fire 2 throws out a boatload of shots within 12 inches. - Our units have a lot of special abilities. I forgot to use many of them throughout the battle, something I'll have to get better at. - Mists of Deimos is fantastic. I used it 3 times during the 4 turn game and really messed up the Votann's game plan. - CP are sparse. I never got over two, and I was usually using them as fast as I got them. - Battle-shock is interesting, but not something that was crippling. My last turn I took four test and passed them all. The Votann took three test total and failed one, which lost him a model. The game was fun, with final score, me with 8 CP and the Votann with 5, with me in control of 4 of the 5 objectives. The only unit he had left was the land fortress, which I was unlikely to hurt and he was rolling poorly with all afternoon. I got really lucky with my charge rolls, making all of them. He got really unlucky with the land fortress, missing key shots and not being able to use it during his 3rd turn when I had all my visible models tied up in combat. The strike squad's Sanctifying Ritual was clutch, keeping one objective for me for the entire game and another one for two turns. Playing to the objectives and ignoring the land fortress was clutch this game. I think I would have down better with special weapons in my squads, probably incinerators. Anyways, time for me to get some sleep before modeling some Incinerators and Purifiers tomorrow. Anyone out there have any good army list at 1000 points or 2000 points? What are you using for anti-tank?
  5. Alright Brothers! I have completed my first squads of Interceptors and Strike Squad. I currently have a unit a Paladins I am working on with an Apothecary and I just picked up the Grey Knights Combat Patrol so plenty of work until Summer!
  6. OldManKryder

    Old Man Kryder's Grey Knights WIP

    Showing work on my Grey Knights project army
  7. Probably a white base, going down towards the base of the weapon with several layers of blue shades until it hit black. I get to test that soon(ish).
  8. Keeping up with my WIP of my models, I have 10 Interceptors with Halberds, 10 man Strike Squad with Swords, a 5 man Purgation Squad with 4 Psycannons, and a Dread Knight. I have a Brotherhood Champion model incoming and will have a WIP pic of him once he comes in. Now I have to wait for it to get warm enough to throw some primer on these guys and get busy painting.
  9. Do you think it would have been a better idea to put your Dread Knights behind cover to begin with and at least try and give your opponent more difficult shots?
  10. Returning new player to 40k
    Read more  
  11. Greetings Brothers! Long time since I played last (circa 2007). So much has changed since then, but I always wanted to start a Grey Knights army so now that the kiddos are older I'm back. I am working on a 1000 pt list to get started and moving forward from there. Looking to post WIP pics of my models, post my lists, and generally get critiques/bad ideas from the rest of the more veteran players. TIA, OMK
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