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Everything posted by Lestat

  1. Made a start on the Chaplain to lead the DC - no bling, just black, red and silver. Going to tone down the red though - far too bright for a Son of Cretacia :)
  2. Made a start on the Chaplain to lead the DC - no bling, just black, red and silver. Going to tone down the red though - far too bright for a Son of Cretacia :)
  3. This was always something that seemed to have unnecessary steps, but would it be possible to have a more streamlined method of uploading pics to a post or topic? Having to upload pics to an album (which you must first create), and then have to link the pics from said album into whichever post you are making at the time, just seems to be unnecessarily complex, and could be whittled down by a step or two. Especially with most peoples cameras being on their phones, it would allow people to post straight to a topic or post.
  4. Maybe a metal or plastic ball bearing glued in place of the head would work?
  5. I might have a unit of 10 or so, but want to add in some assault Primaris too - hope they get a jump pack in the new codex :) Going to be on sector mechanicus bases - the industrial looking ones.
  6. After a long hiatus, I've returned to the hallowed halls of B&C with a new found vigour for the Blood Angels angrier cousins - the Flesh Tearers. I decided to paint the sons of Cretacia, as I wanted to revisit my first ever SM army, but didn't want to just paint more Blood Angels - I wanted a bit of a change, maybe something a little darker, a little bloodier. And with the new Primaris kits coming soon, I decided to dive head first into the duality of the rage and the thirst. There is no real plan to build an army, just a need to paint some characterful units, with a few conversions and kitbashes scattered throughout. I wanted the Tearers to look dark and dirty, so it's a deliberately rough paint job. I'm not going to post everything here in this first post, just a few pics to show you all what I've been doing recently.
  7. Mmmm.........I think I'm going to have to raid the loft. I'm sure theres an old VCR up there as well as some other useful gubbins. If I'm not back in an hour, I may have found Narnia ;)
  8. Lestat

    Upcoming projects

    Stuff I am currently working on.........
  9. Lestat

    DSC 0003

    From the album: Upcoming projects

  10. Lestat

    DSC 0002

    From the album: Upcoming projects

  11. Lestat

    DSC 0001

    From the album: Upcoming projects

  12. Lestat

    Various WIP stuff

  13. Lestat


    From the album: Various WIP stuff

  14. Lestat


    From the album: Various WIP stuff

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