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About CyderPirate

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    Iron Hands

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    Iron Hands, Imperial Guard

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  1. I don't think that's right - unless you mean in a 20-man squad. Can you explain how you've reached that conclusion? I'd be very happy to be wrong, but I think the correct read is 2 special weapons, medic, and vox per 10. If you're working off the basis that you can pick 2 from the top and 2 from the bottom, the **note says you can only pick two that are marked, which is all of the special weapons. Just to clarify that footnotes apply across all of the selections together, rather than separately, the *** note says that a model can only ever take one of these options. The only two options that have that (the vox and medic) are in different sections, so it would be meaningless.
  2. I think the idea is that the number of special weapons per 10 is the same across the 3 infantry squads, just in the most complicated way possible. The asterisks group the options across multiple entries, applying those restrictions to all of the options with those markers. That prevents the Vox also taking the med-kit, for example. The * note, preventing double-picks applies to all 6 options, so you can't double up on any of the special weapons unless the unit is 20-strong. The ** note applies to the five special weapons options combined, so you can have up to 2 per 10 (or 4 in 20) from: flamer, GL, long-las, melta or plasma. So in a 10 man squad you could have a melta and plasma but you wouldn't be able to take a vox, or anything from the top list. As I read it, even though both sections say 'For every 10 models in this unit, up to 2..." you can never get 4 options from the list.
  3. Nice! You've got a great way to stack AP reduction/reduce saves on key targets - fields of fire, hellhound (removes cover), and the exterminator - and volume of shots that could make that work well with the new detachment rule. Maybe swap out the las on the scouts for autocannons for volume of fire and flexibility? Only gripe is that it's cavalry regiment with no cavalry! Where are the rough riders?! /s
  4. Yeah, we don't have to remain stationary any more, so we'll actually get to use it approximately 20,000% more often.
  5. "I, CyderPirate, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 10 Navy Breachers, 2 Rogue Trader Specialists, 3 Navy Armsmen and 1 pup for 16 pts for the Glory of the Imperium of Mankind and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.
  6. CyderPirate

    Rogue Trader Combat Patrol

    Navy Breachers et al. for White Dwarf Rogue Trader Combat Patrol
  7. The drops for scions units are nice, and the hellhound getting a cut was a nice bonus! I'm still not sure why the Valkyrie still hasn't been touched; I'm beginning to suspect that one might be getting Legends-ed when we get our codex (request tin foil hat shipments from ministorum....)
  8. Hey all, How have people been getting on using Valkyries so far in 10th? I'd like to use them for theme reasons, but at around ~200pts they seem like a real handicap compared to what else you can get for the same points. My experience so far has been pretty mixed, but I don't get to play a lot. And it turned out that I was cheating (I'd put Navy Breachers inside - neither me nor my opponent realised that was a no-no), which kinda ruins the results! I'd like to try loading 2 up with Kasrkin, and combine them with 2 deep-striking scion units for a bit of threat-saturation to take mid/backfield objectives. I'm really interested in any feedback you fine folks might have from running them, or any of the other flyers for that matter! The way I see it: Pros: Mobility - I really like the idea of getting around the table quickly to get to objectives Some OK shooting - can't be relied on, but it can sometimes chip in some wounds, especially with lascannon/missile rack Hover - the option to go in hover mode allows you to set them up turn 1 rather than waiting a turn Cons: Price - one of the most expensive units in the Index that isn't a Superheavy Shooting - typical crappy BS for shooting Durability - I don't think they take much firepower to knock out, and would probably get focused early.
  9. First Strike and Bring it down seem good for artillery/tank-heavy lists, respectively. While we stand, we fight might be cheesable if your most expensive units are flyers. They're only going to be on the board for a few turns, and you've got a chance to take out their best anti-air weapons before they turn up. Slay the Warlord shouldn't be too hard either, just need an assassin or two. You could potentially build an army around taking the centre ground and go for investigate site and psychic ritual. Probably not a great strategy for a lot of matchups, but with the right set-up and build, maybe.
  10. I'm tempted to stick with Mordian for the order, but that's about it. Strategic reserves allows us to chuck a special weapon squad/command squad full of plasma into a decent position to take out important characters. The rest of our rules are going to be pretty useless, though.
  11. When you can't get through airport security without your augmetics setting off the alarm.
  12. Hey folks, I'm trying to decide on provenances for a close-combat themed loyalist militia force. I'm pretty sure I'm going to take the Feral Warriors (+1WS, option to give units +1A) but I can decide which of the others to take. For the theme I've ruled out Abhuman Helots, so I'm looking at these options: Gene-crafted (+1S, +1I) Alchem Jackers - pseudo-stubborn (+option for rage) Warrior Elite - (+1Ld) I'm leaning towards Gene-crafted, as it'll basically turn them into cheaper space marines with more attacks. I've not played with the army much yet, though, so the option to keep them around for an extra turn once they get into combat with Alchem jackers, is promising. Plus I could then potentially have 5 attacks apiece on the charge for a +50pts per squad! (1 basic, 1 for 2 close combat weapons, 1 from feral warriors, then 2 from rage). Any thoughts, peeps? Any of those combos stand out as being noticeably better than the others? Or am I missing an even better option?
  13. I thought that, but Overwatch happens in the Assault phase - so would Blind not take effect at the end of the Assault phase, after the combat?
  14. I was looking at running a (loyalist) army with the Gene Crafted (+1S) and Feral Warrior provenances (+1WS, +1I), swapping out the rifles for close combat weapons and taking the blades and fury upgrades wherever possible, making each basic bod hit at I4, with at least 3 S4 attacks apiece at WS3/4 (hitting on 4s either way...). The main issue with that loadout is getting them stuck in before they break and run away. I was originally thinking of purchasing the Gorgons as Dedicated Transports, and having the conscripts embark on turn 1, but with them having to wait an extra turn to assault afterwards, that's not really going to work. Having them hide behind the Gorgon as it advances isn't such a bad idea, though - although trying to hide 100 dudes behind a couple of tanks might look a bit daft! How are people interpreting the Platoon Standard? I can't tell if its basically making units stubborn (by ignoring casualties for morale checks) or making them basically DKoK (don't take morale tests for losing 25% casusalties)
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