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Found 16 results

  1. The B&C Presents: The Call to Arms 2024 CHAOS STRONGHOLD What better way to celebrate a new edition of our favourite table-top wargame than to have a big Inter-Forum Painting Event, amiright? Time to bust out those brushes and paints and stand ready to represent your Forum/s of choice and aid them on the path to claim Victory!!!! What is The Call to Arms, I hear you ask? The Call to Arms is a multi-forum event designed to encourage us all to start a new army, or bolster our current forces. The Forums of the B&C are divided up into four Strongholds; The Imperium Stronghold Adepta Sororitas Adeptus Astartes Adeptus Mechanicus Astra Militarum Imperial Knights Talons of the Emperor The Imperium of Mankind The Chaos Stronghold Chaos Daemons Chaos Knights Heretic Astartes The Realms of Chaos The Xenos Stronghold Aeldari Drukhari Genestealer Cults Leagues of Votann Necrons Orks T'au Empire Tyranids The Heresy Stronghold Loyalists OR Traitors Legions Imperialis Adeptus Titanicus The Horus Heresy These four Strongholds will act as the hub for each of the four main Factions, and will for the 3 Month duration of the Call to Arms, run independently of the three other Strongholds. Each Stronghold may have different targets and goals, and even their own mini/complementary events, all with unique badges and achievements, but at the end of the 3 months, the four Strongholds will face off, and overall winners will be declared. Start Date: 15th JUNE 2024 End Date: 17th SEPTEMBER 2024 (Timezone will be GMT +10, please make local adjustments for time) So, how is it all going to work? As each of the Strongholds are acting (initially) as their own Events, you may choose to focus within a single Stronghold, or participate in all four Strongholds, and any complementary/mini-events that you would like to. Your Vows will be treated independently in each Stronghold, meaning a Failed Vow in one Stronghold will NOT effect Vows in the other Strongholds. Models pledged to a Stronghold must come from the army books associated with those Forums covered by each Stronghold. The exceptions to this are Titans and models from the Other Games Forum (Aeronautica, Kill Team, Necromunda), these models / units may be pledged to any Stronghold. You may join in any of the Events at any time within the 3 Month time-frame of The Call to Arms For each Stronghold, you have a MAXIMUM of 3 Vows, you must finish your active vow before pledging to a second or third vow. In addition to the three Vows, any model in the 10pt Category or higher will fit into the "Job's a Big'un" Vow, and will run separate from the 3 Vow limit and have the entirety of the 3 months to be completed. Once recorded, Vows may not be altered, however special considerations may be made upon request. There is no minimum pledge, you may vow 1 model, or your entire collection, but beware, failing your last active vow will invalidate any completed vows you may have already submitted. How do I join in? Each model has a point value based upon it's size, and the comparative amount of effort and time it takes to paint said model, listed below are are the points-per-model, more specific lists can be found in each Forums Rally Point thread, but I've added some generic examples below, 1pt Infantry 2pts Cavalry/Bikers 3pts Heavy Weapon Teams / Walkers (Dreadnaughts, Sentinals) 4pts Skimmers / Light Vehicles (Landspeeders, ATV, Armigers) 5pts Small Tanks (Leman Russ, Rhino Variants) 6pts Large Tanks (Rogal Dorn, Sicaran, Land Raider) 8pts Superheavies (Baneblades etc) 10pts Imperial Knight etc 5pts Leader and Unit Composition: 1 OR Epic Hero 10pts Primarchs NOTE: Characters with Retinue, I.E. Saint Celestine. Celestine is the EPIC HERO, and is worth 5pts, her two Sister Superiors are Seraphim, which are worth 1pt each. 20pts Warhound Titan 30pts Reaver Titan 40pts Warbringer Titan 50pts Warlord Titan Terrain 1pt 3 Munitorum Barrels, 4 Munitorum Crates, Zone Morialtis/Gallowdark Column, Octarius Ramshackle Bridges 2pts Aegis Defence Line Section, Aegis Defence Platform, Galvanic Servo-haulers, Thermic Plasma Conduit Section, Imperialis Ruins Wall Section, Zone Morialtis/Gallowdark Wall, Octarius Scrap Heap/Barricade 3pts Fronteris Vox Antenna, Fronteris Auspex Shrine, Thermo-exchanger Shrine, Octarius Oil Rig, Necromunda Fuel Tanks 4pts Munitorum Container, Mechsnicus Transterrsnic Gantry, Galvanic Servo-crane, Big'ead Bossbunka, Skull Alter, Noctilith Crown, Octarius Ramshackle Walls 5pts Tidewall Droneport, Tidewall Shieldline, Feculant Gnarlmaw, Miasmic Malignifier 6pts Fronteris Landing Pad, Mechanicus Forgeshine, Mechanicus Galvanic Magnavent 8pts Fronteris Hab Bunker, Manufactorum Administratus, 10pts Zone Morialtis Gang Stronghold Note: Custom/Scratchbuilt terrain- use this list as a guide as to how many points tour terrain is worth, but please make sure to mention your terrain is custom when Vowing. You may vow ANY MODEL that is covered by THIS STRONGHOLD, but you must allocate your points to only one FORUM. Please make your vows in this thread in the following format; "I, {insert username}, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint {insert units/models} for {xxx pts} for the Glory of {insert Forum} and the Chaos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end." example; I, Grotsmasha, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 20 Legionaires, 3 Outriders, 1 Consul, and 1 Contemptor Dreadnought for 34pts for the Glory of the Emperor and the Heresy Stronghold on or before September 17th, or bear the badge of failure until year's end." The post that contains your Vow must include starting pictures that contain all the models from the Vow. Starting models may be in any of the following conditions; In the box On the Sprue Assembled Single Colour Primed For Tanks / Titans, Sub-assemblies primed in different colours will be acceptable, I.E. chassis in Leadbelcher, with armour plates in secondary colour. Additionally, you may pledge models you have not yet received I.E. Warhammer: Imperium Subscription, just make sure a image is edited in to your Vow post once you've received the models, and make a post indicating that you have done so. Your Vow is considered complete when you declare it so, and post completed pictures of all models contained within the Vow. Although "Complete" is to your own standard, we would like you to aim for GW's "Battle Ready", with the miniatures based. If basing is something you don't do, or won't be doing within the Event's timeline, please return the bases to flat black or brown as this will greatly enhance the Completed presentation. Required Completion Pictures: Please include 1 image with a complete shot of the entire Vow, I also encourage everyone to include additional images for each squad/unit in the vow, please post these within Spoiler / Hidden tags. Once you have made your vow, pop this badge of Participation into your Signature, Will there be any awards? Yes!! There will be similar Badges and Achievements available from all 4 Strongholds, Event Failed: Spawn 10 points: Servant of Chaos 25 points Chosen of Chaos 45 points: Aspiring Champion 75 points: Champion of Chaos 100+ points: Warmaster of Chaos Artificer - Top 1, 2, and 3 best painted models from each Forum, chosen by the Moderators. Princeps - Awarded to all completed Titans Chaos Champion - Awarded to the Frater who individually paints the most points worth of models in the Chaos Stronghold Champions of the Horde - The Chaos Forum with the highest overall points worth of models Champion of the Call - The Chaos Forum that has the Highest Participation vs. Completion Percentage. As to the overall competition between the Strongholds, there will also be Badges awarded for the following; Masters of the Horde - The Stronghold that completes the highest overall points worth of models. Masters of the Call - The Stronghold that has the Highest Participation vs. Completion Percentage. Master Artificer - Voted best painted Model, chosen from the 4 Stronghold Artificers. In addition to the Badges and Achievements above, there will be additional Awards for the following 4 categories. At this stage there are no physical prizes like last year, but that *MAY* change by the end of the Event. Favourite Young Blood - This category is for Participants who have been building and/or painting models for less than 12 months. Anyone wishing to participate as A Young Blood will need to specifically declare that are are doing so within their Vows. At the conclusion of the Event all Young Blood Entries will be placed into a Poll for the B&C at large to vote on and pick a Favourite. The voting criteria for this category is not about picking the best painted model, but the model that inexplicably pulls a smile on your face, one that makes you think, damn that's cool.. Master of the Forge - Best Conversion or Kit-bash. Anyone wishing to participate for the Master of the Forge Badge and Prize will need to specifically declare that they are doing so within their Vows. Stronghold Artificer - Awarded to four Participants, one from each Stronghold for the Best Painted Model in from the Stronghold, chosen by the Frater via Poll. Grand Marshal - Individual with the Most Points of Models Painted across all Strongholds That's it, you've done it, you've made it to the end!!! If you have any questions or queries, just @Grotsmasha and I'll be more than happy to help you out, now, go on, get, don't you have models to be painting? F.A.Q.s Q- If I have models with different coloured heads or shoulder pads, can they be primed different colours IE. Black templars or Eldar Guardians? A- Yes, this is acceptable. Q- I want to paint Traitor Guard, is there a way to pledge them to Chaos? A- Yes, for the purposes of Traitor Guard, the Astra Militarum units may be pledged to Chaos. The Realm of Chaos is the most appropriate forum. Q- Are 3D prints allowed? A- Yes, as long as they are board appropriate, 3D prints can be pledged to the Call to Arms. Use the points associated with the unit they represent.
  2. The B&C Presents: The Call to Arms 2024 HERESY STRONGHOLD What better way to celebrate a new edition of our favourite table-top wargame than to have a big Inter-Forum Painting Event, amiright? Time to bust out those brushes and paints and stand ready to represent your Forum/s of choice and aid them on the path to claim Victory!!!! What is The Call to Arms, I hear you ask? The Call to Arms is a multi-forum event designed to encourage us all to start a new army, or bolster our current forces. The Forums of the B&C are divided up into four Strongholds; The Imperium Stronghold Adepta Sororitas Adeptus Astartes Adeptus Mechanicus Astra Militarum Imperial Knights Talons of the Emperor The Imperium of Mankind The Chaos Stronghold Chaos Daemons Chaos Knights Heretic Astartes The Realms of Chaos The Xenos Stronghold Aeldari Drukhari Genestealer Cults Leagues of Votann Necrons Orks T'au Empire Tyranids The Heresy Stronghold Loyalists OR Traitors Legions Imperialis Adeptus Titanicus The Horus Heresy These four Strongholds will act as the hub for each of the four main Factions, and will for the 3 Month duration of the Call to Arms, run independently of the three other Strongholds. Each Stronghold may have different targets and goals, and even their own mini/complementary events, all with unique badges and achievements, but at the end of the 3 months, the four Strongholds will face off, and overall winners will be declared. Start Date: 15th JUNE 2024 End Date: 17th SEPTEMBER 2024 (Timezone will be GMT +10, please make local adjustments for time) So, how is it all going to work? As each of the Strongholds are acting (initially) as their own Events, you may choose to focus within a single Stronghold, or participate in all four Strongholds, and any complementary/mini-events that you would like to. Your Vows will be treated independently in each Stronghold, meaning a Failed Vow in one Stronghold will NOT effect Vows in the other Strongholds. Models pledged to a Stronghold must come from the army books associated with those Forums covered by each Stronghold. The exceptions to this are Titans and models from the Other Games Forum (Aeronautica, Kill Team, Necromunda), these models / units may be pledged to any Stronghold. You may join in any of the Events at any time within the 3 Month time-frame of The Call to Arms For each Stronghold, you have a MAXIMUM of 3 Vows, you must finish your active vow before pledging to a second or third vow. In addition to the three Vows, any model in the 10pt Category or higher will fit into the "Job's a Big'un" Vow, and will run separate from the 3 Vow limit and have the entirety of the 3 months to be completed. Once recorded, Vows may not be altered, however special considerations may be made upon request. There is no minimum pledge, you may vow 1 model, or your entire collection, but beware, failing your last active vow will invalidate any completed vows you may have already submitted. How do I join in? Each model has a point value based upon it's size, and the comparative amount of effort and time it takes to paint said model, listed below are are the points-per-model, more specific lists can be found in each Forums Rally Point thread, but I've added some generic examples below, 1pt Infantry 2pts Cavalry/Bikers/Heavy Weapons Teams 3pts Walkers (Dreadnaughts, Sentinals) 4pts Skimmers / Light Vehicles (Landspeeders, ATV, Armigers) 5pts Small Tanks (Leman Russ, Rhino Variants) 6pts Large Tanks (Rogal Dorn, Sicaran, Land Raider) 8pts Superheavies (Baneblades etc) 10pts Imperial Knight etc 5pts Leader and Unit Composition: 1 OR Epic Hero 10pts Primarchs NOTE: Characters with Retinue, I.E. Saint Celestine. Celestine is the EPIC HERO, and is worth 5pts, her two Sister Superiors are Seraphim, which are worth 1pt each. 20pts Warhound Titan 30pts Reaver Titan 40pts Warbringer Titan 50pts Warlord Titan Terrain 1pt 3 Munitorum Barrels, 4 Munitorum Crates, Zone Morialtis/Gallowdark Column, Octarius Ramshackle Bridges 2pts Aegis Defence Line Section, Aegis Defence Platform, Galvanic Servo-haulers, Thermic Plasma Conduit Section, Imperialis Ruins Wall Section, Zone Morialtis/Gallowdark Wall, Octarius Scrap Heap/Barricade 3pts Fronteris Vox Antenna, Fronteris Auspex Shrine, Thermo-exchanger Shrine, Octarius Oil Rig, Necromunda Fuel Tanks 4pts Munitorum Container, Mechsnicus Transterrsnic Gantry, Galvanic Servo-crane, Big'ead Bossbunka, Skull Alter, Noctilith Crown, Octarius Ramshackle Walls 5pts Tidewall Droneport, Tidewall Shieldline, Feculant Gnarlmaw, Miasmic Malignifier 6pts Fronteris Landing Pad, Mechanicus Forgeshine, Mechanicus Galvanic Magnavent 8pts Fronteris Hab Bunker, Manufactorum Administratus, 10pts Zone Morialtis Gang Stronghold Legions Imperialis / Adeptus Titanicus Scale 1pt Infantry Base, Dreadnaught Base, Rapier Base, Jetbike/Speeder Base, Sentinal Base, Rhino, Predator, Medusa, Leman Russ, Drop Pod 2pts Sicaran, Land Raider, Spartan, Malcador, Armiger Knights, Questoris Knights, Ceratus KInights 3pts Fellblade Chassis tanks, Kratos Battletank, Baneblade Chassis tanks, Arcastus Knights, LI/AI Aircraft* 4pts Thunderhawk Gunship 5pts Warhound Titan 6pts Reaver Titan 7pts Warbringer Titan 8pts Warlord Titan 10pts Warmaster Titan 5pts Leader and Unit Composition: Command Base *I am super unfamiliar with the Aeronautica Craft, so please let me know if there need to be more points gradings for the different Aircraft* Note: Custom/Scratchbuilt terrain- use this list as a guide as to how many points tour terrain is worth, but please make sure to mention your terrain is custom when Vowing. You may vow ANY MODEL that is covered by THIS STRONGHOLD, but you must allocate your points to either The Emperor OR The Warmaster. Please make your vows in this thread in the following format; "I, {insert username}, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint {insert units/models} for {xxx pts} for the Glory of {insert Emperor/Warmaster} and the Heresy Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end." example; I, Grotsmasha, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 20 Legionaires, 3 Outriders, 1 Consul, and 1 Contemptor Dreadnought for 34pts for the Glory of the Emperor and the Heresy Stronghold on or before September 17th, or bear the badge of failure until year's end." The post that contains your Vow must include starting pictures that contain all the models from the Vow. Starting models may be in any of the following conditions; In the box On the Sprue Assembled Single Colour Primed For Tanks / Titans, Sub-assemblies primed in different colours will be acceptable, I.E. chassis in Leadbelcher, with armour plates in secondary colour. Additionally, you may pledge models you have not yet received I.E. Warhammer: Imperium Subscription, just make sure a image is edited in to your Vow post once you've received the models, and make a post indicating that you have done so. Your Vow is considered complete when you declare it so, and post completed pictures of all models contained within the Vow. Although "Complete" is to your own standard, we would like you to aim for GW's "Battle Ready", with the miniatures based. If basing is something you don't do, or won't be doing within the Event's timeline, please return the bases to flat black or brown as this will greatly enhance the Completed presentation. Required Completion Pictures: Please include 1 image with a complete shot of the entire Vow, I also encourage everyone to include additional images for each squad/unit in the vow, please post these within Spoiler / Hidden tags. Once you have made your vow, pop this badge of Participation into your Signature, Will there be any awards? Yes!! There will be similar Badges and Achievements available from all 4 Strongholds, Event Failed: Servitor 10 points: Legionaire 25 points Sergeant 45 points: Consul 75 points: Praetor 100+ points: Master of the Legion Artificer - Top 1, 2, and 3 best painted models from each Forum, chosen by the Moderators. Princeps - Awarded to all completed Titans Heresy Champion - Awarded to the Frater who individually paints the most points worth of models in the Heresy Stronghold Champions of the Horde - The Faction with the highest overall points worth of models Champion of the Call - The Faction that has the Highest Participation vs. Completion Percentage. As to the overall competition between the Strongholds, there will also be Badges awarded for the following; Masters of the Horde - The Stronghold that completes the highest overall points worth of models. Masters of the Call - The Stronghold that has the Highest Participation vs. Completion Percentage. Master Artificer - Voted best painted Model, chosen from the 4 Stronghold Artificers. In addition to the Badges and Achievements above, there will be additional Awards for the following 4 categories. At this stage there are no physical prizes like last year, but that *MAY* change by the end of the Event. Favourite Young Blood - This category is for Participants who have been building and/or painting models for less than 12 months. Anyone wishing to participate as A Young Blood will need to specifically declare that are are doing so within their Vows. At the conclusion of the Event all Young Blood Entries will be placed into a Poll for the B&C at large to vote on and pick a Favourite. The voting criteria for this category is not about picking the best painted model, but the model that inexplicably pulls a smile on your face, one that makes you think, damn that's cool.. Master of the Forge - Best Conversion or Kit-bash. Anyone wishing to participate for the Master of the Forge Badge and Prize will need to specifically declare that they are doing so within their Vows. Stronghold Artificer - Awarded to four Participants, one from each Stronghold for the Best Painted Model in from the Stronghold, chosen by the Frater via Poll. Grand Marshal - Individual with the Most Points of Models Painted across all Strongholds That's it, you've done it, you've made it to the end!!! If you have any questions or queries, just @Grotsmasha and I'll be more than happy to help you out, now, go on, get, don't you have models to be painting? F.A.Q.s Q- If I have models with different coloured heads or shoulder pads, can they be primed different colours IE. Black templars or Eldar Guardians? A- Yes, this is acceptable. Q- I want to paint Traitor Guard, is there a way to pledge them to Chaos? A- Yes, for the purposes of Traitor Guard, the Astra Militarum units may be pledged to Chaos. The Realm of Chaos is the most appropriate forum. Q- Are 3D prints allowed? A- Yes, as long as they are board appropriate, 3D prints can be pledged to the Call to Arms. Use the points associated with the unit they represent.
  3. The B&C Presents: The Call to Arms 2024 XENOS STRONGHOLD What better way to celebrate a new edition of our favourite table-top wargame than to have a big Inter-Forum Painting Event, amiright? Time to bust out those brushes and paints and stand ready to represent your Forum/s of choice and aid them on the path to claim Victory!!!! What is The Call to Arms, I hear you ask? The Call to Arms is a multi-forum event designed to encourage us all to start a new army, or bolster our current forces. The Forums of the B&C are divided up into four Strongholds; The Imperium Stronghold Adepta Sororitas Adeptus Astartes Adeptus Mechanicus Astra Militarum Imperial Knights Talons of the Emperor The Imperium of Mankind The Chaos Stronghold Chaos Daemons Chaos Knights Heretic Astartes The Realms of Chaos The Xenos Stronghold Aeldari Drukhari Genestealer Cults Leagues of Votann Necrons Orks T'au Empire Tyranids The Heresy Stronghold Loyalists OR Traitors Legions Imperialis Adeptus Titanicus The Horus Heresy These four Strongholds will act as the hub for each of the four main Factions, and will for the 3 Month duration of the Call to Arms, run independently of the three other Strongholds. Each Stronghold may have different targets and goals, and even their own mini/complementary events, all with unique badges and achievements, but at the end of the 3 months, the four Strongholds will face off, and overall winners will be declared. Start Date: 15th JUNE 2024 End Date: 17th SEPTEMBER 2024 (Timezone will be GMT +10, please make local adjustments for time) So, how is it all going to work? As each of the Strongholds are acting (initially) as their own Events, you may choose to focus within a single Stronghold, or participate in all four Strongholds, and any complementary/mini-events that you would like to. Your Vows will be treated independently in each Stronghold, meaning a Failed Vow in one Stronghold will NOT effect Vows in the other Strongholds. Models pledged to a Stronghold must come from the army books associated with those Forums covered by each Stronghold. The exceptions to this are Titans and models from the Other Games Forum (Aeronautica, Kill Team, Necromunda), these models / units may be pledged to any Stronghold. You may join in any of the Events at any time within the 3 Month time-frame of The Call to Arms For each Stronghold, you have a MAXIMUM of 3 Vows, you must finish your active vow before pledging to a second or third vow. In addition to the three Vows, any model in the 10pt Category or higher will fit into the "Job's a Big'un" Vow, and will run separate from the 3 Vow limit and have the entirety of the 3 months to be completed. Once recorded, Vows may not be altered, however special considerations may be made upon request. There is no minimum pledge, you may vow 1 model, or your entire collection, but beware, failing your last active vow will invalidate any completed vows you may have already submitted. How do I join in? Each model has a point value based upon it's size, and the comparative amount of effort and time it takes to paint said model, listed below are are the points-per-model, more specific lists can be found in each Forums Rally Point thread, but I've added some generic examples below, 1pt Infantry 2pts Cavalry/Bikers/Heavy Weapons Teams 3pts Walkers (Dreadnaughts, Sentinals) 4pts Skimmers / Light Vehicles (Landspeeders, ATV, Armigers) 5pts Small Tanks (Leman Russ, Rhino Variants) 6pts Large Tanks (Rogal Dorn, Sicaran, Land Raider) 8pts Superheavies (Baneblades etc) 10pts Imperial Knight etc 5pts Leader and Unit Composition: 1 OR Epic Hero 10pts Primarchs NOTE: Characters with Retinue, I.E. Saint Celestine. Celestine is the EPIC HERO, and is worth 5pts, her two Sister Superiors are Seraphim, which are worth 1pt each. 20pts Warhound Titan 30pts Reaver Titan 40pts Warbringer Titan 50pts Warlord Titan Terrain 1pt 3 Munitorum Barrels, 4 Munitorum Crates, Zone Morialtis/Gallowdark Column, Octarius Ramshackle Bridges 2pts Aegis Defence Line Section, Aegis Defence Platform, Galvanic Servo-haulers, Thermic Plasma Conduit Section, Imperialis Ruins Wall Section, Zone Morialtis/Gallowdark Wall, Octarius Scrap Heap/Barricade 3pts Fronteris Vox Antenna, Fronteris Auspex Shrine, Thermo-exchanger Shrine, Octarius Oil Rig, Necromunda Fuel Tanks 4pts Munitorum Container, Mechsnicus Transterrsnic Gantry, Galvanic Servo-crane, Big'ead Bossbunka, Skull Alter, Noctilith Crown, Octarius Ramshackle Walls 5pts Tidewall Droneport, Tidewall Shieldline, Feculant Gnarlmaw, Miasmic Malignifier 6pts Fronteris Landing Pad, Mechanicus Forgeshine, Mechanicus Galvanic Magnavent 8pts Fronteris Hab Bunker, Manufactorum Administratus, 10pts Zone Morialtis Gang Stronghold Note: Custom/Scratchbuilt terrain- use this list as a guide as to how many points tour terrain is worth, but please make sure to mention your terrain is custom when Vowing. You may vow ANY MODEL that is covered by THIS STRONGHOLD, but you must allocate your points to only one FORUM. Please make your vows in this thread in the following format; "I, {insert username}, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint {insert units/models} for {xxx pts} for the Glory of {insert Forum} and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end." example; I, Grotsmasha, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 20 Legionaires, 3 Outriders, 1 Consul, and 1 Contemptor Dreadnought for 34pts for the Glory of the Emperor and the Heresy Stronghold on or before September 17th, or bear the badge of failure until year's end." The post that contains your Vow must include starting pictures that contain all the models from the Vow. Starting models may be in any of the following conditions; In the box On the Sprue Assembled Single Colour Primed For Tanks / Titans, Sub-assemblies primed in different colours will be acceptable, I.E. chassis in Leadbelcher, with armour plates in secondary colour. Additionally, you may pledge models you have not yet received I.E. Warhammer: Imperium Subscription, just make sure a image is edited in to your Vow post once you've received the models, and make a post indicating that you have done so. Your Vow is considered complete when you declare it so, and post completed pictures of all models contained within the Vow. Although "Complete" is to your own standard, we would like you to aim for GW's "Battle Ready", with the miniatures based. If basing is something you don't do, or won't be doing within the Event's timeline, please return the bases to flat black or brown as this will greatly enhance the Completed presentation. Required Completion Pictures: Please include 1 image with a complete shot of the entire Vow, I also encourage everyone to include additional images for each squad/unit in the vow, please post these within Spoiler / Hidden tags. Once you have made your vow, pop this badge of Participation into your Signature, Will there be any awards? Yes!! There will be similar Badges and Achievements available from all 3 Strongholds, Event Failed: Xenocide 10 points: Warden of the Stars 25 points Warrior of the Stars 45 points: Hero of the Stars 75 points: Champion of the Stars 100+ points: Master of the Void Artificer - Top 1, 2, and 3 best painted models from each Forum, chosen by the Moderators. Princeps - Awarded to all completed Titans Xenos Champion - Awarded to the Frater who individually paints the most points worth of models in the Xenos Stronghold Champions of the Horde - The Xenos Forum with the highest overall points worth of models Champion of the Call - The Xenos Forum that has the Highest Participation vs. Completion Percentage. As to the overall competition between the Strongholds, there will also be Badges awarded for the following; Masters of the Horde - The Stronghold that completes the highest overall points worth of models. Masters of the Call - The Stronghold that has the Highest Participation vs. Completion Percentage. Master Artificer - Voted best painted Model, chosen from the 4 Stronghold Artificers. In addition to the Badges and Achievements above, there will be additional Awards for the following 4 categories. At this stage there are no physical prizes like last year, but that *MAY* change by the end of the Event. Favourite Young Blood - This category is for Participants who have been building and/or painting models for less than 12 months. Anyone wishing to participate as A Young Blood will need to specifically declare that are are doing so within their Vows. At the conclusion of the Event all Young Blood Entries will be placed into a Poll for the B&C at large to vote on and pick a Favourite. The voting criteria for this category is not about picking the best painted model, but the model that inexplicably pulls a smile on your face, one that makes you think, damn that's cool.. Master of the Forge - Best Conversion or Kit-bash. Anyone wishing to participate for the Master of the Forge Badge and Prize will need to specifically declare that they are doing so within their Vows. Stronghold Artificer - Awarded to four Participants, one from each Stronghold for the Best Painted Model in from the Stronghold, chosen by the Frater via Poll. Grand Marshal - Individual with the Most Points of Models Painted across all Strongholds That's it, you've done it, you've made it to the end!!! If you have any questions or queries, just @Grotsmasha and I'll be more than happy to help you out, now, go on, get, don't you have models to be painting? F.A.Q.s Q- If I have models with different coloured heads or shoulder pads, can they be primed different colours IE. Black templars or Eldar Guardians? A- Yes, this is acceptable. Q- I want to paint Traitor Guard, is there a way to pledge them to Chaos? A- Yes, for the purposes of Traitor Guard, the Astra Militarum units may be pledged to Chaos. The Realm of Chaos is the most appropriate forum. Q- Are 3D prints allowed? A- Yes, as long as they are board appropriate, 3D prints can be pledged to the Call to Arms. Use the points associated with the unit they represent.
  4. The B&C Presents: The Call to Arms 2024 IMPERIUM STRONGHOLD What better way to celebrate a new edition of our favourite table-top wargame than to have a big Inter-Forum Painting Event, amiright? Time to bust out those brushes and paints and stand ready to represent your Forum/s of choice and aid them on the path to claim Victory!!!! What is The Call to Arms, I hear you ask? The Call to Arms is a multi-forum event designed to encourage us all to start a new army, or bolster our current forces. The Forums of the B&C are divided up into four Strongholds; The Imperium Stronghold Adepta Sororitas Adeptus Astartes Adeptus Mechanicus Astra Militarum Imperial Knights Talons of the Emperor The Imperium of Mankind The Chaos Stronghold Chaos Daemons Chaos Knights Heretic Astartes The Realms of Chaos The Xenos Stronghold Aeldari Drukhari Genestealer Cults Leagues of Votann Necrons Orks T'au Empire Tyranids The Heresy Stronghold Loyalists OR Traitors Legions Imperialis Adeptus Titanicus The Horus Heresy These four Strongholds will act as the hub for each of the four main Factions, and will for the 3 Month duration of the Call to Arms, run independently of the three other Strongholds. Each Stronghold may have different targets and goals, and even their own mini/complementary events, all with unique badges and achievements, but at the end of the 3 months, the four Strongholds will face off, and overall winners will be declared. Start Date: 15th JUNE 2024 End Date: 17th SEPTEMBER 2024 (Timezone will be GMT +10, please make local adjustments for time) So, how is it all going to work? As each of the Strongholds are acting (initially) as their own Events, you may choose to focus within a single Stronghold, or participate in all four Strongholds, and any complementary/mini-events that you would like to. Your Vows will be treated independently in each Stronghold, meaning a Failed Vow in one Stronghold will NOT effect Vows in the other Strongholds. Models pledged to a Stronghold must come from the army books associated with those Forums covered by each Stronghold. The exceptions to this are Titans and models from the Other Games Forum (Aeronautica, Kill Team, Necromunda), these models / units may be pledged to any Stronghold. You may join in any of the Events at any time within the 3 Month time-frame of The Call to Arms For each Stronghold, you have a MAXIMUM of 3 Vows, you must finish your active vow before pledging to a second or third vow. In addition to the three Vows, any model in the 10pt Category or higher will fit into the "Job's a Big'un" Vow, and will run separate from the 3 Vow limit and have the entirety of the 3 months to be completed. Once recorded, Vows may not be altered, however special considerations may be made upon request. There is no minimum pledge, you may vow 1 model, or your entire collection, but beware, failing your last active vow will invalidate any completed vows you may have already submitted. How do I join in? Each model has a point value based upon it's size, and the comparative amount of effort and time it takes to paint said model, listed below are are the points-per-model, more specific lists can be found in each Forums Rally Point thread, but I've added some generic examples below, 1pt Infantry 2pts Cavalry/Bikers 3pts Heavy Weapons Teams / Walkers (Dreadnaughts, Sentinals) 4pts Skimmers / Light Vehicles (Landspeeders, ATV, Armigers) 5pts Small Tanks (Leman Russ, Rhino Variants) 6pts Large Tanks (Rogal Dorn, Sicaran, Land Raider) 8pts Superheavies (Baneblades etc) 10pts Imperial Knight etc 5pts Leader and Unit Composition: 1 OR Epic Hero 10pts Primarchs NOTE: Characters with Retinue, I.E. Saint Celestine. Celestine is the EPIC HERO, and is worth 5pts, her two Sister Superiors are Seraphim, which are worth 1pt each. 20pts Warhound Titan 30pts Reaver Titan 40pts Warbringer Titan 50pts Warlord Titan Terrain 1pt 3 Munitorum Barrels, 4 Munitorum Crates, Zone Morialtis/Gallowdark Column, Octarius Ramshackle Bridges 2pts Aegis Defence Line Section, Aegis Defence Platform, Galvanic Servo-haulers, Thermic Plasma Conduit Section, Imperialis Ruins Wall Section, Zone Morialtis/Gallowdark Wall, Octarius Scrap Heap/Barricade 3pts Fronteris Vox Antenna, Fronteris Auspex Shrine, Thermo-exchanger Shrine, Octarius Oil Rig, Necromunda Fuel Tanks 4pts Munitorum Container, Mechsnicus Transterrsnic Gantry, Galvanic Servo-crane, Big'ead Bossbunka, Skull Alter, Noctilith Crown, Octarius Ramshackle Walls 5pts Tidewall Droneport, Tidewall Shieldline, Feculant Gnarlmaw, Miasmic Malignifier 6pts Fronteris Landing Pad, Mechanicus Forgeshine, Mechanicus Galvanic Magnavent 8pts Fronteris Hab Bunker, Manufactorum Administratus, 10pts Zone Morialtis Gang Stronghold Note: Custom/Scratchbuilt terrain- use this list as a guide as to how many points tour terrain is worth, but please make sure to mention your terrain is custom when Vowing. You may vow ANY MODEL that is covered by THIS STRONGHOLD, but you must allocate your points to only one FORUM. Please make your vows in this thread in the following format; "I, {insert username}, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint {insert units/models} for {xxx pts} for the Glory of {insert Forum} and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end." example; I, Grotsmasha, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 20 Legionaires, 3 Outriders, 1 Consul, and 1 Contemptor Dreadnought for 34pts for the Glory of the Emperor and the Heresy Stronghold on or before September 17th, or bear the badge of failure until year's end." The post that contains your Vow must include starting pictures that contain all the models from the Vow. Starting models may be in any of the following conditions; In the box On the Sprue Assembled Single Colour Primed For Tanks / Titans, Sub-assemblies primed in different colours will be acceptable, I.E. chassis in Leadbelcher, with armour plates in secondary colour. Additionally, you may pledge models you have not yet received I.E. Warhammer: Imperium Subscription, just make sure a image is edited in to your Vow post once you've received the models, and make a post indicating that you have done so. Your Vow is considered complete when you declare it so, and post completed pictures of all models contained within the Vow. Although "Complete" is to your own standard, we would like you to aim for GW's "Battle Ready", with the miniatures based. If basing is something you don't do, or won't be doing within the Event's timeline, please return the bases to flat black or brown as this will greatly enhance the Completed presentation. Required Completion Pictures: Please include 1 image with a complete shot of the entire Vow, I also encourage everyone to include additional images for each squad/unit in the vow, please post these within Spoiler / Hidden tags. Once you have made your vow, pop this badge of Participation into your Signature, Will there be any awards? Yes!! There will be Badges and Achievements within the Imperium Stronghold, Event Failed: Servitor 10 points: Veteran 25 points Sergeant 45 points: Lieutenant 75 points: Master 100+ points: Regent of the Imperium Artificer - Top 1, 2, or 3 best painted models from each Forum, chosen by the Moderators. Princeps - Awarded to all completed Titans Imperium Champion - Awarded to the Frater who individually paints the most points worth of models in the Imperium Stronghold Champions of the Horde - The Imperium Forum with the highest overall points worth of models Champion of the Call - The Imperium Forum that has the Highest Participation vs. Completion Percentage. As to the overall competition between the Strongholds, there will also be Badges awarded for the following; Masters of the Horde - The Stronghold that completes the highest overall points worth of models. Masters of the Call - The Stronghold that has the Highest Participation vs. Completion Percentage. Master Artificer - Voted best painted Model, chosen from the 4 Stronghold Artificers. In addition to the Badges and Achievements above, there will be additional Awards for the following 4 categories. At this stage there are no physical prizes like last year, but that *MAY* change by the end of the Event. Favourite Young Blood - This category is for Participants who have been building and/or painting models for less than 12 months. Anyone wishing to participate as A Young Blood will need to specifically declare that are are doing so within their Vows. At the conclusion of the Event all Young Blood Entries will be placed into a Poll for the B&C at large to vote on and pick a Favourite. The voting criteria for this category is not about picking the best painted model, but the model that inexplicably pulls a smile on your face, one that makes you think, damn that's cool.. Master of the Forge - Best Conversion or Kit-bash. Anyone wishing to participate for the Master of the Forge Badge and Prize will need to specifically declare that they are doing so within their Vows. Stronghold Artificer - Awarded to four Participants, one from each Stronghold for the Best Painted Model in from the Stronghold, chosen by the Frater via Poll. Grand Marshal - Individual with the Most Points of Models Painted across all Strongholds That's it, you've done it, you've made it to the end!!! If you have any questions or queries, just @Grotsmasha and I'll be more than happy to help you out, now, go on, get, don't you have models to be painting? F.A.Q.s Q- If I have models with different coloured heads or shoulder pads, can they be primed different colours IE. Black templars or Eldar Guardians? A- Yes, this is acceptable. Q- I want to paint Traitor Guard, is there a way to pledge them to Chaos? A- Yes, for the purposes of Traitor Guard, the Astra Militarum units may be pledged to Chaos. The Realm of Chaos is the most appropriate forum. Q- Are 3D prints allowed? A- Yes, as long as they are board appropriate, 3D prints can be pledged to the Call to Arms. Use the points associated with the unit they represent.
  5. Greetings Lords, Ladies, Sorcerers, Apostles, Champions, Warp Smiths, Masters, Mistresses, Princes, Princesses and Other Entities Favoured by the Warp @Grotsmasha and @Triszin are putting on a Forum wide event from the 1st July until 30th September to celebrate 10th Edition's release! The forum is split up into 3 Strongholds: Imperium, Chaos and Xenos with all 3 factions competing against one another to paint the most in the 3 months time limit. There will be a Central hub thread for each of the Strongholds in the WIP Section which I will link once it's live. We can use thread to cross post in and track/give motivation to those participating. Check out the full rules here If you've got any questions, give one of the Mods a shout!
  6. Greetings Lords, Ladies, Sorcerers, Apostles, Champions, Warp Smiths, Masters, Mistresses, Princes, Princesses and Other Entities Favoured by the Warp @Grotsmasha and @Triszin are putting on a Forum wide event from the 1st July until 30th September to celebrate 10th Edition's release! The forum is split up into 3 Strongholds: Imperium, Chaos and Xenos with all 3 factions competing against one another to paint the most in the 3 months time limit. There will be a Central hub thread for each of the Strongholds in the WIP Section which I will link once it's live. We can use thread to cross post in and track/give motivation to those participating. Check out the full rules here If you've got any questions, give one of the Mods a shout!
  7. Well, it's over. Took a week longer but.. My Call to Arms Vow is complete! A few closer looks... Yup, still haven't fixed that Barbagaunts Of course, the Parasite of Motrex was just sitting there, begging to be let in on the fun. So here it is, my full Tyranid swarm (was worth over 900pts but now has dropped below this.. Thanks GW! ) For even better pictures look at the included galleries. These past few weeks have been eye opening for me and for what I can accomplish. It also was the realisation of a goal I had over 20 years ago but never did back then: a painted Tyranid army. What was once a pile of grey plastic, is now a hungry swarm, wanting to consume as much biomass as possible! To say I've had a blast would be an under statement. Till next time, Keep on hobbying!
  8. I wanted to show you a completed vow this week. I wanted to show you my swarm as it stood at the moment but alas, I can't. Why not? I ran out of Valhallan Blizzard! So, guess those pictures will be up next week. However, I'm pleased to say that all the bases are now Ice Blue! Termagaunts and Rippers Neurogaunts At least I got something done. Non-nid related though, I've gone back to my Bladeguard and got them all shaded, and I've started re-layering the blue. It's funny going back to the Ultramarines, as I could the Tyranids a vastly different experience with how quick I was able to get them painted. Till next time, Keep on hobbying!
  9. Well I did it. Last Saturday, I posted this picture of the Screamer Killer: Then, a few days later... And now... The Screamer-Killer was the model I was most looking forward to painting on the Tyranids side of Leviathan. I was a little nervous, as while the others had painted up well (see the attached gallery), this guy was bigger. I've also had some trouble recently with my drybrushing, in that I wasn't getting consistency with the amount of paint on my brush. The large carapace on the back was a prime target for mucking up. Luckily it didn't turn out too badly. From several comments, it seems that my decision to do the white teeth and tongue (white scar and Screamer Pink respectively, followed by nuln oil) has added to the figures, which was a relief. While the Ice Storm was out, I sorted the base rim out on a few other units, resulting in these boys being completed (and added to the gallery): All thats left with the white rims is 9 Termagaunts and 8 Neurogaunts. I expect these to be changed within the week. What does this mean for the blog? Well, next week will be another Call to Arms piece as the Vow won't be complete till they're all based! Of course, I'm thinking ahead about a 2nd Vow but it would all depend on other factors... Otherwise, it's time for the Ultramarines to take centre stage as my Bladeguard have been sitting patiently, waiting to be finished...alongside a lot of other minis! Call to Arms Statistics 47/47 Given what I said above, you weren't expecting anything less were you? Of course, there is 5 figures left to base. Till next time, Keep on hobbying!
  10. These weeks are flying by it seems... No rest for the wicked! This week was a marked change of pace, not least because I didn't get many painting sessions in. Like the Winged Prime last week, this past few days belonged to a single model... The Psychophage! At this point, all it had was Ork Flesh, Dark Angels Green and Leviathan Purple on it (all contrast paints, all a godsend for a scheme like this). The patchiness aside, things look OK already! What it needed, was details! A dead space marine's arm and a mouth filled with more teeth than the osmond family (virtual cookie to anyone who got that refrence). With details done, it was off to the last step. You know what it is...Drybrushing time! An alternative angle: Aside from the usual (moot green/ White Scar + Moot Green etc etc) I also attempted to get a nice fade to black going with the smoke, drybrushing with Dawnstone, then manufactorum grey before a last going over with Abaddon black. I may have over did it with the black. As I had Ice Storm out for the base, I took the opportunity to redo some of the other base rims, getting them to match the new style. You can see some of these in the gallery linked to this post. Some that I did, you'll get to see next week when everything will (hopefully) be based. With the Psychophage done, let's have a look at the stats: 46/47 One model left to do...Wonder who that could be? See you next week to see how he turns out! Till then, Keep on hobbying!
  11. Week 6 of Call to Arms has come and gone, and if my maths is correct, this is the half way point! This week I technically didn't get that much painting done, but I finished stuff, like these Von Ryan's Leapers: I tried to have a transition going on with the top most scything talons, and it sort of worked, well, worked enough that I set about trying it again on this fella: Can't see it at this angle but I darkened (with extra layers of Leviathan purple) the points of its claws, the edge of it'd knife horn, and the tops of its spine ridges. A session, some syabrite green (I keep spelling that wrong), and a helping of Nuln Oil later, I had this: Around about this time, I did a small test to find the new base rim colour I was going to use following several helpful comments. The choice was between Administratum Grey and Arky Painter's Ice Storn, the one I went with was... Ice Storm. Its really effective at catching your eye and goes well with the rest of the colours. Then it came to Friday, and I got my basing groove on. Barbagaunts Termagaunts I've started the long process of changing base rims over to the new colour, a little work here and there. Call to Arms stats: 45*/47 miniatures painted *3 aren't based yet, and that is the Von Ryan's Leapers. I suspect they'll be finished with the Screamer-Killer and psychophage. So close to finishing now, so close in fact that I've already been thinking about what to paint afterwards! That will be a topic for another time. Till next time, Keep on hobbying!
  12. A quick update this week! Last week was spent working on batches of Termagaunts and a couple of Barbagaunts, and this week....I spent working on the last batches of Termagaunts and Barbagaunts! The 3rd batch begins: By now, everything is running like clockwork on these, so within a day, I had them at this point: and then the 4th batch from here: to here: By the end, It took me two sessions (roughly 1 hour a session) to get one batch done (5 Termagaunts and 1 Barbagaunt). If you're wondering why there is no group shots of them all together, that would be because I didn't get any basing done this week so hopefully next week I can get the full 20 Termagaunts up here in their glory. Same for the Barbagaunts. What else did I do this week? Well, last week I actually got a game in! It was only a 750 pts a side game against my sons blood angels and most of my units performed really well (the Von Ryan's Leapers were men- Err things! Of the match). My Winged prime however, didn't do so hot. In fact, he landed like a wet squid and failed to do anything. As I look to the future, it's not looking like he'll have a place in the army list unless something changes (like shrikes). Other than that, I started these 3 bad things: an hour and a half to do 3 lots of purple armour! Lets hope it was worth it! My Call to Arms total then is as follows: 41*/47 The end is in sight! * okay, 12 of them aren't based but you know, the main painting work is done. Till next week, Keep hobbying!
  13. Week 4 has come and gone, so what did I do? Paint gaunts. It took one session to complete the 1st batch (of 5 Termagaunts and 1 Barbagaunt) from where I left them last week: So with reckless abandon, I started the next batch straight away There was nothing new that happened with the 2nd batch other than deciding to do two Barbagaunts now instead of later. I spent a lot of time going around and fixing mistakes where I found them, trying to eradicate white gaps in the green flesh. Eventually though (after 3 tedious sessions), I got them complete as well. I want to point out here about the white base, specifically the rims of the base. Given that I was going with a snowy theme, I thought it made sense to go white. Little did I realise how much of a headache it was going to be. I've been using white scar as Mt go to white for a little while, finding it superior to Crovax White as that one was a chalky mess. The colour though is very transparent, and that's before it's thinned down. Given that, I wanted to look at an easier way to do it. I tried Army Painter Lawful White (and ran into the exact same problem). Then I tried store brand paint (in this case Wilkinsons) and found it even worse. Until I can get a different brand White again, I'm stuck using 4-6 layers of White Scar. Friday came, and with it... Basing. That's 10 Termagaunts and 3 Barbgaunts based which brings the Call to Arms total to: 29/47 I'm officially half way through! Next weeks update will probably be a short one as I've still got plenty of gaunts to get through! Till then, Keep on hobbying!
  14. Another week gone, another week bites the dust! You get the idea... In some sense, I didn't get too much done, but in another, I got a bit done! From my last blog post, I started the week by continuing with the Neurogaunts and Ripper Swarms: At this point, all their base colours were done, which meant time for fun with drybrushing! Here, I pressed ahead with the Ripper swarm and got them finished. The Neurogaunts also had their flesh drybrushed like the Neurotyrant before them, though I added an extra stage here where I mixed more White Scar in. Didn't quite go the way I planned in my head but that's life! Seeing that the finish line was close for these gaunts, I pressed forward! Heres the completed Neurogaunts, standing proud, despite their likely hood of being used on the tabletop being quite low at the moment. Having them done meant I could turn my attention to the Termagaunts. I decided on a different approach with these guys, in order to preserve what little sanity I had left, I moved to paint them in small batches of 5...and I threw in a Barbagaunt for good measure! Wasn't long before they were at the drybrush stage as well! I added a new shade of green to the mix here to help differentiate the normal flesh from the guns. I used Dark Angels Contrast for this task, and it appears to do the trick. Of course, the biggest news this week? I got things based! Neurotyrant (and Neuroloids) Ripper Swarms Neurogaunts I can officially say that I've now fully completed 16/47 miniatures! With any luck, I might be able to push that to 28 by next Saturday...wish me luck! I'm hopefully taking better pictures of the completed units this week, and I'll add them to the Tyranid gallery. Till then, Keep hobbying!
  15. Week 2 as come and gone! While I'm aware that this blog is going up later than it should, I'm still covering the same time scale, and I'll promise to do better next week! Anyhow... When I left it last time, I'd done the task of covering every flesh with Ork Flesh (and knocking it over in the process) while also starting on the neuroloids. I promised a Neurotyrant afterwards, and here we go: The aethermatic blue came to the rescue again and I also put colours on the base (including the poor space marine who lost his body at some point. I also used white scar on the teeth, followed up by a coat of nuln oil. As I was going for a unit by unit approach, it meant I could go to the next step for this three, bring on the drybrushing! My drybrushing recipe is simple. For the flesh, it's a go over with moot green, going pretty heavy with it. After that, I mix some white scar in there, approx a 3:1. Usually, that's enough but looking at some figures ahead, I'll probably go further by adding in more white scar. The purple parts is actually the same except instead of moot green, I use (rather fittingly) Genestealer Purple. These new tyranids are made for drybrushing, the texture on them catches the brush at the right points and it looks great. The brains, I was initially going to leave, but in the end, with the white scar still out, I gave them a drybrush on the top most part of the brain. It's subtle in the pictures but more noticeable in person. All that's left now is basing, which is what I'm hopefully doing this soon, taking these three and this next squad I'm about to talk about. The Neurogaunts, the purple on these seemed to take forever, and while it probably didn't help that I added the Ripper swarms, the amount of time it took to get these done was a bit much...Knocking over the Leviathan Purple over twice (twice in one session!) added some salt into the wound. As of the Friday (the day I'm using as the cut off for these blog posts) this was the state of things: I gave the rippers some tongues using Screamer pink, and I had to keep going back in to what I'd done with the Neurogaunts as I noticed gaps of undercoat everywhere. It drove me mental. Goals for week 3? Neurogaunts done. Neuroloids, Neurotyrant and Neurogaunts based Termagaunts started. I'm going after the Termagaunts in blocks of ten, but I may revise that given how much of a pain the Neurogaunts were. We'll see. Till next week, Keep hobbying!
  16. Last week, like many of the people here, I embarked on the Call to Arms forum event, (perhaps foolishly) vowing to paint the Tyranid half of the Leviathan box. This is 47 miniatures in 3 months...easy right? Let's see how I got on... The painting started on Saturday night as I drybrushed all the models with White Scar, this didn't take too long and I was set up to move to stage 2 of my process, the green flesh. I use Ork Flesh Contrast paint here: This was the first batch painted, and as the week progressed, more and more were done. So stage 2 is done...and I think I'm going to be focusing on squad level from here on out...as seen with these two: I used Leviathan purple contrast for the bone/armour and aethermatic blue for their brains, which worked out well. End of this week, I'm hoping to have these two ready for basing with the Neurotyrant on his way at the very least. Let's see if I make it that far! Till then, Keep on hobbying!
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