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Found 22 results

  1. Greetings Lords, Ladies, Sorcerers, Apostles, Champions, Warp Smiths, Masters, Mistresses, Princes, Princesses and Other Entities Favoured by the Warp @Grotsmasha and @Triszin are putting on a Forum wide event from the 1st July until 30th September to celebrate 10th Edition's release! The forum is split up into 3 Strongholds: Imperium, Chaos and Xenos with all 3 factions competing against one another to paint the most in the 3 months time limit. There will be a Central hub thread for each of the Strongholds in the WIP Section which I will link once it's live. We can use thread to cross post in and track/give motivation to those participating. Check out the full rules here If you've got any questions, give one of the Mods a shout!
  2. Greetings Lords, Ladies, Sorcerers, Apostles, Champions, Warp Smiths, Masters, Mistresses, Princes, Princesses and Other Entities Favoured by the Warp @Grotsmasha and @Triszin are putting on a Forum wide event from the 1st July until 30th September to celebrate 10th Edition's release! The forum is split up into 3 Strongholds: Imperium, Chaos and Xenos with all 3 factions competing against one another to paint the most in the 3 months time limit. There will be a Central hub thread for each of the Strongholds in the WIP Section which I will link once it's live. We can use thread to cross post in and track/give motivation to those participating. Check out the full rules here If you've got any questions, give one of the Mods a shout!
  3. As a whole, I am not satisfied with the rules for 10th edition. I still don't want to go into a rant about why, but the TL;DR is that I'm less interested in this edition of the game I've been playing for 20 years then I have at any other edition launch. But I am still interested in putting my painted models on a table and rolling dice. So instead of trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, I figure that the healthiest thing to do is to approach my hobby from a different point of view. So, I'm thinking, why not go all in on Competitive 40k? The way I see it is that the streamlining efforts they've made this edition might have removed the theme and character of the wargame I enjoyed so much but maybe to the benefit of the actual gameplay. If I can be less invested into fielding the army I want to play, and instead focus on enjoying the game I get to play, maybe I'll be able to find a similar level of enjoyment. This is a long way of saying that instead of attending tournaments just to play, I'm going to try and win the games. Not that I didn't play to win before, but I've never been focused on achieving that result. Now I'm going to practice, tinker, optimize, and improve. I've never won a tournament, so that'll be a easy-to-define goal: win an RTT. But it also means attending more tournaments, including more GTs and Majors than I ever have. I also see some hobby benefits to this: I'm going to have to add new units to my collection at a greater rate, to keep up with shifting metas I'm going to have to paint faster, to get those new units on the table in a meaningful amount of time. I'm going to meet more people, play more armies, attend more events, and just be involved in the community more I'll be starting with my Orks. Not only is that collection bigger and more robust, but I just like their rules more than Sororitas, who seem a little disjointed. But as the edition goes on, I'll be open to switching factions, should codices/updates/metas dictate that I'd be better with the Sisters. Or even Necrons. I don't plan to FotM faction-hop, as I'm still a painter first, but I'll be open to other options. So, the current list I'm thinking of opening with is: Comp v1.1 (1995 points) Orks Strike Force (2000 points) Waaagh! Tribe CHARACTER Beastboss (80 points) • 1x Beast Snagga klaw 1x Beastchoppa 1x Shoota Beastboss on Squigosaur (185 points) • 1x Beastchoppa 1x Slugga 1x Squigosaur’s jaws • Enhancement: Headwoppa’s Killchoppa Mozrog Skragbad (195 points) • Warlord • 1x Big Chompa’s jaws 1x Gutrippa 1x Thump gun Warboss (95 points) • 1x Attack squig 1x Kombi-weapon 1x Power klaw 1x Twin slugga • Enhancement: Follow Me Ladz BATTLELINE Beast Snagga Boyz (105 points) • 1x Beast Snagga Nob • 1x Power snappa 1x Slugga • 9x Beast Snagga Boy • 9x Choppa 9x Slugga Beast Snagga Boyz (105 points) • 1x Beast Snagga Nob • 1x Power snappa 1x Slugga • 9x Beast Snagga Boy • 9x Choppa 9x Slugga Boyz (85 points) • 1x Boss Nob • 1x Power klaw 1x Slugga • 9x Boy • 8x Choppa 1x Close combat weapon 1x Rokkit launcha 8x Slugga DEDICATED TRANSPORT Trukk (50 points) • 1x Big shoota 1x Spiked wheels 1x Wreckin’ ball Trukk (50 points) • 1x Big shoota 1x Spiked wheels 1x Wreckin’ ball Trukk (50 points) • 1x Big shoota 1x Spiked wheels 1x Wreckin’ ball Trukk (50 points) • 1x Big shoota 1x Spiked wheels 1x Wreckin’ ball OTHER DATASHEETS Deffkoptas (115 points) • 3x Kopta rokkits 3x Slugga 3x Spinnin’ blades Deffkoptas (115 points) • 3x Kopta rokkits 3x Slugga 3x Spinnin’ blades Gretchin (45 points) • 1x Runtherd • 1x Grot-smacka 1x Slugga • 10x Gretchin • 10x Close combat weapon 10x Grot blasta Gretchin (45 points) • 1x Runtherd • 1x Grot-smacka 1x Slugga • 10x Gretchin • 10x Close combat weapon 10x Grot blasta Gretchin (45 points) • 1x Runtherd • 1x Grot-smacka 1x Slugga • 10x Gretchin • 10x Close combat weapon 10x Grot blasta Nobz (230 points) • 1x Boss Nob • 1x Power klaw 1x Slugga • 9x Nob • 9x Power klaw 9x Slugga Squighog Boyz (110 points) • 3x Saddlegit weapons 3x Squighog jaws and saddlegits 3x Stikka Squighog Boyz (110 points) • 3x Saddlegit weapons 3x Squighog jaws and saddlegits 3x Stikka Stormboyz (65 points) • 1x Boss Nob • 1x Power klaw 1x Slugga • 4x Stormboy • 4x Choppa 4x Slugga Stormboyz (65 points) • 1x Boss Nob • 1x Power klaw 1x Slugga • 4x Stormboy • 4x Choppa 4x Slugga The list largely focuses on scoring points over battering the opponent. The two beastbosees, Mozrog, and the Warboss with Nobz are certainly deadly units, but it'll mostly be about bullying the opponent off the primary for the first several turns and then trying to outlast them to the end. I've got a few games already lined up this week to start practicing the list with, with my first "event" being the local summer league starting in a couple of weeks. So expect lots of updates about this journey. Maybe I won't enjoy it, getting burned out on the relentless pursuit of improvement. But I have a feeling this is going to be huge for me, something I'll genuinely enjoy.
  4. Hey everyone, So I'm a huge fan of the Luna Wolves and the Black Legion. But I was reading through the Legion Focus: Renegades post and something clicked. With multiple detachments being able to be selected we can now build our lists around the best aspects of all legions. Interesting Synergies: Legion: Alpha Legion 1) Nurgle Sorcerer - & HS - Havoc Squad - Mark of Nurgle (-2 to hit the havocs and you wrap the sorcerer up inside the havocs) Legion: Renegade 1) CSM x20 with Chainswords - Mark of Khorne (Khorne Stratagem) Legion: Word Bearers 1) Dark Apostile & TROOP - Cultists Legion: Iron Warriors 1) Slaanesh Sorcerer + Slaanesh Havoc/Noise Marines/Terminators (Double Tap) ----------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ----------------------------------------------------- Some of these may seem simple and easy to spot but keep in mind that everyone is looking at this codex with different experiences. So lets share what we see. I'll add everything to this first post for ease of access. Anyway what combos have you guys thought up yet? I'll be updating this first post nightly. Still working on the editing. I'll be getting it all setup by the weekend at the latest. I want to make sure it is clear and easy to navigate. I'm thinking about something like below... Legion: Alpha Legion Nurgle Suggestions Slaanesh Suggestions Tzeentch Suggestions Khorne Suggestions
  5. Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or Legion. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A devastator lascannon marine who took out three tanks? A Sister of Silence who did the enemy commander in? A Sergeant who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
  6. Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, brood or hive fleet. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A carnifex who took out three tanks? A termigant who did the enemy commander in? A genestealer who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
  7. Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or Sept. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A Fire Warrior who took out three tanks? A Kroot who did the enemy commander in? A Broadside who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS Triszin - the 4th expansion sphere, and a breakaway lost in space group from that
  8. Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or Clan. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A Nob who took out three tanks? A snotting who did the enemy commander in? A gretchin who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
  9. Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or Dynasty. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A Immortal who took out three tanks? A Necron who did the enemy commander in? A Lord who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
  10. Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or craftworld. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A dire avenger who took out three tanks? A grotesque who did the enemy commander in? A harlequin who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
  11. Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or Regiment. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly guardsman or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A lascannon team who took out three tanks? A cultist who did the enemy commander in? A Sergeant who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS TheEyeOfNight - Colonel Cross of the 7734th Traitoris Militarum
  12. Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, or group of Deamons. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A Bloodletter who took out three tanks? The Changling got into the head of the Enemy Commander? A Daemonette who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
  13. Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or Legion. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly cultist or a Aspiring Champion. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A Havoc who took out three tanks? A Plague Marine who did the enemy commander in? An Obiterator who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS ​Res Ipsa Loquitur - Leonid Aleksandrovich 'Bolshoyestvol' Komarov - Story Swarmlord Unleashed - former Dusk Raiders 18th Assault Company with their Primaris descendants. Warpmiss - the meeting of the Iron Warriors warband, the Iron Flesh, with the Death Guard warband, the Blighted Children.
  14. Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, Kill Team or Ordos. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly henchman or an Assassin. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A Death Cult Assassin who took out three tanks? An assassin who did the enemy commander in? An Inquisitor who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS Arkhan - Lord Inquisitor Arkhan of the Ordo Xenos
  15. Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or Regiment. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A lascannon team who took out three tanks? A rogue shot that did the enemy commander in? A commissar who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
  16. Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a knight, squad or house. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly engineer or a Knight. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A Skitarii who took out three tanks? An extreme range shot who did the enemy commander in? A knight who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
  17. Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or chapter. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A devastator lascannon marine who took out three tanks? A scout sniper who did the enemy commander in? A chaplain who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
  18. Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or chapter. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A devastator lascannon marine who took out three tanks? A scout sniper who did the enemy commander in? A chaplain who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
  19. Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or chapter. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A devastator lascannon marine who took out three tanks? A scout sniper who did the enemy commander in? A chaplain who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
  20. Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or chapter. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A devastator lascannon marine who took out three tanks? A scout sniper who did the enemy commander in? A chaplain who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS Brother Sergeant Luther - First Consecrators - Story Chmur - Brother-Lieutenant Lahore and the First Battle for Stehmahr III
  21. Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or chapter. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A devastator lascannon marine who took out three tanks? A scout sniper who did the enemy commander in? A chaplain who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS Schlitzaf - Historian Belli - Complete Story
  22. Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or chapter. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas A narrative of a squad or individual marine’s performance in battle (from one of your games). A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. Fleshing out a story in the History of the chapter (The Fall of Gideon - Master of the Ravenwing, The Subterfuge of Supreme Grand Master Anaziel and the creation of the Disciples of Caliban, etc…) A story about one of the Heroes of the chapter (Asmodai’s First Black Pearl, The Fall and Rise of Ezekiel, etc…) The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Deathwing Sergeant. Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A devastator lascannon marine who took out three tanks? A scout sniper who did the enemy commander in? A chaplain who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila Luther's your traitor!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments A Narrative Shift A Hero's Fall A Progenitor's Judgement The Final Days A Breaking Point A Red Alliance A Bond Of Blood A Derivative Original An Unshaken Faith A House Divided A World Burns Of Different Blood A Different Time An Unexpected Battlefield A Sudden Change Where Were You Re-Evaluating Interests A Galaxy of Possibilities New Blood Up to Chance OATH BEARERS Iron Father Ferrum - Iron Captain Tyrrod Tekton Damo1701 - Strike Force Korvyn, of the Raven Guard (M31) HCMistborn - Captain Einer Blackmane and Knight Squad Avalon Claws and Effect - Fire Raptor called Wraithwind of the Raven Guard Chapter Schlitzaf - Marshall Iuris and his twin Castellan Geof of the Black Templar Dalthus Crusade - Story
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