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  1. Hello everyone, First topic for me, i would like to share my dark angels with you. Let me know what you think. My first five men. More marines are coming
  2. I think I wound up painting 3 different armies last year so having different threads seemed a bit much. Current armies are: Chaos Space Marines, paint and play Chaos Knights, paint and play Dark Angels, paint and ebay (i didnt really like the playstyle) It's been a long time since I've updated anyways, so this will help to keep me disciplined on progress beyond just the annual paint challenge.
  3. Welcome to the start of a project I’ve been brewing for the past 3 years in the back of my mind. This project is an attempt to bring the Visage of the Visions of Heresy 1st Legion to the tabletop. Above is my first proof of concept images, a decade ago when I first joined the Bolter and Chainsword I was an avid Horus Heresy Fan and was always rushing any ideas I had without taking time to really indulge my creativity, this time after a massive Hiatus I decided to look back on my fondest memories of the hobby and bring something from my childhood into the community, my beloved First Legion and Sons of the Lion. I welcome you to join me on this adventure of recreating a beloved army and concept of the angels of Death and the emperors first. We will be diving into Abrahamic lore and naming conventions and going to be setting many rules for the project in order to expand my potential and force me to learn new skills. Till the next update…
  4. Hi, Since getting into a bit of mini photography lately, and inspired post FAQ to abandon thoughts of other armies in the near future, I've decided to spruce up my mechanized 3rd company and some suppporting units. I will try to touch up and repaint where necessary a new unit every week or so, these first ones took last week to touch up and highlight. I am unsure about the new green highlights and may change them to a lighter shade, in photos they still look very dark. First up for viewing, Master Ramiel and his command squad: Ramiel himself; I am wondering about adding detail to his shoulders. EDIT: ON MIGRATION TO THE NEW SITE MANY PICS GOT STRETCHED, CLICK ON THEM FOR A PROPER VIEW. His command squad; And together with their ride; C and C welcome, should I change the highlights etc? HUGE EDIT: Thought I'd add my Completed Pics to the First post because this thread is getting long. Stobz
  5. Well, its certainly been a hot minute this time hasn't it. I'm not really sure where 2024 went but I didn't get an awful lot done last year, and I'm determined to do things better this time! Last year I progressed a bit more with the Leviathan boxset, and by year's end had just eleven space marines left to do. Which sounds good until you consider that in my last post that number was eighteen and that the space marine contingent started off at twenty four. Yeah, I didn't hobby well. There's a lot of reasons I could give as to why this was the case but it doesn't change the fact that it happened. That's why I want to try and do better this year. To that end, I'm looking at setting myself some challenges. These will be aimed to either do something I've not done ever while also tackling my pile of potential. Let's dive in to it shall we: First challenge: Complete Leviathan Yes, a hold over from last year. This one should be obvious yet the most easiest as all that's left is to finish the Sternguard Veterans and the last five Infernus Marines. The Sternguard are currently at this stage- They've been base coated, washed, had the blue, white relayered. The Sargent has even had further work with his tabard and helmet getting cleaned up. The Infernus Marines are blue, not much to say there. With that in mind, I'm wanting to try something that was suggested to me in the Forums, that of barrel drilling! I've loaned a small drill for a different task (more on that one in a bit), just need to see if I've got the right size bits. Of all the challenges I've got planned, this is the one giving me pause. Had I done this before undercoating anything, I think it'd be easier to get my head around on doing. The second challenge is probably the hardest painting wise. Simply put, I'm painting a Primarch. Lion'el Johnson to be precise, and I'm not just doing it once, I'm doing it twice. See, I got him as part of my desire to collect loyalist primarchs (pretty easy since there is only two of them so far!) However my son also wanted and got him as part of his dark angels army. Benefit here is that in keeping with the rest of his army, he wants winged helmet, while I'm going bare head all the way. Once they're done, my aim is to paint Dark Angels till July comes around. Third Challenge...is a presumption on my part, that there's going to be another Call to Arms event. If there is, it's bug time once again. I've been slowly expanding my Tyranids with 9 more Leapers, a full brood of Hormagaunts and a Hive Tyrant. The Hive Tyrant is the reason I got the drill. Someone at my FLGS suggested that by magnetising all the weapon options and wings, and using the Winged Tyrant legs and tail, that I could have my cake and eat it. I would have a modular Hive Tyrant that could serve as a normal one, a winged one and the Swarmlord if I also do the head (if I can). My original option was just to buy a torso piece from somewhere and have two Hive Tyrants...May still do that, comments are welcome! I'm still tempted to grab a few more bugs to add to the pile maybe a Tyrannofex or a Biovore, maybe one of the new Lictors. Got six months to figure out what I want! After September...depends on how things turn out GW release schedule wise. If a certain faction of Space Marine is released, my nids will finally have their true base rivals (i like to base my armies in opposing pairs, Ultramarines vs Necron, Tyranids vs...well, let's see). Though GW may not get much more money out of me due to another company entering the tabletop market with a franchise I love, I'm sure there's plenty of painting in my future. My plan is to update the blog whenever I hit a milestone (like finishing these bloody Sternguard for instance!) Till next time! (Will hopefully not be another year!)
  6. Greetings ladies and gentlemen, It's been many a moon since I've posted something on here, almost 15 years or so. Uncle Sam and real life have kept me from pretty much playing any 40k since the end of 2nd edition/start of 3rd edition. That being said I've always had opportunity to swing back by the Rock and get inspired by the myriad of awesome painting, story telling, and modeling this community presents. My son is old enough to where he has shown an interest in war gaming and so, him and I being WW2 buffs, picked up a set of US and German paras to put together and paint. While at the local game store I came across the new primaris Dark Angel character. I know feelings are mixed when it comes to these new upstarts...I still have 200+ Marines and vehicles in foam lined boxes. However, you have to admit these new models are really nice and detailed. So I picked one up with the hopes of using him in some sort of board game or even this new kill-team game. I was a bit nervous, $30 on one single guy, is a bit of money to invest in a little plastic dude. I really wanted this guy to look good but the problem was that I hadn't painted a darn mini since my break from playing the game. So I looked at lots of videos, lots of advice from this board, and I can honestly say this guy turned out to be my best work. He took a BLEEP ton of time but I'm glad I took it nice and slow. He still is not quite done yet as I'm gonna try and pull off a white marble effect on his right shoulder pad and place a decal there before sealing him with some flat sealer. I would appreciate any comments, suggestions and advice concerning this guy right here. As a side note, I'm not a fan of these new wanna be MK4 helms or skull motifs. Beakies for the win. I tried to emulate the excellent tutorial by Sekhmet in his thread. Thank you! Work in progress. Trying out this new contrast. Also, white paint...ugh. More WIP. Also attempted to do a fancy sword blending technique I found online for something non traditional. Really happy how these wings came out. Was inspired by Lostrael's white/blue technique. Thank you! Some better (?) lighting pic. Still some work to fix some smudges. Actually managed to get some legible script on the shoulder pad. Pretty darn happy with this. So thanks for having a looksy. Looking forward to any advice from all of you. Edited for grammar.
  7. As said in my vow on the ETL thread http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...2368&st=175 I am vowing a 5-man Assault Squad with a Rhino (Power fist, 3 Plasma pistols, Combat shield, Meltabomb, Pintle-mounted Storm bolter and Hunter-killer missile,) and a Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought (Heavy Conversion Beamer, Graviton Gun, Extra Armor, Searchlight, Carapace-mounted Cyclone Missile Launcher and Targeting Augury, from IA: Apocalypse 2nd Edition pages 24-25,) from Codex: Dark Angels of total value 526 points I will update later with a full break down if it is needed (let me know if it's needed.) Here are 3 pics of the units. Edit - I deleted links as Photobucket sucks!!! Sadly lost the three photos...
  8. I just found this animated "short" (More or 50 minutes long) created by Gabriel Christtiane, call The Awakening. A group of Dark Angels try to stop a massive Necron awakening in an imperial world,with a surgical strike. Enjoy!
  9. Greetings! Long time lurker of this part of the forum. I have my lair in the Dark Angel-section, but I've been working on various projects unrelated to them. Since I'm not interested to keep making new threads for every new faction I delve into, I'll concentrate them all in this place. Expect projects on Dark Angels, Consecrators, Goliaths (Necromunda), Guardsmen (KT) and some Imperial Knights (for fun). More projects depend on how bad my self control is. Since it's the start of a new thread, some pictures of the current collection are in order. I'll post them up when I get the chance to make some pictures. I'm a mediocore painter and a terrible photographer, so please don't be too harsh First up, the lads who started it all. I haven't painted Dark Angels for years. My side project of the Consecrators grew out to become my main project, dwarfing my current force of the Green Lads. They're still in my collection as extra's, but they're more or less finished, since I have no intention to paint more Dark Angels. My very first model! All of the Greenwing. And my Deathwing More to come!
  10. Brothers and Sisters of the Rock, the day has finally come to make my glorious return to the hobby! I haven’t built a model since I think 2000-2001? And I haven’t played a game since 5th edition came out. I have read books, lurked forums, and my interest is always high, but for financial and family reasons it hasn’t been something I have a lot of time for, until now! This topic will serve as my build log and painting showcase. There are so many talented and experienced builders and painters here that I’m not looking to wow you all with my skills, but I do like to get feedback, share ideas, and keep myself motivated. Comments are always appreciated.
  11. After seeing and lurking in Dragonlover's thread on lurking I though I'd try and motivate myself to start posting more, even if it's just a small update in this thread. So the main aim will be to show the progress as I paint my Loyalist Emperor's Children. Which will hopefully also stop me from getting distracted by other projects on hold. But we'll see how long I last with just the one. So onto a couple pictures. First up is my Leviathan I completed a couple months ago. I know it's not 'new' but it shows what is complete for the project so far. There is also some infantry but after trying Retributor Gold they've been moved back onto the paint table to be updated. I've also recently completed my Loyal Son the Praetor for the Legion. I couldn't resist the new Blood Angel Praetor, and thought, if the Blood Angels can use our Palatine blades, I'm going to claim the Praetors So what's currently receiving paint which shouldn't take too long to appear is the updated and expanded first Palatine, and Tactical Squad supporting a Primus Medicae. Then onto lots of support marines, while doing everything I can to avoid painting Drop Pods. So, back to lurking while painting.
  12. I decided to paint a mini in a day and am pretty pleased with the results (not yet assembled though!)
  13. Ok people, I’m taking the plunge and I’m going to build an HH Dark Angels force. I have recently read Descent of Angels and now I’m hooked. Also imo Lion’el Johnson is the best Primarch model. Before I get too carried away I’m thinking of painting them black, green and bone rather than the usual black and red. (I’m currently working on a Black Templars project so I’d like there to be some differentiation between the two armies) So is there any lore reason I can’t use the traditional palette on my 30k Dark Angels? Any help would be appreciated.
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