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Deathwatch: Murderers in Black So, basically I was brainstorming for a new story to write, and I came up with a fairly vague idea for a Deathwatch-based murder mystery style novel/novella. I did a bit more work to create an outline, but then I realised… …we haven't got a 'proper' DW game in the PBP at the moment!* So I wondered if maybe it would be more fun to use the idea as a starting point for a oneshot DW RPG adventure? *A Time of Reaving is obviously DW-based in rules, but not setting, and Blackthorn/Swordhand hasn't played since early 2022, if you can believe that - almost 2 years! This game would be your typical DW fare, with plenty of xeno-killing, but hopefully with a bit more to the plot as well, with an edge of intrigue and investigation to keep things interesting! I'm not quite sure how it would work in terms of whether the story would develop along the same lines that I had originally imagined, or if it would go off in a completely different direction, but I think it would be interesting to try it out? Even with Vulgar Display now on hold, there is plenty currently happening with Archaeotech 2 and Time of Reaving (and then Silent Architect still to come) so I might hold it back for a while? But I figured it couldn't hurt to see if anyone thinks the idea is interesting enough for me to start developing a few bits in the background? So, does anyone fancy a bit of DW?
Deathwatch: Murderers in Black Act 1: Lucifer's Chosen. Scene 1. The Replacements. Over the course of days and weeks, you each arrive at the looming gates of the Inquisitorial Fortress on Alucar IV. The Alucar system lies only a handful of light years from the border drawn between the Segmenta Obscurus and Pacificus, located towards the rimward end of that invisible boundary line. Depending on the position and inclination of Alucar IV relative to its weak sun, at some points in the local year the night sky would be filled with stars beyond numbering, and one could gaze coreward into the blazing heart of the great and mighty Imperium. Sadly, this wonderful display will not be visible for many months. When you arrive, those same skies are empty by comparison, with only a few ghostly pinpricks of light piercing the darkness. You instead stare outwards, into the western reaches of the Halo Stars and the infinite abyss beyond. Alucar IV is a cold, mountainous world, with an atmosphere thin enough to be largely inimical to human life. This is just as the Most Holy Inquisition prefers, enabling their forces in this part of the galaxy to gather or to act without drawing the attention of prying eyes. Their fortress here, known colloquially by its inhabitants as the Bulwark, is a relatively small bastion when compared to the might of Talasa Prime or Bakka. Nevertheless, it is still a fear-inspiring citadel, well defended by massively thick plascrete walls and countless gun emplacements. In orbit, vast hidden minefields protect the approaches to the planet, and servitor-controlled augur and weapons stations carefully vet any ship that dares to continue past the warning buoys that ring the system's Mandeville Point. These outer markers reveal little, except to promise death and eternal damnation to any fools who would enter the Alucar system without permission. Beneath Alucar IV's rocky surface, the Bulwark extends deep into the planet's crust. There are levels below levels of buried chambers; state rooms, laboratories, barracks, interrogation chambers, and more - all connected by miles of twisting tunnels and shafts. There are few that know the true extent of this stronghold, and fewer still… perhaps none at all… who have accurate knowledge of everything that occurs within its walls. It is quite normal to see Inquisitors or Agents of any of the countless Ordos visiting and using Alucar's facilities, and several thousand support staff, adepts and Inquisitorial troops are typically in residence at any given time. However, in the late 38th millennium the Bulwark is primarily operated by the Ordo Xenos, and is host to a small Watchstation of their militant arm, the Deathwatch. In recent years the force garrisoned there has consisted of only a single Kill-Team. Nevertheless, these proud few have maintained a careful watch over the local Sectors for any sign of the alien menace; raiders from the deep abyss, foul alien cultures expanding from the Halo Stars, or the omnipresent danger of the filthy Ork. Such xenos aggression has ever been met in kind, with thunder and fury and blood. Yet when you finally arrive at the halls belonging to Kill-Team Lucifer - or ‘Light-bringer’ in the Low Gothic vernacular - the training ranges, strategium and private cells are cold and dark. They are empty and silent, but for the quiet hands and feet of Deathwatch Chapter serfs in deepest mourning. For the Astartes brethren of Light-bringer have fallen, one and all. You still do not know exactly what occurred, though you know it must have been terrible indeed to bring about the deaths of a full unit of Watch veterans. Within the small Chapel attached to the Watchstation an honour scroll, surrounded by burning candles, lists the names of those lost: Brother Gaius Argo Traxaes of the White Consuls, Watch-Sergeant. Brother Jarek, Codicier of the Executioners Brother Bellephon, Tactical Marine of the Star Phantoms Brother Ki'shar, Tactical Marine of the Salamanders Brother Gort, Devastator Marine of the Dark Hunters Brother Cassius, Tactical Marine of the Celebrants Brother Vintus, Apothecary of the Eagle Warriors Brother Incario, Tactical Marine of the Blood Drinkers Brother Alberon, Techmarine of the Red Scorpions (You might notice where a tenth line had been written, but the dark red ink has been carefully scraped away from the thick vellum) Stretched thin, already fighting in thousands of battles and campaigns across the Imperium, the Deathwatch could not quickly provide another squad to replace the loss of the Light-bringers. Therefore, messages were sent to Chapters of the Astartes with forces operating across the western reaches of Humanity's realm, debts of duty and brotherhood and honour called upon, that they should each provide a warrior willing to step forth and swear the Apocryphon Oath, taking the black and shouldering the burden of the Long Vigil. Thus you are here. OOC: Welcome to Deathwatch: Murderers in Black! When you arrive on Alucar IV, Deathwatch Chapter serfs will bring you to the part of the Bulwark that serves as Watchstation and will assign you each to private cells. There are perhaps forty of these cells in total, some of which may still contain the personal effects of the previous Kill-Team Lucifer, but most - including those you are given - are totally empty of any belongings. They are fairly small, but have all that a humble warrior could need; a simple cot large enough to support the weight of an Astartes, weapon stands, etc. The serfs will also tell you that you have been given access to the main areas of the Watchstation; the Chapel, training ranges and cages, and Refectory. There are also a small Forge (with Armoury) and Apothecarion, but these areas are off-limits - unless one can display the appropriate rites and sigils! (Of course, others could request entrance after these areas have been opened up by someone with the proper authority?) However, the Strategium is currently off-limits to everyone, until such time as you have been properly sworn into the Deathwatch. An Astartes Watch officer is on his way to handle this, along with your orientation, but many of you have arrived on Alucar before he does! Also you can explore the rest of the Bulwark, where you will be granted access to main ‘public’ areas like the hangars, etc. However, there are numerous parts of the fortress, entire levels in some cases, that are secure and/or belong to the various Ordos, and are therefore sealed and off-limits. You can even leave the fortress and go back outside - the terrain is much as you'd expect, snow capped mountains, rivers, etc. Air quality is poor enough that mortals could not survive for very long, but Astartes will be ok. There are various animals adapted to the environment - small rodents, large goat-like herbivores and larger, agile, snow leopard-like predators that probably aren't a serious threat to a Marine… unless he was careless… So, please use your opening posts to introduce us to your character. How do you feel about being here? Maybe tell us how you got here, catching a ride or maybe your own Chapter was close enough to drop you off? Do any of you, either personally or by reputation, know members of the previous Kill-Team Lucifer? What will you do while you wait for the Watch Officer to arrive? Train? Interact? Explore? NB. Just as a note for your posts and any character interactions, that until you have been sworn in, your Armour (proudly) remains in the colours of your Chapters. @Trokair: You are a fairly junior Inquisitorial Acolyte of the Ordo Xenos, and have been assigned to act as Liaison-Adjutant to the new Deathwatch Kill-Team. (You might even have been the one to show some of the new recruits to their quarters?) You are relatively new to this role and to Alucar, so you don't really know a great deal more than the Astartes, but if there are things they ask that you would/should know, I can fill you in via PM and you can relay it?
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- Deathwatch RPG
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++Out of the Frying Pan++ ++An Only War Campaign++ CHARACTER/DATA THREAD Dramatis Personae Player Characters Decon Garrick, Sebastian Nathaniel; Ministorum Priest - Mazer Rackham Specialist Kordo; Sniper - Lord_Ikka NPC's Commissar Vortis Lt. Gallesu Sgt. Harver Enginseer Mosch Operator Magneg Campaign/Game Rules Regimental Bonuses
Hello, folks! I'm Viking Slade, or just Slade. I'm interested in running my first game, an Only War campaign, with the plan to get started shortly after the Christmas holiday. I have a Guard regiment I have created a little bit of background lore for, in order to flesh out my custom Chapter, and I figured why not give them a little life of their own, too. My idea would be to string the published adventures together, starting with (a slightly modified) Eleventh Hour and continuing into Against the Savages. After those short adventures, if everything is chugging along smoothly, we would move on to Final Testament and then eventually conclude with No Surrender. So would anyone be interested in playing this campaign? Thoughts, opinions, questions?
Just a fast post everyone, the Nook has been without a Rogue Trader game for a while, and I'm considering running the RT Starter Adventure with a few tweaks. Have at it below. I'll update this when I've had sleep and firmed up some ideas. Just an FYI, I'd rather keep it contained to RT, and have fresh, basic Rank 1 characters, no imports from DH/DW/BC/OW games. It will get me used to RT. Be aware, this may be a while in delivery, so it's not around the corner.
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- Rogue Trader
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The RPG Nook presents... ++ A DARK HERESY RPG ++ ++ THE DAMOCLES CONTINGENCY ++ "It is in the worst of times, that the true qualities of men shine through. Their light is the Emperor's Will, their strength the Emperor's Hand. Yet what kind of men can suffer in such darkness, what qualities will work in the shade, where the dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords at dawn?" -Inquisitor Garrad Locke +++++++ PROLOGUE +++++++ The World of Damocles, Hive Primus Night Cycle, 3rd Segment, 787.999.M41: He heard it first, and looked up from his microbial containment field. Focus lenses moved from his eyes in a mechanical whirr, as he felt the dark presence pressing in under the door. Slowly, ever so slowly, he reached for the Carnifex-bore stub automatic, loaded with the expensive shells, his palms sweaty. He noticed his skin was pale, the hairs standing on end. He gripped the pistol butt hard, the cold metal felt good, reassuring. Auto-response. Respiratory and circulatory increase, fight or flight. The words came but his body was lumpen, heavy. It would not obey him fast enough! Then the door flung open, and the shadow hung there, robed, cloaked in darkness and the chill air of the corridor outside fomenting into mist as it hit his heat-conditioning throughout his laboratory. The germs liked the warmth, needed the heat to grow. He drew the pistol into both hands, adrenaline sting forcing him to ram the mammoth block of hardware at the figure. "Throne!" He felt his teeth chatter, not at the cold, but the fear in his trembling voice. "Stay back!" He fired, once, twice. The shells filled the lab with thunder, noise pummelling both him and the intended victim. It rushed on , gripping him with an iron, invisible fist, and he heard the bones crack, the weapon firing again as it caught against his now disfigured digits, but the round only served to go wide, spanking off a stasis cabinet, causing to crash onto the floor and vials of chemicals spilled out, singing the air with acrid tang. The figure gripped him, enveloped him and he screamed, loud and long, not understanding it was his last breath. An hour later, when his body was still and tight with rigor-mortis, his automatic alarm sent the signal he'd hoped to cancel, and his experiments autoclaved in melta heat. The ones that weren't missing. +++++++ Ordo Hereticus Intelligence Centre 280, Eastern Fringe, Night Watch, 787.999.M41: + Astropathic Terminus, Sigma6.455/Skapula/303-Enceladus(CARMINE) + Message Reads... + Alert Signal Aleph Primus/Notify/Sect-Com//OrdoSepultura/-RESHUNT//OP-ORD... + Notify//Verdict//. The crimson lights from his networked dataslate woke him up. Always a light sleeper, he sighed and rubbed his face as the commbead on the nightstand rattled and buzzed against the plastek of his holoterminal encoder. His real name was somewhere in the back of his mind, and as he got up and plugged back into the cogitator network, he picked up the message. Aleph Primus. He was on his feet in moments, and into his customary garb of mixed carapace, heavy robes and xenomesh. He settled the visor into place, then his hood and belted on his equipment, weapons. His clothes and pouches were worn, the dust of a hard life beaten into them. His gauntleted finger was on his commbead as he strode towards the operations room, the device fast in his left ear. +This is Verdict. Contact Voyager and have him ready in shuttle bay three. Then get me Viceroy. In that order.+ He killed the link before the automated response from the servitor-slave. He hated the metallic sound of it. They were already one-hundred and forty-four hours behind. Unforgiveable. +++++++ Chaeron, Second Moon of Damocles, Low Orbit, 797.999.M41 Verdict's visor displayed the incoming comms loop, the occulus-portrait was obscured of course, but he knew who it was as soo as he heard her sharp intake of breath. +Situation?+ +I'm here with Vendetta, we're preparing to drop.+ +Negative. The problem has...changed.+ She sounded exasperated. +Clarify.+ +A demand has been made - an outrageous one. You can't go in. You'll need to recruit someone...invisible. Send out your people, get dregs, killers, rogues, pay them or threaten them, but you're the handler.+ +What have I done to deserve that?+ +Other than I trust you?+ He sighed. Working for her was the best and worst thing he'd ever agreed to. He closed the link, knowing exactly who to call. He'd make the other arrangements as well. It was time to do what the Inquisition did best. +++++++ + ACT I + ROGUES IN THE HOUSE Chapter One: A Murder of Acolytes Chapter Two: The Crucible Chapter Three: Fiend or Foe Chapter Four: What A Deadly Web We Weave Chapter Five: Angels In Dirty Places + ACT II + THE CHAOS ENGINE Chapter One: What Evils Below Chapter Two: Alea Iacta Est
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- Dark Heresy RPG
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+ The RPG Nook Presents + ++ THE DAMOCLES CONTINGENCY ++ Welcome to the OOC Thread! I actually had/have a one-shot plot I entered for a C7 Wrath & Glory proposal for expanded adventure content (I got as far as signing an NDA), and was wondering if anyone would be interested in bringing this into DH 1st Ed. The reason for this is that I have the Core book, and Ascension for that, and not 2E. Why not W&G? I don't know the system beyond 1st Ed "Blessings Unheralded" and I prefer the deeper, grittier feel of the FFG stuff and am reasonably familiar with how DH works due to my immersion into DW. I could be convinced to start players a Rank 2, especially if they had human characters in other games in the Nook who have experience (*cough*onlywardiehards*cough*). Hive world setting, Ordo Hereticus, naturally. Maybe even rules light (shock horror). Thoughts? EDIT: renamed thread for dramatic invocation..!
+ The RPG Nook Presents + ++ THE DAMOCLES CONTINGENCY ++ + CHARACTER AND DATA THREAD + "When things go wrong, when plans go awry, then it becomes Exitus Acta Probat. Mostly Exitus." - Codename 'Voyager' to a Cell recruit. +DRAMATIS PERSONAE + CELL DESIGNATION: VIRTUE Caleb Augustus Falke (AT) Reynard, of the 'De Carabas' Family (Lysimachus). Tech-Sentinel Bardas (Trokair) Jericus Nicios (Lord Ikka) Garvek 'Stimms' Halsome (Beren) (Retired) Kerr Restal (Machine God) The Penitent (Necronaut) Nico Hivmund (Kelborn) (Undeployed) Matthias 'Cutter' Beckett (Ancient Sobek) +OTHER NPC/PERSONAE SUPPLEMENTIS + =][CLASSIFIED][= Codename 'Viceroy' Operations controller, Codename 'Verdict' Transport controller, Codename 'Voyager' (DECEASED) Throne Agent Codename 'Vigilance' Throne Agent Codename 'Vendetta' Throne Agent Codename 'Valkyrie' (DECEASED) +LOCATION OF UNDERTAKING + Damocles Hive Primus (ACTIVE) Damocles Hive Secundus (DESTROYED) Damocles Hive Tertius (DESTROYED) Campaign Notes: Just a few bits and pieces. This is expected to be a narrative, investigation heavy campaign, with moments of frightening, and deadly combat. Plan accordingly. The GM can, will, and should change, alter, ignore or substitute any rule, roll or instruction in the DH1e Core Rulebook, so that it serves the Players and the Story better, and to make things easier on himself. All Characters are awarded 200 bonus xp to be built. They should be built from Rank 1 upwards, to (essentially) Rank 3. The 200xp does not count towards Income. When Psykers roll 'Perils of the Warp' the GM will roll for the result on the table (unless you're Sanctioned), so as to moderate the result if required. This campaign, much like DW: Space Hulk is big boy trousers/big girl jodhpurs rules. Standard play does not make use of DW/OW unlimited ammunition. Once it's gone, it's gone. Manufacture Qualities (Best, Good, Common etc), will have an effect in-game. If your armour or equipment sustains heavy damage, and is not repaired, it will downgrade a step until it becomes 'Useless' and only covers your bare essentials. (NOTE: This is an optional rule, and I'll see how it goes). PC's wishing to acquire any Training, (Bolt) or (Power) will require someone to teach them. Talents involving SP/Las/Chain etc are fairly Monkiegh See-Monkeigh Do, so I don't have a problem with that, since the PC's are around the stuff a lot. Conditions of Play: Once the Deadline Clock starts, you will be expected to perform all three actions below at least once in each 24 hour period. Eat something Drink a beverage which is not an intoxicant (you may, it WILL count, but bear in mind the effects) Rest for at least 1 hour (even on the ground) The facilities to do all of this are in the Hive, or can be acquired. No loading up with doubles in a single period, they don't stack and will be discounted. You will all be counted as rested and refreshed for purposes of recommencing the game. You are not Space Marines, this is Fallout 4 on Survival Mode. Hard action and investigations take time, and are tiring. If you go more than 24 hours without completing the list, I will consider penalties (I will apply and moderate these). You have time, use your time. Additional Training/Bonus Talents: All PC's will Acquire Sound Constitution (x 1) on Rank Up. This will not affect purchases from Advance Tables, allowing the Talent to be taken several times as normal. This rule is retroactively applied (ie, if you start at R3, you immediately gain 3 Wounds). This post will evolve as time goes on, and you should check it now and then to refresh your understanding.
Not a rumor but more of a wish list sort of thing. Will/would FFG create and publish a single Compendium for the RPG's? Rogue Trader, Dark Heresey, Deathwatch and Only War are from the Human (Terran descendants) perspective and each includes a splash here or there referencing Aliens/Xenos Species, but would it be too much to compile, produce and publish a single all encompasing Compendium that could be used by all of these RPG's? I don't really see a need (even to satisfy the capitalistic purists) for one per game.....just one that could be used by ALL the games. What say you?
Murderers in Black A Deathwatch RPG Adventure Character and Data Thread Dramatis Personae: Brother Gerhardt, Tactical, Black Templars (Necronaut) Brother Azadth Kaedyr, Tactical, Mantis Warriors (Mazer Rackham) Brother Vafri Bloodsong, Tactical, Space Wolves (Urauloth) Brother Moridyn, Tactical, Star Phantoms (Ikka) Brother Asterius, Assault, Black Shield (Machine God) Brother Omoc, Devastator, Red Scorpions (AT) Brother Amaras, Apothecary/Sanguinary Priest, Charnel Guard (Xin Ceithan) Brother Marax Zidemi, Techmarine, Salamanders (Mike Zulu) Alda, Inquisitorial Acolyte of the Ordo Xenos (Trokair) NPCs: Aarval Skaayn Lord Inquisitor Leopold Kine Interrogator Aykawa