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The Lycanthos Drift Campaign is almost over. To secure the Widowmaker Bastion, a force of Space Marines from the Fire Hawks Chapter is given the honour of subjugating the outlying Sentinel Fort. Infested with Chaos Space Marines of the Bleak Brotherhood and their traitor guardsmen, the Fort's existence prevents heavy siege guns being laid by the men of Krieg, and threatens the right flank of Lugft Huron's assault. As part of the task force, Knight-Sergeant Emeryk Zann is keen to win glory and honour for his Chapter and the God-Emperor, but as he discovers, this assault is little more than a deadly Forlorn Hope - one that even his Chapter Master, the gruff Knight-Commander Stibor Lazaerek wants to fail...-
- Cabal of Dead Ink
- Badab War
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- Index Astartes
- Liber
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CLAWS IN OUR STARS ADEPTUS ASTARTES: ASTRAL CLAWS PROLOGUE: To be lost is an error in judgement - old friend. We chose the path of honour against an uncaring Imperium. What right does anyone have to question our strength? Why do you not see? You thought as I. The Strong, are Strongest...Alone.
- Astral Claws
- Badab War
(and 2 more)
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"Ability is not enough. Dedication is not enough. Even victory is not enough. You must embody all of these, until the end of time and the extinction of mortal flesh..." ++ 'ERE GEHENNA COMES ++ ================================= When I burst through the wall, two of the heathen bastards stain my streets with unworthy corpses. A Techmarine would perhaps say the wall and my mass was enough to drown them in bricks laid by my ancestors. I call it the weight of sin. Four hours my kin and I lay in wait for the column of mongrels who bite at our world, chew on our dust, and now they have come here to die. For this is Gehenna. The ambush executes perfectly, and the traitors are destroyed as my squad erupts from the very ground the enemy defiles. The world, my world, my city, devours them with precious Bolts and the savage rending of shotgun chokes. Combat blades lance up into groins, severing arteries and painting the grey-brown rubble with crimson effluent and human offal. The ambush has killed sixteen men in moments, making a garden of bones in my home. One of my squad, Ardian, takes an Astartes entrenching shovel and chops one of the mewling wretches into gruesome silence with a thunk of metal into meat. I laugh. It is the only prayer of forgiveness that utters from my lips. The bitter bark is short-lived. The business of war is about us again in moments, and Julo makes the sacrifice as an Iron Warrior Predator crunches through the wall of a hab-block, slewing a torrent of plascrete down to fill the road. I launch to my left, hearing the grunt from my Brother as the autocannon on the tank fires it's odd bam-bam cadence, before Julo goes silent, his life-sign fading from my displays. Yet, every inch of Gehenna is paid for in blood, and the predator driver, keen for the kill has driven into our trap. Three zones were left for him, for us to make prayer over his burning corpse, and now he will be our offering to the Great Primarch Dorn. Having shot his bolt, the predator revs, belching smoke and fumes from the exhausts, and Ardian trips the detonators, thunder raking the sides of the tank, casting up more rubble and pulverised spumes of powder to blind the result, but I know. The trembles run through the ground in my armour, and the sudden pitch of the engine as the tank falls into the cellar beneath the house, a rat in a trap. It pitches up, the autocannon flung up in some kind of odd salute, firing into the sky with petulant fury, hitting nothing but air. The augurs of our Soundstrike are not so vexed. Deploying a super-krak missile, my augurs register the flash-heat, the displaced punch of air. The tormented squeal of metal is followed by the hollow crunch of the explosion. It sounds so little for what it is, but when the dust and smoke clears, Melius proves his strike true. Hellish spikes and tusks protrude from the once proud machine, but now are festooned with chains and the skulls of the righteous. Yet we have rendered them impotent, a boar speared with a lance. I signal my squad to collect what we can of Julo, his sacred armaments and gene-seed, cut from his flesh by my own trench knife, for I am the last of the Brethren who wears the skull helm, even if it only painted on. Ardian clambers atop the blasted Predator, raiding the ammunition supplies. They think us weakened, broken, yet blow by blow do we take from them all, the means of their destruction. Tomorrow, our heavy bolters will rake them with their own shells, my Oath to Dorn upon it. A hatch clanks open, and from it, a battered bloody parody of the Emperor's gene-science emerges. He pulls his helm free, shattered and sparking from the connections hastily abandoned in his evacuation of the tank. he retches up bile and blood, crawling on hands and knees, an Astartes brought low by sin, again. The Techmarines would say it was gravity. This time, it was hubris. I stride across to his half-corpse, pumping a round of chromatic metal into my Throne pattern assault shotgun. The sound echoes, louder than the one killing the tank. It is the sound of an end, of mercy. My sabaton flips the recidivist over, then crushes down on his plastron. His face writhes with tentacles where his mouth should be, a red, raw gullet beyond. His heresy, so obvious, disgusts me. Yet am I not the most forgiving of men? +Welcome to Gehenna.+ I blow his head into ruddy spatter, then turning, observe the dawn on a new day. Our Vespers are concluded, and I lead the brethren into the sunlight of a world blowing itself to pieces. I load my shotgun with more prayers.
- 12 replies
- Scions of Gehenna
- Death to Traitors
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Hello everyone, We've been working on several projects over in the Cabal of Dead Ink (see signature), and we have need of a Servitor-Illustrator, Grimdark Illuminator, or Digital Artist who can give their time to produce an image or a series of images which will be placed into PDF documents to enhance and display our work. The main focus of the Cabal is the development of WH40K fiction, mostly the Badab War era, however, recently we have collaborated to produce several entries for the Black Library Open Submission 2022/23. Our plan is to produce an Anthology containing the entries by forum members that GW declined, so that we can showcase the efforts and creativity of the Bolter and Chainsword. However, in order to fulfil this ambition, we need book covers and interior artwork, by someone who's a dab hand with a digital brush. A series of projects is in the works, and so we offer the opportunity to express and challenge yourself with the liveries and bloody glories of different Chapters, to be immortalised in downloads available to all members of the B&C. Due to the nature of both GW's IP and the B&C's copyright stipulations, the artwork must be original (our prose certainly is!) and we are prepared to steer anyone who volunteers, so that our mutual projects can always be available. If you're interested, or think you can help out, please feel free to post below, or if you prefer, you can contact me with a PM and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. FAQ: Will I be required to join the Cabal of Dead Ink? Joining us is not mandatory, and we will soon open our project forums up to the public anyway. Does the Cabal take ownership of my work? Absolutely not - this is a collaboration. You are the creator of the work and have all the rights that are inherently given you by the act of creation and publication of your work. We expect to use your work in downloadable PDF's from the Libraries the B&C provide - so it will be associated with this project. Will I be expected to produce to deadlines? Not really, no. Obviously the projects we produce will have a window for delivery, but this is a volunteer job, with a forum full of volunteers like you with lives and jobs outside it (well, probably). We demand nothing of you, but would hope that you would make time to complete anything you decided to donate to us. Other notices will be made in relevant forums for further opportunities for involvement by writers, artists and folks good with a digital wrench.
- Fan Fiction
- Anthologies
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Hello Fraters, This is a public release to advise that the Cabal of Dead Ink will hopefully be publishing its first PDF project for general availability through the Downloads section soon. (Pending Admin approval etc). The release will be an original short story set in the run up to the Badab War, featuring new or barely known characters, and will hopefully be the first in a series from different perspectives and POV of both the Loyalists and Secessionist forces. It will also contain original artwork (covers and maybe interior art) of the same subject. It will not be a graphic novel product. You can rest assured that all artwork will be board and subject appropriate. The reason for this notice is to not only create interest, but also to prevent any concerns of improper use of the artwork. You can see one of our previous Notices of Interest for Graphic Designers/Digital Artists. We have sourced work from a professional artist called Dan Morison, who has been very generous in allowing us to use his art for this purpose, without remuneration as per GW IP Policy. We have permission to use it, and an email chain to provide evidence of what was agreed. Further, he will receive proper accreditation in the publications we make. The Cabal of Dead Ink would like to use this opportunity to highlight Dan's great style, and to give our public thanks to him for his trust and support. We would encourage anyone interested to go and see his stuff. We are still continuing with our plan in creating a BL Submissions Anthology, which will showcase the work of those who gave their shot to the recent Open Submissions window, but may have been declined, missed the window, or decided not to proceed for whatever reason. We are also working with Fraters within this forum to enhance and support our work with formatting and artistic skills, such as @TheTrans We look forward to discussing this further with any interested parties. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to PM me, or respond below, and I'll reply as soon, and as fully, as I can. I would also like to thank the help and support of the Cabal with getting us all this far. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes, for which I am eternally grateful. The Secession, and our Story, continues. Maz.
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- Fan Fiction
- Badab War
- (and 6 more)
View File Down In Flames (A Fire Hawks Short Story) The Lycanthos Drift Campaign is almost over. To secure the Widowmaker Bastion, a force of Space Marines from the Fire Hawks Chapter is given the honour of subjugating the outlying Sentinel Fort. Infested with Chaos Space Marines of the Bleak Brotherhood and their traitor guardsmen, the Fort's existence prevents heavy siege guns being laid by the men of Krieg, and threatens the right flank of Lugft Huron's assault. As part of the task force, Knight-Sergeant Emeryk Zann is keen to win glory and honour for his Chapter and the God-Emperor, but as he discovers, this assault is little more than a deadly Forlorn Hope - one that even his Chapter Master, the gruff Knight-Commander Stibor Lazaerek wants to fail... Submitter Mazer Rackham Submitted 04/12/23 Category Background (Lore)
- Cabal of Dead Ink
- Badab War
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- Black Templar
- Fan Fiction
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DOWN IN FLAMES ADEPTUS ASTARTES: FIRE HAWKS PROLOGUE: This is it, old friend. For those times we saved each other, shed our blood and sweat under the roar of guns and upon the strange tides of war. To now stand unrecognisable and unrepentant of our choices, blades drawn and bloodied by the bodies of our brothers, and the corpses of our sworn oaths. All we have cherished, what we gave our lives to, broken down with our own hands. How did it all come to this? Is it only now, that we realise both of us are lost?
- 4 replies
- Fire Hawks
- Badab War
(and 2 more)
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Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or Legion. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A devastator lascannon marine who took out three tanks? A Sister of Silence who did the enemy commander in? A Sergeant who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, brood or hive fleet. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A carnifex who took out three tanks? A termigant who did the enemy commander in? A genestealer who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or Sept. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A Fire Warrior who took out three tanks? A Kroot who did the enemy commander in? A Broadside who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS Triszin - the 4th expansion sphere, and a breakaway lost in space group from that
Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or Clan. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A Nob who took out three tanks? A snotting who did the enemy commander in? A gretchin who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or Dynasty. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A Immortal who took out three tanks? A Necron who did the enemy commander in? A Lord who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or craftworld. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A dire avenger who took out three tanks? A grotesque who did the enemy commander in? A harlequin who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or Regiment. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly guardsman or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A lascannon team who took out three tanks? A cultist who did the enemy commander in? A Sergeant who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS TheEyeOfNight - Colonel Cross of the 7734th Traitoris Militarum
Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, or group of Deamons. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A Bloodletter who took out three tanks? The Changling got into the head of the Enemy Commander? A Daemonette who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or Legion. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly cultist or a Aspiring Champion. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A Havoc who took out three tanks? A Plague Marine who did the enemy commander in? An Obiterator who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS Res Ipsa Loquitur - Leonid Aleksandrovich 'Bolshoyestvol' Komarov - Story Swarmlord Unleashed - former Dusk Raiders 18th Assault Company with their Primaris descendants. Warpmiss - the meeting of the Iron Warriors warband, the Iron Flesh, with the Death Guard warband, the Blighted Children.
Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, Kill Team or Ordos. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly henchman or an Assassin. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A Death Cult Assassin who took out three tanks? An assassin who did the enemy commander in? An Inquisitor who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS Arkhan - Lord Inquisitor Arkhan of the Ordo Xenos
Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or Regiment. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A lascannon team who took out three tanks? A rogue shot that did the enemy commander in? A commissar who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a knight, squad or house. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly engineer or a Knight. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A Skitarii who took out three tanks? An extreme range shot who did the enemy commander in? A knight who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or chapter. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly Sister or a Cannoness. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A multi-melta Sister who took out three tanks? A Sister Repentia who did the enemy commander in? You get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or chapter. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A devastator lascannon marine who took out three tanks? A scout sniper who did the enemy commander in? A chaplain who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or chapter. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A devastator lascannon marine who took out three tanks? A scout sniper who did the enemy commander in? A chaplain who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS
Belial stood stock still as he watched the aspirants training below. They were still new and sloppy compared to those serving under his command. But his thoughts were turned inward to the recent events over Fenris. With his armor being repaired, several fresh scars were visible on his exposed arms. The quiet whirring of servos announced the arrival of a Chaplain overseeing the training of the Tenth Company. With helmet in hand and his hood pulled up, his identity was safe from the Aspirants. “A bitter campaign is being fought behind those eyes and you are not alone. Many of the Circle are also on a similar campaign.” “How did we not see? How were we blinded to the enemy right in front of us? A Knight of Titan and the leader of the Wolves were not swayed but so many of us were.” “They had knowledge that we did not possess.” “Then perhaps it is time to fill in the blanks. It is time to send out envoys to the Legio B&C.” “It will be done.” The Inner Circle presents: Praeteritis Historiam Belli INTRODUCTION: The Praeteritis Historiam Belli is replacing the Legends of the Angels and is a Forum Wide Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or chapter. This even includes the recently added Xenos sections of the community. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<your name>>, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>. 2. Write your story and submit it in the Fan Fiction Subforum with a link posted in this thread before Midnight of February 6, 2018. ENTRY CRITERIA: 1 The story should have a minimum 200 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended. 2 Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis. 3 Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition. Possible Story Ideas • A narrative of a squad or individual’s performance in battle (from one of your games). • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books. • Fleshing out a story in the History of your group • A story about one of the Heroes The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction: • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Sergeant. • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A devastator lascannon marine who took out three tanks? A scout sniper who did the enemy commander in? A chaplain who led an amazing charge... you get the idea…. • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question. • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila!! Food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum Thought Experiments 1 A Narrative Shift 2 A Hero's Fall 3 A Progenitor's Judgement 4 The Final Days 5 A Breaking Point 6 A Red Alliance 7 A Bond Of Blood 8 A Derivative Original 9 An Unshaken Faith 10 A House Divided 11 A World Burns 12 Of Different Blood 13 A Different Time 14 An Unexpected Battlefield 15 A Sudden Change 16 Where Were You 17 Re-Evaluating Interests 18 A Galaxy of Possibilities 19 New Blood 20 Up to Chance OATH BEARERS