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Rumour Astra Militarum Q3 2024
Doctor Perils posted a topic in + NEWS, RUMORS, AND BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS +
Not seen this relayed here yet. Source is apparently Mordian Glory. Obviously, rumours so take with (copious) salt. -
So I had originally plan to make this whole thing into a video series, but I've found that I don't have much in the way of time for that lately. So I have changed up my plan so that I post mostly on here and maybe do I video every now and then. Now just what am I talking about? Well I've been in the hobby since back in the 4th edition days, where I started my collection with a Cadian Battleforce box bought from a relic of that era ( After a very long hiatus from the 40k hobby I started back into it last year during the pandemic when I started to pick up Tau. Now with 9th edition making the Tau a bit, lets say, underpowered on the tabletop I have found myself having trouble keeping real motivation to finish painting my Tau force. with my resent purchase of a few 3D printers for other historical wargaming projects I've had this idea swimming around in my head for a few months about trying to make a force for 40k with as few actual GW miniatures as possible. something that follows a theme and actually looks like it belongs on the tabletop alongside of the official forces. with this most basic premise in mind I've come up with a set of guidelines to follow for a personal challenge over the next year. I will have 12 months, starting in July 2021, to finish this force the army must be 2000 points at a minimum with the current codex I must use as few official GW miniatures as possible when building the force I have to play this force in a tournament at one of my local game stores now I do plan on using a few older models I have laying around, most notably being two metal commissars and a Col. Shaffer, from back in my 4th edition days. other then these I plan on buying GW only if I cannot find a fitting model that is cheaper (doubt this will come up much). so, with all of the useless preamble out of the way lets get into that actual force. I wanted to make this force with a overall theme in mind and have been doing a lot of searching around trying to come up with a good starting point. that was until I came upon the Wargames Atlantic Raumjäger box about 2-3 months ago. I love the look of these guys! they fit right in with the general 40k aesthetic while also having a historical feel to them. with this in mind the theme of the force solidified in my mind, a Imperial Guard force themed off of 40's Wehrmacht troops (just the color scheme). I actually find it funny since I've been most a historical wargamer for the last 10 years and I actually have never collected WW2 Germans. With the Raumjägers as a base for my infantry I set about to find a good fit for vehicles that could proxy leman russ tanks as well as fit the Wehrmacht theme. I came upon Grim Prints and found exactly what I needed. It's a perfect fit for both the theme and the scale. he has a lot of other files that I will be using for transports and the like as well. I plan on starting to build up and paint the force this week and sharing my progress on here as I go. I hope you all will stick around, either I'll come out on the other side with a nice looking army, or fail horribly
Welcome to the thread: I'm hopefully going to post up a combination of my homebrew Lore for the regiment, modelling/converting logs and guides, and painted models showcases featuring troopers, officers, grenadiers and vehicles. Just to keep things on-topic, let's keep it restricted to Rogue Trader Imperial Guard for the moment. I had imperial guard models since 2nd edition; I got into the hobby via having a copy of the old Rogue Trader 40k Compilation which had the first Genestealer cult articles and lists in it and the brood brother models made with 1st ed Imperial Guardsmen really appealed to me. They weren't available however- apparently the moulds got broken. So I started off with some Cadian models and collected a medium-sized (at the time) force. Some time in my teens, Warhammer World opened and I was extremely happy to discover I could mail order things- even RT era things- in the shop. So I ordered a load of the metal RT era troopers- the ones with poseable arms. Eventually I worked out which ones I liked best and narrowed down my force exclusively to the models sculpted by Mark Copplestone. There was something about the heavy look of the armour and boots in his sculpts that appealed to me. I originally had all my RT guard painted in the same ice/urban blue-black and blue-grey scheme I'd had my cadians in, which was pretty similar to the original RT IG colour scheme. Sometime a couple of years in I decided I didn't like that any more and went with a scheme inspired by the enemy marines in the massively influential video game Half-Life; at the time I think I must have put several thousand hours into that game. There's one trooper in particular that pretty much just is the beret guy from HL. That scheme has persisted to the present, although very few of the original models have survived unmolested: fairly early on, I decided to ditch the RT era lasguns, which is a decision I'm still happy about, as it happens, and make autoguns for the troops as similar to the MP5 submachineguns and shotguns that the HL marines had as I could make them. This is the decision that put me where I ended up now- that is, saddled with a self-imposed directive to convert pretty much every trooper. Each autogun is converted from a RT bolter, a length of space marine power axe or chainsword handle and the magazine and barrel from a necromunda autopistol. Pretty work intensive, but not a bad go at the mp5 while still keeping some recogniseable 40k features. The shotguns are from the same necromunda weapon set as the atuopistols, but cut down a little. Having comitted to converting all the guns, it wasn't long before I was converting all the arms too: I'd already done a lot of head swaps due to there being only four basic Copplestone trooper sculpts -and two of those needing some heavy converting just to make them 'standard'. Things just sort of snowballed from there. I'll show some more detailed stuff about why this all is if people are interested, as well as how I do it, I guess. I reckon there's a rich vein of posts to be mined to get where I have the troops today, which is a long distance indeed from where they were. I'm going to say right here in the first post that this will be a thread I update slowly: I don't get a lot of time for modelling and painting anymore on the one hand, and on the other I want to comment on modelling and converting individual troopers because that's the kind of thread I like best and I want to create something I would like to see myself. Please feel free to make requests and offer comment; I'd really appreciate it. In the meanwhile, here are some 'action' shots of my guardsmen, mostly set up for Apologist's 'War of the false Primarch' collaborative blog, which you should definitely check out if you haven't. Thanks everyone
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- Roguetrader
- ImperialGuard
(and 2 more)
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