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  1. Once more, there was a rumbling in the fortress. What was rumbling, few could identify. It was not anything tangible to be felt, and produced no noise to be heard, even to the genehanced ear of an Astartes, or one of the many xenos species that maintained something akin to an embassy. No, it was not a rumbling that any scientist would call such, nothing seismic or mechanical. It was a call, however, and those that needed to hear it, did. A psychic summons, from the Deepest, Darkest Depths of the Liber. And it would be terrible to behold. =][= Hail brothers and sisters of the Liber! Once again the Liberalia has come around and we have ourselves the honour of being the centre of attention. Regardless, I would like to ask both Liberites and other members of B&C to dust off any old DIYs they have and give them another shot. Now's the time to crank out the old creativity. The IRON GAUNTLET returns! After four years gone, it returns once more- with thanks to @Olis for running it back in 2017, and @Dosjetkafor the 2020 running of the Gauntlet, - and a welcome sight it is. Now, of course, just entering is not enough! There is an expectation that we will have members who will accomplish all five challenges. If the old Iron Gauntlets are anything to go by, they will number few indeed! But, certainly, those who push themselves and achieve all that is asked of them, then they shall be rewarded with a specific and unique badge. But do not be daunted. This is supposed to be fun... in a roundabout way. If you think you can only complete specific challenges, then only enter those ones. There is nothing here saying that you must complete them all or automatically fail. Do what you can. Just remember the idea is to push yourself. To register for this Challenge or any others make the following statement: I, <your name>, of the <Chapter/Warband/Regiment/Klan/Craftworld/Sept/Legio/Gang/other organization name> take up your Challenges. I vow, before my brothers and sisters of the B&C to complete Challenge <challenge number> and submit it to the Liber before the deadline. I vow to support my fellow challengers to the best of my ability. May the Emperor/the Dark Gods/Gork and Mork/Hive Mind/other 40k deity/Brother Argos curse me if I fail. [Please leave a link to your article so I can update the first post.] The Challenges: Challenge the First * Bronze: Complete a 1,000+ word article describing the origins and history of your organization and post constructive criticism in other DIY threads; * Silver: Complete a 2,000+ word article describing the origins and history of your organization and post constructive criticism in other DIY threads; * Gold: Complete a 3,000+ word article describing the origins and history of your organization and post constructive criticism in other DIY threads. -> Duration: 17th March – 17th May (2 months) Note: The format of your article is not strictly relevant, though it is encouraged to follow the usual DIY guidelines. (If you're not familiar with the article types, check out @Brother Tyler's article template thread linked here. I also encourage you to check out the rest of Liber Resources if you're stuck for ideas and/or looking for some solid advice from renowned Liberites of old.) Challenge the Second * Bronze: Fully assemble, paint and base a Kill Team (at minimum: three models) representing your organization; * Silver: Fully assemble, paint, and base a Combat Patrol (at minimum: one CHARACTER, one BATTLELINE, and one additional unit) representing your organization; * Gold: Fully assemble, paint, and base a Strike Force (at minimum: one HQ, one BATTLELINE, and five additional units) representing your organization. -> Duration: with 17th May – 17th July (two months) Note: If your organization represents an Aeronautica Imperialis, Adeptus Titanicus, Blackstone Fortress (BSF), Legiones Imperialis, or Necromunda organization, use the following tiers: * Bronze: Fully assemble, paint and base a Flight (at minimum two Aeronautica aircraft), a single Titanicus Titan, a Banner (at minimum three Titanicus Knights), [LI I’m not familiar with, if you’re doing them, let me know and I’ll figure something out], half an Exploration Team (at minimum two BSF Adventurers), half a Hostile Swarm (at minimum four BSF Hostiles), OR a demi-Gang (at minimum four Necromunda Gangers); * Silver: Fully assemble, paint and base a Squadron (at minimum four Aeronautica aircraft), a demi-Maniple (at minimum two Titanicus Titans), a Lance (at minimum six Titanicus Knights), [LI I’m not familiar with, if you’re doing them, let me know and I’ll figure something out], an Exploration Team (at minimum four BSF Adventurers), a Hostile Swarm (at minimum eight BSF Hostiles), OR a Gang (at minimum eight Necromunda Gangers); * Gold: Fully assemble, paint and base a Group (at minimum six Aeronautica aircraft), a Maniple (at minimum four Titanicus Titans), a Household (at minimum nine Titanicus Knights), [LI I’m not familiar with, if you’re doing them, let me know and I’ll figure something out], a reinforced Exploration Team (at minimum six BSF Adventurers), a reinforced Hostile Swarm (at minimum twelve BSF Hostiles), OR a reinforced Gang (at minimum twelve Necromunda Gangers); Challenge the Third * Bronze: Post a battle report of a game you played with your organization force created in Challenge #2; * Silver: Post a battle report, with EITHER pre- and post-battle fluff (500 words each) OR turn-by-turn photos/maps, of a game you played with your organization force; * Gold: Post a battle report, with pre- and post-battle fluff (500 words each) AND turn-by-turn photos/maps, of a game you played with your organization force. -> 17th July to 17th August (1 month) The Penultimate Challenge * Bronze: Create a dataslate (converted and painted model, fluff, custom rules and stats) representing a notable character from your organization; * Silver: Create two dataslates representing two notable characters from your organization; * Gold: Create three dataslates representing three notable characters from your organization. -> Duration: 17th August to 17th September (1 month) The Final Challenge * Bronze: Write a story about your organization that is between 1000 and 1999 words in length; * Silver: Write a story that is between 2000 and 2999 words in length; * Gold: Write a story that is 3000+ words in length. -> Duration: 17th September to 17th December (3 months) And finally, I'd like to wish you all the best of luck for the upcoming challenges! Remember to push back the boundaries of what you thought you could achieve and, most importantly, have fun! P.S. If you have an issue or question and you haven't gotten a reply in a couple of days from one of the Mods, feel free to send a PM to the Moderators on the list below (make sure to include them all in the PM so whoever sees it first can answer): @Brother Cambrius @Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch @Kelborn @Lysimachus A note on organization: Fraters’ vow posts will be linked in the main post Fraters’ vow posts are asked to have links to each of their threads elsefora, through the entire challenge This is to help the organizer keep track of who’s doing what challenge, etc Threads for the other challenges will be linked in the main post Frater are also asked to tag their threads with 'Iron Gauntlet 2024' for sorting/ease of searchbar use Best of luck to any and all who choose to participate! I look forward to seeing your DIYs! Participants: @ThePenitentOne : The Sisters of Saint Katherine's Aegis @NovemberIX : Knight House Garaipeña @twopounder : The Obsidian Angels @Lord Abaia : The Sulphurborn @sitnam : The Bluebeak Kindred @Trokair : 7th Rhûnish Dragoons @Rusted Boltgun : The Fists of Light @Brother Argent : Interdictors
  2. Hail, Frater! Today, on the Liberalia Martiale, The IRON GAUNTLET has returned once more! Those of you who have been around the board for several years perhaps remember the last Iron Gauntlet, last run in 2020, and then before in 2017. Those of you who have joined after 2020 may not know the name--but I assure you, you will in time! The Iron Gauntlet is the Liber's Premiere DIY event--a year-long challenge, composed of five smaller challenges, each with three tiers designed to challenge fraters' creativity to the utmost. I invite all of you to visit the Liber, and consider its rigors, and perhaps take up the challenges, to prove yourselves worthy of the Iron Gauntlet! Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go searching through the Deepest Darkest Depths of the Liber, and see where the accursed relic has got off to this time. Perhaps the kitchens, I don't think they've been searched (or cleaned) for years....
  3. I, twopounder, of the Obsidian Angels take up your Challenges. I vow, before my brothers and sisters of the B&C to complete Challenge The First and submit it to the Liber before the deadline. I vow to support my fellow challengers to the best of my ability. May the Emperor curse me if I fail. Chapter Names: Order of Obsidian, Obsidian Angels Home world: Serran Founding: NA/Unofficial Legion: Dark Angels Colors: Obsidian, Gold, Granite From the Ashes After the destruction of their home world Caliban, the surviving marines of the first legion had multiple catastrophes to handle. Their planet and recruiting world was gone, their gene-father was missing, half their number were traitor, dead or missing and the flames of heresy still consumed the galaxy. While commanders were preparing the remains of the legion to secrecy about the events of Caliban and summoning resources to fight in The Scourging, a small few chapter masters and the forge lords gathered to discuss a matter of secrecy equal to Luther's betrayal. When the Dark Angels first departed Terra to pave the way for the Emperor's Great Crusade, they were secreted weapons forbidden to the rest of humanity. So dangerous were these devices that none of the Emperor's sons were ever trusted to know of their existence. This arsenal increased yet further when Jonson took command of the legion and their vaults stretched across the galaxy. The gravity of the censure from possessing these weapons would be severe and the consequences of the weapons being turned upon loyal forces, dire. While plans were being made to track down the traitors of the legion, Chapter Master Callan Gehl met with Forge Masters Lukha Verenz and Therrus Fell about this concern. This would come to be known as the Tripacta Sovereignty Council and set into place the framework for the future of collaboration between the First Legion and what would become its successor chapters. Though the Codex Astartes had not yet been declared by Guilliman, nine-hundred and fifty seven warriors with knowledge of the Dark Angel's forbidden weapons were assembled into a self-sufficient force tasked with three protocols to adhere for chapter operations: 1) Retrieve all weapons and wargear owned, branded or claimed by the First Legion prior to the betrayal at Caliban. 2) Destroy any incriminating evidence that cannot be secured 3) Pursue anyone that possesses this forbidden technology The legion officially declared this chapter XVII, The Order of Obsidian and provided them with most of the forbidden technology that remained in the Tower of Angels. There was concern already of an investigation into the debris field of Caliban, and the Dark Angels were not willing to risk additional incrimination for their artefacts. Master Ortoro Sebastian was promoted to the rank of Grand Master and commissioned as the first to lead the chapter into its crusade for the lost relics. While the bulk of the legion prepared for the long war against the forces of the dead warmaster, the Order of Obsidian departed in a separate fleet to their first target. Aside from caches known to the legion masters, several additional sites listed in Jonson's personal logs. The planet Serran was visited by Jonson and was noted to have a technology vault suitable to sustain a significant force. Discovery of Serran Three months after their departure from Caliban the Order of Obsidian made orbit above Serran. Its surface was hidden by thick amber clouds and it had two moons in opposing orbits. Hails to the surface went unanswered, but scans detected a high output energy source on the surface. The marines landed an expeditionary force, keeping reserves ready in expectation of an ambush. However, what they discovered instead was a facility from the dark age of technology. Thousands upon thousands of stasis chambers lined the well fortified interior. Whatever treasures or horrors the stasis chambers held were long gone, but the facility itself was operational. The cogitators were arcane and would not easily yield answers. After some deliberation, Ortoro decided to make Serran their base of operations and tasked the forge masters with setting up listening posts on the moons and to expand the facility to quarter the legion and support its operations. This would eventually come to be known as the Obsidian Enclave and was reinforced during the millennia the followed the Horus Heresy. The Order of the Obsidian set to its duties in tracking down and recovering the legion's lost artefacts. Though many caches had been plundered or destroyed, some were yet forgotten. Those local inhabitants that had robbed the vaults in the chaos of the heresy were hunted down and mercilessly executed. That which was safe was transitioned to the Dark Angels chapter and anything too esoteric was locked within the stasis vaults. Their Mission Expands Though the order was initially created for the recovery of artefacts belonging to the First Legion, many searches ended in forgotten battlefields or desolate cruiser hulls of other legions. Once again, there was debate about what to do with these items. Many wanted to leave the battlefields as untouched as possible as a type of mausoleum. Others felt that it may be too dangerous to disturb old battlefields that could be mined or worse. However, it was chaplain Tyrius of the fourth company that suggested returning the relics and bodies of fallen warriors to their chapters. Though time, nature and the elements had savaged both machine and remains, there was usually enough left to determine the progenitor. It was then decided that an honor guard would be formed of the first company that would reunite the lost astartes and their possessions to the loyalist chapters they belonged and destroy the last of the traitors. Within a few hundred years, The Order of Obsidian had returned hundreds of chapter relics and thousands of astartes to their rightful legion home worlds. This ceremony became so frequent that the honor guard was rotated through the veterans of the first five companies to make certain that no marine would be without combat for too long. Each marine assigned to this duty had a shoulder pad cased in bronze. Mysterious Founding Because the Order of Obsidian was not a true founding authorized by the high lords of terra, they continued operating as pre-heresy Dark Angels chapter, retaining the original colors and chapter regalia. As the millennia passed, they decided to adopt another moniker to mask their true origin. The Obsidian Angels were borne with black armor, light gold trim and granite bolters. Its unknown exactly when the name and colors were changed, but by the 41st millenium, no knowledge or banners of the Order of Obsidian remained outside the reclusium of the first company. There, the original founding orders of the Tripacta Sovereignty Council is still emblazoned on the wall. They have no official chapter marking, but retain the ancient Dark Angel devices from ancient Caliban, along with robes of all the Unforgiven. Current Operations Cooperation between the Obsidian Angels and Dark Angels never ceased, though the discovery of ancient relics is extremely rare. The experience and tactics refined over a millennia of recovery operations has made them experts of extraction and esoteric technology. Though they are grim and taciturn as other chapters of the Unforgiven, their willingness to return treasured wargear to other chapters has provided them with diplomatic options that would be otherwise unavailable. Many of these relics have been recovered at a great cost to the Obsidian Angels and their names are inscribed into the granite containers hand cut for them. So great has their knowledge of pre-heresy equipment that much of the weapons and armor can be restored to at least partial functionality. Primaris exist in their ranks, but it is unknown how they received the gene technology and training to produce them. It may have been the Dark Angels that transmitted this information to them, but none outside the two chapters could know. Due to the need for extensive technical knowledge and constant maintenance, there are a large number of tech marines within the ranks of the Obsidian Angels and they retain a rank within their inner circle for Masters of the Forge. Serran The planet of Serran was highly developed during the Dark Age of Technology, though most of it now lies in ruins. What happened to the population is unknown to the Obsidian Angels, even after millenia of research. It is clear that they had knowledge that rivaled the very apex of human achievement. Many believe that they were victims of the Long Night, perhaps destroying themselves or falling victim to an alien attack. Whatever the cause, the planet is now heavily militarized and has only enough population to support an entrenched planetary defense force and their astartes governors. Recruiting is done at several nearby death worlds. However, the truth of Serran's demise is dark and foreboding. Deep within the rocks, below the depth that scanners and mining dredges can reach, lies a dormant Necron Tomb. Its technology stolen through a once-open channel during the Dark Age of Technology and used to create the energy plant and stasis chambers in what would become the Obsidian Enclave. Whether these xenos awoke and took revenge on the population is cloaked in thousands of years of erosion.
  4. INDEX ASTARTES: The Interdictors “ Hope seemed lost. We were doomed. The damned Xenos were coming in from every side! We were saying our prayers to He on Terra when suddenly His Angels landed along side us! Clad in the brightest orange armour they were! And we knew then, we were saved,” Trooper Wenlin Vance - 452nd Jarakon Lancers The Interdictors fight as the Emperors sword, striking deep into the heart of enemy formations and assaults. Their fearless assaults are matched only by their tenacity and many an enemy has found his battle plans cast into disarray by the strike of these savage warriors casting themselves deep into the fray to split enemy assaults in two. ORIGINS Growing threats from both inside and outside the Imperium prompted the High Lords of Terra to announce a new founding during the middle of the 36th Millenium. This Founding, the Nineteenth such founding of the Adeptus Astartes, would see many of the new chapters formed into task groups to address varying threats the length and breadth of the Imperium. Once such group, of which the Chapter that would become known as the Interdictors, was sent to deal with the growing threat to stability caused by the burgeoning orkish empire on the fringes of the Segmentum Pacificus. This force consisted of four new Chapters of the Astartes, such was the dire nature of the threat perceived. The Interdictors and their fellow scions of the Primarch Roboute Guilliman, the Marines Invigilant, as well as The Black Sons, descendants of Rogal Dorn, and the Steel Scythes, born of the Iron Hands of Ferrus Manus formed a joint crusade to strike at the orkish invaders. At first the crusade forces forged victory after victory as they first met the orkish held territories. Even one chapter of the Astartes, even a newly founded ones, was a force to be reckoned with and the orks of the Lauretta Sector were faced with the might of four. It wasn’t long, however, when the crusades forces began to slow their progress. The orkish occupiers of the Lauretta Sector had been entrenched for a while and able to grow in numbers while the Imperium was slow to react. And the good fight provided by the Crusades arrival had drawn countless other warbands to the orkish forces. Thus bolstered they were able to slowly push back the Imperial forces and finally force a stale mate. It was at this time that a rift began to grow between the four chapters. The Black Sons, as true to their primarchs teachings, were more then happy to dig in and weather the orkish assault. They were stubborn and tenacious and counselled to try to crush the orks in gruelling seige warfare. The Steel Scythes disdained the other astartes forces as too weak in mind and body and moved to persecute their own war. The Marines Invigilant continued to engage the orks but they too were dragging to a stale mate. Only the Interdictors continued to have success. The young Chapter Master, someone rather, was an impatient man. Rather then the Black Sons drawn out sieges or the Marines Invigilant fluid battle plans he would launch assaults directly at the key targets of the orkish force. These targets were typically ammunition storage dumps, idols to the orks crude and savage gods or even key warbosses or meks. The Interdictors would strike like the spear of the Emperor himself, driving in hard and fast, devastating their foes in a fusillade of fire before diggign in till they could be extracted or relieves. It was a tactic that cost many lives but bit by bit his forces savage strikes began to weaken the orkish hold and the stale mate was shattered. The Interdictors pushed on with their assault as their fellow astartes struggled to keep up. It was then that some of the other marines within the newly formed Interdictors command began to question the young Chapter Masters relentless assault. Concerned their Chapters forces were being over exposed and lead too far out and over extended that, should the orks muster a reasonable counter they would be left unable to respond in suit. It was council Chapter Master Alecto ignored as he drove his brothers on. And when the inevitable counter attack came his forces were indeed caught unprepared. In the following chaos Chapter Master Alecto would be slain, along with a great number of his newly founded chapter. The Interdictors were only saved by the timely intervention of the Marines Vigilant and the Black Sons. Although the crusade into the Lauretta System would eventually prove successful and the orks eradicated the Interdictors would only have minimal commitment until the conflicts end, their numbers having been greatly depleted. Left without a strong commander or direction the remaining leaders of the Chapter decided instead to form a council and rule the Chapter together, at least until such a time as a new Chapter Master could be chosen. For now the Chapter needed to focus on regrowing its numbers. Following the crusades success the four Chapters went their own ways, each tasked to a different theatre of war although the Interdictors would never forget their honour due to the Marines Invigilant or the Black Sons. The Uranides For several centuries following the Lauretta Crusade the Interdictors would continue to travel the Imperium as a crusading fleet. Drawing recruits and supplies where they could they made war from one side of the Imperium to the other. Drawing lessons from their victories and defeats in Lauretta they soon grew a reputation as a formidable ally. Although aloof and often holding to their own council they were a fearsome foe to enemies of the Imperium. Following Insert names here’s tactics of furious strikes they were as the Emperor’s sword, striking at the heart or weak points in the enemies lines via drop pod and thunderhawk. But they also learned wisdom and patience from their defeat, choosing their targets with care and never over extending or opening themselves unnecessarily. And all the while they were guided by the Chapter Council. In late M.37 the Chapter would receive a distress call from an Imperial Freighter of the Rogue Trader Donoghue Dynasty. The had recently been passing close to the mostly uncharted worlds of the Aegean Stars when they had been attacked. Not by any xenos or traitor but rather their own escorts. This had been following investigations of an unknown derelict space craft of strange xenos origins. Whilst they had destroyed their attacker in question there had been reports on baord their own vessel of strange behaviour and people acting as if under some sort of voilition not their own. The Chapter Council debated a course of action as this seemed more the purview of the Inquisition, rather then a Chapter of the Astartes, but Chief Librarian Theseus requested leave of his chapter to investigate until the Inquisition or its agents arrived. It was a request he was granted and after a short investigation he soon stumble d upon the answer. Those that had been exhibiting the strange behaviour seemed to have a strange warp residual touch about them. It was of a nature totally foreign to the Chief Librarian and seemed stronger on those more recent to exhibit the behaviour. Whilst Theseus investigated he soon began to suspect that whatever was causing the behaviour was the influence of some Warp based entity. His theory would soon be proven at least partially correct when Theseus himself was assaulted by whatever was causing the behaviour. It is perhaps lucky that the assailant chose Theseus as its next target, likely sensing his own strong Warp presence, for when it tried to gain a foot hold in his mind he relied on his long years of Librarius training to not only push the presence back but to follow its signals back to where it his on the ship. Gathering a squad of the Chapter’s few Terminator armoured veterans he followed the signal back to its source. It was there, hidden in the cargo decks of the freighter, they had the first recorded contact with a xenos species that would come to be identified as the Uranides. A being of small physical stature and mostly human like the Uranides were a race that, similar to the Aeldari, shared a great connection the to the Immaterium. Through their Warp based powers they were able to reach across great distances in spare and influence or control the minds of others. Only those of great mental fortitude could resist the Uranides influence for long. Striking the xenos down Theseus felt in its last moments it sent a call out into space. A call to its homeworld. A warning of the giants armoured in orange. And a call, to make ready for war. Theseus was able to follow the signal to the Uranides worlds in the Aegean Stars to the world known only to the Imperium as Achaea. The Chapter Council met once more and debated what to do with this knew knowledge. Such a threat to humanity could not be ignored, of that their was no question. Whilst some in the council urged for the Chapter to hand the matter over to the Inquisition, most notably the agents of the Ordo Xenos, other, including Chief Librarian Theseus, instead declared the Interdictors themselves should take action. Even if it was only until further Imperial forces could arrive. A threat like the Uranides could now be left unchecked. Theseus also warned, though not quite so openly, of the dangers that a creature like the Uranides could do if imprisoned and controlled by the wrong person. The debate raged for some time but eventually a plan was agreed upon and the chapter made ready to strike for the Aegean Stars. The War for Achaea had begun. The War for Achaea. When the Interdictors arrived in the Aegean Stars they didn’t know what exactly they would face. The Uranides were a completely unknown threat to the Imperium and so the Chapter was making war with no idea of how their enemy would fight. When they arrived on the first world of the Aegean Stars, a world known only as Macidene, where Theseus could detect the taint of the Xenos they came upon great cities. Not of the alien Uranides but rather humanity. These cities provided the labour for vast farms that covered the landscapes. The cities had weapon emplacements and defences but made no move to attack the astartes forced. At the centre of the cities stood massive ornate crystaline structures that were soon identified as temples. Confused the Interdictors sent a delegation to the planet, led by two members of the Chapter, Chief Librarian Theseus and Captain Odysian of the Second Company. The delegation was to make contact with whomever was in charge and question them on the xenos presence. When Odysian and Theseus arrived, however, they were almost entirely ignored by the populace. The people reacted stiffly, almost woodenly, and when questioned would only motion towards the temple. Odysian and his delegation went to the temple only to find, at its heart, one of the Ulanides. The creatures had installed themselves as gods over the human populace. Using their crystaline temples as conduits for their already considerable physic power they had enslaved the entire world and used the people as puppets. Enraged at this Odysian struck the creature down. At its death the whole world seemed to come alive. Suddenly defence systems went live and whilst many of the planets populace seemed suddenly free of the xenos control others threw themselves in a blind rage at the astartes interlopers. Odysian quickly took control of the situation, hacking a path free for his delegation before relaying his findings to the rest of the Chapter. At Theseus’ advice and Odysian’s command the Chapter fleet launched a string of blistering attacks aimed at the collection of crystal temples. As each xenos fell or each temple was blasted from orbit more and more of the planets populace seemed to become free from control. Men and women whom had been only moments before firing at the astartes would suddenly turn and start firing on those whom were still under control. The battle for Macidene was relatively short compared to the campaign that was to come. Although casualties to the marines were light they were not entirely spared. But the losses suffered as well as seeing the human populace enslaved such galvanised the chapters course. The Ulanides would be destroyed. The following crusade for the Aegean Stars would be a long and bloody one for the Chapter. Whilst they enjoyed initial success with relative ease against the xenos it wasn’t long before the Ulanides began to adapt to their new enemy. Crystaline temples would become heavily fortified. And when the astartes merely turned heavier weapons on them the Ulanides attempted to shield them with human bodies. Whilst the Interdictors would try to avoid human casualties they had little mercy for those whom allowed themselves to be enslaved. Soon the Interdictors would encounter humans not under the UIanides control whom still fought for the xenos creatures. Humans whom had lived their whole lives believing in the divinity of the creatures. Worse came when the Ulanides began to figure how to work through the psycho indoctrination of the marines and even begin to influence their actions. Whilst not able to fully control the servants of the Imperium they were able to seed doubt or confusion and sometimes even, if only for a brief critical moment, cause a marine to pause in his actions or even fire at a friendly foe. Even so the Interdictors would eventually arrive on the centre of the Ulanides Empire, the world of Achaea. It was here, at the height of the worlds tallest mountain, sat the greatest temple of the Ulanides. Seeing this as the critical moment of the war the chapter’s leaders sent a force of its mightiest heroes, including Captain Odysian whom had gained much respect during the war against the xenos, on a direct strike at the temple. Although the exact details of what went on in the palace aren’t recorded the people of Achaea still tell of the arrival of the God Slayers. Odysian led his force into the heart of the temple and emerged, seven days later, bloodied and and battered but carrying the leader of the Ulanides. This creature he broke across his knee before the human populace below and announced that he had slain their gods and they were free to either follow him to the Imperium’s light, or follow their masters into oblivion. This actions and speech were sent via vid link across the planet. The people of Achaea were relative primatives, close to the levels of technology of ancient Terra’s Bronze Age. Seeing this image of the death of their gods as if it was happeneing in front of them and not a continent away caused most of them to throw down their arms in support of these new being from beyond the stars. Those that didn’t were mercilessly cut down by their kin. The War for Achaea was over. A New Dawn With the Ulanides’ Empire broken the Interdictors would spend the next century cleansing what remained of the xenos filth. By the time agents of the Ordo Xenos arrived the Chapter reported they had wiped the Ulanides out to a creature and after some investigation the Lord Inquisitor agreed. As a reward for the Chapter’s service they were granted the world of Achaea to serve as a homeworld. At first the Chapter Council argued, not wishing to remain on a world that had seen the death of many of their brothers but in the end Chief Librarian Theseus managed to influence them to not only stay, but to appoint a new Chapter Master for the first time since their founders death. He suggested Odysian and with unanimous support he was appointed the second Chapter Master of the Interdictors. The Chapter would build a fortress monastary on one of the planets moons, the moon of Selene. From here Chapter Master Odysian would lead his Chapter to a new age of glory and service to the Imperium, eventually spreading his Chapter’s influence to all the worlds of the Aegean Stars and beyond. The Intercine War The Interdictors would go on to serve the Imperium well from their new homeworld. Elements of the Chapter were engaged all across the Imperium in the Millennia that followed. Led by the wise words of the Chapter Council with the final say in most matters belonging to the Chapter Master a fine balance of power existed between the two ruling bodies of the Chapter. However when the previous Chapter Master Alexcto was slain by Aeldari in a failed defence of the Shrine World of St Justiana he had left as his final decree that he would be succeeded by the Captain he considered his proteege Captain Heracles of the First Company. Tradition of the Chapter, however, stated that the Chapter Council was to decide whom would succeed as Chapter Master and Heracles was not a popular man amoungst his fellow Captains. Regarded as too taciturn and stubborn Heracles did not have the respect of many of the Chapters marines and instead the Council named the young Plinus of the Fifth Company. Plinus was head strong and quick witted, though nowhere near the warrior Heracles, and highly charismatic. With neither Plinus or Heracles supporters willing to accept the other as Chapter Master the Interdictors fell to civil war. In a conflict known as in the Chapter as the Intercine War the Interdictors split. Whilst the two groups usually avoided each other and made war in seperate theatres it was not unknown for them to fire upon one another if forces to fight in the same conflict. Unable to reach a compromise between the two the Interdictors seemed likely to tear each other apart. The Great Rift and The Indomitus Crusade In late M41 Abaddon launched his Thirteenth Black Crusade at the gates of Cadia. The culmination of a ten millennia of spite and hatred broke against the Gate and, through shear malice, broke the planet. Elements of the Chapter, under the command of Chapter Master Plinus, had fought alongside the defenders of the Cadia system, though not on Cadia itself. As the planet broke apart and the Warp began to expand Plinus led what forces he had from the system, fleeing towards Holy Terra. As Chapter Master Heracles led how own forces in the defence of the Aegean Stars that had come under assault by the forces of Chaos as well, despite its location well from the Eye, Plinus marshalled his own forces to join other Imperials in the desperate defence of Imperial worlds caught in the path of the opening of the Great Rift. When hope was rekindled in the Imperium with the resurrection of the Primarch, Roboute Guilliman, and the subsequent Indomitus Crusade the Interdictors under the command of Plinus would join alongside their Primogenitors, the Ultramarines. Gifted with reinforcements of the new Primaris Marines the Interdictors fought alongside the Indomitus fleets until their arrival near the Aegean Stars. Arriving to relieve the besieged survivors of their Chapter alongside the Primarch himself Plinus’ forces would relieve the homeworld. When Guilliman and Plinus entered the sanctuary where Heracles had been leading his forces from, however, Plinus laid down his arms before his estranged brother. He spoke with the wisdom brought on from discussions with the Primarch and swore that the Chapter should never be divided again. He relinquished all commands and asked only to go into exile to redeem himself for what he in his pride had allowed happen to the Chapter. Chapter Master Heracles, awed by the Primarch’s presence as well as Plinus’ wise words knelt before the Primarch and did the same. Swearing to go into exile alongside his former rival to help heal what damage they had both done he asked Roboute to help guide his brothers into appointing the right successor. Thus the Intercine War ended with the wise council of the Primarch. Guilliman appointed Captain Theron Damocletes of the 2nd Company as the new Chapter Master and would return to the Indomitus Crusade with a unified force of the Interdictors at his back. Present Era With Chapter Master Theron at their head the Interdictors have reforged their strength. Indeed many claim Theron is possessed of the spirit of Odysian himself. Theron would elect to cross the Rubicon Primaris upon his return from service in the Indomitus Crusade, as would in turn most of the Chapter. Bolstered as well with the reinforcements the Indomitus Crusade brought of those from the Gene vaults on Mars the Chapter would return to full strength following the conflicts of the Intercine War. Under the counsel of the Primarch the Chapter Council’s powers were reduced and, although they still help some control, measures were put in place to ensure no such conflict happened again. And it was well they did as with the Imperium under greater threat then ever before the Interdictors have been hard pressed across the worlds of Mankind aiding where they can. And even now their own home of the Aegean Stars has come under threat from the rising menance of the xenos with the first tendrils of the yet unencountered Hive Fleet Koleos emerging from dark space on the fringes of the Aegean Stars as well as reports from Imperial Command of forces of the traitors lurking in nearby systems the Interdictors have no shortage of foes. Still they stand strong, as always, with grim determination and fury. They are the Imperium’s Sword. They know no fear.
  5. Order Datafile: The Sisters of Saint Katherine’s Aegis Order Identification: Order of the Fiery Heart Organisational Structure: Mission Location: Segmentum Pacificus, Desdaemona System, Orison’s Wake Mission Commander: Cannoness Ailia Lavalle Primary Fortifications: The Chapel of Saint Katherine’s Aegis, Aegis City The Chapel of the Grain Maiden’s Prayer, Xerastor Order History: Discovery of the Desdaemona System The Desdaemona system lies on the Western fringe of Segmentum Pacificus. In the years following the Heresy, an Explorator Fleet of the Adeptus Mechanicus discovered a stable warp corridor at the edge of known space- a corridor which had an exit point beyond the boundaries of the Imperium into a star system of three habitable planets, rich with untapped resources. The Mechanicus established a relay station to mark the warp route, and over two Millennia, the Imperium began colonisation of the system. This began with the largest of the system’s three habitable planets- Desdaemona Prime. During the first wave of colonisation, the resources of this planet alone were sufficient to maintain the population, but over time, it was determined that the political centre of the system should be located off-world on the smaller and more defensible planet Miranda Regent. Desdaemona Prime grew to a great Hive world, exporting citizens across the system to extract resources from less habitable planetoids, to build orbital infrastructure and defences and finally to tithe and trade with the monolithic Imperium. Orison’s Wake, the final habitable world in-system, was colonised and designated as an agriworld to feed both the constant growth of Desdaemona Prime and the political elites of Miranda Regent. The Age of Apostasy At the peak of the Reign of Blood, the tyrant Goge Vandire sent vast fleets of Frateris Templar on unholy crusades of conquest and slaughter. One such fleet, destined for the naval base at Hydraphur, was sent lightyears rimward in the Empyrean turmoil common to the era. When the fleet emerged from the phenomenon, they were close enough to detect the Mechanicus beacon that marked the Desdaemona warp corridor. Reconnaissance vessels emerged and quickly cut off the isolated outpost of Echo Station, extracting intel from the captured traders to assist Vandire’s Frateris Templar fleet with the conquest and subjugation of the Desdaemona system. Once the full battery of the Heretic fleet arrived, the battle was quick and decisive. Vandire’s forces destroyed Military assets that were too distant or isolated to be centrally controlled and captured the rest. Over the decades of Vandire’s rule, the Desdaemona system was twisted to a shadow of its former self- at Desdaemona Prime, those who refused to submit to the depravity of their captors were burned by the thousands; Miranda Regent’s palaces and mansions were occupied by the senior officers of the fleet and the most brutal of the warlords who commanded the ground forces. The agricultural rites of sparsely populated Orison’s Wake were twisted into perverse fertility rituals, contaminating the food supply for the entire system with the taint of chaos. When Alicia Dominica finally took Vandire’s head, the reformation efforts spread outward from Terra along the most stable warp routes. But even along those corridors, systems were claimed based on the value of their assets, leaving the far edge of Pacificus to the continued depredations of chaos for solar decades after Vandire's defeat. The Desdaemona System continued to suffer until fate brought the Crusade fleet of Saint Katherine’s Fiery Heart to Hydraphur. As Katherine’s flagship approached the naval base, she was afflicted with visions of the suffering of Desdaemona’s faithful. Katherine attempted to follow through with her responsibilities to reinforce the fleet at Hydrafur, but the visions persisted, and in the end she put her trust in the wisdom of the Emperor, taking her flagship and a handful of escort ships west to the Mechincus relay station and ultimately, the Desdaemona system beyond. Vandire’s forces had become complacent after breaking the system, and they did not anticipate Katherine’s holy wrath. The system was reclaimed in less than a solar year. As Katherine’s fleet launched surprise raids against docking facilities, orbital defences and vital ground fortifications, loyal Imperial citizens of Desdaemona Prime found the courage to unpack hidden weapon caches, maintained from the early days of the Chaos invasion in support of their liberators. On Orison’s Wake, a Thresher woman known only as the Grain Maiden united the Thresher Houses to overthrow the shadowy advisors who had encouraged the corruption of ancient rituals. The Reconstruction Following the liberation, Saint Katherine continued her involvement with the Desdaemona System to ensure an effective reconstruction. First, she restored any of the elites who had escaped the purge of Miranda Regent to oversee the appointment of a new governor and the restoration of the Imperial tithe. Katherine assembled the rebel militias of Desdaemona Prime into the First regiment of Desdaemonian Primals with additional resources from the Imperium. At Orison’s Wake, she oversaw the construction and consecration of the Chapel of Saint Katherine’s Aegis; she established a Commandery of the Fiery Heart to defend it, and she had the Grain Maiden sanctified as an Imperial Saint for her role in the purification of the system’s food supply. She oversaw the repair and augmentation of orbital facilities around Miranda Regent into a dynamic ring of docks, hangars and weapon platforms known as Sycorax Delta. Finally, she oversaw the assembly of the Consecration Crusade fleet, which included ships from her own fleet. Katherine’s involvement in the restoration, however, was on borrowed time. The Reign of Blood was over, but the Plague of Unbelief was about to begin, and Katherine was needed at Hydrafur on a more permanent basis. Cardinal Bucharis had begun to push out from Gathalamor, and the fleet was on high alert. When Katherine finally emerged at the relay station, a large Heretic Fleet was detected at the outer limit of long range sensors. Knowing that she was out-gunned, and that the Desdaemona system would be vulnerable, Katherine made a critical decision. After a hasty evacuation, she detonated the relay station to conceal the passage to the Desdaemona System, and baited the Heretic Fleet back to Hydraphur where Imperial Reinforcements were able to outflank and cut off the enemy’s line of retreat, crushing them in a brutal pincer attack. Katherine had always intended to return and re-establish contact with the Desdaemona system, but the Plague of Unbelief turned out to be a larger threat than anyone had anticipated. The fleet that Katherine defeated at Hydrafur was only the first of many, and the Fiery Heart was deployed in ground invasions across the sector and beyond. Katherine herself was martyred at the hands of the Witch Cult of Mnestteus before she could complete the pilgrimage, leaving the Desdaemona system isolated for five Solar Millennia. The Stillness Desdaemonians refer to the era following Katherine’s departure as the Stillness. For a century or more, the citizens maintained hope that Katherine would return to reestablish a connection with the larger Imperium. In time, however, that hope faded. While Katherine continued to be regarded as a liberator, living memory of her faded, and the Chapel of Saint Katherine’s Aegis attracted fewer and fewer pilgrims from the other inhabited planets in the system. Without new recruits from the Convents at Terra and Ophelia VII, it was determined that many of the resources deployed at Orison’s Wake would be better used on Desdaemona Prime, where they could recruit and train new Sisters from the larger population. As the Sisters of Saint Katherine’s Aegis saw their forces redeployed, they were promised that in time, recruits from Desdaemona Prime would be sent back to replace the losses. Instead, many of the recruiting Missions on the larger planet consolidated to form a Commandery of their own, while the Sisters of Saint Katherine’s Aegis saw their once proud Commandery reduced to a mere Mission- a shadow of the force once celebrated and blessed by Katherine herself. In time, Sisters of the Aegis began to distrust the Commandery at Desdaemona Prime. What was sent from Desdaemona Prime instead of the requested sisters were the 17th, 25th and 33rd Companies of Desdaemonian Primals, as well as Precinct 13 of the Adeptus Arbites, placing local authority in the hands of other Imperial forces and further diminishing the role the Sisters of Saint Katherine’s Aegis had once played in maintaining order. Over time, the Sisters were left with no choice but to work with their Thresher allies in House Kronar to establish Schola Progenium territories in the settlements to plant the seeds for local recruitment. In addition to recruiting from the children of the Imperial forces stationed at Orison’s Wake, these facilities now recruit the most promising children of the Thresher Houses. The Sisters of Saint Katherine’s Aegis Due to their long separation from the Imperium, the Sisters of Saint Katherine’s Aegis retain their ancient connection to the Order of the Fiery Heart- they never experienced the Martyrdom of their Matron Saint, avoiding the grief that transformed their coreward sisters into the Order of Our Martyred Lady. In the Desdaemona system, there is no cult of martyrdom within the sisterhood; Katherine is remembered as an impetuous, living warrior saint. On the battlefield, their strategy and technique is closer to the Daughters of the Emperor than the Adepta Sororitas- they strive to incorporate the holy trinity of bolter, meltagun and flamer into as many of their units as possible. While the Commandery at Desdaemona Prime and the Mission at Orison’s Wake belong to the same Order, the Orisonborn see themselves as separate from their Desdaemonian Sisters. They work closely with the Thresher militia of House Kronar and the Death Cult known as the Grain Maiden’s Rage. These allies are particularly powerful during the equinox festivals associated with the planting and harvesting seasons, when the Death Cultists are occasionally accompanied by a living embodiment of the Grain Maiden herself. The Orisonborn always treat their Sisters of the Fiery Heart with respect, but they are accustomed to conducting themselves without input or interference from the Commandery. In recent years, however, this has led to tension within the Mission after Palatine Ailia Lavalle was sent to Orison’s Wake with a bodyguard of Sacressants and a unit of Seraphim to reinforce the Mission. The Sister of Saint Katherine's Aegis welcomed the reinforcements, but they fear that the Commandery will see this as an opportunity to exert their authority over the Mission at Orison's Wake. Mission Assets and the Distribution of Forces The landmass of Orison’s Wake consists of two large continents and a few scattered islands too small to support agriculture. The larger continent, Farrow, is home to the planetary capital, Aegis City, named for the Chapel of Saint Katherine’s Aegis, which lies at the heart of the city. In addition to the capital, Farrow boasts four settlements. The Mission has a secondary shrine in the settlement of Thraxa, which is maintained with the support of the Threshers of House Kronar. Finally, a tertiary shrine in the settlement of Talla supports an Imperial Medicae facility. The Mission has no assets in the remaining settlements, Krannick and Varga. Palatine Ailia Lavalle was recently sent to the Chapel of Saint Katherine’s Aegis by the Fiery Heart Commandery, along with a Sacressant Bodyguard and a unit of Seraphim. Lavalle would serve under Canoness Jalissa Kronar, a weathered and wizened Orisonborn, known to her Sisters and congregants as the Reverend Mother. Lavalle would earn the respect of her new sisters in a vicious campaign against Drukhari raiders in the continental northwest on the far side of Thraxa. The victory, however, was bittersweet; during the final battle, the Reverend Mother was infected with a virulent poison, and while she was able to walk unassisted from the battle, she succumbed to the infection three days later. It was assumed that Orisonborn Palatine Lauriel Syrinx would be promoted to Canoness and that Sister Lavalle would assume her position as the senior Sister stationed on the smaller continent of Lodi. Instead, the Commandery at Desdaemona Prime promoted Lavalle and installed her as the Canoness of Saint Katherine’s Aegis. While Ailia had proven her worth in battle and none would ever question her loyalty to the Emperor or the Sisterhood, there were many who felt that the position of Canoness was better suited to an Orisonborn daughter of the Grain Maiden’s blessing. The Sisters stationed on Lodi are all native daughters of Orison’s Wake. The Chapel of the Grain Maiden’s Prayer, located in the settlement of Xerastor, rivals the size of its sister chapel in Aegis City, but much of it sits upon land owned by the Threshers of House Kronar. It supports and is in turn supported by a Progenium Facility as well as a Penitentiary. The settlement of Miro is home to a secondary shrine, maintained by a Preacher and a unit of Arcoflagellants. The Sisterhood has no assets in the remaining territories, Theryll and Ranx. Optional Rules The following optional rules can be used to represent the Sisters of Saint Katherine’s Aegis, who differ significantly from the Order of Our Martyred Lady, and are not well suited to detachment rules that privilege martyrdom. The Harvester of Sorrow detachment uses some 9th Edition rules to better approximate the Fiery Heart battle tactics employed by both the Sisters of Saint Katherine's Aegis and the Commandery at Desdaemona Prime. When the storyline of this Crusade brings the Desdaemona System back int contact with the larger Imperium, both the Sisters of Saint Katherine's Aegis and the Fiery Heart Commandery will be reeducated and join the Order of Our Martyred Lady. In addition to the Harvester of Sorrow Detachment, these rules include four new datasheets: the Grain Maiden, the Assassins of the Grain Maiden's Rage, Thresher Militia and Thresher Command. These units represent forces drawn from the Threshers of House Kronar, strong allies to the Sisters of Saint Katherine's Aegis since the day Katherine elevated the Grain Maiden to Sainthood. They will only serve under Sisters who are native to Orison's Wake. This is represented by the Orisonborn Keyword. Not all Sisters of Saint Katherine's Aegis are Orisonborn- Canoness Ailia Lavalle, her Sacressants and her Seraphim have all been sent by the Fiery Heart Commandery at Desdaemona Prime, with a high probablitlity of additional reinforcements. Additional Orisonborn, however, can only join the Sisters of Katherine's Aegis in the four units presented here, or as Novitiates- graduates from Progenium facilities which are often located on Kronar controlled territories. Detachment Rule: Harvester of Sorrow Saint Katherine instilled in her Order of the Fiery Heart a reverence for the Holy Trinity of Bolter, Flamer and Melta. The Sisters of Saint Katherines Aegis see the heat beams of the melta as the scythes which reap the harvest. Each time a unit with this ability makes an attack with a melta weapon, the target of that attack is considered to be in half range for the purposes of that weapon’s abilities if: The weapon has the pistol or assault trait The weapon has the Heavy trait and the target is with 18” of the firing model Strategems: Cleansed by Fire (2 CP) Harvester of Sorrow- Battle Tactic Strategem When: Your shooting phase. Target: One Adepta Sororitas unit that has been selected to make a shooting attack. Effect: When that unit makes an attack, do not roll to determine the number of attacks; instead, that weapon automatically make the maximum number of attacks. A Moment of Grace (1 CP) Harvester of Sorrow- Epic Deed Strategem When: Any phase. Target: One Adepta Sororitas unit that has just made a hit, wound or save roll. Effect: The unit may discard one or two Miracle Dice: add +1 to that roll for each Miracle Dice discarded. Faith and Fury (1 CP) Harvester of Sorrow- Strategic Ploy Strategem When: Shooting phase or fight phase. Target: One Adepta Sororitas unit that has just used an Act of Faith for a shooting or melee attack. Effect: That unit may immediately use that Miracle Dice for the wound roll. This does not count as an additional Act of Faith. Judgement of the Faithful (1 CP) Harvester of Sorrow- Strategic Ploy Strategem When: Movement Phase. Target: One Adepta Sororitas unit that has made a fallback move. Effect: That unit may make a shooting attack even though it made a fallback move. Holy Trinity (1 CP) Harvester of Sorrow- Wargear Strategem When: Your shooting phase. Target: One Adeptus Sororitas unit that has been selected to make a shooting attack. Effect: The attacking unit can only target one enemy unit that is visible to and within range of at least one of the attacking unit’s bolt weapons, melta weapons and flame weapons; each hit with these weapons receives +1 to wound. Daughters of the Aegis (1 CP) Harvester of Sorrow- Strategic Ploy Strategem When: Enemy shooting or fight phase. Target: One Adepta Sororitas unit that has been chosen as the target of a shooting or melee attack. Effect: Until the end of the phase, each time this unit is hit by an attack with AP 1, that attack is considered to be AP 0. Enhancements: The Grainmaiden’s Resolve During the uprising against Vandire’s forces, a Thresher woman known only as the Grain Maiden rose up to lead the Threshers against the forces that had corrupted their agricultural rituals. It was said that with her intimate knowledge of the land, the Grain Maiden could appear anywhere. Orisonborn Adepta Sororitas character model only. This model and any Assassins of the Grain Maiden’s Rage or Thresher unit that she is attached to gain the infiltrate ability. If this model’s retinue is destroyed, the model gains the lone operative ability. Note: this enhancement can not be used in games which include a Host of the Grain Maiden model. The Warscythe of Orison’s Wake This sacred weapon was used by the Grain Maiden in the final battle with the sorcerous cabal responsible for the subversion of the agricultural rituals of the Thresher Houses. Orisonborn Adepta Sororitas character model only. The bearer of this weapon may make 5 AP-3 D-2 attacks; if this unit attacks during a turn in which it charged, this weapon inflicts an additional mortal wound. This weapon may not be used during a turn in which the bearer attacked with another weapon. Saint Katherine’s Aegis While the Praesidium Protectiva carried to battle in the Triumph of Saint Katherine is a true Praesidium, it is not the shield that Katherine carried into battle on behalf of Alicia Dominica. Prior to her departure from the Desdaemona system, Katherine hid the true Aegis beneath the Chapel that bears its name, where it has remained for five thousand years. Upon her return to Hydrafur to face the fleet of Cardinal Bucharis, Katherine adopted the Praesidium that currently travels with the Triumph. Adepta Sororitas model only. This shield confers a 4+ Invulnerable save to the bearer’s unit. If every model in the bearer’s unit has the Orisonborn keyword, that unit is additionally assumed to automatically pass any battleshock test it is required to make. Condemnor of the Hereticus This mastercrafted condemnor boltgun is granted to the Sister who serves in the capacity of Inquisitorial Liaison. In addition to its martial functions, this weapon serves as a badge of honour, and it is a reminder that the Eye of the Emperor is always watching. Adepta Sororitas model equipped with a Condemnor Boltgun. That weapons type is changed to assault, and the weapon receives +1 Attack, +1 Strength, + 2 AP, and +1 Damage.
  6. The 7th Rhûnish Dragoons History of Rhûn Initially settled by one of the many waves of early human expansions following the development of early warp drive and related technologies in about M18 the actual first arrival is lost to history. Scholars arriving with the fledging Imperium during the Great Crusade pegged first settlement to late M19. Little is known or remains of the early centuries and millennia, though Rhûn was most likely a highly developed world based on the few Archeotech dig and recoveries carried out by the Imperium and especially the Mecanicum once brought into the fold of Imperium. What is certain that mid M27 a minor (by Imperial standards) Ork Waaagh made planet fall. The initial outbreak of war was fast and furious and utterly devastating. While the orks where fought back Rhûnish civilisation was in tatters. Unable to eliminate the orks entirely in the coming years many decades of resurgent Feral Waaghs further degraded the remains of the Rhûnish former civilisation. Meanwhile the orbital skirmish between the Ork fleet and the Rhûnish in system fleet and orbital station and other off planet assets fought to mutual annihilation. Rhûn would not get back into space until arrival of the Great Crusade. After about a century and a half or thereabouts of conflict with the orks a sort of equilibrium was reached. A core of heavily fortified human city states scattered far and wide became the last bastions and the little technological and manufacturing capabilities. Kept safe by roaming semi nomadic armies that hunted down orks and tried as much as possible for them to aggregate into a serious threats to the cities. Set up to be politically independent the roaming armies where supplied by the city states but where not under command. That way no city state could seek to dominate its neighbour and the equipping and supply of the armies was a shared burden. Any city that failed to supply and support the armies or became a threat to other human cities would be excluded from protection, while any army that failed to protect the cities or engaged in warfare against humans would be denied resupply. The mutual dependence worked, sometimes better, sometimes not so much, but always well enough to keep the orks mostly pushed back into the wild and badlands, the mountains and other inhospitable lands. The arrival of the Great Crusade was welcomed by the roaming armies, new and better equipment, the reestablishment of orbital observation platforms and reliable long distant communication where all great aids in beating the feral orks even further. The city states on the other hand were more reluctant, giving up independence was a hard pill to swallow. Details of the subsequent centuries are lost to time until 439.M33 when the Departmento Munitorum recorded the raising of 15 regiments for the Imperial Guard. Those raised from the nomadic tribes, earned excellent service records while those raised from the bastion cities were lacklustre in comparison. Henceforth all subsequent regiment were resided exclusively from the nomadic tribes, who had also been reorganised into the Planetary PDF. The cities instead were charged, as in ancient times, with supplying the PDF and newly raised Regiments. The 7th Rhûnish Dragoons The 7th Rhûnish Dragoons was one of 12 regiments raised in mid M39 as one of the regular tithed forces. Initially setting out equipped with the gear from the PDF division they were raised out, as per tradition, of over the years this has been supplemented by fresh Departmento Munitorum supplies, most of which of much different manufacturing style. As such the equipment, and especially the uniform of some troopers, can be mismatched. To avoid low morale Regimental command and the Commissariat have reached a compromise on what constitute a Rhûnish uniform, now just requiring the traditional Rhûnish patterned helmet and flack armour. Even most reasonable Commissars can acknowledge that flogging over half of a regiment for improper uniforms will not raise battle efficiency. To keep tribal tensions to a minimum, PDF companies, and any Imperial Guard regiments raised out of them, are usually only comprised of members from one of the great tribes. In the case of the 7th Rhûnish Dragoons they are from the Jade Lake kindred. In truth the 7th Rhûnish Dragoons are not the first regiment raised with that name, but the 379th. Tradition dictates that whenever there is a raising each regiment is numbered after one of the initial 15 regiments raised back in 439.M33. As such on more than one occasion, when raising where to close together, or larger than 15 regiments there have been more than one Rhûnish regiment with the same designation operating in the Imperium at large. Much to the confusion and frustration of the Departmento Munitorum, who after one particular incident in 683.M35 started assigning unique identifiers to Rhûnish regiments. The 7th Rhûnish Dragoons currently in service is therefore more accurately the 7th Rhûnish ‘Seaglass Nu-Phi’ Dragoons. A designation no Rhûnish guardsmen will acknowledge, insisting that they are just the 7th Dragoons. The 7th Rhûnish ‘Seaglass Nu-Phi’ Dragoons, as many of the earlier irritations, is a Mechanised Regiment with armoured and outrider support. Its operational doctrine is inspiered by the needs of the Nomadic tribes that form the PDF of Rhûn and their roaming life, forever on the hunt for ork infestations. The Sentinel and Kataphrakt squadrons excel at scouting for the regiment while still being able to keep up when the chimeras, armoured and support columns are on the move. Much reduced in strength the 7th Rhûnish Dragoons are on the verge of being merged with another under strength regiment. However the Munitorum Adepts, due to circumstances and lack of availability of similar regiments keep on bushing the criteria back. Merging with and infantry regiment might strengthen that regiment in the role of an infatry force, however it would essentially remove the Dragoons as a Mechanised force that can operate on extend long distance engagements. Will the Dragoons last long enough to be reinforced or will they simply fade into nothing? Individual Units: Veteran Armoured Fist Squad Alef Kataphrakt (Rought Riders WIP)
  7. This is not my submission for the Liber Martiale, but just a rough draft of ideas for the challenge. Once I get a chance to refine and put more detail, I will be fleshing this out Bluebeak Kindred Based out of the the Warsphere Gio’co’cyks, loosely translates to Void Runner A mercenary warband that maintains close relations to the Dal’yth sept. Due to their evolutionary predilections, the Bluebeaks have a particularly close relations to the Earth Caste of that sept. Bluebeak warriors have fought alongside the Dal’yth cadres on numerous occasions. Bluebeak warriors have integrated both the primitive guerilla tactics of their race with the Kauyon philosophy. Bluebeak Carnivores and Dal’yth Pathfinders work together to combine traps such as punji pits and rope lures with seeker missile strikes and Firesight ambushes. The Bluebeaks, while eschewing most technological development, do have a preference for tinkering with looted or gifted technology. This comes in the form of modifying weapons, bionics, and personal gadgets. The Flesh Shapers have directed this aspect of the kindred. Whilst the traits of deadly predators and brawny herd animals are still sought after, the Kindred has a affinity for hunting and consuming the traits of logical prey. The Bluebeaks have been known to hunt scientists, engineers, and technicians of other species. The Gio’co’cyks is currently on the dark side of the Great Rift. It was sent as a scouting expedition of the wider galaxy, a joint venture between the kindred and Dal’yth. The expedition was trapped in Imperium Nihilus shortly after the establishment of the Great Rift, and now seeks a path through back home to the Empire Due to a fragmentation within Imperium Nihilus, the expedition has been able to venture deep within certain Imperial sectors. The expedition has to fight for resources, relying on mercenary work with fringe Imperial and alien enclaves to stay supplied Water Caste agents have used this work to recruit forces into the Greater Good, replenishing the forces of the expedition I want to use this as a chance to create a DIY alien auxiliary race When necessary, the expedition has had to resort to piracy. Their raiding of an outpost of the Lareso IX forge world has pulled the expedition into conflict with the Mechanus and their allies As a joint venture, the Gio’co’cyks was retrofitted by the T’au. Though primarily a Kroot force, a Contingent of Dal'yth Cadres is onboard. With the agreement of the Bluebeaks Shaper council, the Earth and Air Caste retrofit a section of the Warsphere to be suitable for T’au habitation. A hanger for a wing of fighter aircraft alongside a single Manta Kroot void weaponry has been supplemented by hidden railgun and ion cannon batteries The Fire Caste Contingent is primarily focused around Stealth cadres, though a few Armoured and Retaliation Cadres are onboard as a heavy reserve. The T’au remain hidden within the Warsphere as protection against the Imperium. Whereas Kroot mercenary forces have been able to traverse the fringes of the Imperium, it was feared that the T’au presence would draw unwanted attention. The Gio’co’cyks also has sections for a Contingent of Vespid Strains Though the Bluebeaks are close to the T’au, they remain wary of giving the Earth Caste full access to the inner working of the Warsphere. This has led to some tension between the shaper council and the T’au leadership. Conversely, some of the Kindred feel that this close relationship threatens the sovereignty of the Kroot as a whole. Alongside the Gio’co’cyks, the expedition also includes a trio of T’au retrofitted Gue’la escorts: 2 Claymore Corvettes and a Carrack Transport. These vessels were captured and modified by the T’au to escort the Gio’co’cyks into Imperial space. They are manned by Gue’vesa born into the empire to ensure loyalty, alongside an Air Caste command Corp. Much like the Gio’co’cyks, much of the native weaponry of these vessels has been supplemented by T’au firepower. Heavy automation allows for a reduced crew load. Contingents of Gue’vesa infantry are carried by each vessel, ready to reinforce their allies in surface operations. Due to a lack of Navigators and ignorance of Warp Drives, the escorts are instead towed with gravitic hooks by the Warsphere.
  8. One of my favorite threads I've ever read on the B&C, and one of the main reasons I got into the hobby was @Kierdale's thread for his psychopomps. I've similarly enjoyed @WarriorFish's Sundered and what I've seen of @Tallarn Commander's Warpborn. I'm also looking forward to reading about @Slave to Darkness's Khornate Word Bearers warband. I like reading about you guys' custom warbands and I'm going to channel that energy into my own hobby blog. The warband is still a WIP. I have yet to settle on a name that I really enjoy. But I do have some solid themes I want to incorporate and a paint scheme. I mocked up this digital test model with the app impcat. I think I am partial to the one with the black boots. I've also done up a test shoulder pad to see how the colors actually look in real life. I used the new Mantis Warrior Green contrast paint and then a conventional blue black for the trim. I'm going to have to come up with a method for touching up the green, otherwise I'm going to take some years off my life stressing out about painting so much black trim next to my beautiful, bright acid green. I'm choosing a leviathan's cross for the symbol for a couple of reasons. It invokes imagery of the occult It is connected to alchemy where it is a symbol for brimstone (sulfur) It looks cool Its simple enough to freehand that I don't need to mess around with transfers.
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