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Found 4 results

  1. This topic provides members with links to handy discussions/tutorials/articles that will assist them in both developing and discussing their DIYs. If there are any discussions, external sites, or videos that you think should be added, please post a reply here with the link. If any links are dead, or if you think they are no longer relevant, please post a reply. Background Information Timelines of the Warhammer 40000 Universe Timeline (WH40K Wiki) Timeline (Lexicanum) Adeptus Astartes Founding Timeline (Lexicanum) DIY Aids DIY Article Templates - A variety of BBCode templates members can use in composing the articles for their DIYs DIY Musings: How much detail is enough? (Brother Tyler) Guide to DIYing (Ferrata) The Octaguide (Octavulg) On Do It Yourself (DIY) Discussions - Advice for participating in discussions (Brother Tyler) WH40K DIY Article Templates - Downloadable Microsoft Word .docx templates in a variety of formats that can be adapted to a DIY from any faction References Tabula Astartes - An index of all Adeptus Astartes legions, chapters, and warbands - loyalist and renegade, official and DIY Tabula Mechanicus - An index of all Adeptus Mechanicus forge worlds, hellforges, titan legions, and independent Kastelan maniples - loyalist and renegade, official and DIY Tabula Militarum - An index of all Imperial Guard regiments, worlds, and army groups - loyalist and renegade, official and DIY Tabula Questoris - An index of all knight households, knight worlds, and freeblades - loyalist and renegade, official and DIY Tabula Sororitas - An index of all Adepta Sororitas orders - official and DIY Submit your DIY to the tabula once it is completed! Showcases Liber Showcase - Submit your DIY article to the Liber Showcase once it is completed! Liber Astartes Miniatures Showcase - A place for members to display the models for their DIYs =][= NOTICE - Current Painters below are at this time, Lost in the Warp. If they are ever recovered these links will be updated =][= Painters Astra Militarum Chaos Space Marine Scout Sister of Battle Space Marine (w/ wargear) Terminator
  2. LIBER ASTARTES SWAP CHALLENGE 2021 Monday 1st February - Sunday 2nd May [+++] Greetings, fellow Liberites! It is with great pleasure that I bring this announcement to you: after a first edition back in 2010, organised by @captain_shrike and @Ferrus Manus, and a second one over a year ago in 2019, organised by @Brother Cambrius, I am happy to organise the third iteration of this fun, creative event in the hopes that it'll get people writing, modeling and painting! Similar to the previous event, this event will champion the writing of fresh Chapters of Adeptus Astartes or Warbands of the Heretic Astartes. However, if you already have a Chapter/Warband posted here in the Liber and don't feel like creating something from scratch, you may also revisit and update your existing article instead. Now, to make things easier to organise and run, the event shall be divided into two distinct phases. PHASE 1 (2 months, 1st February - 29th March) Participants who enter the challenge must submit an article that describes the history and customs of their DIY Chapter/Warband by Monday 29th March 23:59 in their timezone. Much like Cambrius before me, I am loathe to put a minimum word count requirement on this challenge. The bare minimum should cover the core tenets of your Chapter/Warband, along with a selected history, a colour scheme (using the B&C's very own digital painting tools or GW's Primaris heraldry card), a Chapter/Warband symbol (description or image), and whatever other details you deem necessary for someone to be able to build and paint a model representing a Space Marine from your Chapter/Warband. For examples of what's expected, I'd recommend checking out Cambrius' Avenging Fists and Demolishers, Olis' Seventh Sons, Lysimachus' Paladins of Dercia, my very own Praetors of Denzarr. You can also refer to the following brief list of stuff to include, pilfered from the last event: What's your Chapter's name? What do they look like? What is their personality? What is their identity in the world of 40K? (eg are they heroic knights of honour, shadowy assassins, cold and logical soldiers) If you're still not sure if your Chapter/Warband fits within the above requirements, drop a message here on in my inbox, and I'll get your sorted as soon as I can. As mentioned earlier, you may choose to instead update an existing Chapter/Warband of yours and submit it by the same deadline and following the same basic requirements. If you're a madman like @Brother Argent, you may even submit multiple entries if you so wish. [!] Important note [!] -> when you submit your vow, please also state what type of Space Marine (Firstborn, Primaris, and/or Heretic) you can assemble and paint during Phase 2. This is very important because not everyone has all of the aforementioned options and it would be a shame if someone got lumped with an Ultima-Founding Chapter but doesn't have any spare Primaris to paint, or a Warband but only has loyalist Space Marine bits. Now, if you'd like to post your vow for this event, feel free to use the STC provided below and embellish it as you wish. And here are some snazzy signature banners to show that you're a cool kid competing in this challenge (many thanks to Cambrius for these). 300x100 pixel version: 33x100 pixel version:
  3. INCOMING EVENT LIBER ASTARTES SWAP CHALLENGE 2021 Monday 1st February - Sunday 2nd May [+++] Greetings, fellow Liberites! It is with great pleasure that I bring this announcement to you: after a first edition back in 2010, organised by @captain_shrike and @Ferrus Manus, and a second one over a year ago in 2019, organised by @Brother Cambrius, I am happy to organise the third iteration of this fun, creative event in the hopes that it'll get people writing, modeling and painting! Similar to the previous event, this event will champion the writing of fresh Chapters of Adeptus Astartes or Warbands of the Heretic Astartes. However, if you already have a Chapter/Warband posted here in the Liber and don't feel like creating something from scratch, you may also revisit and update your existing article instead. Now, to make things easier to organise and run, the event shall be divided into two distinct phases. PHASE 1 (2 months, 1st February - 29th March) Participants who enter the challenge must submit an article that describes the history and customs of their DIY Chapter/Warband by Monday 29th March 23:59 in their timezone. Much like Cambrius before me, I am loathe to put a minimum word count requirement on this challenge. The bare minimum should cover the core tenets of your Chapter/Warband, along with a selected history, a colour scheme (using the B&C's very own digital painting tools or GW's Primaris heraldry card), a Chapter/Warband symbol (description or image), and whatever other details you deem necessary for someone to be able to build and paint a model representing a Space Marine from your Chapter/Warband. For examples of what's expected, I'd recommend checking out Cambrius' Avenging Fists and Demolishers, Olis' Seventh Sons, Lysimachus' Paladins of Dercia, my very own Praetors of Denzarr. If you're still not sure if your Chapter/Warband fits within the above requirements, drop a message here on in my inbox, and I'll get your sorted as soon as I can. As mentioned earlier, you may choose to instead update an existing Chapter/Warband of yours and submit it by the same deadline and following the same basic requirements. [!] Important note [!] -> when you submit your vow, please also state what type of Space Marine (Firstborn, Primaris, and/or Heretic) you can assemble and paint during Phase 2. This is very important because not everyone has all of the aforementioned options and it would be a shame if someone got lumped with an Ultima-Founding Chapter but doesn't have any spare Primaris to paint, or a Warband but only has loyalist Space Marine bits. PHASE 2 (1 month, 29th March - 2nd May) Participants who complete Phase 1 must then submit at least one picture of a single assembled model painted in the colours of the Chapter/Warband that was randomly assigned to them by yours truly by Sunday 2nd May 23:59 in their timezone. Further details about this shall be posted closer to the start of Phase 2 but rest assured, it's all quite simple. [+++] Now it is time to start thinking and planning your entries so that once Monday 1st February comes around, you can hit the ground running, all guns blazing. In the meantime, if you have any questions, post them here. Take care and see you in a few days' time!
  4. The Vhohv are the most elusive enemy I have faced in all my days as an Inquisitor. They swear no allegiance to any cause but their own, let alone been heard utter a single word. No faction has ever claimed them as allies. Their appearances within the Imperium vary wildly, from decades to mere days between encounters. Their methods of travel are untraceable; they use neither The Warp, Webways, or gravity compressions as the Tyranids do. Their weapons are clearly plasma based, but use an energy frequency which does not allow for plasma. Their presence leaves absolutely no trace. Even in death, they disintegrate into apparent nothingness. They do not show up on any advanced sensors, and can only be tracked visually or by basic radar. All the leads I have found within Imperial records have ended nowhere. All the people and locations that have been suspected to be under their influence have turned up nothing. Even now, I hesitate to define their machinations as Chaos, Xeno, or even of AI origin. And yet, when one looks at their offenses, they are tantamount to mere thieves. All of their encounters have resulted in the theft of relatively worthless items, which have been easily replaced. Tubes, gears, blank powerchips, a bolter magazine or two; these things are not worth the effort the Vhohv have gone to obtain them. And while they have appeared in extremely secure areas of Imperium and have fought viciously to escape, their use of force is not excessive. They only return fire at those who shoot at them first. They have adeptly avoided shooting Imperial citizens who have been caught in skirmishes with Our Emperor's forces. They've even gone as far as to deal with unarmed citizens who have actively blocked their path by picking them and just holding them in the air until they are finished with their task, then setting them gently down, completely unharmed. The lengths they go to avoid collateral damage is baffling and only seems to hamper whatever goals they seek. I sometimes wonder if they are one of the most inefficient or the most efficient enemy the Imperium has ever had. But, regardless of their peculiarities, they are linked to the Imperium in some way. They pantomime our vaulted Space Marines in form and function, and all their equipment has direct parallels to ours. Whether this is intentional or not means nothing: this is their main weakness. I will exploit it. The Emperor's light reveals all, and by my hand, the Vhohv will answer to me. - Inquisitor Talnikon Morax SKETCHES FINISHED PIECES [WIP] Hello! This thread will be about the development of my mystery faction: The VHOHV. I will be posting write-ups, sketches, final pieces, and comics pertaining to my faction, as well as welcoming any comments, suggestions, and ideas you may have! As of now, my biggest question is where to post the final drafts when this faction is completed. Liber Astartes? Chaotica? Xenos? Somewhere else? Let me know!
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