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  1. Hey all, Now that I have a fair bit more experience with the game (went over 50% in a couple local tourneys, woo!) I've been thinking how I want to expand my 1K list into 2K. This is a rough outline I have. We play 1K more often than 2K at my local store, but they're opening up to doing more 2K games and I want to get ready for that. This is kinda midway between hyper-competitive and fluffy. I'm for example running Warded when Whirlwind of Rage is definitely better (though honestly Warded isn't awful in my meta either) and am not super stoked about playing triple Redemptors + triple Relic Contemptors. At the same time, I want it to be a good version of itself, just ideally while avoiding spamming only the best thing in the codex. The basic idea is to make a big shooty gunline castle with some mobility and forward deploying units to score Engage/ROD, take objectives early, etc. I'm going for a more infantry-based list with an Apothecary, but I'm not opposed to taking more dreads. I usually take Oaths of Moment, Engage or ROD based on what makes the most sense, and a killing objective tailored to the opponent. I take Raise Banners fairly frequently too. I'd like to keep things Primaris as much as possible, but I've converted a "Primaris" attack bike so that's not a crazy strict requirement. I'd be more willing to bend the Ultima Founding lore for a dread or character than a big unit of Devastators in drop pods. Other things I've noticed / been thinking about: - Aggressors are kinda mediocre but I own them and I do genuinely want some strong units that can hold their own in the midfield. Should I take just 1 or 2 units of Bladeguard instead? - The bike chaplain is definitely better, but since I own the foot chaplain and he's mostly for buffing, do I actually need him? - Should I reduce the number of Intercessors? I want 1 ten man squad to double tap with Rapid Fire but there's a lot of points locked up in there. - Not sure I have enough heavy anti-tank. Suggestions? Anyway, thanks for your time! Here's the list: -- Argent Eagles, 2000 Points ++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Ultramarines) [96 PL, 8CP, 2,000pts] ++ + Configuration + **Chapter Selector**: Custom Chapter, Master Artisans, Ultramarines Successor, Warded Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) Detachment Command Cost Gametype: Matched + Stratagems + Strategem: Relics of the Chapter [-1CP]: Number of Extra Relics + HQ + Chapter Master with Master-crafted Heavy Bolt Rifle [8 PL, -1CP, 145pts]: Adept of the Codex, Angel Artifice, Chapter Command: Chapter Master, Storm of Fire, Stratagem: Exemplar of the Chapter, Warlord Primaris Chaplain [6 PL, -1CP, 110pts]: 2. Catechism of Fire, 5. Recitation of Focus, Chapter Command: Master of Sanctity, Litany of Hate, Seal of Oath, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter, Wise Orator + Troops + Incursor Squad [5 PL, 105pts] . 4x Incursor: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Occulus bolt carbine, 4x Paired combat blades . Incursor Sergeant Intercessor Squad [10 PL, 205pts]: Astartes Grenade Launcher, Bolt rifle . 9x Intercessor: 9x Bolt pistol, 9x Frag & Krak grenades . Intercessor Sergeant Intercessor Squad [10 PL, 200pts]: Bolt rifle . 9x Intercessor: 9x Bolt pistol, 9x Frag & Krak grenades . Intercessor Sergeant + Elites + Aggressor Squad [6 PL, 135pts]: 2x Aggressor, Aggressor Sergeant . Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher Bladeguard Veteran Squad [5 PL, 105pts] . 2x Bladeguard Veteran: 2x Frag & Krak grenades, 2x Heavy Bolt Pistol, 2x Master-crafted power sword, 2x Storm Shield . Bladeguard Veteran Sergeant: Heavy Bolt Pistol Invictor Tactical Warsuit [8 PL, 160pts]: Twin ironhail autocannon Invictor Tactical Warsuit [8 PL, 160pts]: Twin ironhail autocannon Primaris Apothecary [5 PL, -1CP, 115pts]: Chapter Command: Chief Apothecary, Selfless Healer, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter Redemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, 185pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Icarus Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon + Fast Attack + Attack Bike Squad [4 PL, 120pts] . Attack Bike: Multi-melta . Attack Bike: Multi-melta Inceptor Squad [7 PL, 180pts]: 2x Inceptor, Inceptor Sergeant, Plasma Exterminator x2 + Heavy Support + Eliminator Squad [5 PL, 75pts]: Bolt sniper rifle . Eliminator Sergeant: Bolt sniper rifle . 2x Eliminators: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Camo cloak, 2x Frag & Krak grenades ++ Total: [96 PL, 8CP, 2,000pts] ++ Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
  2. Index Astartes http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b257/alienbastard89/sonspious.png The Sons Pious of Fe Calada Space Marines Chapter Origins Established during the 7th founding, the Sons Pious were formed to crusade through the galactic south central region of the Ultima Segmentum in a broad arc below their home system, and were raised during some of the darkest hours of the early Black Crusades. According to Imperial record, the founding hadn't been underway long when an Ultramarine strike force came upon the Bol system. There were flames across the sector, and none were higher than at Fe Calada, the hive Capital of the subsector. Daemons and Chaos legionairres were rapant over half the planet, and only one of its hive cities still stood. The planetary defense forces had been barely holding for months. The arrival of the Ultramarines was seen as the answering of prayers to the Emperor, and it saved what was left of a planet otherwise condemned to exterminatus; despite the noble efforts of the Space Marines, they were spread thin, and while conventional victory was possible, the cost promised to be high. Here the record mists and embelishments take hold. It is said that as the presiding Master of the Fleet looked down on the last burning hive, hand hovering over the command rune that would seal the planet's fate something appeared on his monitor. At the height of tallest spire a daemon writhed, hurling oily blue flames into the swirling melee below. There was a fluttering movement in the darkness of the arch behind it, and in the next moment a crackling blade erupted from its chest and it was shorn in half. Casting aside the ruined form, a PDF corpsman stepped into the light, planting the banner of Calada for all its defenders to see. The sight stayed the Fleet Master's hand, and despite the staggering losses, the defenders prevailed. When finally the threat was ended, and only the loyal remained, the Caladans and the Ultramarines looked out on bittersweet victory. The Space Marines were needed elsewhere to end the Crusade, but they would not forget the blood spilled for Fe Calada, neither would the Caladans forget the blasphemy of Chaos on their world or the noble sacrifices made there. The reports of the battles were prominent during the founding that followed, and with a recommendation from the Ultramarines a commission went through for a Chapter assigned to Fe Calada. When the Ultramarines returned to the planet, it was as both creditors and benefactors. They came to collect the blood owed the Astartes and the Emperor, but also to gift the Caladans with the power to pursue justice for their crippled world. To the great disappointment of the Astartes at large, the new Chapter retained the Caladans' faith in the God-Emperor, calling themselves the Sons Pious, and were reported as exclaiming, "If we are become the Angels of Death, we can only serve a God!" Home World Fe Calada was once a a brilliant example of Imperial might, a veritable jewel in the crown of the Imperium. Though it endured harrowing trials during the Heresy and the age that followed, it survived, along with many of its sister systems in neihboring sub-sectors. Emerging from the Heresy, the bright and glorious halls of the Emperor's time were dimmed, but by no means lost. The Caladans rebuilt their world, sure that the God-Emperor would protect them such heresy in the future. The faith they'd had for centuries kept them, strengthend them...until they were undone from within. It's unclear when or how, and the Caladans claim it came from offworld, but at some point a cult appeared in the dark, and not of the Emperor. Over the course of many years it festered and grew, but was careful never to pierce the light. It's a mystery how it was coordinated, but in a single day ten thousand Caladans were massacred, sacrificed to create a warp rift that rendered a fifth of the planet uninhabitable for more than seven thousand years down to the present. The warp disgorged a host of Tallomin's demons, and traitor Astartes with them. The bloodshed that followed led to the creation of the Sons Pious, but Fe Calada was left an irrevocable husk of its former glory. Its hives crumbled, and desolate, many of its inhabitants mutated beyond humanity. Most of these disappeared into hiding during the war, but have since emerged into the urban wasteland that remains as a plague on the human Caladans. With only their faith to cling to, they continue to fight for their world and the God-Emperor. The Sons Pious have never intervened, nor do the Caladans want them to. They few their fight for survival as penance, and the Pious view it as a forge for worthy recruits. In the rubble of the once great hive Paolus Santium lies the Morumbi, the only thing unbroken on the planet, and the Fortress Monastry of the Sons Pious. The great wall surrounding it was built only to ward off the mutants, as the natives maintain a respectful distance from their guardians at all times. The Morumbi is a huge ellipse, and fortified to withstand the most intense of seiges, whether groundside or orbital. In its center is great arena where the Chapter conducts its live fire exercises. Beneath that is the Librarium, from which the Chapter's scribes and Librarian's rarely leave and where the Chapter's records are meticulously maintained and religiously guarded. Another level down are the Tombs of the Angels, where the ashes of the fallen are kept under cerimonial guard. The Chapter armory isn't large, but it is well maintained and serves its purpose. The force that maintains the Morumbi is small, largely Chapter serfs, the vast majority of both Battle and Reserve companies deployed at any given time. Combat Doctrine The Pious are generally adherents to the Codex where tactica are concerned, with a preference for ranged combat. Favoring the tradional patterns of weapons, war machines and tactics, they also make extensive use of their reserve companies, continuously maintaining fresh troops on the front lines. The Chapter fleet is relatively small, maintaining just enough ships to deploy however necessary, but the Sons Pious prefer ground combat and rely on the fleet only to deliver them as swiftly as possible to the enemy. Uncommonly for a Chapter of Astartes, the Sons Pious exel at pitched warfare rather than the rapid strike ops Space Marine forces usually deploy for. They will frequently entrench alongside local PDF forces and fight for extended periods to accomplish not only their own mission, but to see to the success of the local forces as well. Organization Every tactical squad is a close group that is rarely separated. As a result, even more than in other Astartes formations, a Pious tactical squad is only as strong as its weakest link, making purity of body and mind of the utmost importance. Squads are thus carefully organized so that the strengths of its members compliment the inevitable flaws that still tie them to humanity. A unique feature of the Sons Pious organization is the fluidity of its command structure. No position of leadership within the Chapter is considered permanent, regardless of how long the marine in question may live. Even the Chapter Master has been absorbed back into the ranks on three occasions, another chosen to carry the mantle after, and Captains change with even greater frequency. Because so many marines, even the youngest among them, have leadership experience the Chapter frequently contributes members to the Deathwatch. The current Chapter Master, Tele Santana has led the Chapter for four centuries. Due to its fighting style the Sons Pious haven't been able to grow past eight full companies since their first campaign as a full Chapter. Beliefs The Caladans were and are strict adherents to the Imperial Creed, even despite the horror inflicted on their world, and despite the young age of Space Marine recruits, they are already thoroughly indoctrinated when chosen. The belief in the God-Emperor has made the concept of Space Marines as Angels of Death more than idea to the Sons Pious. They recognize the Saints of the Imperium, and consider them as the epitome of humankind, but to be elevated to a Space Marine is to surpass humanity. The Pious only recognize their own remaining flaws as post-humans as inevitable. Only the God-Emperor could be perfect. After the progenoids are extrated from a fallen marine, he is cremated inside his armor, the ashes entombed in the depths of the fortress monastry, the Angel believed to have returned to his God. On rotations back to Calada marines frequently spend time meditating in the tombs, believing that their brothers and ancestors can guide them and prepare them for the wars still to come. Gene-seed Thus far the only genetic anomaly among the Sons Pious is the failure of the Neuroglittis. This lost tracking capability has fortified the Chapter's preference for open, pitched war. Battle-cry With the fury of Saints and Angels! Salve Imperio! Raised as Counter (Chaos Corinthans) 1st Chapter Master Squad Sergeant of parent Chapter Imperial Glory deed of legend (excommunication of Corinthians) Feral Homeworld; Urban (Ruined) Distant Rulers Navigator associations/hate CSM
  3. Yes I am back yet again after another prolonged haitus. This time working and refining my Swords of Orion IA, with extra work on trying to forge a soul within the Chapter. So without further ado: Chapter's Symbol The gold sword represents the ever shining light of the Emperor and his divinity, whilst the star behind is known as the Star of Guilliman. The Swords of Orion have become a widely respected and feared chapter since their creation in the 12th great founding, within the 34th millennium. The chapter taken part in many notable crusades, including the cleansing of Halons Gate and defending the Imperium during a number of Black Crusades. The chapter were created from the seed of Guilliman from the Black Consuls chapter. Captain Achelon of the Second Company was given the honour of becoming the leader of the new chapter, his skill and unshakable faith in the Imperium and in honour making him the perfect candidate in the eyes of his chapter. Achelon decided to name his new chapter the Swords of Orion, representing themselves as the weapons of the mighty hunter of old mythology. Decreeing the Swords of Orion to become a fleet based chapter, so that they may crusade around the Imperium to counter any major threats, Achelon was given two blessings of faith by the Imperium. The Black Consuls donated a battle-barge, the Relentless Spirit and a battleship named the Herald of Justice, whilst the Mechanicum gifted a new battle-barge fresh from the shipyards of Hexon. Chapter Master Achelon named the battle barge the Valiant Sword, which became the chapters flagship. For over twenty Terran years the chapter were tutored by their parent chapter in the art of warfare and partially assisted the Black Consuls during the 7th Black Crusade, where the Swords of Orion gained the honour of slaying the crazed, corrupted governor of Tropolis. The chapter were finally declared a fully operational chapter in 777.M34, with over four hundred brothers in their ranks ready to ravage and cleanse the enemies of the Imperium. Success after success came to the chapter over the following decades and they became a great ally to the Imperial armies around the area of the Orion Belt and in the Ultima Segmentum. The chapter also became strong allies to the Inquisitor Felix Takato and his retinue, who assisted the chapter whilst defending Imperial space from the inhabitants of the daemon infested Forenaught sector. Phellenor Around 400 years after the chapters creation, they were tasked in destroying the ancient Eldar spaceship, Phellenor as it ravaged through the Galactic North of the Segmentum Obscurus. The chapter chased and fought the Eldar for over a decade but soon, after heavy losses had been taken by the Eldar after the assault on Fermax Prime, the ships engines were damaged by a lucky Nova Cannon shot leaving the mighty Eldar spacecraft vulnerable, the Swords of Orion prepared to board it. Seeing the opportunity to finally rid the Imperium of this Eldar menace, the Swords of Orion called for assistance, knowing that their chapter wouldnt be enough to take down the mighty ship and soon their brother chapter, the Falcons Sanguine answered the call. It was decided that a large boarding party from both chapters would be used, where the Falcons would start the initial assault with their Death Company striking first and then the Swords of Orion would follow and plant the vortex grenade charges in the engine bay. Captian Locus of the 3rd Comapny The Eldar are the most dishonourable warriors within our galaxy. They strike from behind like cowards and show no honour in their work. The incidents from the destruction of Phellenor have only tempered our hate for the xenos filth more and we shall never let them forget the cowardly acts they performed upon our brothers. The fierceness of the Blood Angel successors created a massacre as they headed towards the engine bays, following the source of heat created by them. All was going well and the charges were placed in the engine bay, but disaster struck for the marines as the timed detonator was damaged by a counterattack from the Eldar. Seeing that time was running out for victory, Veteran Ixion of the Swords of Orion declared that he would sacrifice himself and set it off manually as he took cover. With reluctance, Chapter Master Aliton agreed and blessed him before he led his brothers back to the boarding boats alongside the Falcons Sanguine. The two chapters then fought a bloody path back towards the boarding ships. As the chapters headed back towards their respective ships and pulled out, Veteran Ixion was given a psychic message by the Epistolary of the Swords of Orion and detonated the charges, splitting the mighty craft in two and killing all on board. After the battle, the chapter declared a week of praise and celebration in memory Veteran Ixions noble sacrifice and the chapter held a tight bond of brotherhood with the marines of the Falcons Sanguine. The battle brothers within the Swords of Orion now hold onto and attempt to exemplify Veteran Ixions example of sacrifice and heroism and they hope that their sacrifice to victory will be as great and as noble as Ixions. Craftworld Iannor As the two chapters split away and departed across the stars to Imperial docks to be refitted and repaired, the Craftworld Iannor came across the remains of Phellenor after receiving a distress signal from them. The Eldar vowed that punishment would be given to the two chapters that destroyed the members of Phellenor. As the Falcons Sanguine celebrated in their fleet from the victory, the Eldar Craftworld attacked without warning and decimated the chapter; all but three companies survived the terrible onslaught after retreating. The chapter have been a sombre one ever since that day of bloodshed and hold an intense hate for all Eldar. The Swords of Orion fared better for their actions and the chapters fleet split into their respective companies and moved onto their separate patrols around the Orion belt. Two days after the chapters fleet split apart, Craftworld Iannor suddenly attacked the small fleet of the second company and after destroying its communication arrays, the Eldar mercilessly annihilated every ship in its path before disappearing into the webway once more. A faint distress signal was given out by the flagship of the second company, Spirit of Justice and was picked up by the chapter masters fleet four days after the massacre. He called for the entire chapter to rally on his point and then search for any remnants from the second company, but all that was left was floating wrecks with no survivors. After seeing The Unknown Chapter Some of the chapters geneseed was taken by the High Lords of Terra during the 21st Cursed founding to create a new chapter. All records of this chapter seemed to be expunged after the cursed founding and the chapter declared destroyed for unknown reasons, but an image bearing their heraldry is still on records and it has been seen a number of times in battle upon Armageddon and during the 12th and 13th Black Crusade. The Swords of Orion see this a small stain upon their honour and try to discover who the chapter are and find out why they were deemed as destroyed. such terrible destruction and soon hearing of the plight of the Falcons Sanguine, chapter master Aliton declared that when the Craftworld would return to Imperial space again, he would crush it in the name of the Second Company and the Falcons Sanguine. Aftermath The losses taken by the Swords of Orion were deeply felt by the entire chapter, when the Mechanicum donated two new ships to the chapter after the damage caused by Iannor. They were named the Wrath of Ixion, as a reminder of the sacrifice made by the veteran and the Honour of Keyen as a mark of respect to the dead captain and brothers of the second company. A new banner was made for the Second Company when they were fully reformed in 201.M35 that bore the head of an Eldar in a ball of flame with a golden sword through it. The Wrath of Ixion became the flagship of the Second Company and remains so to this day. The Falcons Sanguine chapter took over 250 years to fully recover from the devastating blow given by Craftworld Idharae, they have remained a very sombre chapter since the incident but hold no blame to the Swords of Orion chapter for their destruction but their Chapter Master, Harad Bloodwing executed himself for believing that he had caused the losses in his chapter by answering the call from the Swords of Orion. The Falcons then went upon a vengeful crusade around the stars to avenge their losses, following every report of Eldar activity and extinguishing their existence. The chapter are now deemed the best-suited chapter within their sector for dealing with Eldar incursions. Since the Phellenor incident and its aftermath, the Falcons Sanguine and the Sword of Orion have aided each other on numerous occasions and when Craftworld Iannor reappeared in 593.M37, both chapters were the first to take arms and fight against the Eldar menace. The Black Crusades The Swords of Orion have taken part in many actions against the forces of chaos in a number of the Despoiler's Black Crusades. Their actions during the ninth crusade saved the vitally strategic defence system of the Bloodmoons from the clutches renegade chapter, the Legion of Hatred. The Swords of Orion also defended the Galina sub sector from the Word Bearers as they fought to capture the demonically possessed Warlord Titan Soulflayer. Such heroic defences arent without major sacrifices as the chapter has learnt. In the dying embers of the 12th Black Crusade, the Swords of Orion defended the planet of Theda Primus from the Legion of Hatred once more. The chaos chapter were mustering for a final assault to take the Hive City of Phalanx Prime. Daemon Prince Kharkonum, leader of the Legion of Hatred had rallied together a cohort of mechanized traitor guardsmen alongside the remnants of his chaos marines. The two armies met at Crescent Gorge and on those desert fields a titanic and apocalyptic battle took place but the heretics were creating massive losses with the heavy weaponry utilized by the guardsmen. All seemed loss as the banners and captains of the third and fifth company fell to a sudden incursion of vicious daemons. But as the Swords of Orion were being pushed back, a strange ally emerged from the smoke and began to cut through the chaos forces lines. It was the widely awed and fabled Legion of the Damned. The legendary warriors scythed through the lines of chaos filth, Black Consuls Annihilation When news reached the chapter of the annihilation of their parent chapter, a month of mourning was held throughout the Swords of Orion. A single black candle was lit within the main chapel aboard the flagship, the Valiant Sword. A black candle now always remains lit in remembrance of the chapters parents. In remembrance, the Black Consuls symbol was placed on the left kneepad of each marine in memory of the loss. Small contingents of marines from the Swords of Orion stand vigil over the Black Consuls homeworld and Fortress Monastery, in case the Black Consuls should one day return. cutting down swathes every second. Watching in wonder as his new allies cut hundreds of daemons down, Chapter Master Neptus rallied his men and charged towards the lines of the enemy, the fallen banners of the third and fifth were recovered and raised up by the second company as they charged with righteous hate and faith for victory. The charge pushed the chaos enemy back and soon Neptus challenged the Daemon Prince Khar'konum. The two fought tooth and nail but after an age of duelling, Neptus was struck down to the cries of despair from his brothers. But as Khar'konum brought down his final blow to end Neptus life, the marine released a vortex grenade at the Daemon's feet, sucking them both into the screaming warp. With their leader gone, the chaos force broke in strength and morale and began to retreat with the Swords of Orion cutting them down. In the blood tainted dust of the aftermath, the chapter searched for their commander and for the Legion of the Damned, but all that was found of Neptus was his sword, the Blade of Orion and his helmet that bore the Star of Guilliman. The Legion of the Damned was also nowhere to be seen. The wargear was taken and blessed in the cathedral at the Hive City by Master of Sanctity; Helios Sadar, a close friend of Neptus. The cathedral is now a sacred site for the chapter and a small detachment of marines attend a service every decade in remembrance of the losses taken that fateful day and to give praise their fallen Chapter Master. The Blade of Orion and helmet worn by Neptus are now sacred relics and are worn into battle by every Chapter Master who leads his brothers in battle. Recent Actions The chapter have taken part in a number of significant recent actions, including in the third War for Armageddon against the Orks and in destroying a number of Necron tomb worlds, however the chapter are still on the lookout for Craftworld Iannor to avenge the losses suffered by themselves and the Falcons Sanguine. The Swords of Orion have clashed with the Legion of Hatred many times since the battle for Crescent Gorge and every time, the Sword of Orion and Star of Guilliman have been brought into battle against them, wielded by the chapter master. The current chapter master, Krall Thorin has slain many leaders of the Legion of Hate in recent actions against them, including in the 12th Black Crusade and in the second defence of Fermax Prime. Craftworld Iannor still seeks revenge for the blood of those that the chapter and the Falcons Sanguine inflicted upon Phellenor, but none have been as devastating as the aftermath from destroying the Eldar battleship. Relations with the Falcons Sanguine since the aftermath have stayed strong and the Swords of Orion readily call to the aid of the Falcons Sanguine in thanks and remembrance for their service all those millennia ago. From the chapters history of defence and sacrifice, the chapter keep the ethos that the sacrifice of one for victory is a noble end for any man. Thus the Astartes of the chapter are entirely fearless and will take greater risks for victory than other chapter might. The Orion Belt + Recruitment The chapter has operated around the Orion Belt sector within the Segmentum Solar since its inception in 777.M34. Often dealing with Ork incursions and Chaos assaults, the chapter are seen as the regions vengeful angels whom strike without warning to enact justice on the xenos and chaos menaces. The Orion Belt itself contains numerous planets that are tactically vital to the war effort of the Imperium, including three major forgeworlds and hundreds of agri-worlds to feed to ever growing Imperiums population and its armies. Warp storms do occasionally roar through the void of space and devour entire planets or release their horde of chaos warriors and demons upon the Imperial sectors. Thus the Swords of Orion have faced the traitors of the Imperium and the denizens of the warp many a time and hold a strong hate for the betrayal of the Chaos Marines. The chapter sees the coward and the traitor as the greatest enemies of humanity and the ultimate crimes, where no mercy can be given. It is true to say that the Swords of Orion fight the Chaos Marines with the greatest ferocity and show no mercy to anything or anyone associated with them, including planets where chaos incursions have occurred. Chapter Master Krall Seron Cowardice is heresy. Heresy is a crime only punishable by death. Never turn your back upon the enemy. To do so is to display you fear them. We are the Emperors chosen. We do not know of fear. Those who show fear are not worthy of His service and deserve only one punishment. Extermination. Being a fleet based chapter, The Swords of Orion use a number of planets for recruitment. They are mostly medieval feudal worlds, where young knights train in the clans and armies of the planet and hopefully join the ranks of the "Immortal Angels" (the chapter) if they are deemed worthy enough when the angels descend upon the planet to recruit more members through a series of trials. These trials include splitting the many hopefuls into groups of 25 and then, they all each duel against each other and the winner from the battle is chosen to go to the next stage of recruitment, which includes the climbing of the Unforgiving Mountain and defeating a combat servitor with only a small combat knife. When an initiate finally joins the rank of the chapter as a scout, he has a sword etched onto his left shoulder with a heated blade and on top of his primary heart, representing that even if they lose everything against the enemy their heart and soul will always stay with the chapter. The Scout is then presented with the blade that was used to etch the chapters symbol onto his body. If a marine was to turn from the chapter and Emperors light, hes found and executed, but before his execution the etchings are burnt away from his skin, representing that hes no longer a member of the chapter and they have lost the bond of brotherhood that resides in each Astartes of the Swords of Orion. Organisation + Combat Doctrine The Swords of Orion follow the codex's teachings to the letter as they see Guilliman as the saviour of mankind and the Imperium during the Scouring. Codex markings are used throughout the chapter and their shoulder-pad trims are coloured to represent each company. The only deviation in markings is the unique way a captain is represented in each company; every captains weapon is painted in the colour of his company, as is the Star of Guilliman in the chapters symbol. The heraldry of the captain is placed on a small shield thats attached to their left shoulder pad, in similar fashion to the Iron Knights. Festival of the Sword On the 77th year of every century, the Festival of the Sword is held celebrating the time when the chapter became fully independent. Many contests are held and the most prominent is the League of Orion. This is a great sporting event, where two champions are chosen from each of the four battle companies and they take part in a gruelling decathlon and the final round to decide the true champion, the top scoring two contestants joust each other using a bike with a metal lance and storm shield attached. The winner from that battle is then presented the Axe of Ixion by the chapter master and the champions company hold the honour of carrying it into battle until the next festival. The chapter rely heavily on fast, mechanised assaults, relying on Rhinos and Land Raiders to strike deep into the heart of the enemy, with Vindicators at the forefront of an assault. The chapter rarely use Drop Pods as their method of getting to the surface of a planet unless a severely rapid attack is required, so the chapter utilise squadrons of Thunderhawks instead, as a method of striking down on the enemy before they land. Pilots of the Swords of Orion have often been seconded to the Hawk Lords chapter, to learn further skill in their craft in the fabled Talons Wing. The Swords of Orion do not possess a fortress monastery like many other chapters. Being fleet based instead, their flagship, the Valiant Sword is used as the chapters headquarters. Keeps and small fortresses however are kept on strategic planets for recruitment, including Theda Primus and the Bloodmoons. The chapter fleet is normally split into five separate fleets, where each is led by a captain and with elements from the reserves, veteran and scout company. The smaller fleet is comprised normally of one battle barge and a dozen smaller cruisers with defence ships patrolling around them in tight formation. The small fleets always stay within ten light-years of each other to ensure that if one is attacked, the rest can come to their aid within a short time. The sword is regarded in the highest degree amongst the entire chapter and very rarely does a commander or veteran choose to use a different shape of blade as a weapon. To wield a power sword into battle is seen as a great honour and only the most experienced of veteran sergeants wield them. When a member of the chapter is indoctrinated into the 1st company, a golden sword is added onto their right shoulder pad, looking like its been struck through the pad. The veteran is also presented with a golden blade to be worn on their belt as decoration and the symbol of the chapter is etched into their right shoulder, to match the previous etching on their left that was made in their ascension to an Astartes. Plasma weapons are also regarded in the highest degree of respect and honour as well as it epitomises the ever-shining light of the Emperor and the fury that lies within them. The most sacred and venerated sword in the chapter is the fabled Blade of Orion that chapter master Neptus wielded when he fought with the Daemon Prince Kharkonum. It is only used in the direst of circumstances and when not used it is kept on the main altar of the chapel aboard the Valiant Sword inside a block of black obsidian. Beliefs The chapter hold many knightly virtues and hate and despise cowards in all forms. They have been known to publicly execute squads of Imperial Guardsmen whom have fled out of fear from battle. This was seen during the 12th Black Crusade when the hapless 21st Gregorian Guard regiment retreated from their lines as a mass of daemons attacked and their commanders were publicly executed in front of the other regiments as a warning of the punishment for cowardice. The chapter have gained a fearful reputation since with all of the Imperial Guard units that they fight with. The chapter however also values and praises heroism and the willing sacrifice of a small band of people or a single person to turn the course of battle. Whilst this is the sentiment of practically every Astartes, the chapter focus upon this belief further. Thus the newer recruits within the chapter can be reckless at times until they learn to control when duty truly calls for such a sacrifice. The chapter see the Emperor as the great all father of mankind and so they have an endless fury and are disgusted and shamed by their fallen brethren who betrayed humanity and its father. The chapter hold the belief that he who turns away from his brothers is a coward, deserving no mercy from anyone. The only way they could redeem themselves would be through death, to be judged by the Emperor himself. Thus if the chapter discovered any intelligence on a traitor being nearby in their systems, they would be the first to exact justice upon the traitors. Battlecry The battlecry of the chapter is traditionally For Orion and the Emperor! but deviations of it are often heard. The chapters motto is May the sword of golden justice strike through tainted hearts! This is often tattooed onto the right hand of a marine or across their backs above an Imperial Aquila. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And that is all, comments welcome! Cambrius
  4. FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN: THE STONE HEARTS "Throughout humanity's history, stone has served. Stone has been a weapon. Stone has been a fortress. Mankind has built with stone, and stone has built mankind. Let us remember this, and take it to our hearts. Let our hearts be like stone - ready to serve humanity, and the Imperium of Man. For when all else has failed, stone will still serve." - Chapter Master Cambrius Vulk, The Book of the First" Origins ”Men of Cathe, oh stand ye steady It cannot be ever said ye For the battle were not ready Stand and never yield.” -Cathian hymn The Stone Hearts are products of the Sixth Founding. Upon their formal activation as a Chapter they journeyed to the home world which had been assigned to them, the tiny planet of Cathe in the galactic north-west, on the border between Segmentum Obscurus and Segmentum Pacificus. Cathe was a grey, rocky world, whose hereditary Duke had recently died, leaving no legitimate heir. The planet was relatively underdeveloped, and it's only city of any size was the capital, which housed the planet's only space port (which consisted only of a well-packed dirt field and a Naval fuel depot). The Chapter took the ducal castle as their fortress monastery, expanding and refitting until it (and the dungeons beneath it) were a fortress worthy of the Space Marines. Most of Cathe's population were hardy clansmen, accustomed to fighting for goods, honor, and land, and these doughty warriors made excellent recruits for the Chapter. There was one small problem with Cathe. Much of Cathe's populace resented the transition to Space Marine rule, and a number of the local nobles had nursed this resentment in hopes of somehow rebelling and taking control of the planet for themselves. This resistance had coalesced behind the person of young Tyrion Cathek, the Duke's bastard son, despite his personal apathy toward the rebellion. His support among the population was significant enough to make planet-wide revolt a distinct possibility, and rebellion would mean that the Stone Hearts must either leave or suppress this challenge to their authority, greatly damaging the planet's capacity as a base. Neither option was acceptable to Chapter Master Cambrius Vulk, who chose a third course of action. Stone Hearts Marine in Standard Heraldry Vulk offered to use his influence within the Imperium to help Tyrion obtain a Rogue Trader license. The brash and foppish young Tyrion was more than willing to trade his claims at ducal office for the chance to explore new worlds and stars - especially when Vulk offered to provide a company of troops as a perpetual escort for Cathek and his heirs. Tyrion left Cathe for the stars, and the Third Company went with him as his bodyguards – and to watch him closely. Ever since, one of the Stone Heart Battle Companies has escorted whichever scion of the Cathek family currently holds the commission to trade in the region, each mustering out upon the death of their charge. The Catheks have only rarely returned to Cathe, though the population still holds the memory of the Dukes closely in their hearts. With Cathek gone and the Stone Hearts demonstrating their martial prowess through combat exercises across the planet, the murmurs of rebellion faded away. The Stone Hearts and the people of Cathe each settled into the routines of their lives, slowly becoming accustomed to the new order. Precious Stones ”Vulk, I think this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” – Tyrion Cathek Of course, a new order only ever lasts long enough for its collapse to be surprising. A few brief decades later, the Chapter was on the brink of disintegration. Relations with the Adeptus Mechanicus had become strained when an irate Vulk explained to a senior Magos that the Techmarines of the Stone Hearts would be Stone Hearts first, and Adepts of Mars second. While most members of the Chapter Armoury personally agreed, the Tech-Priests took the alarming step of refusing to train further Techmarines. In itself, this was only a minor problem as the Chapter’s own Techmarines were willing and able to train others in the technical arts. However, at the same time, shipments of supplies to the Chapter dwindled to nearly nothing, with bureaucratic entanglements, piratical activity and production defects being only a few of the myriad excuses provided by the Adeptus Mechanicus. The Stone Hearts were being slowly starved of needed materials, their limited manufactory facilities simply unable to keep up with the demands of a full chapter. Vulk concluded that the Stone Hearts would have to turn outside the traditional methods of the Adeptus Astartes in order to survive. He consulted with Tyrion Cathek, whose foppishness and brash nature had grown into an appreciation for the arts of trading and commerce and an equal willingness to enforce the dictates of the Emperor. Vulk had expected that Tyrion would recommend some alternate sources for materiel and equipment which would sustain the Chapter until Vulk could determine some method of restoring the Mechanicus' favor. What Vulk got was a prolonged dissertation on the commercial possibilities of the surrounding sectors, and an equally long list of potential sources for starship parts, weapons, munitions, cogitators, and the sort of goods that would be wanted in trade. The stunned Chapter Master could only watch as Cathek sketched out a comprehensive plan by which the existing resources and assets of the Stone Hearts could be parlayed into formidable wealth – wealth sufficient to ensure that the Stone Hearts could be ever-ready to enforce the Emperor's will. Cathek's advice well-reflected the character of a Rogue Trader, but Vulk felt that whatever it might lack in orthodoxy, it compensated for with sheer practicality. It also allowed him a chance to keep the Chapter free from the influence of Mars, which appealed both to Vulk's pride and to his sense of caution – any pretense of reconciliation the Tech-Priests might concede in the future could hardly be trusted when it came. Better for the Stone Hearts to seek their own way, even if it might be an unfamiliar one. With Tyrion by his side, Vulk set out to seize the Chapter's future. Reiving Master Vulk was not the only one to find methods of dealing with the Chapter's logistical difficulties. Fiach Welf, then Captain of the Third Company, found himself far from Cathe, low on supplies, and equally low on prospects. He settled these difficulties by finding the nearest Space Marine Chapter and asking politely for aid. When his request was declined, Welf challenged his opposite number to a duel for the equipment he had requested. He triumphed, and the Company finished their patrol and returned to Cathe. Though the practice was not institutionalized (both Vulk and Welf agreeing that adopting such practices on a large scale seemed a good way to bring down the ire of other Chapters upon the Stone Hearts), various other Captains through the Chapter's history have indulged in the practice when necessary (or when so inclined), though modern duels rely less on insulting the opponent until they consent to fight and more on the wagering of trade concessions, resources, or debts of honor. Few are the Space Marine Captains who would decline such a challenge, and even some Imperial Guard commanders have been more than willing to test a dozen of their finest Guardsmen against a Space Marine. Most duels are non-lethal, and even when the Chapter loses they gain in knowledge. Though only a few duels are fought every decade, each one is seen as a mark of the warrior spirit of the Stone Hearts. Over the next few months, Vulk and Cathek moved from system to system in the region – and on each world, Cathek whispered golden promises to all who would hear. On Drak-Dum, they made contact with a Brotherhood of the Demiurg – and in exchange for cleansing several nests of Orks as well as the concession of mineral rights on Cathe's barren antarctic continent, they secured a steady stream of processed ores, munitions, and technical advice from the Brotherhood's wisest craftsmen. Through the gilded, pirate-wracked worlds of the Faroe Nebula they spread word of the safety of the vaults of a Space Marine Chapter, and the reasonable price of that safety. At Este, they offered the Grand Duke shares in future properties seized from heretics and traitors in exchange for favorable trade status and export rights for the famous Estian smokewood. The High Archon of Blackmere gave a half-share of the stellar mines around the dying red dwarf Micturic in exchange for the promise of Space Marine protection for the delicate mining platforms. The wealth of dozens of worlds twisted around the words of Cathek and the imposing presence of Vulk, and soon a web of contracts, trade routes and commercial interests stretched across several sectors – with the Stone Hearts at its center. Home World ”Call them to account, you say? The Stone Hearts own this sector. Their men guard half the palaces, their merchants buy the output of nearly all the worlds, and their fleets keep the pirates in check. Their failure is no longer an option.” – Inquisitor Tesseract D’Apothete The domain of the Stone Hearts stretches widely now. Commercial routes, trading enclaves, mining concerns, exotic manufactoria, and Chapter bases dot the systems and sectors surrounding Cathe. Nonetheless, the core of their realm remains Cathe and its people. Cathe is a rocky world, peopled mostly by hardy feudal tribespeople. The hereditary Duke and his attendant nobles each controlled vast tracts of the planet, and most of the population were members of various clans and tribes – with many nobles being clansmen and many tribesmen being nobility. Cathian society was usually embroiled in some form of low-intensity warfare, with clan obligations and feudal duties conflicting and interweaving in such ways that only the individual Cathian knew where his loyalties could truly be said to lie. Vicious skirmishes over land, cattle, honor, women, gold, and weapons were all common, and the allies of one battle were the enemies of the next. ”Tancred and Tyria” Though the bond between the Cathek family and the Stone Hearts remained strong for many millenia, the most recent scion of the family strained the relationship nearly to its breaking point. In his later years, Tyrel Cathek was best described as a madman, even by the standards of the Imperium. While the targets of his wrath had always suffered consequences disproportionate to offenses, his growing tendency to indiscriminately slaughter those who opposed him offended the Stone Hearts' sense of restraint, as did his lamentable personal habits and tendency to jump at shadows. The Fourth Company was his bodyguard, and sworn to his service, but even the relatively hot-blooded Captain Tancred Kintyre had often felt his hackles rise at the measures used by Cathek. But the Stone Hearts were nothing if not patient, and were content to bide their time until Cathek died and was replaced by his far more reasonable daughter. Tyria had obviously been unaffected by her father's insanity, and was a shrewd and dangerous young woman, dedicated to the Imperium. Tancred, one of her childhoold friends, had discussed her father's obvious flaws with her, and they had both agreed that waiting was the only prudent thing to do – if only to avoid explaining what had happened to Tyrel to the Inquisition. Tyria, as her father's favorite retainer, would handle much of her father's business, so that his madness might affect the Imperium as little as possible, and Tancred would do his best to ensure that when Cathek did force his soldiers into action, their targets would be deserving. However, Tyrel's twisted mind had other ideas. In 993.M41 the world of Tyrhennius failed to provide an agreed upon cargo of Mandrovian dates. Tyrel declared this to be a sign of heresy and rebellion against the Imperium, and ordered the Stone Hearts to destroy planet. Tancred stepped forward, and declared in ringing tones that "The Emperor's subjects are the charges of the Adeptus Astartes and the High Lords of Terra. To strike them undeserving is to strike at the heart of the Imperium itself." Tyrel was even more surprised when Tyria announced her agreement with the Captain, and invoked her authority as commander of her father's ship to have him confined to his quarters, "for his own protection". It was seen as a great tragedy when Tyrel hung himself later that day (or so said the notification to the High Lords). Tyria Cathek contacted the recalcitrant world and explained the tragedy, and the catastrophe which had narrowly been averted. The shipment was delivered on time. It was an unusual break with tradition when Tyria requested the continued services of the Fourth Company, but Chapter Master Adhemar was happy to acquiesce. Ever since, relations between the Catheks and the Stone Hearts have continued in their old vein of friendship and respect. The Duke and his capital at Longford were the only truly civilized parts of the world, and even there Imperial influence was relatively weak. The arrival of the Stone Hearts did little to change that initially, but with the Chapter's ventures into commerce Cathe has been transformed. The spaceport now hums with activity, the goods of dozens of worlds flowing in and out in the holds of ships from any number of ports. To facilitate mining and other undertakings in more remote regions of the planet, a system of roads now stretches across the glens and mountains, bringing all of Cathe into reach of the capital. Most clans, instead of spending their energies fighting each other, hire their men out as mercenaries offplanet, preferring a steady income and less risk to the cut and thrust of Cathian politics. Close to the capital clans have fallen away altogether, replaced by the far more important considerations of wealth and debt. Where once Cathe was barren, harsh and quiet, now it rumbles with the noise of commerce and trade. The Fortress-Monastery of the Stone Hearts, now known as the Golden Hall, serves as the center of the Chapter's extensive commercial empire in addition to its military duties. The original ducal castle has been much expanded to accommodate this, both above and below ground, and its counting houses, vaults, warehouses and offices now rival the fortress proper in size and scope. At any hour of the day or night, the clink of coins and the murmur of negotiations echo through the Chapter's halls. The people of Cathe, even as they revel in their new prosperity, long for the old ways. The loss of opportunity for raiding and skirmishing has been something of a disappointment to many, and it is common for young bravos to exhort each other with tales of the glorious golden age of warfare and honor which the crudities of trade and money have taken from the people. Though many on Cathe have come to rely more than they know on the peace and prosperity brought by the Stone Heart's commercial interests, this longing for conflict and honor still drives many Cathians to seek their fortunes off-planet as mercenaries, or even as pirates. The Stone Hearts view these tendencies as necessary to maintaining the population's viability as recruits, and so allow such excursions – though those foolish enough to turn to piracy are dealt with appropriately when they are encountered. The population’s military tendencies are also maintained by the various Chapter Keeps which dot the highlands of Cathe. There, grizzled veteran mercenaries and Battle-Brothers long past their prime teach those youths of Cathe who wish to learn skills at arms and the discipline needed to turn a warrior into a soldier. The cities of Cathe may smelt, mine and sell, but the people of Cathe’s uplands still know the ways of sword and axe. The fire of the Cathians may be less bright now, but it has not gone out, and it burns within the Stone Hearts as it always has. Beliefs "Cowardice is holding back when you could win. Practicality is holding back so they will lose." - Chaplain Duriel Hawker Above all, the Stone Hearts are practical. Their brush with starvation and dissolution early in their history has made them cautious in ways that most Space Marines are not – they are keenly aware that even Space Marines can be defeated, albeit not necessarily on the battlefield. They seldom take rash courses of action, and adopt well-balanced strategies which use the minimum force and equipment necessary to accomplish their objectives. This has on occasion resulted in disaster when an enemy or situation was underestimated, but it has generally served the Chapter well. Even the Chaplains of the Stone Hearts are relatively sedate compared to those of other chapters, and have somehow contrived to preach a more temperate zealotry. Of course, the headstrong character of the Cathian population still rears its head in the Chapter. Every Stone Heart, despite his practicality, dreams of glory and ferocious hand-to-hand battles like those of old. Every so often the Stone Hearts will give in to their natural ferocity and charge headlong into a frontal engagement with the foe. It is a testament to the abilities of Space Marines how rarely this results in disaster. ”We get up in the black, down the warrior's road And we hike along the track, as the dropships load And we'll kiss our wives and sons, though we never will look back For we'll not see them again, down the warrior's road We hear the Chapter call, down the warrior's road And we take our swords and all, as the dropships load In the pods we then will drop, 'til there's nowhere else to fall And we'll leave the stars behind us, down the warrior's road Around another sun, down the warrior's road We'll fight with sword and gun, as the dropships load When extraction finally comes, we're so thankful to be gone That we'll fight again tomorrow, down the warrior's road.” Cathian Ballad The Stone Hearts recognize that their embracement of trade and their dealings with the Demiurg might bring scrutiny upon them from some other, more orthodox, Imperial organizations. They are sure that any doubt that might be raised will be easily quashed by their record of service, and failing that, by pointed words and equally pointed blades. Combat Doctrine ”Conserve your resources. Hold back your forces. No one has ever won a war by spending his strength in the first battle.” – Captain Archimedes Frasier of the Third Company In the millennia since their arrival on Cathe, the Stone Hearts have continued to battle against the enemies of Mankind. On worlds across the Imperium they have faced down the ever-present threats of Orks, Eldar raiders, and heretical uprisings. The Chapter has also on occasion sent Battle Companies south to fight alongside their brother Astartes in the Chaos-wracked sectors around the Eye of Terror, and dispatched expeditions to the galactic north, along the rim of Imperial territory, where the light of the Astronomican can barely be felt. The Stone Hearts favor using the minimum force required in a situation – a legacy both of their lean early years and of their increasingly mercantile nature. They have even been known to attempt to find diplomatic solutions (though often only as a cover for military preparations), or to buy off enemy armies and turn them to the service of the Imperium. Often the Chapter will settle for a somewhat prolonged engagement which takes less casualties, using fortifications and terrain to limit their casualties and ensure the destruction of the enemy. This minimal approach has sometimes resulted in temporary defeat, but the Stone Hearts always simply reevaluate the situation and react accordingly. Like many Chapters, the Stone Hearts use equipment suited to the conditions on their home world – they favor rugged vehicles which can deal with a variety of terrain and the use of heavy firepower. They shy away from aerospace assets – in the mountains of Cathe, the only support you can trust is that on the ground with you. The Chapter's co-operation with the Drak-Dum Brotherhood has also brought them expertise in tunnel fighting and a penchant for some of the obscure artillery pieces often deployed by these aliens. This firepower is often emplaced in a strongpoint close to enemy positions, from which it rains down death until the enemy is either destroyed or moves to react – at which point more mobile Chapter forces move in. While the Chapter's commercial network has brought them impressive wealth, many of their purchased armaments are simply not equal in quality to those of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and their domestically produced weapons are generally simpler in nature – the Chapter Techmarines did not possess the skills to allow reverse-engineering and production of items such as plasma weaponry or assault cannons. The Stone Hearts thus favor easy-to-procure and easy-to-repair weaponry, and their stores of arcane items like plasma weapons and Terminator armor are quite limited compared to other Chapters of similar age and experience. Rogue Trader Tyria Cathek and Captain Tancred Kintyre of the Fourth Company Organisation "They made one mistake. They put their fortress where we could reach it." – Captain Tancred Kintyre The Stone Hearts adhere to the Codex Astartes, though each company is permitted to retain any unusual equipment they come across in their travels (after any necessary purification rituals have been undertaken). When combined with the Chapter's occasional practice of duelling for equipment with other forces, this has lead to some companies being rather eclectic in their armaments. However, the Chapter's formations remain entirely Codex, if only because (in keeping with their practical nature), there has not yet been any need to do otherwise. While the Chapter remains able to produce many minor items, and supplement their production with a variety of other sources, many Astartes products are simply unavailable to them. While this has somewhat restricted their equipment, their difficulties do not seem as pronounced as one might initially expect. It is suspected by several Inquisitors that the Stone Hearts maintain surreptitious trade links with several other Chapters, which are kept concealed through layers of middlemen and staged accidents or honor duels. Many Inquisitors have speculated that the Chapter’s occasional reivings are really artfully staged trade deals, and several Chapters which have ‘suffered’ a loss to the Stone Hearts have been noted to have been more than recompensed through fortunate discoveries of ‘lost cargo’ or ‘forgotten land grants’. Gene-seed "Those who say we have lost our way and compromised our security by allowing merchants to roam our halls have evidently never tried to reach our gene-seed vault." - Apothecary Taran Koga The Stone Hearts are scions of Guilleman's genetic line. Their geneseed remains pure and undegraded. The Chapter's seed is stored beneath even the banking vaults in their monastery, behind triple-secured passages which no visitor ever sees. The Stone Hearts take great care to ensure the purity of their tithes to the Adeptus Mechanicus – they will offer the Priests of Mars no excuse to cause them trouble. The Priesthood of Mars, conversely, simply cannot be bothered to return the Chapter's enmity - though they remain obdurate on the subject of Techmarines, the Stone Hearts stopped remitting their supply requests millenia ago, and it is very possible that the incident has faded from the Mechanicus' collective memory. This apathy has resulted in the Stone Hearts' tithes being accepted without complaint on every occasion. Battlecry Melior quam media. - Chapter Motto "Stone in heart! Stone in will!" * * * Opinions and criticism welcome. I think I've been moderately successful in updating in response to the last round of thoughts, but I'm not sure. smile.png Suggestions for quote subjects would be very welcome. Updated again to include revisions prompted by Shinzaren, Hrvat, Lysimachus, Ecritter and Cambrius. Edited one more time to add in Greyall's beautiful illustrations.
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