I read that the old Flesh Tearers had an inverted scheme for their Death Company, with the shoulders and helmet being red, while the rest of the body was black. My chapter, the Blood Suns, uses Flesh Tearer similar patterns, but they are normally Black shoulders, head, backpack, and leg greaves, like such. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8082/8399725341_a452956475_b.jpg The idea is the chapter uses the iconography of a sun/star. They see the Imperium without the Emperor and Sanguinus as being like a red giant star, that has expanded in size and gobbled up it's system, but is at the end of it's life and will soon lose it's heat and collapse on itself, therefore they are named the Blood Suns. Therefore, they see a Marine's life being like a sun that has gone supernova, or turned into a black hole - the Black Rage is a marine's desire to see the end of everything, and destroy it all. So to make it a look like a supernova and a black hole, I'm going for an inverted white and black scheme, but I want some feedback on how this looks, and if it would be striking compared to the above. I'll post some model pictures in the morning when people are awake and I can set some out. But what is everyone's thoughts on this? http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8229/8400814308_0bd0479300_b.jpg White color for the supernova imagery, and the black center for a Black supernova. The Red trim and Red chest eagle sort of keeping the basic Blood Sun third color, seen in the original. I love the alternative scheme for Death Company done in the book with the Angels Encarmine having white Sanguinary Guard as well, but I wondered if people think this would work on an actual model. Last consideration: I have a lot of those 3rd edition death company bodies that I'll be using for them models, and I have (with considerable effort) magnetized the backpacks to make sure they're flexible, so this is why I want to make sure I get the colors right. But if not, they'll strip easily being pewter/lead!