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  1. View File Aeldari Corsairs in Kill Team (Homegrown Rules) (KT 2018) Homegrown rules for playing the anhrathe (aeldari/eldar corsairs) in Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (includes commanders and elites) The file can be discussed here. Submitter Ioldanach Submitted 02/14/19 Category Kill Team  
  2. Ioldanach

    Alai Mercenary Corps

    From the album: Aeldari

    Modern rendition of the Rogue Trader era color scheme for the Alai Mercenary Corps
  3. Ioldanach

    Alai Mercenary Corps RT

    From the album: Aeldari

    Rogue Trader era scheme for the Alai Mercenary Corps
  4. Ioldanach

    SWA Corsairs 5

    From the album: Aeldari

    Weapons and equipment, continued; skills
  5. Ioldanach

    SWA Corsairs 1

    From the album: Aeldari

    Basic Eldar Corsair kill team rules
  6. CLASSIFICATION: DARK GAMMA DATE: 78.M42 AUTHOR: SUBJECT: Report on recent eldar activity in Segmentum Tempestus RECIPIENT: Inquisitor Rohzan, Ordo Xenos Subsequent to the Fall of Cadia, a new eldar group was encountered operating in the Segmentum Tempestus. This group of eldar was first thought to be from one of the so-called eldar 'craftworlds' due to the composition of their fleet and certain stylistic elements of individuals' armor and weapons. Indeed, due to several incidents there is speculation that this group may have some relationship with the eldar craftworld codified as ‘Biel-Tan’ by the Ordo Xenos. After further encounters and analysis of data, although the group appears to operate with a high level of military discipline, this eldar group is best classified with other similar groups that are called ‘pirates’ or ‘corsairs.’ Pictured at right is an individual in the typical colors of the group – silver armor with green embellishments, usually the arms and helm. Typical of the eldar corsairs, there are wide variations in modes of dress so that it is difficult to codify unit types. While reports haven’t identified individuals wearing the colors commonly associated with the specialist warriors commonly found in craftworld armies, multiple individuals have been sighted wearing armor in some of the styles of those specialists. The first recorded instance of an encounter with this group was by Count Khoji of House Orpheus in 12.M42. The rogue trader’s fleet was continuing exploration of the sector named for his famous ancestor when it came under attack by xenos forces identified as Necrons. The eldar fleet appeared suddenly, destroying or disabling several of the Necron vessels and allowing the rogue trader fleet to escape. Before departing, the eldar vessels contacted the rogue trader, identifying the leader (in the exaggerated style common to the corsairs) as ‘The Most Puissant Aecallion of the High House of Soluire, Lion Son and Lord Protector of the Shrine of the Viridian Claw, Knight of the Burning Wing, Hierarch Admiral of the Blades that Mourn the Broken Tempest.’ The being that Count Khoji presumed was Aecallion sat impassively upon his command throne, all communications being conducted by an unidentified underling. The xenos informed the rogue trader that the area to which the rogue trader’s fleet had been headed was under the protection of the eldar and that no intrusion by lesser species would be allowed. With much of his fleet, including his flagship, suffering extensive damage in the encounter with the Necrons, Count Khoji gave the impression of acquiescing, returning to the forge world of Myre for repairs. It was during the period in which his fleet was under repair that Count Khoji submitted the report of his encounter with the eldar fleet. Upon completion of fleet repairs and refitting for the threats he expected to face, including expansion of his fleet with a force seconded from the Adeptus Mechanicus, Count Khoji set out to renew his exploration. No further communication has been made with the rogue trader’s fleet. Another verified encounter with the group occurred in 43.M42 in the Forsarr Sector. As you were present at that encounter in the company of your predecessor, I will omit further commentary and defer to your recollection except to state that it was from the reports of this encounter that I have cataloged this fleet by a shortened form of its given name: "Mourning Blades." The most expansive of encounters with the eldar fleet occurred upon the nascent Imperial colony of Nayatera IV in 65.M42. The colonist fleet was able to establish a landing and settlement site and had just initiated delivery of supplies from orbit when they were attacked on two fronts. The colonist fleet itself was engaged by eldar craft that arrived seemingly out of nowhere. Shortly thereafter, though no xenos ships were seen to deliver forces to the planet, the settlement was attacked by eldar. Among the eldar forces were troops that have been identified as belonging to Biel-Tan craftworld. In addition, the silver-armored troops of the Mourning Blades as well as eldar fighting from the backs of reptilian mounts were observed. The colonists put up a valiant fight and were able to transmit pict captures from the fighting to their orbiting fleet, but they were quickly overrun and wiped out. The colonist fleet, too, was destroyed in its entirety, though not until after the limited report of its demise was sent via astropathic relay. The being known as Aecallion is theorized to be the same as that which led the Biel-Tan fleet in the battle that has come to be known as the Thymiere Incident. The Mourning Blades fleet, too, has a clear relationship with Biel-Tan craftworld, though whether they are a subordinate or allied element is unknown. Despite the relationship between the two, the Mourning Blades operate in a manner representative of the eldar corsairs. Indeed, it is thought that the Mourning Blades have assimilated some smaller corsair bands into its ranks during the short period that it is known to have existed. Below are some graphics depicting Mourning Blades individuals that have been observed in verified encounters with the fleet. At the far left is what is thought to be a common trooper. The two in the middle appear to have been small unit leaders. The individual on the right appears to have been in overall control of the ground forces that attacked the conveyor fleet transporting the Rigel XXVIIIth to the muster site for the Indomitus Crusade. I remain your obedient servant,
  7. I've been bitten by the Aeldari Corsairs bug. First, a big "thanks!" to @Ioldanach for helping with the nifty color schemes. Note that some of the images below are from his gallery. When Ioldanach was working on his rules for using the Aeldari Corsairs in Kill Team, I semi-hijacked that topic starting here as I mused my own fleet. Looking through the old Rogue Trader (1st edition) era stuff, I found a badge that I liked: The caption reads "Alai-myan Alliance" and it appears to be an alliance between two other groups shown in that picture, the Alai Mercenary Corps and Myan's Agents of Silence. You can see the full image below (click on the image for the full size version): That image appeared in Warhapper 40,000 Chapter Approved: Book of the Astronomican, which was published in 1988 (and I'm pretty sure that, like pretty much everything else inside, that article was reprinted from an earlier issue of White Dwarf Magazine). I liked that image, so, after some fiddling around, I updated it to: (click on the image for a full size version) Fun fact: After I posted an earlier version of that rune back in September 2019, apparently someone liked it because they incorporated it into their own fan art depicting an Aeldari Corsair, presumably of the Alai-Myan Alliance. If you're interested, you can cut and paste the URL below into your browser to see the image. https://www.webstagramsite.com/media/B4pYMWrgg1ZIt's cool that someone liked the rune enough to use it. At the time, I couldn't find anything else about the Alai-Myan Alliance (or the Alai Mercenary Corps or Myan's Agents of Silence) other than something I read on one of the wikis, and, lacking citation, I found the information suspect. So I was working on my own color scheme. And then it was pointed out to me that the Alai Mercenary Corps did have a color scheme shown back in the Rogue Trader era: (click on the image for a full size version) That looks like a kind of sea green with pink - not atypical for the era. Ioldanach was kind enough to whip up an updated version of that scheme using his Corsair Painter: (click on the image for a full size version) I think that the colors he used were Kabalite Green (lighter green), Incubi Darkness (undersuit), and Emperor's Children (pink). He suggested a possible update to turquoise, which I agreed to: (click on the image for a full size version) He used Terradon Turquoise for the blues (two different colors from different portions of the swatch) and Magos Purple for the purple. Something else I'd been looking at prior to learning that the Alai Mercenary Corps actually had a color scheme was orange. There was a picture of a Fire Dragon Aspect Warrior from the Living Flame Shrine in the 6th edition Codex: Eldar, and I've always liked it: (click on the image for a full size version) With that, he whipped up the image below: (click on the image for a full size version) So now I'm left to decide between the three schemes. If I go with either of the Alai-Myan Alliance versions, then I'll obviously go with the Alai-Myan Alliance as my fleet. If I go with the orange version, then I have the freedom to create my own fleet or use some fleet that we know only by name. My plan is to create a kill team, most likely using the Asuryani rules (though I'll probably use Ioldanach's homegrown version in friendly games). I'm being kind of wishy-washy about the scheme, but it's time to make a decision. I'm partial to the last two schemes, so one of them will (hopefully) be shown here on an actual model. Make that a whole Command Roster's worth of models.
  8. Since most players don't get down into the Homegrown Rules forum, I figured I'd post these here. I've been developing rules for the eldar corsairs in the Kill Team game (and I've had lots of great help from a few members). I previously posted a version in the Downloads section, but have since reorganized and expanded those rules following the release of Elites. The rules now include commanders and elites choices, as well as sub-faction rules (following the Elites example). You can see the current version of the rules below: (click on the images for full size versions) I'm looking for feedback from players that have experience playing Kill Team. The limited playtesting I've done (it's difficult to playtest solo ) and the theorycrafting that has taken place in the Homegrown Rules discussion have led up to what you see above. My playtesting was limited to games against similar asuryani and drukhari lists, and all of my playtesting was pre-elites (i.e., before ghostwalkers and malevolents were added and before everyone could take corsair jet packs). We think it's ready for prime time, but it would be great to get more eyes on things to ensure that everything looks fair. Some issues for consideration: The most contentious issue is the availability of corsair jet packs for everybody. Their impact has been limited, following the pattern of t'au jet packs and granting only 2" of additional movement along with the FFLY and JET PACK keywords. Adeptus Astartes jump packs double movement (+6") and grant the FFLY and JUMP PACK keywords for only 6 points, so 4 points looks relatively safe (there are arguments that this might be too expensive). The tactics are drawn from other factions, mostly asuryani and drukhari. The coterie specializations (sub-faction rules) are drawn from other factions, mostly asuryani and drukhari. You can see more in-depth explanations and exchanges here. Thanks in advance!
  9. I took a little break from expanding the Aeldari kill teams for the Shadow War: Armageddon game and developed rules for the anhrathe (eldar corsairs) in the Kill Team game. As usual, here are the rules (before I pontificate): File has been revised. See this post for current version. You'll notice that these rules have more images and lore than the other factions have. That's because I don't think that the faction is as familiar to all hobbyists, so I wanted to include enough information to give a basic understanding of the anhrathe. The lore on the first page is mostly verbatim from the second printing of The Doom of Mymeara. There are a few bits here and there from other sources, including some of the edits that I made. Where other factions have a nifty little bit of lore in the black box, I including basic lore information on the commander options (since the core rulebook doesn't have those and the Commanders rulebook has a first page with much of the standard lore). The filler bits (kill team background, mission, squad quirk, and specialist demeanors) are a combination of asuryani and drukhari results that I thought were applicable to the anhrathe. The background results are mostly from the asuryani tables, with two results from the drukhari. The mission results are 6:4 asuryani/drukhari. The squad quirks are 50/50 (I think). The specialist quirks are 5:4, with one made up from scratch (I think). The names were the hardest thing to do. I took all of the names from the Rogue Trader era "Space Elves" miniatures. Then I filled in the tables by making up similar names and by looking at the asuryani names for ideas. I didn't make up an aeldari-sounding second element names, sticking with the (kind of silly) Rogue Trader era names. Realistically speaking, the second element names could be used for either males or females (changing the few names with "He" or "She" as needed). Alternately, you can use the asuryani and drukhari name tables, even combining tables from all three factions for more distinctive names. The coterie tactics are simply those for the asuryani/drukhari that were (I felt) appropriate. I didn't make up any additional/new tactics. The models were kept as basic as possible, largely mirroring the asuryani. Instead of the dire avengers aspect warriors (the anhrathe don't have aspect warriors) I included the "basic" veterans of the anhrathe, the voidstorm corsairs. In the 7th Edition WH40K rules, all of the members of the voidstorm corsairs were felarchs (the anhrathe version of an adeptus astartes veteran sergeant). The anhrathe counterpart to the asuryani guardians is the corsair reaver. Likewise, the ghostwalkers are akin to rangers. Any weapons/wargear that have counterparts in either the asuryani or drukhari kill team faction rules remain identical to those other factions (so they shouldn't need any adjustments). With one exception, the corsair fleets/bands shown on page 6 are all official. The Sunblitz Brotherhood, Sky Raiders, and Void Dragons are based on the schemes shown in The Doom of Mymeara. The Void Watchers, Eldritch Raiders, and Black Suns are based on schemes from a really old painting guide (1st Edition) for the eldar. The only made up corsair fleet/band is the Mourning Blades, which is my own DIY (you'll have to forgive me this indulgence ). The commander options were largely lifted from the asuryani. The corsair prince is just an asuryani autarch with slightly different options (options for the commanders and the main kill team units were based on the Imperial Armour: Xenos book that gave rules for Forge World units in the transition from 7th to 8th edition WH40k). The corsair baron is a watered down version of the corsair prince. The void dreamer is mostly based on the asuryani warlock, with some aspects of the farseer mixed in. One of the psyker powers is from the warlock and one is from the farseer, with one made up as a translation of an aethermancy power from The Doom of Mymeara (the latter is in red text). Overall, I think that the only elements that really need to be evaluated and (if necessary) adjusted are those that are in red text. I'm going to edit the first page (because plagiarism isn't cool). Note that the quotes were made up by me. They might be lame, in which case I'm happy to replace them with better quotes. I made up the titles to sound grandiose, to match the background description of each corsair leader having a unique and grandiose title. I don't necessarily know what the titles mean. In developing these rules, I realized that some earlier assumptions I'd made about the anhrathe (in my Shadow War: Armageddon rules) were wrong. So I'm going back to adjust those rules. Of course, I also decided to create a second kill team for the anhrathe in Shadow War: Armageddon as a result of these rules; and those will be posted soon (not that any of you care about Shadow War: Armageddon any more since GW killed it ). Again, any feedback is appreciated.
  10. View File Anhrathe in Kill Team (KT 2021) I got excited when I saw the rumors about the update to the asuryani/craftworlds, especially the bit about the possible inclusion of the corsairs, so I decided to update my anhrathe rules for the 2021 version of the Kill Team game. I'm skeptical about the rumors (though I'd love to see them come true). This is currently a preliminary version. These are changed substantially from the version I developed for the 2018 version of the Kill Team game. For the most part, I've limited the options to what players might create using the Eldar Guardian models and the Eldar Corsairs upgrade kits from Forge World. This means that most of the options from the drukhari have been removed. I don't know if that was a good idea, but it's what I'm going with for now (we'll see what the feedback shows). Areas of concern: Corsair Reaver and Voidstorm Corsair options allow for both melee and shooting loadouts (with both icons orange). If this is thought to be too powerful, I'll break them out into shooty and stabby units. Heavy and special weapons have been limited to those available to the asuryani (previous version followed The Doom of Mymeara in allowing both asuryani and drukhari weapons). Weapon options for felarchs are extremely limited, largely based on the upgrade sprue options. The malevolent has been removed from this version. I'm considering adding them back in as a stabby unit. The Strategic Ploys, Tactical Ploys, and Equipment are mostly cherry-picked from the Compendium (from the Craftworld, Comorrite, and Harlequin sections - only those that I thought were appropriate to the Corsairs). Corsair jet packs are an equipment choice, but they get expensive (2EP/model that gets them). I originally had them as an ability for the Voidstorm Corsairs, but made them equipment after deciding to use the Forge World images (everybody is wearing a Corsair jet pack). Images are limited. I'm using the ones from Forge World, and a few are just reversed so that they can be used multiple times. If someone has decent representative images (with white backgrounds), I might use them. Otherwise, I'll replace these at a future date when I have decent models converted and painted. I kept a modified version of the back page from the previous version, giving players that aren't familiar with the anhrathe some background. I'm considering adding in the name charts, or perhaps giving new versions to expand the options (if players have the old ones). *** 2021 December 11 Version *** The lasblaster and brace of pistols have had their special rule changed from Rending to Ceaseless. The version is now shown in the top right corner. Minor formatting improvements have been made (nothing substantive). *** 2021 December 15 Version *** Added Drukhari weapons. Added name chart. *** 2021 December 18 Version (Rogue Trader) *** Removed Ghostwalker fire team Corsair Reavers become shooty, Voidstorm Corsairs become stabby (neither is a veteran level) Added Corsair Malevolents. One Corsair Reaver fire team and one Voidstorm Corsair fire team can take a Corsair Malevolent in place of a Corsair Reaver/Voidstorm Corsair. The Corsair Malevolent can only take chainswords (1 or 2), spar-glaives (1 or 2), or a power glove (with either a chainsword or a spar-glaive). The end result is that you might be able to take up to 2 Corsair Malevolents in your kill team. Ghostwalkers become an optional upgrade that replaces a Corsair Reaver Gunner/Voidstorm Corsair Gunner. A Ghostwalker can be equipped with an Aeldari long rifle, lasblaster, or shuriken catapult. The end result is that you might have up to 2 Ghostwalkers in your kill team. Fists replaced with Corsair blades, which are mundane knives. Most models have these along with a brace of pistols. *** 2021 December 26 Version (both variants) *** After looking at the previous two versions and some of the official lists in the Kill Team Compendium, I decided to standardize the structure of both variants. I liked how the ghostwalker was an alternative to the gunner (in both fire team types), so I extended that concept. After seeing that the gunners in The Doom of Mymeara were limited to special weapons and that only the balestrike bands, a heavy support choice, had heavy weapons, I adjusted the Kill Team faction rules accordingly. Since other factions don’t have heavy support fire teams, however, I made the balestrike corsair an alternative to the gunner, but only in the corsair reaver fire team. I made the corsair malevolent an alternative to the gunner in the voidstorm corsair fire team. Both the balestrike corsair and corsair malevolent are limited to one per kill team (not fire team). The corsair reavers and voidstorm corsairs are very flexible, with options to be either shooty or stabby, so I wanted the alternatives (ghostwalker, balestrike corsair, corsair malevolent) to force choices. The voidstorm corsairs are effectively a fire team of felarchs, but with slightly fewer options than the actual Felarch. Since the previous corsair reaver felarch and voidstorm corsair felarch operative datacards were identical (minus the names), I consolidated those into a single datasheet, simply called “Felarch.” In both lists, most operatives have a brace of pistols and Corsair blades. A brace of pistols is basically a bunch of pistols, while Corsair blades is basically a bunch of knives. I’ve added the OUTCAST keyword to all of the operatives in both lists. This doesn’t haven’t any impact on these variants, but is based on what I’ve seen with the bespoke factions (e.g., Octarius and Chalnath). Each of these is similar to the counterpart lists in the Kill Team Compendium, but has unique rules and slightly different keywords. The OUTCAST keyword simply facilitates future efforts on some bespoke lists. The difference between the two variants (other than the images) is in the weapons: The Doom of Mymeara variant preserves the drukhari weapons. The Rogue Trader variant replaces the drukhari weapons with their asuryani counterparts and also allows hand flamers, power axes, and power gloves. I also created a new orange skull icon for the faction keyword and changed the abilities and special rules text to size 9 font. Both of those changes will be in the updated faction rules template (which will be uploaded once I get the portrait frame image elements separated for those hobbyists that don’t have Photoshop). The Doom of Mymeara variant supports those players that collected the more recent version of corsairs, including those that may be represented using drukhari miniatures. The Rogue Trader variant supports those players that are using the Warhammer 40,000 1st and 2nd Edition eldar miniatures. The key problem, mostly relevant to the Rogue Trader variant, is the need to convert – there aren’t any man-portable bright lances or scatter lasers. I could see using 1st edition harlequins for their power axes and power gloves, and the old 2nd edition sprues have power gloves (not to mention that some of the 1st edition models have power gloves and/or hand flamers). Some players have these models/bits, though, so the Rogue Trader variant might work for them. For those that have more recently joined the eldar corsairs fan club, The Doom of Mymeara variant, the Forge World upgrade sprues and drukhari kits will provide the bits that you need. If the rumors have any truth to them, we’ll see the corsairs in the future, at which point I’ll update these to match the models (assuming GW doesn’t give us Kill Team rules for them right away). At that point, I may keep some of the more exotic stuff for bespoke anhrathe variant lists. We should have shiny new models if the corsairs are brought back, so those will drive the options (though some conversion opportunities may be provided by other models in the aeldari ranges). *** 2021 December 31 Version (both variants) *** Removed chainsword Corsair blades changed to array of blades (identical to Comorrites) Brace of pistols changed to laspistol (see Astra Militarum) with fusillade ability Shuriken pistols and splinter pistols (latter only in DM version) added as alternative to brace of pistols Changed the celestial shield (equipment) to a shimmershield *** 2022 January 7 Version (both variants) *** Streamlined the weapon options. – operatives no longer come with a brace of pistols, array of blades, and additional weapons. Instead, they typically come with an array of blades (or some other melee weapon) and a ranged weapon. This is in line with the operatives in the official factions in the Compendium. Removed the blast pistol from the felarch (Rogue Trader version only). The RT version wasn’t supposed to include drukhari weapon options, so the blast pistol was an error (probably a cut and paste error). The blast pistol remains an option for the felarch in the Doom of Mymeara version. Removed the shimmer shield (equipment). Only a few of the official factions have an invulnerable save, so it was inappropriate to add it here when it wasn’t in the sources upon which both of these variants are based. See the support topic for details. I appreciate any feedback that players might provide in improving these rules. Note that the Rogue Trader and Doom of Mymeara versions are separate variants. choose whichever one meets your collection limitations based on the notes above. Submitter Ioldanach Submitted 11/30/21 Category Kill Team  
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