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Version 1.0
The old House Hyperion look just isn't doing it, so I thought I'd give it a bit of an update. Included are as many little stripes and crescent moons as I could fit, including a custom aquila, and more, including some reproduced details from other B&C decal sheets. This is a LARGE file, designed for designed to be printed in FULL colour, on 200x330mm paper. Typically using an ALPS printer, or a laser that supports white content. Printing this on traditional clear decal paper WILL NOT yield a final product close to what you see on your computer screen. If you don't have access to either of the above printer types, or a special inkjet, If possible, I recommend using a reputable custom decal print shop (I used Bedlam Creations) to have this printed. It may cost some decent cash, but you'll be happier with the result. The uploaded version is 150dpi which should be fine for most uses. A 600dpi version can be had by emailing PMing me.- 2 reviews
- Knights
- Mechanicum
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From the album: Titanicus
From the album: Titanicus
From the album: Titanicus
From the album: Titanicus
From the album: Titanicus
- titanicus
- warlord titan
(and 1 more)
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From the album: Titanicus
- titanicus
- reaver titan
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Hello fellow princeps! Having finally gotten an account in this vibrant community, I guess it's only appropriate to start by showing off some miniature goodness. I have a personal compulsion to convert everything to make it unique, even if only slightly, and a Titan Legio would be no exception. Legio Favilla, the Ashen Gods, are not a frontline battle Legio as such, originally developed for more sombre purposes of acting as final arbitrators of imperial justice for civilizations that resisted too vehemently. Theirs was an unenviable lot, from a sane point of view, to descend in flames to wipe whole worlds' inhabitants from existence until no shred of memory remained. "Imperator Domine, in cinere dona eis requiem" - Lord Emperor, grant peace for their ashes. They've often marched alongside the XIV legion Astartes, with whom they share a grim and humorless attitude towards advancing the great efforts of the Imperium. Currently I'm up at 2 Warlords, 3 Reavers, 4 Warhounds and 10 Knights of some varieties built with some more in boxes or being eyed on the shelves. AT hits just the right buttons, plastic crack train has no brakes Paintingwise, trying out NMM for the first time in any seriousness was a spur of the moment decision that came about as I was starting the first Warlord. Using metallic paints just didn't feel right on this scale, so I went with a more expressive and less realistic style to try and capture some of that sweet, heavy atmosphere of baroque paintings, stepping out of their frames and striding into the furious, mad symphony of war. I apologize for phone pictures, future updates should have an actual system camera behind them from now on. The grand smurf of the order, Iudex Ultionis - The Judge of Vengeance, first to fall from the heavens horns blaring. Here he is, guiding the little lambs to slaughter like a good shepherd. I'll eventually get around to take proper pics of them too. The second lord, Memento Mori - reminder for the opposition of their own mortal frailty. His base will have a despairing soldier staring up, gun fallen from slack fingers. Reavers underway: Aurora Terribilis - the Terrifying Dawn, last gasp of regret the enemy has before their doom and Damnatio Memoriae - fate of those destined to be swept off from the collective memory of the galaxy. First Reaver to get ready: Ruina Superborum - the Ruin of the Haughty, that which inevitably follows for the fools who dared to resist the bearers of the Aquila. What is a Legio without its loyal Hounds of war? Let them run and dance in the ashes. Edax Rerum - (like Time) Who Devours All. Echo Dolorum - the Echo of Sorrows. Occisor Spesi - Murderer of Hope. Cineres Immensi - the Vast Ashes. And some Cerastus waiting their turn. Acherons' flamers were converted from Warhound's Inferno Cannons, fits nicely I find. Cor aut mors, brethren!
- 435 replies
From the album: Kowalzcky Legio Tempestus
From the album: Kowalzcky Legio Tempestus
From the album: Kowalzcky Legio Tempestus
From the album: Kowalzcky Legio Tempestus
Hi all, so a question that came up in my latest game. My Titan Legion vs a friends Knight House. 1 of my Reavers is in combat with 2 x Cerastus Knights, my Reavers chainfist fails miserably to kill the knights, my Reaver then proceeds to take catastrophic damage and I roll a D10 to see the result. I roll a 10 so proceed with the Catastrophic Meltdown. The meltdown is in range of another of my Reavers and 2 more knight banners. Now the wording for Catastrophic Meltdown is as follows: "The Titan is destroyed. Roll a D3 and add the number of holes on the Titan's Plasma Reactor Status Track - each model within that many inches of the Titan before it is removed is hit by the blast. Each unit that is hit suffers D6 hits, bypassing void shields, with a strength equal to the Titan's Scale+1" So my question is, does that mean knights get shield saves because they have Ion shields? The wording on the rule says "bypassing void shields" so I would assume that as it doesn't say "shields" or specify "Ion shields" that knights can still take a shield save against the meltdown? if this is correct, how does that work? like a Titan has just gone nuclear and your stood next/underneath it and your fine, yet the Titan with full shields 7" away takes it straight on the armour....
Hello again ye hallowed halls of the B&C! Seems I did a disappearing act again in my previous topic. Long story short I started to hate the models I painted up for Legio Victorum, I rushed them and I made alot of mistakes building them. I still have them, and they may yet provide fodder for my new project: LEGIO ASCALON I've been plugging away at this guy for about a week now, really forcing myself to take my time. Mucked up the melta cannon a bit, I will attempt to rectify. Should have the VMB stand in from Battlebling any day now, looking forward to that, and waiting on some basing materials. I got the Precept Maniple Battle force, and I had a Warbringer and this Reaver. So that's the current build log. Working towards a Perpetua Maniple of two Reavers and two Warbringers then finishing up with the two Warhounds and the Warlord. After that...maybe a Warmaster? Thanks for looking!