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Apocalypse Lords


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I really like your Dreads (you're cranking 'em out faster than I can crank out Tactical Marines).


Good thinking with the shoulder pad on the front of the Ven. Dread. I woulda never thought of that.


The bases are awesome on all your models. I can't even bring myself to flock all my Marines :)


You've inspired me to have another go at painting the lenses on all my stuff to actually look like lenses. Maybe I'll actually get it right this time. :ermm:


Only thing that bugs me a little is the cabling around the sarcophagi, it looks kinda funny being the same color as the black and white armor around it. I think it would benefit from being painted with metallics just because the detail kinda gets lost right now, but I only noticed that after staring for a few minutes *shrug*


See you Wednesday(?)



EDIT: Yay! 500 posts!

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  • 2 weeks later...

"It is done..."


So the last squad of termies is completed and I am now at 1850 pts. Very cool feeling, even if the last squad had to suffer through a relapse of pneumonia. As such, a shaking in my hands precluded me adding omega's to the shoulder pads at this time or putting their names on their nameplates. I will do that later as I catch up with them and the dreads. Still, they didn't turn out too bad.


So, here are the squad members:










Here is the Vet. Sgt:


I was discussing with my painting sensei about how to handle the dripping energy effect with an upright sword and between myself and a silver demon winner, we hemmed and hawed about this and that. Then my oldest son (Niko) came up and said, "Why don't you just have it drip down his hand?" We both looked at each other and said, "Brilliant". Seems obvious now. So this was the attempt, even if it came up a bit short from the originality of the idea.






And finally the Vet. Sgt that will move up to the Librarian's retinue as I bring down one of the SB troopers.







This is an underneath shot so that you can see the business end of the thunderhammer:



The squad picture will be posted in HoH. Also, I will be taking an army shot with all the drop pods before too long...


...and lest you think this thread will close and whimper off, I guess I will be starting a tactical squad. While sitting at the desk working on a side project (posted in WIP), I got this image in my head and the line from "Black Hawk Down". Since it looks suitably challenging, I think I will use it as my way to get the tactical "foot in the door".


Here's the sketch. This isn't intended to be a work of art, only to solidify the image until I can get it to plastic. This will most likely be on a "terminator" sized base and count for two troopers.




So there you have it, the conclusion of a journey that began the week of Thanksgiving 2006, with the assumption that the whole kit and kaboodle would be done inside of 90 days. I have been well and truly humbled. :)


Now the "Long War" against the heretics and xenos scum takes a new turn. Thanx to all the brothers who provided the support to keep going. There were times when this was an extremely frustrating exercise, primarily when I was in the discovery mode.


Until next time,



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Looking good Honda. You should listen to your son more often. Often a child eyes are needed to point out the obvious to the more "wisened and experienced" sages. :teehee:


Can't wait to see them in person. The sword and thunderhammer look especially good. I think you pulled off the flowing energy/power absolutely perfectly.

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i really like lamost everything about your minis: paintjob, converst .. etc. ...

but one thing i really dislike are these ugly barrels coming put of the front of the stormbollters. imho this barrel ruins the whole weapons design.

but as i've said, this is the only thing i don't like, everything else is great ...

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@Gar: A case of, "out of the mouths of babes", eh?


I really love your powerweapons! Recipe?


It's actually pretty simple, otherwise I'd have found something else.


1. Basecoat weapon in black

2. Paint weapon Boltgun Silver all over

3. Decide whether you want the energy to collect at the bottom or drip down from the top


4. Paint the energy area Chaos Black

5. Paint the area Dark Angels Green


Now for these next bits, just paint a smaller area than the preceding color, leaving some of the previous color exposed


6. Snot Green

7. Scorpion Green

8. Bilious Green

9. Skull White highlights


Fairly straight forward and I used the same colors on the eyes.


but one thing i really dislike are these ugly barrels coming put of the front of the stormbollters. imho this barrel ruins the whole weapons design.

but as i've said, this is the only thing i don't like, everything else is great ...


I understand. When I was putting the termies together, I kept looking at the end of the SB's and I wanted to do something different vs. just drill two holes on the end. So I fiddled with it a bit and came up with something that has grown on me. The barrel on the end gives the SB a profile that is quite similar to the WWI Mauser machine pistol. I always thought that was a cool looking gun and so I took the plunge.


Admittedly, that decision didn't float everyone's boat, but as I said, it has grown on me and I like how it turn out. YMMV. It's Ok, I don't expect everyone to like everything I've done.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it's been a little while since the last post, but I have been busy (finished a small side project) and am now back on track. There is a 2000 pt RTT supposedly at the end of July and after fiddling around with what I could do to bump me up to that level, I decided on adding two Landspeeder Tornadoes.


Now as you can see from the picts, I'm actually building three, but that is because when I shift to PA troopers, I'll have three of the puppies in my list.


So first off, I wanted to do something different, but still recognizable as a LST. One of the things I wanted to do is put some wings on the LS to make it stand out visually and make it look stubby and deadly, sort of like a flying snub nosed .38 revolver, if you are familiar with the handgun.


So here's the top view












Unlike a strict modeler, I prefer to build stuff that I can play with...in fact, if I can't play with it in a game, then I most likely will never build or paint something. I think it comes from building a lot of models when I was growing up and then just getting tired of them sitting there, doing nothing. So, I tend to brace my stuff to help it survive the rigors of combat. Sometimes this takes away from the "smoothness" of the overall model, but I would prefer that to something that looks really cool, but breaks everytime I use it. So I tend to be a little pragmatic in that regard.


All that to say that the under view shows some of the bracing and I will most likely find some sort of pattern for the upper wings that bulks them out a bit, strengthens the connection of the wing to the body and isn't too distracting.


The group shot so far






I want them to continue with the urban basing scheme that I have for the rest of the army, so these building pieces will elevate them over the table level and help them fit in with the rest of the look of the army, especially the dreads.


Next steps:


1. Put the troopers together. Everyone will be wearing a helmet per my army philosophy. The normally HB wielding trooper will be converted to a wizzo (Weapon Systems Operator) with a HUD. He'll also get a gun shield in front of him like the driver. They will be painted separately from the vehicle and put in towards the end. Some of the vehicle hardware will be modified to look a little more "modern".


2. Do something neat with the guns. I won't say what just yet, you'll just have to tune in next week, but I'm hoping that it makes them look nasty.


3. Gap filling: I had to do some serious rubberband-fu to get them to this point. These kits are a beast to put together. You can see the sizeable gap on the side. I'm looking at my options, but will more than likely putty/plasticard them. If it weren't for my plastic weld, these things would have been nearly impossible to put together. They are certainly my candidate for re-engineering if GW should ever decide to re-look at them. I'd love to have 6-9 LS's in my army, but I don't think I have the patience right now to put the other two together that I have. Adding 3-6 more is not even worth discussing.


4. Painting: At the moment, I am planning on painting the cab in the white/black scheme, but leave the wings black. That will keep them tied to the overall image of the rest of the army, but for some reason, the idea of half white wings isn't grabbing me right now. What do you guys think?


I think that's it for now.


See you next week!



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So these guys are ready to prime. I'm happy with how they turned out, with the exception of the seam along the side. If I was so inclined, I could think of several not nice words to describe what a pain in the neck they were...but, I won't. Suffice to say, I ended up putting a "sleeve" around the gap and was only partially successful.


Given that, I have decided to modify the paint scheme a bit. Now, the majority of the vehicle will be black, the two side doors will feature the split white/black with an omega symbol. I'll also detail bit as well as weather the leading edges as necessary.


Anyway, I am very thankful to be past this phase and look forward to the painting.


The formation:



Some detail shots:





Until next week...



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Thanx for the compliments. Every now and then I look at them and think that they aren't long enough, but I didn't have a clear idea of how to pull extensions so...


Anyway, the more I look at them, the more I like the stubby lethality they project. They got base coated this morning, so all things being equal, I should have an update for this weekend.





Dude, don't be a stranger, I know you're out there. We meet on Wednesdays at the Marq-E. You'd like the group we've got going...they're a lot like you :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, it has been awhile now, hasn't it. However, I have been extremely busy working on the last bit of my army for today's tournament.


So, without further ado...


First off, the bases




Raven Six



Raven Three



Raven Nine



Assorted detail shots





...and the Might of the Emperor, arrayed for war



Next steps


I have a commitment to keep for the DIY Swap project that I will be working on over the next couple of weeks and then I am leaning pretty heavily towards kicking off the PA phase of the army...which means that from a painting perspective it will be rather quiet.


However, I do plan on providing WIP shots of the tactical squads. I will probably construct all the squads, then basecoat and repeat the painting process used for the termies.


Anyway, as stated earlier, the tourney is today, mostly composed of "veterans" so it will be interesting to see how these boys fair.


I'll post a tourney report in a couple of days.


Cheers and thanx for all the support, C&C, and basic interest so far!



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Good luck in the tournie, i too have been using a terminator-heavy army in my games and it's faired quite well, its a footsloging list so its a bit differant to yours but i find that the termies can really hold their own against most.


I'm curious to see how the three dreads get on, as a kind of all-or-nothing approach with most armies being able to get rid of one or two with heavy fire. But i find that whatever they use to kill dreads can also kill terminators so its a bonus when they fire at the 120pts dread instead of the 240pts terminator squad.

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