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Cosmic Space Knights (of doom)


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Scribe Iziah carefully put the finishing touches to the report before returning his electro-quill to the pot sat on the side of his desk and letting out a content sigh as he slouched in his chair.

It seemed like a life time ago that he had been Governor of Vengist IV, a distant but painful memory that no longer seemed important. It had taken his entire fortune but he had managed to get his transfer to the furthest reaches of Imperial space on the far edge of the northern galactic rim.

As he rose he glanced out of the window of his modest office, the warmth of a smile spreading slowly across his face erasing almost all memories of the cyclonic torpedoes that had rained down on upon his home world as the Ptera-Squirrels were blasted from the material realm by the most powerful weapons that the Imperium had at it's disposal.


The world of Eden had been named after an ancient long forgotten paradise during the age of the Great Crusade. Reknown for it's unrivalled beauty the people of Eden led a simple yet content existence. The small farming communities scattered across the planet knew nothing of the great conflicts and wars that raged across the galaxy or that mankind stood on the brink of extinction as mighty heroes battled against insurmountable odds. War was an alien concept to these people, as he carefully folded his report as he placed it into the file he marvelled at the fact that this tiny little world might be the only amongst billions that truly knew peace.


Collecting all the files in his arms he made his way to the small adjoining records room where he filed his botanical reports and catalogues of local flora and fauna. It was a simple job but he was happy without the yoke of responsibility that came with governership of an entire world.


The top draw of the filing cabinet squeeked a little as he pulled the draw towards him and began flicking happily through the files within. Something flickered in the background, brief light that caught his attention for a second before he dismissed it as a trick of the light and carried on looking through the files.

Another flash, brighter this time, lit the room just for a second. Iziah rubbed his eyes absent mindedly and carried on his task with a small smile. A third brighter light made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end as the air became charged with electricity. Cold beads of sweat began to form on his brow as he began to whistle nervously to himself.

He chose to ignore the permafrost that had crept across walls of the records room where the light had touched it's surface, a small tick manifested in his right cheek as he nervously kept his head down.

Heavy foot falls could be heard from the other room as though armoured giants were forming a perimeter. His face began to twitch more violently as he visably began to shake.


"GOVERNOR IZIAH!" The voice boomed from the other room. In reflex Iziah's grip tensed his hands into tight fists as he scrunched the report into a crumbled wade of paper, as if they had taken a will of their own.




In blind panic Iziah flung the full weight of his body against the door slamming it shut. He remained silent as he cringed realising his error in alerting his presence.


Heavy metalic foot falls approached the other side of the door.


"Governor Izaih, we have returned from the future. We have crossed the very seas of time having returned from the end of days, a time where the Imperium itself stands on the brink of annihilation at the hands of our enemies. A time that had seen a return of the Primarchs Russ and Vulkan, the wounds that bound Guilliman have now healed and he once again stands at the forefront of the defence of holy Terra.

We have found our true progenitors in the Blood Angels, for a while we were certain that it was the Space Wolves but the Chapter Master has an allergy to dog hair.

In the name of our Primarch Saguin...Sagra...Sanwuin...you know the blood guy..."


"What Khorne?" Brother Cross-hairs interupted "I am so getting a chainaxe..." he grinned to himself.


"No," Van Dammage barked his train of thought interupted "you know the one, the big guy with the wings" he said as he made little wing gestures with his hands.


"Ah you mean Sanguinius..." Brother Road-kill smiled smugly.


"As I was saying, we have returned on behalf of our Primarch Sagitairus to stop the foul xeno enemies of man before they can unleash their heinous plans here on Erdan."


The door creaked open a little as the hysterical face of Iziah peered out into the room.


"But...but...this is EDEN not ERDAN!" He sighed.


"Eden, Erdan it's all the same thing really, the point is that this is the home world of the dreaded Ptera-squirrels and it is here that we must make our latest final stand for the glory of the Emperor and Sangitarny!"


The other Astartes cheered in support.


"But how can you possibly know that this is the home world of the Ptera-Squirrels, they're found on thousands of Imperial worlds across the galaxy!" Iziah protested as he tried to inject some sense of reason and sanity into the conversation.


"EMPEROR'S TEETH! I had no idea that the contagion had spread so quickly"


"They're harmless!" Iziah continued.


"If they are so harmless then why was the world of Vengist IV destroyed?" The Astartes captian enquired "Ready the battle barge and prepare the strike forces, we attack at dawn." Not waiting for the scribe's response he returned to the circle of his troops and with a blinding flash they were gone.


The scouring of Eden had begun.



Pictures to follow. :)

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Yeah, he probably deserves it though. :)


I'm just starting work on the new reworked Bruvva Grimtoof model at the moment to get the army started over again. It was always a bit of an impulsive model that I never really took my time with. I'll be focusing on the command squad to begin with but with the new Blood Angels codex as the template for the army I've got loads of new options for the army.

Expect lots of jump packs...


I've also dug out the Fire Magnet pattern Predator and hope to get started on that again as well so updates will be coming up soon and am in the planning stages for the Land Raider launcher whirlwind variant for deep striking Land Raiders. :cuss

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Doghouse, just been reading this from the beginning, and I Lol'd the whole way! <_< I want more! All I can think when I see Large is, 'Poor McHuge...'


Also, you're a really talented writer, care to join us in the Liber Cominiscor Short Stories section? ;)

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Cheers guys!


Started on the new Bruvva Grimtoof model and hope to get some shots up soon. I've decided to go all out and use a nob model as the basis this time around to make him stand out a little more because he's bigger.

The other plus is that now the army background is estabished I can spend a little more time on the characters this time around.

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I skimmed though most of this thread, gotta say I love it. The whole awkward chapter thing is awesome.


I did notice that someone mentioned Mystery Science Theater 3000 as a source of names for your Marines. This is what he was referring to:

MST3K The many Names of David Ryder


Hope it helps

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LOL..suddenly today this old post appeared again in B&C forums...and I can´t help reading every page...


amazing, conversions and over all..the amazing fluff..is like terry prachett landing in WH40k...


dont leave it Doghouse!

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Oh my god, I was laughing so hard reading this topic, this is now one of my favorite chapters, quickly followed by the Angry Marines.

Large McHuge is my favorite I think, I can almost hear him screaming obscene words at his cloak as he trys to get it free without ripping it to pieces. I'm adding that Bretonnian helmet to the next bitz order I make.


"Please sir, can I have some more?"

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"Yes Brother-Sergeant...but...but...Brother Bullet shield took my issue helmet because he lost his..."


"No I didn't you jerk!" A voice screamed out from the rear ranks of the assembled Astartes.


"Yes you did, Brother Body bag saw you take it!" Scrounger yelled as he turned around to face his brothers shaking his fist in anger "He told me you took it from my foot locker whilst I was asleep!"


“Body bag…you lying jerk, you were the one that took it!” Bullet shield protested, a commotion broke out in the rear ranks as the two warriors childishly began shoving each other.



This is simply amazing, I almost spilt my breakfast over the laptop.

Best DIY army EVER

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"Yes Brother-Sergeant...but...but...Brother Bullet shield took my issue helmet because he lost his..."


"No I didn't you jerk!" A voice screamed out from the rear ranks of the assembled Astartes.


"Yes you did, Brother Body bag saw you take it!" Scrounger yelled as he turned around to face his brothers shaking his fist in anger "He told me you took it from my foot locker whilst I was asleep!"


“Body bag…you lying jerk, you were the one that took it!” Bullet shield protested, a commotion broke out in the rear ranks as the two warriors childishly began shoving each other.



This is simply amazing, I almost spilt my breakfast over the laptop.

Best DIY army EVER


EDIT: Stupid Double posts.... :wallbash:

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I hope I don't offend you in any way, but it's a shame that you don't use your awesome modelling and painitng skills for more serious stuff. A real pity :-(

If I was able handle green stuff as well as you do, I'd create the most serious and credible marines ever.


Although... on the other hand, some roque-trader-style humor might be needed, too.

Anyway, keep up the good work.

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I hope I don't offend you in any way, but it's a shame that you don't use your awesome modelling and painitng skills for more serious stuff. A real pity :-(

If I was able handle green stuff as well as you do, I'd create the most serious and credible marines ever.


Although... on the other hand, some roque-trader-style humor might be needed, too.

Anyway, keep up the good work.

Clearly, you haven't seen the Doghouse-pattern Actual Scale/ True scale marines. Do a search, then come back and apologize.... ;)



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Cheers guys! :)


Cheeseychaoslord: Sorry about that mate! :lol: This thread should really come with a safety warning. :)


Rogan: Not at all mate. :) I do normally do some serious stuff, mostly in the area of true scale marines and stuff. If you click on my name on the left and select topics started by user you can see all my old threads. :)


Here one example: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...t=0&start=0


The CSK(...od) are great though because I can get away with them being a serious chaos army or a spoof comedy army. It's become one of those armies over the years that if I don't update every now and then I get swamped with pm's asking where they are. ;)


Raye: Welcome to the B&C mate.


I've got a bit more done on the revamped command squad and will post an update asap. I've got the first five models made and will be adding the comedy element to the squad with the next five models.

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Well, it took me over 3 hours to get through this (mainly as I had to keep going back to marvel at a lot of it :D )


And I can honestly say that it's been the best three hours spent for a long time :D

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Thanks mate. :D


I think in the long run this army will probably get me locked up though. :D


I've got the basics of the command squad together and started the first tactical squad. I seem to have misplaced a lot of the stuff and am trying to atleast dig out the banner guy for updating to jump pack status. I've also added a jump pack to the former emperor's champion as well.

I decided not to redo Bruvva Grimtoof after my first attempt to remake him made him look too much like a proper marines. I'll get some pictures up asap. :D

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Thanks mate. :)


I think in the long run this army will probably get me locked up though. :D


I've got the basics of the command squad together and started the first tactical squad. I seem to have misplaced a lot of the stuff and am trying to atleast dig out the banner guy for updating to jump pack status. I've also added a jump pack to the former emperor's champion as well.

I decided not to redo Bruvva Grimtoof after my first attempt to remake him made him look too much like a proper marines. I'll get some pictures up asap. ;)


I think Bruvva Grimtoof was perfectly fine as he was to be honest, especially as the others haven't realised yet ^_^

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