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Desert Eagles wip

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Oooh, nice Servrin Loth, never even occurred to me to just give 'im a BP and one of the swords from the rest of the pack :)


Same here!


Man ... I'm tempted to do a bashing on my guy now ...

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Still at it, aye? :D

Love the Libby. Be nice to see the chest aquila painted gold or brown according to the chapter colors. But otherwise hes getting there. The Rhino and speeder look hawt as well.

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Thanks all,


SCC: I use a brush. I belive the secret is to not make the text too black, but rather a little faded. I mix some brown or orange or whatever is in front of me so it isn't to dark and contrasting to the colour of the scroll or wherever the text is being painted on.


D P: the chaplin will be black. Not sure what other colours will be used though. Orange shoulder pads perhaps. The skullhelm will either be bone or silver, i'll see when i get there.


Todd: Yes my friend, i am persistent...stubborn...and slow paced. I'll probobly be working on this army forever... I am however missing your updates. ;) ;)


I tried painting the aquila white first, but i thought it stood out too much and keeping it blue will correspond with the rest of my army, in the sense that i use a limited pallete for each mini.


Darth: I belive it is just the way i have painted him that makes it look that way.

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Todd: Yes my friend, i am persistent...stubborn...and slow paced. I'll probobly be working on this army forever... I am however missing your updates. :cuss :D


I stopped the DA thread because my morale <3 points diminished greatly after the release of the SW dex, then the BA dex.

I am, however, doing up a GK 2000pt army as we speak. I probably show some pics of it when its finished. :blink:

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Ack... In fact a little disapointed by the libby.

All in once :

- This is all too blueish, I know libbies wear blue color but there, it could be any chapter's guy (no color ident), some blue on your fantastic white color would be way better imho than a white helmet lost in oversaturated blue.

- Talking about saturated blue... A paler one would be waaaaay better, living saturated colors for some specific parts (kinda like this one http://www.zeliste40k.fr/index.php?q=im&am...1&from=193)

- The small lightnings create a far too great contrast (saturated again...) and well... Seem odd. Prolly because you're a texture painter (realistic/non manga) and its hard to figure what they can be (that matter, I mean. Excuse my french...).

- The cape/loincloth... Lack of vocab... Far too dark if you wanted to make it look the way it used to look

- Belted sword is a good idea, really good one but I'd add a fixation/chain/leather rope holding it into place from behind and I'd push ths sword up/in front a little bit.

Ack... Hope you won't take it bad, you know I hold your work in high esteem.


A last word about the chappy... Looks like the book thing is bent (looking up). Maybe an illusion.



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DS: Oh, i won't take it the wrong way. In fact i rather preffer it given to me straight when you have constructive criticism. I belive i have said it before, but i like and very often agree with your C&C around this board. There is thought and depth to these remarks, so i certainly don't mind. You know, sometimes a kick in the groin is more helpful than a pat on the back.


Now about the blue. I did mention that the pics turned out more blue than irl, there is a sort of hawk turqouise green that the camera didn't really pick up. And i do think it does a bit of diffrence to the mini. None the less, i see your point and i can agree that the colours are too saturated. ,. I don't know if i want to go as pale as you sugested, but i'll try to make some changes. I feel a white colour scheme is a bit late and also not really what i want either. I want the HQs to be diffrent.


The lightnings are a sort of comment to how i painted those things back in 2ed. But yeah, now that you mention it they do seem rather out of place. Not just on this mini, but for the army as a whole as you implied. I still kinda like the ones on his helmet, but the contrast is too much on his armour, i agree.


Yeah, the cloth can be worked on some more.


The sword actually has some sort of strap with an aquilla stuck to it that is sculpted on the sword from the begining. They came with the severin loth set. It's just kinda hard to see but its there.


Cheers mate!

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The Captain is fantastic, i love the pose, the whole model oozes menace.


Also the MM land speeder is ace, definately going to have to follow your example!


Great to see you working on these guys again!

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  • 3 months later...

Hi again, another update for the wip-thread with the slowest progress ever. :P


After some consideration i decided to make a whole new librarian from scratch implementing a couple of the ideas sugested by DS. More white and less blue. The blue shouldn't come out as much saturated this time around either (at least it doesn't IRL) as there is a lot of black and white in the blue colour, depending wheter it's bright or dark shades of course. The base has only got a first coat of paint, other than that this mini is just about finished.


I'm actually quite pleased with the result. The mini is a metal veteran. Head swapped out, a psychic hood made from a shoulderpad (yes, that old trick) and various other bits like a horned skull cut from a 2ed librarian for instance. And if you look at his hand you can clearly tell that this guy is using the force skywalker style. :cuss
















Also a group shot of the squad he will be joining. (ruleswise it is 7 grey hunters and a wolf guard) As you can see it is in various stages of completion.







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Good to see you're still working on your Eagles! They've been a huge inspiration for my IFs ;)


Keep it up and - if you can - speed it up so we can see more of your work ... more fast!! ;)

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Ha ha, back !!!!


That was a long time to wait but its worth the pain. Libby is really expressive, looks tough and determined, pose is excellent ! Your shoulderpad's freehand is sobre and effective, love it !


I'll once more focus on my "could be little better IMHO 2cp".

- Power sword is a... Power sword. Well, some auld V1 short force-rod crackling with energy would defenitely roxxxxx 1000 times more than a powersword.

- Book looks unfinished (I didn't really understood if mini was finished or not in fact), its sides (where you see the different pages) are just brownish and would need highlights, open page could go with some little color and the blue thing hanging in the middle would be waaaay better in another color (pale green and gold or some red, dont know but not this same blue)

- Not too sure about this one but kindly give it a thought, breatplate in blue under the white wings could bring some more color equilibrium.

- I have the impression that main lines are duller than your older minis, maybe more green/dust thing, I don't know exactly.

- Too much green/dust on the top left corner of the loincloth.


Once again, this is just IMHO and you know how much I do appreciate this splendid army of yours, hope so much more will come.

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Thanks guys!


Nied: The banner is freehand. It isn't finished though.


DS: Cheers mate, excellent c&c as always.


The power weapon is there for a reason. Namely, lack of bits. :) I think it works. Sure, something else that looks a little bit more like a proper force weapon could and probobly would look better.


Good input on the book. I'll work some more on it and you're probobly right about the blue thing hanging in the middle. I'll change that colour.


Not sure about the blue armourplate. Further addition of some blue could improve the mini, but the breastplate i think would be a too big area ( and besides i have glued the backpack in place so i would have a hard time to reach and get a good coverage of the blue everywhere on his back in such a case.) The beltbuckle thingy could be blue i guess, that might work. Chanses are however that i'll sit this one out and leave it as it is.


Are you talking about my "black lining" when you speak of the dull main lines? If so, then no 2 minis are exactly the same as i just roughly mix earth colours and grey together, sometimes with a small amount of black. Also, since there is some time between each mini, there is a sort of natural progress/improvment for that reason.


...It could also be the photographs. I use a camera that is a couple of years old, and sometimes it has a hard time to pick up the more subtle notes, and other times it can pick up too much of a specific colour. The pics are ok, but not perfect. When i finally get a full army together i'll get somebody to help me take proper photos of the army.


The loincloth issue you brought up could be a case of the latter, that the camera pics up to much green. But i must also say, while looking at the actual mini, that the painting looks slightly unfocused near his hip. I'll improve that specific area.

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Thanks for your answers frater. Just too cool to see you back around with that splendid army of yours, I'll try too see if I can find some old force-rod from my mountain of 25 years accumulated bitzing.

Just look at this for your melta / bike exhaust. Just a great tuto and way simple.




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