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Desert Eagles wip

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Got back to my raider (as you might have understood from that tutorial ;) ). Almost finished the main hull, only the metallic areas need further work (they are just basecoated and given a wash of earthy colours). Also, the white armourplates on the exhausts is very early...overall i might need to work some more on the rear section, smoothing out some of the white and ochre, but it's getting there. Well, after that, i have one side that haven't seen any paint yet.








Loving the name of the Land Raider, any specific reason for the swedish name?


I won't even mention the painting lest you grow bored of the praise. ;)

because hes from sweden. lol


Well, duh. :cuss


Still unusaual to use it on your models.


I like it though. -_-

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Yeah, determined is probobly the most accurate translation, but i preffer resolute...just has a nicer ring in my ears. Don't really know why i use swedish words. Guess i just thought it would be sort of cool. That is also the reaction i've gotten from fellow swedish gamers, that they like it, so i'll keep it up. The hard part is finding words and names that sounds good in both english and swedish.
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looks and sounds good to me mate. i get kind of sick seeing everything in pretend-latin. swedish looks good and sounds good too (well it sounds good when i say it - although i am probably saying it wrong <_< )
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The command squad and Land Raider look ace my friend. I've got nothing much to say since you're pretty much have perfected your style. :)





skynda på och slut till recept din tilldela!!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Cheers guys!


@Todd: :)


Between continuing on my raider and so on, i decided it was about time i began puting some paint on my captain. I opted to go a diffrent path with him...gold. I realize this may not be everybodys cup of tea, but there are a couple of reasons for doing so. 1) So that he can spotted instantly on the table top. 2) Because i've alwaysed liked the look of the blood angels golden commanders. 3) Yeah, well....let's put it this way, i've been really longing to paint something that isn't white :)


I find that it was quite fun and a huge challange to paint something with more or less only metallic paints. I'm not thrilled with the results however, the golden armour still needs some tweaking and better contrast, but it's comming along. I'm sort of learning as i go along since i've never painted anything like this before. It's still one coloured like my other minis, so i hope he'll fit with the boys he's supposed to lead in combat. Also, i'm not 100% accurate with the shadows thingy, nor do i really aim for that, it's just that metallic paint needs something to not go all to boring imho. Anyway, i guess you all can tell that it's only the gold and the face that has been painted, but just in case, the rest isn't. :P


Also...it's a bit tricky to photograph this mini with all those reflecting surfaces, but i belive these came out pretty much alright.









I'd really appriciate some thoughts on this guy, be it love or hate or whatever since i'm a bit unsure of how i feel about the mini myself. I'll have to finish him golden no mather what as it's too late to go back on this particular mini. However, if i don't like the end result, i'll replace him later once the better part of the army is painted.

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Its a beautiful start. I know hes still wip but maybe do some highlights with gold (or yellow/brown wash added to white, or however way you do your gold) on some of the edges of the leg studs and so on. I think when you add in the gems, targeter, and do the tabard he'll come together nicely. I can't really think to do anything else. He is just maybe a little too weathered for my taste, i don't know. Its a hard call. Thats really up to the artist and its very subjective. :P



I know the more purest of gold doesn't patina with greens but have you thought about possibly adding a little green weathering? Very subtle jade green wash in some areas might give you a nice contrast. Just a thought.


Gorgeous model so far. :D

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In my eyes that's probably one of the best golden power armored models that I've seen. Most likely because of the green-hued, filthy tinge applied (whatever you want to call it). At this point I can't disagree with Toddius, one excellent model. ;)
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Man That is just so awesome. I had wanted to do something like that at some point in the future, but was not sure that gold could be painted in metallics and still look cool. Now I know!


My only critizism would be to paint the hair color differently. Now it blends a bit into the gold. A reddish brown or black and white would offset it a bit more.

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Very nice, however I reckon it might need a bit more "interest" to it. Maybe a few glazes of different colours to break it up or add nuances, maybe like a patina, or a bluey greeny colour ( hawk turquoise) (I wouldnt want to wreck it though =P). I suppose though when other stuff on it has been finished it will look even better.
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Thanks a lot guys. I'm glad you all seem positive to my golden captain, and i agree with those points that has been brought forth. I shall try to implement some of the suggestions, i'll definitly add more colours to the gold. There already is some green on the mini, but that mostly got overpowered by the red in the photographs. I'm not saying that the photos lie, the dominant colour i've used for shading the gold is a sort of red-brownish mix, and the green i used, cammo green or something like that, is very dull and muted. Perhaps i'll try something a more vivid green and wash/tint some small amounts in the gold to keep it interesting. I'll probobly also make use of small amounts of both 'ard coat and some matt varnish to try and control the shine in the metallic paint. So that's all good suggestions, and i'll try it out.


About the hair, i'm not entirely satisfied with that myself either. Problem is that he has very space wolfy hair and i want to tone that down... so red is proboly out of the question as that would rather enforce the space wolfyness. So yeah, there is a point that the hair blends to much with the armour, but i also wanted some sort of aged grey-brown haircolour for him that looks natural. I'll give it some further thoughts and see how to go about with it.


First of all i'll paint the purity seals and tabbard and what else to see how it all works together. Perhaps those details alone can bring more interest to the mini, at least i hope so. I'm thinking some sort of skull and halo motif for the tabbard since he is a captain and the desert eagle emblem for the shoulder pad icon, maybe that as well with some sort of more subtle halo or something...or a small eagle scene for the shoulder pad since i cant fit it on his back anyway. I can most likely find time for that this evening and then maybe start fixing the gold. I'll post pictures once i get some progress and hopefully you lads can have your say about it.


Once more thanks for all the C&C. ;)

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hej there mate :) humm i think you should still have the aspects of the army and not add somthing from outside of that team if you know what i meen.. love the gold effect and maby you could ad some of your gritty white colours on some of the more deskreete plates so it blends in with the theme ( temat) of the chapter ? still most would be gold :o

cheers once more mate

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Update on the captain:


As i said earlier i decided to go about with the rest of the mini first before staring to improve the golden armour where needed, so nothing has been done to the gold. Opted for a eagle scene on the shoulder and nothing for the tabbard. Did i say i'd paint something fancy there? Nooo, no, that can't be. :P Honestly, i've been humbled. I probobly could have pulled something off if the tabbard was removable, but with a bad reach and that uneven surface it didn't work out so good, and i don't think i'll try anything else as the paint may start to look thick if i do. Hence the single coloured tabbard. I washed some heavily watered down codex grey into the hair. I think it did alot for the better.


What else, the claws needs some work before they are done. I just want a faint blue to shine trough underneath the silver, so please imagine them better looking. ;)


Thanks X T. I don't think he looks too out of place amongst my marines, but you can judge for yourself. I don't really know where to add white at this stage, so i'll leave him gold.






(Tried to shoot some photos of my army as requested, but my camera isn't so good, just one of those cheap digi cams with a few years on its neck, and the photos just come out all out of focus. I tried lots of configurations. It works fine for close ups, but not really for wider shots. I'll try and find someone to help me out with that once the army is finished...but thats still pretty far away.)


C&C appriciated as always.

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Werry nice and awsome captain there mate ;) he shure have a character aura about him so like him allot and the shoulder marking makes him team in good with the other terminators of yours too :P


cheers on a destinkt and sweet looking captain ;)

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Best Gold EVER!


Love the shoulder pad on cappy too. Ive been watching this for a long time now and its inspireing, something i would love ot be able to acheive, its a long way off but its armies like this that make me love this hobby.

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Your work is marvelous Desert Eagle. Your bikes look great, and the bling factor is just right. You even went the 'right' way with the necessary touches of colour to brighten up your golden terminator, going for small details in colours matt, bright and primary. I'm glad you didn't break up that lovely gold you had done so much work on. Great stuff! ^_^
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The previous pics you took on the captain were way darker than these, and as such now the gold looks right to me with the brigher pics. So you had it right the first time ^_^


The captain is dead on. And he looks great with the squad. Good job :o

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys, been a while since i updated. The captain is more or less finished…I only have to seal him with something and add some static grass (also, I’ll glaze some red over the rock as I realized it is much more brown than on my other bases). Preferably I wouldn’t have to seal him, as I know it will mess up the metallic paint, but I fear that if I don’t it will probably get damaged during gaming. I’m thinking of using a glossy sealer rather than the matt I use for my other minis, and then go over the things that shouldn’t be shiny with some brush on matt varnish. I figure that will do the least amount of damage to my mini, but if anybody has some tricks up their sleeve on how to seal this guy without ruining the mini I’m all ears.


I find it extremely difficult to photograph my captain as the mini really relies on reflecting light on its own. With some good reflections the mini can look great from some views and pretty mediocre if the reflections don’t show up in the photos. But anyway, here is a bunch of photos. One thing that I changed with the mini is that I extended the wings on his back to reach all the way to the front of the top armour plate. I just thought it looked tacked on before and I am much happier with the appearance of those wings now.










These two guys have had a makeover. Changed their arms to have claws respectively a chainfist, as a few games have convinced me that this is a better set up for the squad. I also repainted them slightly to better fit with the latest additions to the army (nicer looking battledamage, more brown in the blacklining etc.)










My second dread. It’s pretty much unaltered except for me getting rid of all those ultra symbols.




Just thought I’d throw in a shot of my sergeants all finished with static grass and all. Text on the banner, hängiven, says devoted in Swedish.




@Albion: Thanks mate. I actually have one side left to paint on my regular raider, and I must say that it has been a pain to paint that mini…so I can’t say that I’m dying to paint up my crusader next. I of coarse need to get some paint on it eventually, but I need to take a breather before starting that one.



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Beautiful work as always. The new photos of your commander really show the metalics and weathering and I really like his look now. Its as if hes a desert apparition, or a Being born and raised by the sands. Very eerie and mysterious. :)


I think its safe to say you've become an expert at this style of painting. I'm very excited to see the nex dread up and running. The seige arm is a nice touch. Good choice on the dread version as well.


Are you going to purchase the Space Hulk set so as to convert the BA terminators over into your Desert Eagle chapter?



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