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Desert Eagles wip

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Thanks Todd, that's some very kind words. I'm glad that the metallic comes trough in the photos. I did struggle while photographing him, (my crap camera has some sort of auto focus and it has a harder time to find something to fix on with all those reflections. Also, i found that it was harder for to take photos that didn't pick up so many other colours, like beeing too red or blue or whatever...but i think these came out pretty close to what it looks like irl...at least on my screen that is.)


"Born and raised out of the sand". I like that. Whenever i get the time to actually write up my fluff i'll be using that for sure.


Yeah, i was pretty much in love when i saw the ultramarine dread on the forge world site. Wasn't sure if it would be to much work removing and resculpting the piece where all the ultra symbols had been, especially the tyrannic war badge on his leg, but it was easier than i thought to make it into a generic kind of dread. I'm also fond of the assult drill dccw, cool piece and it also gives you a little more flexibility when posing the dread compared to the regular dccw. Hopefully i'll also sometime figure out how to actually get any milage out of the TLAC on him as well, but it looks so cool i had to stick it on there. But i probobly won't glue that arm in place so i can switch it out should i feel like it.


Space Hulk...i'd love to get one, but i'm a little short on cash for these kinds of things at the moment, and my store only gets like 40 boxes or something. If theres any sets left later i'll pick one up. But i probobly won't have the heart to cut in those termies. More likely i'd paint them up red as intended and use them for that particular game.

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Excellent! Can't say anything else than great job on the captain. He's really a centerpiece in an already great army.


I hadn't noticed the wings on his back before,but they're a great touch. They make the armor look archaic.

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AAAAAA wow that is some stunning stuff mate easily worthy of some golden deamon, and im sure that with a bit more time you could do even better. Im starting a Luna Wolves army which is white and will be using your weathering technique, or at least try. And honestly when you first talked about that all-gold character well i was a bit sceptical at what could come out, as i am not to fond of ultra shiny golden warriors. Yet, and that is truly a feat you managed to make him look grizzled and warlike, fantastic job mate keep it up we all want to see more of that!


A few thoughts,

- First what do you use to coat your models when they are done, if you have already marked that earlier pardon me its quit a big thread hehe.


- Second for the tabbard on your captain, i though maybe you could add a small design on the bottom part just to make it a bit less bland which is what comes out on first sight.

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Thanks guys.


I use a can of army painter matt varnish to seal my minis. It does a decent job, i guess, but i have a tremendous fear for sealing my minis. Something always seem to go wrong and the colours do get changed no mather what brand or type of varnish i use. Then again, it's a neccesity for an army thats ment for gaming every once and a while.


Yeah, i could definetly improve the tabbard, and i might just do something simple like some checkers or something. We'll see.

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Alright, 20 pages later... here I am!


Great work, brother. I have to say that the golden commander turned out quite good. I usually dont like models that are pure metallics, but this looks great. Might be the Space Wolf FW-head tough :)


Also, I like the text in swedish. I have at least decided to like it. Had a hard time doing that for starters, but now it feels better. :)


Were in Sweden are you? If you're close I might get to see them IRL =D. I'm in Lund, Skåne, btw.

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As jester prince said, the purpose of sealing the minis with some varnish is to save the paint from rubbing or chipping off. With all plastic minis you could probobly do without, but resin and metal minis have slightly sharper edges makig the paint come off much more easely.


@Natanel: I live in Umeå so it's pretty far away i'm afraid.

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  • 1 month later...

Long time since i updated. I’m still alive and working on these guys, but progress has been slow due to a tight scheme irl. Some things are on the way to completion, like that land raider. I’m working on and off on it, but I feel like there’s really nothing to show yet until it really is indeed finished, same goes for a couple of terminators. But here’s something I’d like to share, the apothecary.


I decided I didn’t like the hammer version at all for several reason. For one, the painting didn’t get to the standard I wanted, and I had a difficult time putting down the work needed to complete him for that reason. Secondly, I just couldn’t find a way that I liked him in my list armed like that. I simply found him to be a waste of points since the unit I attached him to simply got to cc-oriented (where his skills don’t work) and a fist does just as good a job in cc as a hammer as I can’t really take advantage of that 4+ save with the risk of losing an expensive squad member. Therefore I decided to do something drastic. I ripped of some apothecary bits and put those on an already finished mini, the terminator with the checker fist (salvaged so I can put it on another terminator further along). Freshened the mini up a bit to look more up to standard and here you go.


The apotecary symbol on his leg could have been a bit better executed, (i find them suprisingly difficult to paint for some reason, after all, it's just geometric shapes...) i might go over that again but it looks okey when not enhanced several times the actual size like in these photos. And as a last note, although I did kind of like the idea with a red helmet, I decided to skip that, at least for the time being, as I didn’t want to mess too much with the mini.












Thanks for looking and reading, c&c appreciated as usual.

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Sweeeeeet. :P


Hey, what ever happened to that wip dread?


The chappy-variant? Well, it's been finished for a long time now. I have posted pics of it here and there, but yeah...perhaps i should have posted here as well.




More pics are in the "post your dreadnaught"-thread


If you're reffering to the second dread, the one based on the fw ultra dread, then i have begun painting it, but not really much more than some base colours etc. So it isn't much to show here yet.

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i know you're not going to go back to a model so long finished, but i think it would have been interesting to have the highlight on the 'gem' above the plasma cannon at the top of the gem rather than the traditional bottom. to give the impression of the light from the plasma coils diffusing upwards through the gem rather than the normal 'sunlight' diffusing downwards. regardless, looks really nice.
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Thanks mates.


Yeah, that idea with the lense is a good one, but i feel i already go back and rework too much things, hence such a slow progress. And i'm quite happy with that dread so i don't think i'll go back and work on it any further. But i'll try to keep that in mind should i paint something similar.

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Your army is flawless. I can't find even one negative thing. Well done mate!!


And even with white, which is such an ungrateful color to work with, you manage to complete the the job 1000%.


Every thing is awesome, even the base! one of the best bases I've ever seen.


I salute you B)


Would love a game against you anytime.


It's people like you who make this hobby so fantastic, so keep up the good work B)

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Thanks guys. The support i get from this forum is overwhelming. I appreciate it a lot.


Starks: Gee alex, thanks, it’s a great honour if I in any way inspired to that army. Like I said before, I’ve been keeping an eager eye on the development of your army and the very interesting techniques you’ve used. And they look awesome btw.


Now…the land raider is like 99% done. I have one godhammer unfinished + the purity seals on that same side, I figure maybe 1 hour of painting at most…i probably need to buy some more green paint before I can finish it, unless I cut open the bottle to get the very last paint in the tub. Well, I think I’d like to put it up here anyway now, so there can be some last minutes suggestions if anybody has some. I can’t count the hours spent on this bloody thing, it’s really been a struggle to get this model done be honest. And when it’s done, it’s going to stay done. Can’t believe I have a crusader to paint as well….gaaaaah!!! :)


Anyway, here are some pictures (they might be a little off in colour, photographed at night and all).


The resolute:

















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really love the sponson conversion for your landraider, but went through the entire thread (which took a while!) but can't find any pictures of the conversion in progress. :'( why must you tease me!?
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