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Desert Eagles wip

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I've put in a few more hours of work. I decided i didn't like the original rider, for a number of reasons (both looks and gameplay), so i changed him...quite a bit. New head and a big trusty fist instead. When it comes to playing i want to be able to field the bikers as troops, and with that i'm losing the option for furious charge. Without fc, the power weapon just ain't as lethal anymore. On a side note, i totaly love this fist. It is taken from the mk2 vets, and i think it has a lot of characther. It's just a bad ass fist telling you that this guy don't take any crap!


Anyway, face is in progress... watching the photos i realize i have to brighten the areas around his eyes. Also, the side leaning away needs additional work. The arms (including fist and shoulderpads) have just about no or very little work done. The metals is still just basecoated and the green areas, like guns and stearing bar is also only basecoated.






C&C appriciated,



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I like the new sergeant a lot better to be honest, he looks a lot more dynamic, and the Tyrannic War vet head gives him more character. Although I kind of have to say that since he has the same haircut as me... =)


Painted very well too. Where are the eagle things on the front from?

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WOW. Your freehand is so damn good. I can't paint eagles in a 3/8 inch square and you seem to do it as easily and breathing. Yikers :D


Its coming along great. I got nothing but,... well, jealousy I guess :)


Glad you had a good night of playing. That sounded like it was fun. Its amazing how much better a general we become after a few drinks, or think we do, LOL!.


Can't wait to see a full squad of these guys. And I want 2k done from you this year not 1k. :)

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@ tox_boy: The bases are cavalry bases glued togheter with standard 25mm-slottabases cut in half (as in gw-article but with smaller bases).


@ Master Toddius: Thanks mate, thats some kind words. Haha, well, you do things that makes me jelous aswell. Guess that arcitecht diploma of yours comes handy when building your bases, for example. :D


Yeah, it was a fun night. We need lots of beer to achive any skill. :lol: And to be honest, i'm already reaching for the stars with 1k...

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ok i have not been on the B&C forum for awhile but i checked in tonight and i spent awhile going through your thread. first i have to say i love all the attention to detail you lavish on your conversions. alot of really nice touches on those bikes. i have two boxes of DA ravenwing battleforces and i didnt know in what direction to take them. you gave me many good ideas and i will be doing a bits order from GW next month for some of what i will need. i love all your ideas and you obviously put a great deal of thought into what you do. it really shows. the terminators all look great, i like the posing although i prefer to have bare heads on my TDA troops.


did you use one of the FW commander culln models? i also like the razorback. the idea for the storm bolter is awesome and it gives the razorback a more streamlined appearance. for tanks like razorbacks im thinking lose the searchlights as they are and somehow attach them to the turret also the little eagle behind the turret would get in the way when the gunner is trying to track a target but dont listen to me if you like the idea as its your model and it does look great. i hope im not out of line with that comment.


seeing one of the bikes painted was a treat. you did a great job of painting him and the freehand banner, what can i say? it just looked perfect. you have alot of talent mate that really shows through in all your work. oh and i like the bases you made for the bikes. i wasnt sure whether to do this for mine, but seeing your guys made me change my mind. they look amazing. keep up the awesome work and keep the updates coming.


just want to wish all you guys good luck in 2008!



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@favoured....: Thanks mate, and yeah, it's such a nice fist. That mk2 vetgerans box is full of goodies.


@Brother-Kezek: Thanks, well, i've been painting all my life and has actually a more formal degree in the subject aswell. I've attended a fine arts school for 2 years (guess everybody thinks thats money well spent seing as this is just about the only thing i paint these days :D ). But as for minis, i painted as a kid and then left the hobby only to pick it up again about 1,5-2 years ago. Its quite a diffrent thing to paint minis tough. Sure, a few things come quite natural, like colour theory and freehanding and such, but other things do not translate equally well. Like when painting on a canvas, the brushstrokes can be a big asset to help show directions and your expressions. Painting a mini you want to be invisible when it comes to those matters. Also, to state the obvious, minis are really really small... Seriously tough, when it comes down to painting minis, i got a lot to learn and try to improve between each mini i paint. And as for playing me, i'd be the one embaressed since i have to field most things with a lovely plastic paintjob. :P


@Kanan: Thanks, glad you like them. Feel free to use any ideas you like. People picking up your toughts and using them on their minis is very flattering. I highly recomend you start a wip thread and take photos of your minis when you get that mailorder. Even those days when the feedback are slow, it think its worthwile as you get another view of your work yourself seeing how things look in a photo. You get some distance, ´cause it's really easy to go blind by your own stuff. And it can really be rewarding with other peoples eyes giving you fresh ides to utilize.


Yes, thats a commander Culln mini with a minor conversion.


That's some very good toughts on the razorback. And hell no, you're not out of line. I more than welcome suggestions and critisism, in fact, i preffer honest and valid critisisms over cheers (altough, those are nice for your ego aswell :D ). So don't be hesitant to do that. But the razorback has dropped somewhat in priority. It will eventually get painted, but i have other things that are more urgent to paint to get this army going. Maybe it'll work better with the comming 5:th edition rules, but as now i've learned a lone tank with armour 11 is pretty much worthless on the tables.


@Asmadeus-swordhand: Thanks. The greaves will be kept as is, it was a pain to try and mak the current ones fit on the bike, (those greaves are from a mk1 vet.). But i saw one guy around here who had sculpted the same design of overlapping armourplates on the front fender which look really cool. That might be worth considering. Unfortunatly i can't rember whom to credit for that idea.


@Tagsta. Thanks, the head is from a tyrannic war veteran.

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On whom, the beakie rider? The small wings at the bottom are taken from various sm-banners. The wings on the beakies gas tank is from the forgeworld Blood angels icon set. But i much rather recomend using the big eagle from the rhinokit like on the sergeants gastank above (cheaper and can be mirrored on both sides). Or were you curious about other bits? I'll glady tell you where any bits are from, but you might need to specify some more what you're curious about since i've used quite a lot of diffrent bits on my bikes.



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As promised, this is sort of a tutorial of how i paint white. Now, I must stress that this is barely my way of doing so, and that there may be some steps that could be argued to be done without. Also bare in mind that I’m aiming for a very worn and dirty look for my army, and this isn’t intended to look all clean and fresh out of the techmarines paintbooth. However, I think there is some basic knowledge about using white as a colour that must be addressed first.


Basically, when painting in general, the bottle with skull white should be the least used colour of all your bottles. This goes for painting white as well. The reason could be quickly explained that white colour produced sort of kills any depth in whatever you paint if you use white alone to brighten your colours. Referring to the Natural Colour System (NCS), one wouldn’t even consider white as a colour on its own, there they rather talk of all other colours in terms of whiteness and blackness. Meaning, any colour could be almost pure white or black within its own range and that there is no real white or black... just very bright or dark versions of other colours.


Anyway, it is difficult to completely do without white, certainly when painting something that’s meant to appear as white. In fact, in spite of me arguing white in general is a no-no, I do use pure skull white for my highlights. The trick, and this is really important to bear in mind, is to not use white at all when brightening your other colours. Like for instance with my Desert Eagles, the green and orange is brightened without any white. Instead I use other colours, like small amounts of yellow or choose to darken/shading the chosen colour instead. This is purely to keep good contrast and depth between my colours as the overall goal should be to have nice, sparkling and rich colours that are not flat and dull.


The colours I’ve used are Skull white, Elf grey (can be acquired trough coat d’arms), Codex grey, Earth (Valejo), Desert yellow, Hawk turquoise, Orc flesh wash, Brown wash. Also, I always mix my colours with various amounts of water.


I prime my minis with a white spray can and then start off with blacklining my minis using a mix between orc flesh- and brown wash. Mix them up so you get an almost oily look, it should become quite dark, almost black. I then apply it to the recessed parts as seen in the first picture.




Working with my latest mini I’ve experimented with also applying a wash of very watered down desert yellow to go over the blacklining (or rather, I applied it all over the backpack) as the contrast between light and dark was rather to strong. I do think this does work in my favour, bringing down the contrast slightly as seen in the second picture. It may not be easy to tell the difference from my photos, especially with this one being so damn blurry and out of focus, but you should be able to tell irl.




What I do next is to apply the basecoat really. I’m afraid I can’t really give out any definite mix ratios or recipes for my colours, as I mix them up more by gut as I go along. But for the most part I use elf grey as my main colour and then alter it with codex grey, earth, hawk turquoise or really whatever seems appropriate. I do however try to restrain myself from mixing more than 3 colours at any time as it will a) increase the difficulty of mixing up a similar colour a couple of days later and b ) because you then risk to end up with a dull colour with lots of impurities in it.

The goal here is to shade my white so that I can apply highlights later on. As the vents and such will be painted with metallics later, I also basecoated them with black.




I then start to highlight the edges, old school way, with pure elf grey all the way up to pure skull white.




The next and final step is to add minor battle damage. If you, like me, from time to time get some small lumps of dirt in your paint or whatever causing nasty bumps, adding damage in those spots is an excellent way to cover them up.


Simply put a black (I mix in some red gore with the black for some depth, pure black run the risk of punching a hole in your paintjob) spot or thin line. Then paint a thin white line underneath the black and finish it off by adding some earth above the black. Easy but rather effective.




And that’s pretty much it. I hope this is of some help, at least to understand the way I paint my minis.



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The sergeant is pretty much finished...i just have to seal it with some varnish and add static grass to the base, but that will have to wait untill the weather permits it. Anyway, i'm still open to any changes suggested untill i seal it.




The text on his shoulderpad says "strenght and courage" in Swedish.





@Pandora: Thanks. I personally kind of like the chunkyness, makes them look like heavily armoured knights in a futuristic version. Im begining to long for another colour than white, so the chaplain will get some paint soon enough. But right now the only mini i have primed is an attackbike...


C&C welcome.



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I think hes a very menacing and aggressive model. The base will look awesome when you get it complete. The white and grey contrasts look great. Love the weathering. The face reminds me of a viking warrior :) I think I've already made my comments on him above.


In the movie The Gladiator the ceaser, played by Joaquin Phoenix, had on at the end of the movie a monochromatic style armor that was a soft white or ash white that looked almost angelic. It reminds me of the armor on your marine and bike. As for the style that you've created I think its a very cool scheme. For me personally I think its getting towards the edge of too monochromatic. I would consider adding the green you've created unto the laurel on the powerfist, or maybe even paint the PF the same orange/brown as the shoulder pad and then leave the skulls the same white. For me its just a little too white over all. Not to say that style isn't awesome looking but for myself personally I'd add a touch more color in there. :)


Great job as always. :)

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You raise some very interesting and valid points there Toddius. I'm fully aware i'm sort of threading on a very thin line between a scheme that expresses a lot without many colours and something that might just end up looking a bit boring. I do however feel that there are quite a few details that stands out from the all white look and that i don't think i'm quite gone too much white just yet. Like the red on the purity seals, the banner (particulary the blue side) aswell as the orange and green... altough the last two are a bit muted and in a way blends a lot with the white in this mini. I could try making the green and orange look worn using diffrent colours so they still stands out a bit more from the white than they do now. Cause i think that is maybe something that adds to the monochromatic feeling you're experincing. But it's not likely i'll go back and re-do that on this mini, but maybe on future ones.


My main inspiration, for the colourscheme, is from taken these guys: The Tatooine sandtroopers.




And they are basicly no more than 3 colours. White, black and orange with no major details in diffrent colours. And i'm also inspired by older gw-artwork. For instance, there is an old painting of some Dark Angels painted by Jim Burns (shown in Inquis Exterminatus if anybody got that book) where just about all details are dark green. I like those schemes since i fancy the tought of the contradiction between having lots of details and almost no details at all in the same piece. The suit worn by Joaquin Phoenix is a good example of that, but maybe taken a stretch too far from what i want. I do wish for good contrast between my colours and details that stand out from eachother, and i certainly don't want to cross that line and become too boring. So i'll work on it and keep it in mind, but i still want to keep flirting in the monochromatic direction. I appriciate the comment.

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