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Quest for the Golden Demon - What's to Come


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I'm working on my 40K Squad entry...a 10 man Veteran Squad, and a Chaplain will follow. I have most of them built, a few still need GS work, one is finished, and one is 1/4 painted.


Here they be:


Veteran Sgt Oryn - done




Capatin Starks (an omage to Starks3333) *he's about 1/3 of the way done*




The other Veterans, with 2 obvious rip-offs of Ap0k's bad @ss Berzerkers





There will be updates, and other entries to come. Most likely, this will take me all year to complete entries for Squad, 40K single, 40K Large (will be xenos, so I can't post it here), WFB Single, Open, and whatever else I think I can squeeze in.


Let the madness ensue!

Looking good mate! You better name a marine after me! :P Just playing. Can't wait to see the squad on the table as well!



*I said there was a Chaplain to come... :tu:




Did you get a call from Nephren-Ka yet? He said he was gonna blame me for the call! haha


Also, when am I going to get to try and kill your marines again?

looking good :D and wow thanks for the omage!! Im excited to see what your entries will be, oh and which GDs they for? Chicago again maybe? or undecided?


im working on something thats ACTUALLY B/C compliant imagine that, its for discord toronto or just for the hell of it if i dont end up going


Starks(Aw crap, using my friends compy forgot to sign in with my own name, my bad!)

I love all the dynamic yet original poses of the vets so far. :) Can't wait to see more.



Original...hehehe...I'm a hack.


Also, Starks...Cicago will probably be the only GD I can ever attend, unless/until the have one in Houston. Being a teacher, it falls at the right time during the summer.

I like them, but I'm unsure about the NMM effect on the Captain's tabard. It looks a bit shiny, too much like the actual gold you've done on the trim.


Apart from that I think they're shaping up to be a lovely piece.

These guys are truly amazing!


What I love is the dynamic but very realistic poses... a very difficult feat. Some of the figures look like Michaelangelo's David in Power armor :D They look that natural.


It would have been difficult enough to achieve that level of posture with fantasy figs wearing mostly leather or whatever, but to work around the bulky power armor is something altogether different.


If these guys are for the GD in '08, you will want to be sure that all your bits and parts are GW. Even the tiniest non-GW part will draw thier wrath, and get them disqualified. That was my perpetual nightmare when I was working on those terminators... I thought that one of the judges might think that I used some non-GW part or whatever. That is why I brought those WIP shots with me, just in case!


I like all the nmm you have going. I think there is a balance between subtleness and 'pop' that is very nice. Ironically, I am painting an old style Emperor's champ in white armor, and it is not easy to get zesty highlights :teehee: This is the first 40k fig I have done with white armor. Kinda hard to get those rich midtones and dark shades to make those highlights stand out!

Haha, thanks. =)


Have you thought about the display base yet?



Yes...no styrofoam packing next year!!! I have some old-school Space Hulk panels that I will likely chop up and add to a ruined street/passage scene.


Wappellious: Thanks for the compliments. I need to re-evaluate the choice of that axe, if it's not GW. I can scratch build one fairly easily, but I hate sculpting...I H A T E S C U L P T I N G In fact, I wadded up a mess of GS yesterday to sculpt the hell out of a new Chaplain...by the time I got to his waist, it had hardened. I thought the working time was better than 2 hours, but I guess I was wrong.


I hate sculpting.

When do we get to see the Chappy? ^_^



I tell ya what, Turbo...you come over and help me cut, install, fill, caulk, and paint all this wall trim...I'll get him done a lot faster.


*OR...if I would ever get my @ss off the B&C...I guess it'd go a little faster too, huh...

You won't believe the irony of your cured green stuff story :teehee:


I have been working on 15 new terminator figures (similar to the ones from Games Day) to give me 20 termies to toss out on the battlefield.


As you will see in the WIP images I will take, the repositioned arms and legs need a lot of green stuff to bulk out the gaps before any real sculpting is done. Last week, a little kid at the GW store had a huge batch of green stuff that he could not use. He knew I would need it, and his wad of GS was enough to fill out 15 pairs of legs!


Yesterday, Cathy had a similar situation, and her big blob 'o GS filled out all 15 pairs of shoulder joints!


At any rate, I learned from other sculptors that if you are going to use GS, you need to work on a lot of figures all at once. I usually only do a tiny bit on each mini, so that I don't stick my freakin' thumb into what I just sculpted. No matter how far away you think it is from the area you might be doing, your fingers will get stuck in it :)


Good luck with the rest!


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