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Quest for the Golden Demon - What's to Come


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Quit rushing me, damnit! :D


I'm on my 4th backpack idea...I got it filed and sanded yesterday, and after all the deliberation I went through, a standard pack with a banner will do the trick. I had a bunch of cooler banners to use, but they were all 'flowing' the wrong direction...so i had to choose a blank, boring one. I'll have to freehand some goodness on it...bleh.


But...again...the Demons are all about trying new things. I'll keep you posted.



you could go for the book thingy most librarian banners have going on. your painting is aboslutely awesome so i don't think backpack and banner should be a problem.


as for the dread, the conversion is nice and the painting so much much much better than what the average gamer can pull off, but you're not competing with average gamers at the demon XD

I don't think the staff is too flat at all. I think pastel shades are good for your style of painting. Demon entries don't have to be all in your face to stand out. I think once the base is done it'll stand out a lot more.


For the demon head, I have a thought for you. As demons are all "incorporeal-made-flesh" I figured that when the binding essence of the daemon was banished back to the warp the fleshy shell it inhabited would quickly break down. Instead of making the head just look severed maybe green stuff it to look as if it is in the process of dissolving - but only along the edge of the neck, where it has been severed.


I don't think a back banner is really required on this guy - he looks good as is - at most maybe one of those little statues that come with the terminator kit.

I don't think the staff is too flat at all. I think pastel shades are good for your style of painting. Demon entries don't have to be all in your face to stand out. I think once the base is done it'll stand out a lot more.


For the demon head, I have a thought for you. As demons are all "incorporeal-made-flesh" I figured that when the binding essence of the daemon was banished back to the warp the fleshy shell it inhabited would quickly break down. Instead of making the head just look severed maybe green stuff it to look as if it is in the process of dissolving - but only along the edge of the neck, where it has been severed.


I don't think a back banner is really required on this guy - he looks good as is - at most maybe one of those little statues that come with the terminator kit.



Thanks for the compliments. The disolving severed head idea is a good one...but I'm not sure that I could convincingly pull it off. As to the banner, I wanted to use an article of "bling" like you say, but alas I am out of stuff that would look right on the model. I got more finished last night, and all I have left for the model is the backpack, freehand, and base.

And just for the hell of it...I'm entering Sheriff Bart (the wonder-dread) in 40K Vehicle. The painting sucks, and half the world's seen it already...but it's free to enter, so why not:


Hahaha... Go Bart Go! He looks good to me. At the least your gonna see him in a White Dwarf I think. ;)



Did White Dwarf ever do a Games Day special in the mag? They used to do it where they showed cool stuff from armies and demon comps. If they did one, Sheriff Bart may have already been in WD, and I just haven't seen it. He was on the Games Day Chicago home page on GW's old site...so they may have thrown him in the mag sometime over the last year. Like I said, he's not painted to CHICAGO Demon standards as far as the US goes, but he's fun...and he's angry.
Thanks for the compliments. The disolving severed head idea is a good one...but I'm not sure that I could convincingly pull it off. As to the banner, I wanted to use an article of "bling" like you say, but alas I am out of stuff that would look right on the model. I got more finished last night, and all I have left for the model is the backpack, freehand, and base.


I'll have a crack at it for you and do a tutorial if you want? I doubt it would be too hard. It's not easy to see from that image but what is it you are using? Is it a chaos warhound head?

I'm not sure what head it is...but it looks like that I guess. I got like 6 of them in a bitz auction I got on Ebay. I'd like to see what you can do with your excellent idea...but I honestly doubt I'll do it. Mainy, I just want to get the base done, so I can move on to my other GD projects.


The Librarian is getting closer now. The main model is done, except for a few touch ups...I need to do the base, and started the back pack as well. Bonus points go to whomever can identify the inspiration for the book.


Also, I know he looks cross-eyed in the bottom pic...it's a shadow that wouldn't go away...he's not actually cross-eyed.



Im very much in awe of this Lunch, but I think that the hand holding the book will let you down. The claws on the skaven hand are still very visable. Apart from that I couldn't fault any other aspect of it, the painting is certainly better than what I could do.

I dunno, guys...I picked up my laptop, and a couple of large textbooks, and found my thumb naturally falling into the same position the Librarian's holding it in. I do agree, however, that the 'alterations I made to the hand are a bit sub-par. I may go back and put a thin layer of GS down to make the PA'd fingers look more PA'd. I tried painting the effect on, and I'll admit it's not as noticable in person.


We shall see...thanks for following along!

I do agree, however, that the 'alterations I made to the hand are a bit sub-par. I may go back and put a thin layer of GS down to make the PA'd fingers look more PA'd. I tried painting the effect on, and I'll admit it's not as noticable in person.

It looks good (on the gauntlet's thumb?). It just seems that you depend to much on the surface as a guide for the specular highlights. Just paint the white highlights where they would be if it were a sculpted power armour gauntlet. And if the judges see it they might give you bonus points for nice painting; although it probably won't be that noticeable on such a tiny area (that it's painted and not sculpted too exact) once it's finished (that's the purpose of trompe-l'œil after all). :rolleyes:

Here he is nearing completion. Sorry for the crappy lighting...I take my pictures during the daytime to avoid this dullness. However, you can still see pretty much where this one's headed. I still have work to do on the base, and the water effects have not fully cured yet. There's a few touch up spots here and there, but he's 99% finished.


:) Yep thats a GD winner for ya. ;)


Love it man truly. It all came together beautifully. And I see you put the horned skull on there. Lol.. At least its not on the cape. (Awesome on the cape btw.)


Wow... I wish I could think of something to improve but I can not. :)



Well, you always used to criticize my work to make me better, maybe I can do the same for you.


The painting is fantastic, I really have nothing to add onto that department. You can paint better now that you did this model. You have learned to take risks with painting like this. Maybe it is time to start taking some real risks with converting.


The psychic hood bothers me. It really just looks like a shoulder pad on the back of his head. It would look more convincing if it had pipes, tubes, ect. going to and from it. The model itself is fantastic, but it doesn't scream Librarian to me. He has the scrolls, he has the staff, and he has the book, but there just seems to be something amiss on him. There is nothing defining to make him a true Librarian of the Astartes. Nothing like the artwork, at least.


Great work, Jeff. Can't wait to see what else you have left in store for us.




I think the model is very Librarianesque...but I agree the shoulder pad conversion is a bit tired and predictable. When I started the masters, they were supposed to be a group of 4...I just altered my plans a bit. If I had originally planned this to be my 40K single entry, I would have done something a little more...well...just more.


Thanks, Alpha!

*sigh* I remember when Lunchbox was a neophyte over on DarkMillennia. Now he has far surpassed me, and he is at a level I don't know I will ever attain. Anyways, great job, LB. I agree with Alpha. I didn't think about it until he mentioned it. Is it too late to include some wires into his head?

He looks good. One thing you could think about is: Why does he have four different styles of decoration on his banner (front/back) and cape (front/back). Would a reduced set create a better identity?


In my opinion it is borderline freehand for freehand's sake. Why does he need that elaborate scrollwork on the back of his banner? Does it really support the miniature or is it subconscious brushwork masturbation? :D (I feel that I have written a sentence like this some time ago)


But then you leave out the right leg's shin guard (scroll under the skull) that could use some subtle trompe-l'oeil carved script effect without looking too forced.


But overall he looks good and can be identified as a librarian. Blue armour, psychic staff, and all that. The "point a book at someone" pose is a bit strange (why point a book at someone?) but convincing from a composition point of view (i.e. he is not shouting to the front while firing a pistol to the right and pointing a book to the left).

Thanks for the input. The artwork on the back of the banner matches the work, and colors on the book. The front of the banner has an edging that mathces both of those, and the horned skull was something I wanted to do for the hell of it. The design on the back of the cape matches the swirly-gigs (technical term) found on the aforementioned parts. The trim on the front of the cape is rather generic.


This was freehand for freehand's sake...I freely admit that...but there is one big reason I did it this way. A friend of mine who has won multiple Golden Demons, and been somewhat of a mentor to me, told me a long time ago to bust out one or two entries that you really want to win with...and enter a few others just to try new stuff. Since I am very weak at freehand, I used this model as a test piece. I also tried tinting and shading areas with random colors, then going back in to add the actual color I was working with; namely the back of the banner, which was the single best thing I had ever painted before I slapped a binch of swirly-gigs on it. From the highlights, I went with a thin base coat, then variants of yellow, then red, then green, then blue into the shades, adding browns and purples between glazes. It was so pretty, I almost didn't ruin it...but I decided to play with more freehand designs, because I need the practice, and judges frown upon "only one side of the banner was painted" models.


So, I feel really good about my 2 squad entries...they are my "main" entries...I did them first, and spent the most time on them. My 40K large might do well, wfb monster is a disaster that may or may not see completion before GD, open might do ok, and was a test run of all-out light source based coloration, 40K vehicle is being entered as a joke...and my 40K single here, is an experiment with more artistic methods rather than flat out miniature painting.


I really do appreciate the compliments, but even more do I appreciate hard criticism. I live in an area that I can't really take my mini's to someone for "expert" advice, and that's been the case since I started really painting a couple of years ago. Only recently did I discover I have Anne Foerester and Jennifer Haley living within an hour of my house. My point is that I have been doing this the hard way, trying to learn everything I can from articles and friends online. Ya'll have been a huge help, and I am thankful for your input.

This is an amazing piece! I sincerely hope you win and it's I'm especially fond of the detailing work that you did on the book and it's not something you see all the time, even with Golden Demon pieces. The pose in particular is really striking and it has an almost fluid sort of movement to it--as if he was walking forward to present the tome triumphantly.


I'm sorry I can't give any real critique, but I wish you the best of luck! Thanks for sharing this!

Well, no good project is right without a setback or two. I poured the 2-part resin water on the base 3 days ago, and it's still very sticky, and stringy like melted cheese. Every time I try to water this happens. So, I may be flocking in the areas that I "watered" just to get this one done.


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