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Quest for the Golden Demon - What's to Come


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One thing you might want to consider doing is painting the honor studs on this guys forehead in a different color. I don't know if they are gold, or unpainted, but they really get lost in the flesh tones. Maybe painting them to resemble steel? And a few white highlights on the cery edge of the girder (I realise you are attempting to make it look aged/dirty/gritty) might help it pop.


Just my 2 bucks, feel free to ignore me.





I noticed too that they almost seem like pimples. I even considered dotting metallics on them. Thanks for the crits...I generally don;t ignore anyone's crits because whether you're a seasoned painter or a noob, you still see what you see, thus making it valid.



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Glad to hear I'm not the only hobbyist to have worked construction. :blink: (I was beginning to feel alone)


I'm glad your going for the simple free hand. Its simple that this model pulls off well in truth. As for the grey, yeah, you can see the glazes, I wasn't sure if it was intentional or not. What color will you use for the free hand?

I really cant suggest anything for the service studs... I'd always thought them molding flaws before I read the ultramarines omnibus.



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Glad to hear I'm not the only hobbyist to have worked construction. :blink: (I was beginning to feel alone)


I'm glad your going for the simple free hand. Its simple that this model pulls off well in truth. As for the grey, yeah, you can see the glazes, I wasn't sure if it was intentional or not. What color will you use for the free hand?

I really cant suggest anything for the service studs... I'd always thought them molding flaws before I read the ultramarines omnibus.




I'm probably going with a light grayish purple...something subtle to add a bit of style, without being over the top.

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More progress on the Masters of the Chapter.


I've done the armor except the right arm, and started shading on the cape:






Here are the next two:


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More progress this weekend. All the main body is done except the right shoulder pad, and I'm about 3/4 of the way through the shading process on the cape. The highlighting stage shouldn't take an hour or so once I finish the shading. I really thought that head was going to make the model, but it's crap...I've painted it the best I can, and retouched it 5 times, but the sculpt is a bit unfoirgiving.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Great work man!

I shall have to come out this week for sure. Just name a day! (Just not Wednesday, spending time with my new girlfriend!) :huh:



Aww, man...spring break came and went. I spent so much time getting house-stuff done, I ended up sick for teh last weekend, and half of this week. Oh well...summer's just a couple months away.

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Yet another set-back...I started painting the faces on the other Masters, and did a great job on the Librarian. However, when I woke up Saturday morning, I realized I had slopped paint on the top of his head, and there were blackish spots on his forehead. I wet sanded the spots with 600 grit, then repainted. Apparently, I had a few too many, and didn't realize it the mess I'd made.


I got the Librarian's face touched up, and it still needs a few spots smoothed out. I went ahead and started the blue, and worked on the chest 'bling'.



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im not really sure how it can look out of place to be honest, theres nothing else painted except the chest?, it wont look as out of place when the rest of the gold is added im sure, the rest of the squad can attest


that being said i think it needs more work, it needs small tiny highlights on the tops of all the beads, and some blending to transition them(from about halfway on each bead down towards shadow) this will emphasise the faint highlights more


i photoshop edited it, it just takes patience and about 10 thin thin layers applied in succession...the contrast emphasizes the shapes and the reflectiveness





if you highlight too bright remember a glazes tones it down, you can use this to create levels, to keep highlights on all areas of the chain thing, while keeping it working the way you want



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I was referring to the fact that its braiding, it just doesn't look as if it should be metallic in anyway at all. Its not the colours as such, as much as it is the actual object.
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I retouched that last night, and touched up the face again. I repainted the service studs, but I may still dot a little bit of metalic gold on them. I added about 30 more glazes to the armor, and just barely started the legs. I'll post more pics at some point this weekend.
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Just incredible.


Have you posted your recipe for flesh yet? I'm very impressed with the skin tone and I know someone who might be able to use the recipe. :o


Go cowboy!

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Just incredible.


Have you posted your recipe for flesh yet? I'm very impressed with the skin tone and I know someone who might be able to use the recipe. :)


Go cowboy!



I did a face painting tutorial a while back, but my flesh "recipe" has since been altered. I have no real recipe now, and I generally mix in shades of the armor to the median flesh tones for shading. For instance, I mixed a bit of VMC Dark Prussian Blue into Dwarf Flesh for the libbie, and Reaper Pro Amethyst into Bronzed Flesh for the guy with the mohawk.



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Here are the next two:[/b]



To be perfectly honest, the one with the sword pointing into the ground looks like he's fallen asleep, since his head is leaning to the side. I would think about changing it.


The other guy's face has been painted to an eccelent level though. Very good.

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looking very cool indeed! i love the tone on the armour, great job. though i feel the librarian could have done with more than the shoulder-pad-over-the-head-trick, espceially for a GD standard model.


I wasn't really sure what to do with his head. I mocked up a couple of ideas, and this one looked the best.

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what abou some guitar string wires going into his head fom the soulder pad thing


I thought of that, but I wanted to maintain the high contrast of the head inside the hood, to reinforce the focal point being his face.

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I don't think you need to change it. So long as it is smoothed into his armour on the back it works well. It does certainly pinpoint the head as a focal point, and one would have to work hard to imagine it as something other than a psychic hood, so i'd say it turned out good
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This is amazing.


I've been lurking for a bit, and while I love the librarian I do have one concern. The book he is holding, since you turned it upside down the thumb looks really odd. I'm afraid that a judge might notice and knock off for it. Maybe remove the current thumb and resculpt it onto the back side of the book?

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