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Word Bearers


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@The Angelus Sanctus

Oh god, you're right about the groin :) .

@Korloth Darkwolf

Oh yes that's one heck of an idea! It shall be used when I figure out how to do it... :P (Wait for Marine #3)

@Lion El'Jonson

Thank you. ^_^

Ok, one afternoon spent on modelling with Green Stuff, and I ain't finished with GS yet.

Here's what I managed to do:





And here's the plan:

He's holding a head in his left arm, head "is" tilting towards the severed head to give impression that he's leering his victims remain (delicious gore). NCW (=Nemesis ChainWeapon) will be in his right arm, blade-section towards the sky. Weapon is in progress, the blob in the "stock" is the basis for mounting of the pole.

What do you think?

Thanks Lion El'Jonson!

Progress report!


Started the painting already. I'll paint him whole, but leave the right arm for the future. Why, this way I can adjust poles lenght correctly, and overall pose. Oh, this little devil met the floor pretty hard, so his legs might be little bent.

What do you think?

*Edit* 100th post on B&C!!! "does victory dance"

Looking great as always!


Heh i couldnt help but think when i saw the most recent pic, that the marine was holding his own head :P (which i know he isnt)


I'm liking the 'revamped' NCW, looks a lot better than the previous proto-type.


What are your plans for the ammo feed? I was thinking having two small feeds on each side, basically where the 'blob' of GS is right now (versus having the large stock of the first weapons version). However, it's just an idea for you to toy with :tu:


Heh, ok :P .

@The Angelus Sanctus

Well, for ammofeed I found Heavy Bolter boxfeed (from landspeeder/attack bike-sprue), and it was considerably sized, but something smaller would be better. You idea of two ammo-boxes is a good one, unfortunately I have already sculpted some details to one side of bolter. Pictures shall be in the future :) .

Here comes first blood/gore effect:


What do you think?

It has been such a long time since I last posted.


Thanks mate.

@The Angelus Sanctus

Fraction per fraction is the best way to paint minis, trust me ^_^ .

Progress since last time is huuuuuuuuuuuge!


What is still in progress? ;) Weapon of course. :lol:

The only thing i feel like stating at this point in time is this:


Had I more time free, i would so be starting a Word Bearers army right now :tu:


In terms of painting and paint mastery, there is nothing for me to really say (you've done a great job so far, that there is really NOTHING for me to 'nit pick' on).


I'm definitely looking forward to the work you've done to the NCW. Keep up the great work :tu:

Well, I'll be damned (if I'm not already :P ), I have updates!

Lately, life has been rather busy for me. Job is rather tiring, in a good way though and seeing friends and relatives, whom I haven't seen in a long time, and taking influence from B&C to start a my first tournament army (after christmas).

AAC #2 will be finished later tonight, but now I have something else...

After getting out from work I had this sensation. Like a chaos god had whispered to my ear. I just had to do something with GS, something I never have done before. I gathered my thousand sons squad from paint-removal-bin, looked at them....felt sick, such a bad shape they were. They were my core for something new...

Now the big question, what chaos god could he be?




Head is made from the purest Green Stuff, I'm kinda proud.

AAC update tonight, so be afraid.... muahahahhahhahaaahhaa :P :D :devil:



Now that is a cool looking mini! I really like the NCW it looks ultra cool and has given me an idea for my own chaos army :P Your painting skills are insane if i was a tenth the painter you are id be happy ;)


Keep up the good work




The Red Dragon

Finnish indeed


Ah, moi moi Suomi akka ;)


No, just kidding around, although I am mostly finnish I live in Sweden and don't know very much finnish.

Like the update much! I have entered the CoCMkII like you so now we will be competing :(

... I'm so warped... :P

Yaaaay! Update again.


Insane skills? Man, I'm blushing :huh: , you might say that I'm good painter, but I'm not thinking the same, I constantly find mistakes from my models, so fixing something thousand times might do the trick ;) .


There's no hope for me, you hear me, NO HOOOPE! :lol: Maybe Nurgle might give me his blessings :D .

@Lion El'Jonson

Oh, så du föd i Finland? My swedish sucks! Your finnish is a lot better than my swedish :lol: .

Good luck in CoCMkII, Lion. I'm waiting for your army to finish ^_^ .

Ok, plague marine is done.


What do you think?

Lovin' both minis (more so the Anti-Custode, than the Nurgle marine, but they both look great).


Nice work on the NCW, looks really spiffy and looks quite stream-lined too.


As for the Nurgloid Word Bearer, he looks great. Definitely something different which really makes him stand out from the rest.


Keep up the great work :D


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