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Iron Hands.... of irony


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;) I'll update things when things stop being crazy over here!! And to think i thought i was going to have a "quiet" December period.


A short break i think will do you well, as you said, giving your mind a rest to re-charge it's creative energy, will probably help out a lot. Plus it seems you have a few days grace period since you still have yet to work on the sgt of the squad ^_^

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Thanks guys :P.


I had a break today from sternguard. And then came revmatt with his fantastic tester IH, and urges started to rise... I wanted to go convert! I was able to resist the urges, but my mind is now filled with fresh ideas, ready to continue with new vigour ^_^.


Next update shall contain more sternguard related stuff :P.

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Haha, never do two things at time, once I was drilling a pin hole, and was talking with brother at same time, and what you know, next time I look at the model, drill is buried in my finger :devil:. After some curse words, I continued with my work ;).

8th Sternguard. I think his helmet is Maximus pattern. Correct me if I'm wrong.


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Is that a bit of sprue i see as a foot? ;) Heh, if so, you aren't the only one that has done it! <_<


The 8th SG looks great ;) Although, how sturdy is the plasticard? I noticed you used some to make curved cabling, and i was wondering is it still sturdy enough to hold that shape without snapping? Or is it a fickle touch and go proceedure?


Definitely looking forward to seeing what you do for the Sgt model :D

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@Ferrus Manus

Perhaps :P.


Thanks rev :). Now that price got higher, there's even more reason to do bionics by myself ;).

@Asmodeus' Swordhand

Thanks man :).


I was forced to use sprue for foot, 'cus I dropped the original one and it went missing :lol:

Cables bend rather well. But for bending the regural plasticard I recommend using pen or similar round object as helper, otherwise it snaps.

8th Sternguard done.


And family.


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Thanks TAS :blush:. They're self-built :P.

9th sternguard finished. Not my best, gotta admit.


The intimidating family.


When there's veterans, there's aspirants. Speedpainting and painting-line experiment. ^_^


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Your stuff is coming along beautifully, sir. The Stern group is awesome. Screams IRON HANDS in a 70's Battlestar Galactica Cylon Voice.


I've always kinda imagined IH scouts to be 'botz or servitor probes. Or a combination of typical scouts and some robotic aide. Almost like the drone snipers from tau. With your conversion skillz maybe thats a direction to ponder? :)


Good job thus far. :)

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Nice work Kik :tu: Can't wait to see the final SG hit the production line :)


The Scouts look good! Are those the old models or the new ones? For some reason i'm leaning towards old since their chins look normal :lol:


I'm going to pretend i didn't quite read Toddius' idea about IH scouts :ph34r: Like my brain doesn't have enough stuff jammed inside it already :lol:

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@Asmodeus' Swordhand & Iron Corsair

Thanks mates ^_^.


Augmentic calfs eh? I'm pretty sure I've made couple of those ;)... yup, 4th and 8th sternguard :P.


Glad to be help :). I always prime, by spray or hand if I can't use spray.

@Master Toddius

Thank you :). You've got some good ideas there. Atleast, if I get bored during x-mas vacation, I've got something to do ;).


Thanks buddy. I got these metal scouts (not fun to chop and convert) second hand. So I just painted them.

Sloooowly the last sternguard gets together. Any good progress? No, head got today 1st layers of GS. Blue-tacked for show.


I've inducted some scouts to my army list, and I'm on verge to induct Srg. Telion (counts-as) too.

Addinationally I did some planning and sketching for conversion.


-I'm not good at drawing

-I don't have a scanner, so I took a pic with camera

-I don't know anything about anatomy ^_^

Here's a sketch for scout sergeant.


I was planning to have augmented calfs and arms (of course), and stylish looking rebreather mask, but here's the deal. I would need a scout body to do it. Old metals are no-no, and plastic box goes to waste, as I'm only going to have 5-man scout squad. Maybe I'll buy Telion blister and we'll see where that takes me :), but you'll never know.

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