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Iron Hands.... of irony


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Thanks, ye you're right with the bolters, they got tad too big :P.


Thank you ^_^.


Thanks bud :P. I'm waiting for the updates ;).

@Captain Mick

Thanks mate :).

'Kantor's almost finished. Only finishing the bolters and thinking up a name for him. Iron Father <name> etc...


And the you-know-what continues! Dashing as always!


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The bolters are great, I have to throw in my hatred of the ammo belts too. Sorry, but they just look silly..


That being said.. I've been making some servitors. I'll show you the only complete one tomorrow once he's painted up.


You know, that's a thought.. Are you going to have scouts? If so, you could have servitor scouts. A small army of mechanical men designed to be easily repairable/replaceable between fights.


As for the thunderfire.. I suggest instead of the rotary 4 shot, you have it like the anti-air guns of ww1, where it's deployed like a howitzer, but it has the drop down ammo feed..

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The additional work on 'Kantor' looks great. The extra color you've been adding is coming out fantastic, especially at breaking up the black areas. Plus i must admit, the chest section is great, really a nice and interesting touch.



Great progress made on the "you know what" too ;)

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Thanks for the honest opinion. I have a unit of sniper scouts in my force at the moment, but I'm thinking to add unit of shotgun wielding scouts for bigger army list. I like the idea of servitors as scouts ;).

As for the thunderfire cannon, I want it atleast to resemble the original one, but howitzer as cannon is good idea :P.


Thanks buddy, glad that you like it.

@Captain Mick

Thanks mate ;).

@Ferrus Manus

Well it's supposed to be Thunderfire cannon :).

And Iron Father Karon is finish'd. You can suggest better name for him :P.


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That Karon is otherwise quite a cool, but those bolter's. Those are worst piece of conversion that you have made. They look mostly boxes over his hands. They dont look bolter's at all. But painting saves points.


So you are doing thunderfire cannon right? I really like to see how it comes up and I think it will great as Conversion Beamer and other cool works you have made. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys ;).


Yeah, I've starting dislike them myself, maybe when I got the time and motivation, I'll try to save those bolters ;).

Whoops, took me time to update :wub:. Vacation's over and back to work, damnit.

This is my 1st update this year. And to honour that, let's see what did I say on this threads 1st post, shall we?

You might not know this, I have never ever been a real tournament before, so after 5 years of WH40k it's about the time to do it! I hope that, I don't chicken out :huh: .

And did I? :)

No tournaments at all! Not even regural games! I only played couple of practice matches against friend and lost more than I won :cry:.

But no worries, there's a tournament on end of February, and I'm going to be there! Tournament has 5 matches and point limit is 1850. And no special characters allowed :P. I've posted my army lists >here<, check them out and criticise.

For 1850p, I'll be needing more troops, so 3rd tactical squad is on progress (with BBQ equipment):


Super naughty scracthbuilt stuff is needed too.


I need to do 14 more of these babies (these particular parts), and after 1st one, I'm already running out of plasticard!

And then are times when I get bored and want experience something new like painting techniques, I start to paint my old models, which will never be included in my armies, so here's two such.


There won't be Lamenters army, if the picture got your hopes up :P.

January and February just got interesting.

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@Ferrus Manus

Right on :).


I'll be doing 2 drop pods for dreadnoughts and 1 for sternguard. Wait, does dreadnought drop pod have 3 or 5 wings?


Thanks mate.

@Iron Corsair

Thank you :D. Oh, why it isn't february already :lol:.


Aww gee, thanks man :P. I hate that chaplain-sculpt, he deserves no additions :lol:.


Thanks mate, I took army pic last year, should be couple pages back on this thread.

More progress people. I bought AoBR box today, to get my hands on the rulebook and other delicacies inside :D. I can nicely get 3rd tactical squad done with aobr marines. And I get those termies and dreaddie too.

Combat squad worth of the 3rd squad. Each marine will get the mandatory left arm bionic, and 1 random bionic somewhere.


I'll convert those aobr terminators to assault terminator with thunder hammers and storm shields, which will be fun as I will of course scratchbuild 'em ;). And there's also those 2 ironclads on my list... ;)

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I've got a name for your Iron Father if your still interested..






.. Seriously. Most people irl won't get it.


Kantor :D

Do I get a cookie for that?


Great work on the 'Hands. I'm still trying to decide if you've persuaded me to do them or not.....

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kikkala, your IH are truly an inspiration!


If you are looking for more names for your models, howabout Capek or Rossum?


88 years ago, in Prague, the capital of what was then Czechoslovakia, a play premiered at the National Theater: R.U.R, (which stands for Rossum's Universal Robots) by Karel Capek, marking the first use of the word "robot" to describe an artificial person. Capek invented the term, basing it on the Czech word for "slave" or "forced labor."

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