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Iron Hands.... of irony


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Somehow, given that WIP of the i assume SG Sgt, i think you could probably model a Telion model that would be well suited in an IH force!


The sketch is great, i've been thinking about heading back into the sketching domain as well so i don't forget ALL my ideas. It's handy to do, since it helps visualise and record ideas. Plus they are only sketches, they don't need to look great B)


Can't wait to see more! ;)

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Maybe I should reconsider the boxed set :FA:. Feel free to use the black scheme.


Thank you :HQ:.

@Ferrus Manus

Glad ya like my scrap. Scout sergeant will future project, not too future though :P.


Thanks mate :HS:. I've done sketch for every major project I've done to this point, like MotF for example. And I'm really good at forgetting things :Troops:, so sketches to the rescue! :Elite:

Legs are almost finished, so is torso, head in the other hand not. And I was planning to give some sort of servo-arm to backpack, with searchlight or something. The pose is rip-off from.... who?


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The pose isn't hitting me... Although it reminds me of some HH art... Or maybe revmatt's IH test mini...


Otherwise, noclue, but either way, the mini looks great.


Question however, how did you go about doing the head? Looks like a combination of IG binoculars, the bottom of a SM head and bits of plasticard all held together with GS B)


A shame we didn't get to see your earlier sketches for units and models! I'm sure it would have been great to see.

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that looks sweet!


i reckon the pose is ripped off from the special ed. sterngaurd sergeant from the online store chang-over.


either way, he looks sweet.


with all this work your doing on your blog, i might have to resurect mine, ive still been building gy=uys, just not taking pics or anything. havent painted anything in ages, so i might start that soon (need the weather to clear up before i can spray undercoat them though)


keep up the good (and very quick may i add) work




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@Firenze & Asmodeus' Swordhand

Thank you :D.


Glad ya like it :).


I'm not sure where I got the binoculars, but anyway, I used binoculars, SM captain head (bare head with rebreather), Gs and plasticard ^_^. I usually don't save any scraps, when I've finished the model, sketch goes to trashbin.

@The Colossus

Thanks, good guess, but wrong ;).


Thanks mate, you mean the one, when you buy certain amount of stuff from Online Store, you'll get it free? Nope, not that one either :P.

I've pretty much finished converting the sarge. None got the right answer where I did rip-off the pose (it seems that many other models got same lower body pose). If you don't get the answer this time, I'll be worried :P.


Note that the model has around 70 studs. Took the most of my converting time :no:

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@Asmodeus' Swordhand

Hmm, might be the blue-tack distorting the arm. Let's hope it ain't like that when I glue it :P.


Thanks, but pose ain't from Chronus, sorry :D.


Thanks mate :). Pose ain't from Motf either :P.


Thanks buddy, paints has splashed :D.

Sergeant finish'd.


Seriously, I'm the only one who thinks the pose is rip-off from Inquisitor Lord Coteaz? (pic from GW site)


Happy family, the whole family!


Now I've earned my rest :P... before next project! :)

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damn... coteaz! I never would have thought ;)

yes the hand looks much better now. I really think you should use some stronger highlights on the studs, as they don't really show up right now, and you wouldn't want to waste all that work would you? *encouraging smile* :P

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@Asmodeus' Swordhand

Thanks mate, I painted studs like the armor, but perhaps they were drowned with wash :cuss.


Thank you.

@Desert Eagle

Neither do I :P. Realistically, my work looks like crap when compared with your amazing work :cuss.


Well thank you kind sir :).


Thanks mate.


Thanks, I have lots of stuff for next projects.

@Master Toddius

Thank you *bows*


Thanks man. Lots of project(-ranting) coming up.

Ok, next project... eeeh.

Recently I've been working with the army lists, by working, I mean that I've actually been working with the army list. Wondering and pondering all the different options I could take. Or shoudn't ;).

On my 1000p list only thing what is missing is Telion proxy model. Tomorrow I'll hit the stores and buy box o' scouts, so I can get started with Telion. Now that I have mentioned special characters... both Kantor and Lysander look really appealing! At this point I'm going to include Kantor (of course proxy) on my 1500p list. And Lysander, well, I'll convert and paint him, for reserve. He could give some close combat skill, which my army is lacking now.

I could also include a squad of Assault Terminatorts as well, but I can't decide... TH/SS combo, oh those 3+ invunerable saves, or LCs to max. out attacks.

Also, I'm thinking to ditch the devastator squad, I could get Thunderfire Cannon for cheaper. I would need to bolster my devastator squads numbers to increase survivability, but that costs... instead I could just shoot from huge range with thunderfire cannon, with Master of the Forge on its side. Plus :cry: the scratchbuilding.

Now let's talk about transportation. I'm on the verge here, which to use: Drop Pods or Rhinos? Yes, all-drop pod army would be a sight to see, but they're really hard to scratchbuild. In the other hand, rhinos could be easier to scratchbuild and their mobility is greater, but they're so often used by others. Choices, choices, choices. :D

There just came lots of word-crap. Now time for pictures! These are not a 'uge project, but I'm ditching those lascannons out of my tactical squads, and replace them with heavy bolters. Hey, atleast I got some meaning for these 2 marines :D (they were on tutorial).


There's also something.... crimson on the horizon... *evil laugh*

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