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pre-heresy truescale worldeaters


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OH WOW >.<


Is that group shot all of the ones you've done to this point?


C&C: having seen them in one group, they don't look finished =/ Do many of these need anything else done to them? I feel as though you have more than ample room to take them further, with trophies, purity seals, extra little details, y'know? Atm in a group they look... well, almost as if they've been base-coated. Individually though they look great :P

Beautiful work, though the consistent gripe with truescale green stuff work is constantly the "bubble body" effect where the round surfaces make the marines look like the michelin man. This is particularly noticeable around the torso. I think it's the fact that they're also white. Your command squad probably suffers from this the most. Absolutely LOVE the work done with the poses and weapons and the paint job is top notch too. Your heavy flamer and chainaxe/eviscerator builds are also extremely cool.
C&C: having seen them in one group, they don't look finished =/ Do many of these need anything else done to them? I feel as though you have more than ample room to take them further, with trophies, purity seals, extra little details, y'know? Atm in a group they look... well, almost as if they've been base-coated. Individually though they look great ;)


theyre not. i still have a lot of details to add, not to mention painting the banners and adding the gore!



the consistent gripe with truescale green stuff work is constantly the "bubble body" effect where the round surfaces make the marines look like the michelin man. This is particularly noticeable around the torso. I think it's the fact that they're also white. Your command squad probably suffers from this the most.


i have to both agree and disagree - while i agree with you 100% about the command squad having the big barrel chests (especially the sergeant -the guy with 2 chain axes), id have to disagree about the others (maybe seeing them in the flesh shows them ina differnt light?). i really dont know what happened to the command squad that made their chests so much bigger than the others. i made them in exactly the same way, so its probably nothiong more or less than me being a bit more generous with the GS, though considering that things like the legs came out almost exactly the same across the board, i dont understand why that may have been the case on the chests. its also probably a matter of taste, though you do have a point about the command squad - its just i realised it too late and if theres one thing im not when it comes to modelling/painting its a perfectionist - once a model is done ill rarely go back and change it even if i know something is wrong, and if i can get away with not painting something on a model ill most likely do just that - so sue me! its not an exact science but a passtime, and as such i think it looses its appeal once it looses the fun factor and it becomes too much like hard work.


thanks for the comment though Morte, its reassuring to see that others see the same faults in them that i do.. and strengths, as i really do spend a lot of time trying to come up with good/individual poses for each model.


thanks all!



EDIT: @ LuNCHBiZZLe: the link in my sig is for the full tutorial, though sadly until the 23r5d october its without pics. be sure to check it out after then when its restored to its former glory ;)

Wow! This is a dramatic change from the WIP leg pictures I last saw. That's really a great job. He's got a tiny little head atop such a massive body. :P


Are the lower leg plates made from the LR TLHB armor plate with additional plasticard or did you trim and bend the piece? How did you achieve the ribbing in front of the exhaust pipes?

I want to like the dread (as I love the other stuff) but I just find myself not liking it...


I think (unfortunately) its the legs, I think to suit the rest of the model, they need to be a lot chunkier, and sturdier (like on the marines).


But I love the paint scheme, it reminds me of the Menoth warjacks.

Are the lower leg plates made from the LR TLHB armor plate with additional plasticard or did you trim and bend the piece?

a bit of both. the outside part is one half of the HB plate, and the front, insdie part are 3 strips of plasticard. the whole thing was shaved and sanded to have a curved surface.


How did you achieve the ribbing in front of the exhaust pipes?

with great difficulty i must say. each rib was made from plasticard sheet and stuck together like a sandwictch, one small one, one big one etc. to get the ribs the exact same shape i glued all the larger sheets together and sanded the edges to get them the same. i repeated the process with the smaller sheets. i then prized them apart and glued them together alternatingly. it took quite a while to do, but i like how it turned out and it even looks like the ribs on some of the artwork too



I want to like the dread (as I love the other stuff) but I just find myself not liking it... I think (unfortunately) its the legs, I think to suit the rest of the model, they need to be a lot chunkier, and sturdier (like on the marines).


they are quite wide actually, but the problem with the model is actually the body is very narrow. to avoid this appearing in the pics i take the photos from the sides and not full on from the front. unfortunately the angles i use tend to make the legs look smaller. the thighs especially are wider than they look.

Ok, 'Varren' (and his damned banner) is ready

sadly the face was a dud from the start. i mistakenly filled in too much detail with the spray undercoat, filing up all the detail (i completely lost the eyes). ive done what i could though its a shame as he's the second in comand. ill probably buy a new head at some point, paint it seperately and swap them round. though im usually pretty hit/miss with faces (especially eyes) - i either get them right first time or no amount of painting and touching up will get them fixed. anyway, im really pleased with his banner, though now i see the pics i notice the helmet is a bit too far to the left - which might work out well - the extra space on the right might afford me the chance to add in a cascading scroll with his name on it or something. though at this point in time im trying my best to get the models done extra embelishments can wait unti lafter the models are finished. i like how the chapter (sorry, legion) symbol turned out, with the blood drops replacing the mandible and the actuall jawbone replacing the painted red jaw.



hello, whats this:


thats right; the prototype jump pack for the assault marines, made from a normal jump pack and, some tasty air vents, courtesy of 2 drop pods.

and to show off the finished bases and some of the cooler models:


brother Korinth, first squad, 3rd battle-group, wielding a MK II2 flamer with promethium tank. note the newly applied hazard lines. im actually quite pleased with the hazard lines, which were wuite hard to get right considering the curve of the backpack


Brother Destus, second squad, 3rd battle-group, confronting a rebel of the K'nnar enclave. note the unhealthy skin tone of the human rebel. i love the colours of the rebel, so much so that the next thing i paint once this part of the army is done will be an individualised unit of traitor in such colours


Brother Marius, first squad, 3rd battle-group, under the sway of his lobo-implant. having lost his weapons the World Eater uses his natural weapons to defeat the ork. Brother Marius a.k.a Frenzy dude. really shows how deadly a World Eater is and should be - even without weapon he has managed to defear the ork, with little more than his bare teeth and helmet (former counts as piercing weapo, latter bludgeoning).


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