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The 2 unnamed Legions, will they ever be revealed?


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1. the lion isnt inside the rock, he was lost, just dissapeared, its luther, who is in a stasis field at the center of the rock being tortured and interogatted ever day. its in the new DA codex


Wrong. The Lion is inside the Rock, the DA just don't know it. They do know about Luther. Check your codex, or the DA IA.


no you are wrong, i just checked it and it says that after the battle when they found luther, he was saying "the primarch had been carried away, but would on day return to forgive the terrible sins he and his bretheren had commited" pg 9 of the DA codex

on pg 9 it also says "Of the mighty primarch, lion el' jonson, there was no sign.


so once again, it is luther not lion in the rock, and only the inner circle and the high chaplins, and limbrarian know about him....


Do me a favor, would ya? Reread the entire Dark Angels background in the codex. It's petty obvious from collected sources that the Lion is indeed in the Rock somewhere.

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@retmonster: it would appear from the amount of posts you have made here, you are relatively new to B&C and i will assume the hobby. GW has a policy of updating fluff without consideration of the older material, which might contradict previously written material. however, when they dont touch upon a certain subject, such as the location of the Lion, in any real detail, most people will fall upon the older material that hasnt been invalidated in the most recent book.


In this case, it is that the Watchers in the Dark, the curious creatures that for some reason the abhuman hating Dark Angels allow on the rock, hold the Lion in stasis in the heart of the Rock, deeper then any dark angel has penetrated.


wolf lord kieran

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@ wolf lord kerian, im not new to the hobby, been playing scince 2005, but that is irrelivant. but thanks for the info, because i dont have any previous DA codexes :) i didnt know any of this and so the only stuff i know is the info in the current DA codex. once again thanks for the info ;) :D
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A little something for all you conspiracy theorists out there, in the new HH book Mechanicum Dorn makes a brief allusion to the two missing Legions and how much they would be needed at Isstvaan V, and Malcador warns him not to think about it, as "they are lost forever". Interesting . . .
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I theorize that the LotD are one of the lost legions because the Emperor probably planned them to be saviours of mankind if they are to fail. Poor LotD, they failed.


Heh, this crops up a lot and as this topic has grow in pages it was due to pop up again. The Legion of the Damned are not one of the lost legions, they are the last remnants of the Fire Hawks that survived a messy sojourn through the warp and some nasty warp storms and such.


Edit: Spelling.

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I don't know in wich way fluff has changed since I stopped the hobby, wich is a pretty long time ago.


Just think about this, the horus heresy has been kept secret from alot of worlds. This being a massive "happening" for the emperium.

Alot of people getting killed in the process. So if such a secret can be kept from so many planets and systems, don't you think 2 legions can just be wiped from the records for any reason.


The point is, one will never know what really happend to those legions. Did they all die a horrible death ? Were they given some task noone should know about ? Are they yet to be found ?


just my 2 cent

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right not sure if any one has brought this up yet however in horus rising its stated that after the ullanor campaign when the emperor left the campaign 14 legions attended the mass ceremony the rest being too remote to attend this leads me to believe that more then likely they two lost legions were more then likely out on the fringes
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well, obviously, Chuck Norris and Mr. T are the two primarchs, their legions were so powerful, that the Emperor banished them to another galaxy :D :P :lol: :lol:


Or maybe Chuck and The Emperor had a hot discussion, Chuck roundhouse kicked The Emperor in the face and The Emperor banished poor Norris and his Legion out as punishment... ^_^

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Most of what people say is conjecture they add 2 and 2 together and get 5, we all know the story of how the primarches got lost, but where people get mixed up is that the emperor created all 20 legions before he left on his great crusade using left over genetic material from the primarches, he didnt create them after their primarches were discovered.

Not neccessarily. He created Space Marines from the genetic material he had left after the primarchs disappeared. But not all of the legions existed before he found their primarchs. The BA's were created after he found Sangunius:

"The Emperor performed the complex operation that would extract the gene-seed from Sanguinius's genetic codes and he implanted ten thousand warriors with it. Thus were born the Blood Angels, among the Chapters of the First Founding." (C:AoD, pg 18)

And also, legions didnt neccessarily get the same gene-seed as their primarch till after the heresy. It wasnt till that showed up weaknesses in some geneseed lines that they were separated. Old fluff maybe, but never ret-conned AFAIK.


(sorry if this is massively old news but I dont really bother looking at this thread very often.)

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well, obviously, Chuck Norris and Mr. T are the two primarchs, their legions were so powerful, that the Emperor banished them to another galaxy :D :) :( :lol:


Or maybe Chuck and The Emperor had a hot discussion, Chuck roundhouse kicked The Emperor in the face and The Emperor banished poor Norris and his Legion out as punishment... ^_^


Or maybe Horus was Chuck Norris in disguise, and all that happened in the battle between them was that Chuck roundhouse kicked him in the face, so the Emperor sent him to another Galaxy instead of killing him.

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They could both be stranded in a system that is cut off from terrible warp storms. Either that or they annihilated each other shortly after the Heresy was hatched and therefore play no further part in anything. Or they just couldnt be bothered to write the fluff for them, lazyness if you ask me.
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Well, in Mechanicum, Dorn and Malcador are discussing how they will deal with Horus. Dorn expresses anguish that Horus has swayed another three legions to his cause, before being reminded that he still has the other thirteen (excluding The Imperial Fists) legions under the Emperor's banner. Dorn then says, "Would that it were fifteen," before Malcador warns, "They are lost to us. Do not even think of them." This indicates that they were found to be unfit for duty in the Emperor's name, or they were dead and Malcador tries to keep his morale up.
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I like the possibility that to ensure Mars' co-operation, he gifted them a Legion. He obviously didn't tell hte Primarchs this, as they wouldn't want to be traded away, so he gave one of the Legions that never regained its' primarch...


Now just imagine a LEGION of AdMech upgraded marines, serving the Dragon...

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@ wolf lord kerian, im not new to the hobby, been playing scince 2005,


For some, that's pretty new to the hobby. <_<


When the 3rd Edition Dark Angels Codex came out (all 12 pages of it, staple bound!) there really wasn't a mention of either Luthor or Jonson's fate after the schism. It was widely held, quite wrongly, for new people at the time that Cypher was Luthor!



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Well, in Mechanicum, Dorn and Malcador are discussing how they will deal with Horus. Dorn expresses anguish that Horus has swayed another three legions to his cause, before being reminded that he still has the other thirteen (excluding The Imperial Fists) legions under the Emperor's banner. Dorn then says, "Would that it were fifteen," before Malcador warns, "They are lost to us. Do not even think of them." This indicates that they were found to be unfit for duty in the Emperor's name, or they were dead and Malcador tries to keep his morale up.


This also indicates that the two legions are still up and running about, not destroyed, just lost.


So while they might not have taken part in the heresy, they could still be around somewhere, even now, in m40

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Dunno if this helps, taken from The Horus Heresy: Collected Visions:





Did he do that twice before? Who knows...

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Just thinking out loud here so feel free to comment or ignore:


Maybe they refused to fight at all. The reason im thinking this is that in Dante's inferno it talks about the angels outside of the gates of hell chasing a blank banner they can never catch. They are so disgraced by not choosing a side at all, that they are not allowed in eithier heaven or hell.


So maybe once they found the primarchs and they got with thier legions something happened that may them deciede to just pick up and leave from this galaxy?

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There is a huge chance that unlike the rest of the primarchs they felt no need to side with the emperor.


I mean alot of the primarchs we know were hessitent to join him in his crusade, I mean if you found out you were nothing but a test tube baby would you wanna go off with some stranger claiming to be ur father?


Also maybe they had vision not unlike night haunters and realised that their involvement in the future would cause such devastation that they wished not to be found.

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