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The 2 unnamed Legions, will they ever be revealed?


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Before anyone says anything, I know I haven't made many posts, but I have read 99% of the fluff (I'm a lore junkie- anything hooks me in the background of a fictional game,etc ;) ).


Is it possible that perhaps both legions disobeyed the Emperor in going beyond the light of the Astronomincan and were lost because they couldn't navigate. The legions records were then expunged from the Imperial records, like the Emperor threatened to do to Magnus? Thus, they would still be around, but inaccessable for the Imperium to use as a military presence. Just my 2 cents.

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waaanial00 Posted Today, 07:17 PM

They could both be stranded in a system that is cut off from terrible warp storms.


You mean the same way the Tau suddenly appeared in the 40k universe? :)


Are you saying Tau are evolved humans? Maybe its right, because they are immune to Chaos....



But, its not, because GW have already got fluff for Tau. xD

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There is another theory ive just hatched in my head...After Ullanor the emperor retired to earth to work on the webway, he managed to get it open, secure it and send two legions to a world on the other side of the universe.

Shortly afterwards, Magnus sent his psychic message about Horus' betrayal back to earth, whihc caused the webway to open up into the warp and outspilled loads of deamons.....anyway to cut a long story short to save earth the Emperor had to seal the webway, stranding two primarches and thier legions on the far side of the known universe.

This is the real reason the Emperor sent the custodes and space wolves to tan Magnus' backside for him....he was angry at losing two sons to the stupidness of a disobedient child!!



Feel free to rip it apart!


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Quite quickly - it goes against the already published fluff. And I have this sneaking suspicion that the timing is a bit hinkey...

isn't that the grey knights?


anyways, I think their primarchs had a defect that mutated them after they disappeared and bfore they were rediscovered. their entire legion had it cause they have the same DNA.

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Has anyone given my newest theory any thought??


There is another theory ive just hatched in my head...After Ullanor the emperor retired to earth to work on the webway, he managed to get it open, secure it and send two legions to a world on the other side of the universe.

Shortly afterwards, Magnus sent his psychic message about Horus' betrayal back to earth, whihc caused the webway to open up into the warp and outspilled loads of deamons.....anyway to cut a long story short to save earth the Emperor had to seal the webway, stranding two primarches and thier legions on the far side of the known universe.

This is the real reason the Emperor sent the custodes and space wolves to tan Magnus' backside for him....he was angry at losing two sons to the stupidness of a disobedient child!

Feel free to rip it apart!


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Other than to say it wasnt sealed prior to the heresy cos thats where the Custodes and Sisters of Silence were during the heresy... So we know the forces that went into the webway, and there is no big mysterious gap where ------ was.
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Other than to say it wasnt sealed prior to the heresy cos thats where the Custodes and Sisters of Silence were during the heresy... So we know the forces that went into the webway, and there is no big mysterious gap where ------ was.


Hmmm you seem to know more than a mortal man should......


Someone should call the inquisition ;)


Im sure we could make the theory sound, after all the legions were said to have been present at the HH for at least the beginning..Still possible???



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In legion, omegon is ' Lord, Effrit Stealth Squad'. So maybe he was just a file marine? So yeah, the names are the same but surely you couldn't have twin primarchs, haven't you ever seen Hancock? Ok, off topic, I realise, but maybe that same thing would happen. If there were 2 Primarchs exactly the same, and they got too close, their power would be sapped?


I reckon that the two missing legions were sent to search for the elusive black library, then when they got there, they took all the power the library had to offer them, and rebelled agianst the Emp. in their own special way, maybe they went back in time, and helped the CG open that rift in the Incubation Chamber in the Himilayans. Wierd, yes but entirely possible.


++edit++ Looking back over the topic, it appears that some people may believe that the Legion of the Damned were maybe one of the lost legions. Then saying the Flame Falcons are maybe LotD. Couldn't happen. Lotd were not seen until after the heresy, and most importantly, they 'fall upon the enemy, silent and with no war cry on their lips'. Surely if they were Marines they would cry 'For the Emperor!@ or something. Another thing is that they supposedly appear where there are the darkest shadows, and dissappear as soon as the battle is won. No marine, no matter how trained, is that stealthy. Just my $0.02 :tu:

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ProtoClone Posted Today, 04:38 AM

I thought I heard the primarchs were representative of different aspects of the Emperor himself. Maybe these two missing legions were aspects the Emperor didn't like being known?


You are correct, Horus mentions it in his 'valediction' in False Gods, although only in passing (he's actually talking about how Sanguinius should have been Warmaster, in his opinion) - p202.

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I read through most of this before posting, but someone may have mentioned it. Anyway, in Mechanicum there is a reference made towards the end of the novel by Dorn about how he wished that he had the other two legions standing beside him and the person that he is speaking to says something about how they are lost to them. I don't have the book with me. I'm not real sure if it helps much, but I haven't seen it mentioned at this point. All that I can gather would be that most likely the two legions didn't participate in the seige of Terra for or against, but I would think that whatevered happened to cause the loss of two legions would be hard to miss. Keeping in mind that GW can do whatever they want.
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Though, I forget where I read it, it said that 20 legions crusaded...I'm thinking something happened early in the crusade...Before Horus was appointed Warmaster.


Maybe, without a Primarch (Think it was 2 Horus broke) a legion broke without proper leadership and was picked off, and the other might have just turned to chaos by itself, and the Emperor destroyed its record, because it was a single event, and no one other then the Primarchs knew of Chaos...Or, they just got destroyed, and with the Emperors guilt, he locked down the records of the two.


For all we know, the two were crusading together in a big campaign, but got lost in a warp-storm.

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I like GC08 idea. They were fighting in the Webway and they got messed up when Magnus broke the protections. Im sure the Eldar were unhappy about the Emperor poking around down there too, I mean if Ahriman was going to be able to do evil with the Black Library, then what would the Emperor be able to do.
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Though it is obvious that they have been left out for game designing conceptional reasons, I like this idea: The two lost chapters have fought each other, WITHOUT chaos being involved, without bein lost in the warp or webway, or outside the galaxy. Maybe just over some stupid pride-thing. They were banished from the empire. Also such idiocy is enough to justify them being erased from all records, their statues being taken off the podests.


Other chapters also had some unhealthy rivalry, but these took it too far. Such an incident would fit intoall the story. It does not interfere with why they could not take part in the horus heresy. Personae non gratae to the emperors forces, out of reach as no intrigue, trick or force could reach them from the heretics. And in the end, in the aftermath they were gone. Whereever, noone knows, no one looked when it happened. Open end provided.


My 2 c.




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I like GC08 idea. They were fighting in the Webway and they got messed up when Magnus broke the protections. Im sure the Eldar were unhappy about the Emperor poking around down there too, I mean if Ahriman was going to be able to do evil with the Black Library, then what would the Emperor be able to do.


Its as good a theory as any other I heard so far :P

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I mentioned this a while ago, and I don’t think that anyone has ever followed it up, but for what its worth I think that it is actually a useful source. On page 8 of the 4th edition rulebook, they have just scrambled the names and information of the lost legions rather than putting, 'unknown'.


What can be drawn from this will be understandably questionable to some, but I think that it should not be excluded so quickly. Looking at the scrambles you can imagine how long the original words were, as, if you look at the division lines of the boxes, the information has been scrambled 'sideways'. If you apply the same scramble to the letters as is used on the divisions then I believe you can tell the following:


In regard to


Lost Legion #1


The Legion Name: seems to be about the same length as 'ultramarines', maybe slightly longer or shorter. Also looks like only one word.


The Primarch's Name: could be one or two words, if one then it’s about the same length as Perturabo, if two words then it seems to be around 4 letters then around 3 letters allowing for the space.


Home World: Doesn't look like it has the parentheses (these little fellows []) around it which suggests it was not destroyed. The name could again be one or two words. If one word it seems similar in length to Chemos, if two then it could be as little as 2 letters then 3 letters allowing for the space.


Second Founding Chapters: This could read 'none known', and it doesn’t look long enough to read Excommunicate Traitoris. If it is the name of successors then it could be one word maybe 10 letters long, or two words 4 then 5 or 6 allowing for a space.



Lost Legion #2


The Legion Name: Looks a lot like two words, the first maybe 5 letters, the second maybe 4 maybe 5. Could also be one long word like 'ultramarines', or maybe longer.


The Primarch's Name: Could again be two words, maybe 5 letters then 3 letters. Could also be one long word, longer than all the other primarch's names.


Home World: Looks very much like one world of similar length to Macragge, or could again be two words maybe 3 letters and 4 letters.


Second Founding Chapters: The most interesting part of the whole lot. This seems too long to be 'none known', and seems a little too long to be Excommunicate Traitoris. If it reads Excommunicate Traitoris then this is interesting enough, but if it reads neither 'none known' nor Excommunicate Traitoris then it is most interesting. If it is successors then it could be up to two names, but it would probably be only one long one.






I know this seems a very long shot, but every bit of evidence helps in my opinion, no matter how questionable





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leigon of the damned are a lost chapter, think it was the flame falcons, tho could be wrong on the name...


What always gets me, is how GW releases some lazy half baked rumour about the "possible" origins of the Legion of the Damned, then it is cut and pasted every new Edition untill it is taken as given... The only problem I see with the whole Fire Hawks lost in the warp - became TLotD, is the it the "Legion" of the Damned, not the "Chapter" of the Damned. I suspect that it was originally meant for the LotD to be one of the lost Legions, but couldn't be bothered writing it up/ or just plain forgot about it, and so went on to make up the Fire Hawks explanation. The Fire Hawks disaster is now canon, so my Legion (10,000 marines) of undead in power armour will just have to live in my fantasies!



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Battleplate Posted Today, 01:35 PM

What always gets me, is how GW releases some lazy half baked rumour about the "possible" origins of the Legion of the Damned, then it is cut and pasted every new Edition untill it is taken as given...


Yup, now they've managed to achieve some consistency with the origins of the Legion of the Damned they've started following a similar procedure with the origins of the Grey Knights, who aren't even in C:SM's remit. ;)


I guess this will continue ad infinitum until they run out of Chapters with mysterious backgrounds. My guess is either the Blood Ravens or the Red Scorpions will be the next to be slated as a pissble Lost Legion.

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