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final battle-real or myth?


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What GW should do is go along with this "Final Battle", and once it's over, and reset the story line to the Great Crusades, but this time, let us decide the story through global campaings.
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Sanguinius isn't Jesus, he's the Archangel Michael. The whole Horus heresy is just the War Of Heaven. Half the angels rebelling and all that jazz.


a third of angels rebelled not half, Michael kills Lucifer (in revelations) doesn't get killed by him/ wound him, God doesn't do any fighting, but i do agree it has biblical over tones,



o and i am reading rise of the tau, its the best warhammer fiction ever, period.

Yea yea, I know. Details.


The point is that the War Of Heaven is THE thing that the Horus Heresy is modeled after.


It'd be ironic if The Emperor actually WAS "God" and Lucifer was his original Horus way back in the day when he was experimenting with rule through monotheistic religion. That'd mean he'd already gone through the whole mess successfully once before. Maybe he thought he had that particular problem solved and THAT'S why he was so utterly reluctant to believe Horus did it again?


Maybe the various pantheons of gods (Greek, Norse, Egyptian etc etc) were all experiments by The Emperor with early super human proto-Primarchs.


Funny thing is that THAT would make Constantine seem smarter.

"Let's just rename these Zeus and Odin guys "God" since...well...they're the same guy..."

Or maybe Constantine was The Emperor too.... :(



When you really stop to think about all the lives The Emperor has lived it gets insane to try and imagine all the crazy lessons he must've learned about what does and doesn't work when ruling people.

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i think it gets it origin from Ragnarok, the norse final battle. In that it says Odin (king of Gods The Emperor) The Aesir( Normal gods The primarches) and the dead would join and fight against the forces of loki (Chaos). after the battle, the world (Terra) would be destroyed
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It'd be ironic if The Emperor actually WAS "God" and Lucifer was his original Horus way back in the day when he was experimenting with rule through monotheistic religion. That'd mean he'd already gone through the whole mess successfully once before. Maybe he thought he had that particular problem solved and THAT'S why he was so utterly reluctant to believe Horus did it again?


That'd be a laugh. The Emperor, the ultimate atheist, turns out in fact to be God. :lol:

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Well I think more than likely he tried out religion quite a bit before dismissing it entirely. Probably nearly went mad because of people doing stupid things in the name of religion. Or maybe he couldn't figure out how to get everyone to follow the same god at the same time so all his people were constantly against each other.

Just ended up being more trouble than it was worth despite being highly effective at controlling people.

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