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Thanks Brother - glad you like them !!

you ask what will be next ? Well my vow will tell you everything:

I, bevulf of the Dark Angels, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present a Personal Command Squad of the Supreme Commander Azrael of the Dark Angels Chapter consisting of one Chapter Banner Standard Bearer, Apothecary and 3 Veterans with various weaponry on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.

:eek That's right - I've entered the LPC !

and to add to that here is the first picture:


Great choice bevulf :tu: mini-metal-minatures will help prevent Azzy from getting small man/model syndrome :tu:






Although I love his sculpt, much like Abbaddon he really needs a scale up.

  Captain Semper said:
Hahahaha!!! True enough!


Keep the champagne flowing bewulf! ;)



hahahaha these are truly the same as the previous ones :P


stobz@ yeah you are right I love azzi model but it is out of scale compared to the latest SM minis - just as you said these old metals should look good along with him !


company veteran@ thanks brother ! following your thread too - love your latest veterans and hope to see a lot more of your awesome work !!

Heavy metal yes? Looks nice 'n clean!


Nothing like the white/black outer/inner robe combo! Some try green, red, purple... Black always does the job! :lol: What'd you use for highlighting? Astronomican grey or something darker? Suffice to say they look awesome! Keep the output rates high! :angry:

My favorite is the Apothecary... Don't know why... It's probably the only apthecary I've seen with the hood on!


Looking great bevulf, you reminded me how awesome the metal minis were! Good luck with the banner! Is it going to be the Chapter banner? Or a Chapter banner?

Thank you guys ! and you know what ? Today is the Day !

I must admit that I changed my mind few times on the banner before painting but I finally decided to paint Dark Angels Chapter Banner. With that painted my VOW IS COMPLETE !!!!!!

Here is the proof :P


Thank you all guys for encouraging me !!!

Below is the latest group photo:



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