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  • 3 months later...

Here's a termie I've had lying around primed for a few months while an IG project took over. 2250 points painted in 3 months exactly. I painted him up to help give me the marine bug again. Not sure if it worked yet, as I'm still vacillating between projects.




However, should I move forward, I've got another Ravenwing Biker on the table, then some more termies, and then...I digress. Hoping to be updating progress again.

Thanks Bevulf.


Well, I've decided to push on with another marine project, another attack bike. I built him and did the base tonight. Don't worry, the riders aren't attached yet.



So here's the next Ravenwing update. I've painted the base metal areas, and added the washes. Next step, highlight the metals. Then it's the black edges, then the details.




I've also been undergoing a massive cleanup of my DA minis. All power weapons and melta coils lost the green tint, and all plasma weapons changed to a blue tint. Makes me much happier. I have a rough plan to go and update each squad with highlights, etc, but that's a longer term project. We'll see.

Here's the finished bike.






And for reference, here's a shot of my DA forces as they stand here at the beginning of 2011.



Thanks guys, I appreciate all the great feedback.


Ellis - I'm just using a digital camera in its regular mode. From what I can tell of your shots, one was very clear, just taken from a distance in order to get all the spread out minis in.

Incredible army collection!!


Great new addition of attack bike – like it a lot.


I think it is also the high time to paint some ravenwing bikers for my army :D

I certainly recommend Ravenwing in any DA army.



Here's the first step on my Termie squad. There are wearing very old marks of armor and may end up scattered throughout the other squads. The basic forms are complete, now I just need to add the bling.




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