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I'm happy with that size of force for say the majority of the campaign, but not as an initial invasion force. In many instances it is noted that forces of that size are rarely drawn together at once, except for crusades. Most of the time it would start off as say 10,000 guard - so about 10 regiments, then it snowballs. So either we put something in the timeline about a 'recon' force arriving, assessing the strength of opposition and either getting wiped out or retreating. Then a larger force arrives with more and more regiments arriving over time. Or we say that the HLoT hear about the sedition and appoint a Warmaster and he can then call a crusade - the downside being that if the second is the case, why haven't GW mentioned the Campaign?

I'm a fan of the 'snowball' version. I'm all for keeping the campaign as low key as possible in the context of the greater 40k universe.

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Overall Imperial Guard Commander: Lord General Barkust Sturmgarn


The position belongs to Lord General Adar Voli. Genearl Sturmgarn can fit in one way or another.


Most of the time it would start off as say 10,000 guard - so about 10 regiments, then it snowballs. So either we put something in the timeline about a 'recon' force arriving, assessing the strength of opposition and either getting wiped out or retreating. Then a larger force arrives with more and more regiments arriving over time. Or we say that the HLoT hear about the sedition and appoint a Warmaster and he can then call a crusade - the downside being that if the second is the case, why haven't GW mentioned the Campaign?


This is honestly an example of Games Workshop simply failing at the numbers game: the one I spent several pages and several hours of fairly simple, albeit long and aggravating, math doing.

10,000 Guardsmen wouldn't be able to conquer much in a system wide campaign.

500,000,000 Guardsmen overall sounds like a fair bet then. However, I think there should be more Perditian loyalists (in system) to contribute forces to fight against their heretical brethren. It also lets the Guardsmen breathe a little fresh air and gives the 3:1 siege ratio that would be expected.


What about Ferrus? And how did you clone GHY?


**Quickly edits** Honestly, Ace, you need to get your eyes checked or something :rolleyes: !


I'd have the Lions turn up first, but have a fairly narrow gap between the two chapters arriving. I imagine each chapter would make a significant impact somewhere in the campaign when they turn up.


As a side note, the Infinity Knights are only 'new' if this campaign takes place just after the 9th founding.


The Lions will arrive first then. Concerning your side note, so would the Death Heads :jaw: . When they both turn up, the ACN starts taking licks. The contribution will be almost exclusively there and on the hidden moon.


The Eldar might not show their faces until the Space Marines turn up. It's not like they wouldn't be expecting Astartes, and the Eldar would probably make full use of the element of surprise.


Eldar show up when the Imperium starts hitting Hives. They also provide the only orbital defense that the Perditians have, so I can imagine several lost signals being reported before Eldar are confirmed in the area.

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10,000 Guardsmen wouldn't be able to conquer much in a system wide campaign

I'm in total agreement with that. However, the Imperium wouldn't necessarily know that the entire system had turned from it until a potential recon force had been sent in. Then, as I said before they would send in larger forces that would be quickly reinforced until it reach the 500,000,000 mark.

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I'm in total agreement with that. However, the Imperium wouldn't necessarily know that the entire system had turned from it until a potential recon force had been sent in. Then, as I said before they would send in larger forces that would be quickly reinforced until it reach the 500,000,000 mark.


One of the first indications of something happening in the Perditia system is the lack of resources being sent to the Protomangate Forge World. The first recon force will be little more than Administratum officials and a small bodyguard. I'm sure the Protomangate Magos would like to have a word with the Planetary Governor as well.


I wonder whether the Eldar would be inclined to attack the Administratum or make them think nothing was happening. Opinions?

However, the force will still be assembled at Secundus. Forces will likely be accumulated as the campaign progresses, as you're all suggesting.


How many hives should remain loyal? Almost all agricultural worlds have gone traitor by this point. How many Arbites would you expect in the system?

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I wonder whether the Eldar would be inclined to attack the Administratum or make them think nothing was happening. Opinions?


I incline towards the latter. The Eldar are smart enough to know that sooner or later, the big guns - in this case space marines - are on the horizon. They'd probably want to save any advantages such as a big, full-force surprise attack for when they show up.


They just wouldn't be expecting 900 space marines, is all. :lol:


Once the eldar are out in the open, I'd expect them to attack anything and everything that would be an easy target.

..But my expectations of how an Eldar force would work aren't really based on a lot of actual knowledge, so I'll cheerfully bow to other opinions on this point.

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I wonder whether the Eldar would be inclined to attack the Administratum or make them think nothing was happening. Opinions?

However, the force will still be assembled at Secundus. Forces will likely be accumulated as the campaign progresses, as you're all suggesting.


How many hives should remain loyal? Almost all agricultural worlds have gone traitor by this point. How many Arbites would you expect in the system?


I agree, with Ace. They would likely act from the shadows as much as possible, committing to actual lethal action at the very last possible moment (as well as to protect their secrecy from prying eyes).


I believe 25% of the Hives should remain loyal at the beginning, but this number might decrease to 5 - 10% depending upon the actions of the traitors on the planet.


As for the Arbites, before this madness starts, I would suspect that 8% of the population across the system makes up of the Arbites. This number might be higher, probably around the 11% level. When the population starts to rebel, this number will likely sharply decrease to around 2 - 5%.

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Now, the question is how does Ferze respond to the Imperials? On Taros the Planetary Governor still wanted to avoid fighting the Imperium. Ferze doesn't want anything to do with the Imperium.


The response is going to have to be violent. Anyone have any ideas for the first meeting of the Imperials and the Perditian forces?

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Now, the question is how does Ferze respond to the Imperials? On Taros the Planetary Governor still wanted to avoid fighting the Imperium. Ferze doesn't want anything to do with the Imperium.


The response is going to have to be violent. Anyone have any ideas for the first meeting of the Imperials and the Perditian forces?


What is his character? Does Ferze believe so strongly that he is doing the right thing that he thinks diplomacy will work?


"Leave us in peace Colonel," Ferze mutters wearily as he stares into the distance. "For the good of my people, leave us in peace."


Something like that? It doesn't have to be violent.

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I did a little renovation of the campaign map for ease of labeling and discussion.




I like to think that each of the labeled hive worlds makes it easier to decide how many, if any, hives remain loyal on each moon.

On another note, I positioned several agricultural moons almost right on top of Perditia Tetrius. I imagine the Eldar will defend these moons until it is impossible to withstand Imperial assault. In doing so they provide resources for the Perditian PDF and people on the ACN.


The Agricultural moons are all loyal to Ferze and the Eldar.

The Civilized moons would probably have the biggest divide.


On another note, I've been thinking of my Perditia descriptions and I think the best example of my final image is Telos from Star Wars:




More information: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Telos


The two biggest differences are:

Perditia will not have a solid surface

Perditia will have larger "holes" in its construction to allow for the passage and release of wind and moisture.


Perditida will also have platforms not unlike modern offshore oil rigs for collecting gas pockets. The ACN will also remain mobile, so a Perditian "day" is still a natural pace, not the short one a gas giant would have naturally due to its faster rotation.

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In between working on my last assignment for the semester, I found dome time to experiment with some textures. I later found that I had made some mistakes which means I'll have to redo some things, but as a test, I think it turned out well.


I was thinking I could make similar stuff like this as artwork, maybe something for each Chapter in the campaign.

EDIT: Since I'm on a roll...


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That's a wicked awesome shoulder pad, Codex Grey!


As for a campaign badge, perhaps we could have an Eldar Rune being crushed by a power-armored hand (as a badge for the Marines), and for the Guardsmen/Navy/others, have a brown planet stabbed by four swords and four spears? (Representing the four armies and four Chapters of Astartes)?

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Grey, I'm speechless. Those are brilliant, spectacular pieces.


an Eldar Rune being crushed by a power-armored hand (as a badge for the Marines), and for the Guardsmen/Navy/others, have a brown planet stabbed by four swords and four spears


I'd like to have a unified badge, but that second one sounds awesome.

However, judging by what it's based on, the badge would need to have 3 versions: 1 for just the Imperial Guard, 1 for the Guard, Death Heads and Warriors Eternal and one for the full force with the Guard, Death Heads, Warriors Eternal, Arctic Lions and Infinity Knights.


I have an idea that plays on Ferrus', although it harks back on an old friend (enemy?): The Beast of Gehenna Perditia, the windstorm that is Perditia's Great Red Spot.


The idea is to have a demonic or bestial face representing the gas giant and having a sword run through it. It's a little inaccurate for an outside prospective (no demonic involvement), but I think it could work.


Perhaps imposing a beast face onto a shape like this:




And having a sword (or four) though it.




Also, to expand on my previous post, the circled worlds are the ones the Eldar concentrate on defending (from orbit) to aid the Perditians:



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Personally, I like King's idea of using 'the beast' in some way, as it's really symbolic for the whole campaign. I'm tearing my hair out trying to figure out how I should go about making one, without it looking crap. Will have to do some concepts.


Glad to see the pads are so well received. I was thinking; Would it be cool to have four pads, one from each Chapter, lined up on some kind of altar in a dark room, with a single strong light source, displaying the symbols of each Chapter, as something to include in the booklet?

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Would it be cool to have four pads, one from each Chapter, lined up on some kind of altar in a dark room, with a single strong light source, displaying the symbols of each Chapter, as something to include in the booklet?


Would be good as a potential front cover, and on the note of the booklet I've started playing with formatting on word to see what I can do. Also, I thught that we could use the campaign badge (whatever we decide it to be) as a background image for each page - grey scaled of course.

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Would it be cool to have four pads, one from each Chapter, lined up on some kind of altar in a dark room, with a single strong light source, displaying the symbols of each Chapter, as something to include in the booklet?


Would be good as a potential front cover, and on the note of the booklet I've started playing with formatting on word to see what I can do. Also, I thught that we could use the campaign badge (whatever we decide it to be) as a background image for each page - grey scaled of course.


I personally like this idea greatly. I also like what KingHongKong has stated for the campaign badge, though I feel the badge (in one way or another) should represent or differentiate both the Imperial Guard/Navy involvement and the Astartes involvement, such as both a Spear and a Sword skewering the planet/beast head.

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Personally, I like King's idea of using 'the beast' in some way, as it's really symbolic for the whole campaign.


I'm flattered, Grey. While I thought it was a good idea, I didn't think symbolic :D !

Please, share you concept drawings when you make them. I may not speak for everyone, but it's interesting to see how thoughts translate to paper, and seeing them makes it a lot easier to comment.


I feel the badge (in one way or another) should represent or differentiate both the Imperial Guard/Navy involvement and the Astartes involvement


I don't know how it would be done and still make sense, unfortunately. The first Astartes don't appear until 2 years after the first attack. Maybe someone else could offer input to sway DKC or myself?

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Glad to see the pads are so well received. I was thinking; Would it be cool to have four pads, one from each Chapter, lined up on some kind of altar in a dark room, with a single strong light source, displaying the symbols of each Chapter, as something to include in the booklet?


I could take 2,000 words to talk about the awesomeness of this idea, but since I'm much too tired I'll settle for:

Good idea - that'd look awesome. :P


I don't know how it would be done and still make sense, unfortunately. The first Astartes don't appear until 2 years after the first attack. Maybe someone else could offer input to sway DKC or myself?

Hmm. you could have two badges, one for the guard with spears and another for the astartes with swords?


The Beast of Gehenna would make a very cool badge, but I don't have any good ideas for how to put such a badge together.

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Hmm. you could have two badges, one for the guard with spears and another for the astartes with swords?


Unfortunately, this idea doesn't meld with the idea of a unified effort though the same badge :jaw: ?


On another note, I decided to return to that disgusting math game to try and mold that snowball effect. This is the information I'm working with:


1,200,000,000 per Modern moon

6 hives (6 x 40,000,000 = 240,000,000)

4 hives (4 x 40,000,000 =160,000,000)

6 hives (6 x 40,000,000 = 240,000,000)

4 hives (4 x 40,000,000 =160,000,000)

5 hives (5 x 40,000,000 = 200,000,000)

2 hives (2 x 40,000,000 = 80,000,000)

3 hives (3 x 40,000,000 = 120,000,000)

6 hives (6 x 40,000,000 = 240,000,000)

5 hives (5 x 40,000,000 = 200,000,000)

40,000,000 per hive

500,000 per Agricultural moon


1.25% enlistees

3.97% total during incursion


Veteran: 24,793

Infantry: 41,324

Heavy Infantry: 33,057

Armor: 11,019

Artillery: 5,510

115,703 regiments total


Veteran Regiments: 2,500 men

Infantry Regiments: 5,000 men

Heavy Infantry Regiments: 5,000 men

Armored/ Artillery Regiments: 4,000 men


The fleet will grow as the ground forces grow.

In addition, the first few actions of the invasion are orbital bombardments, no real need for overwhelming Imperial Guard numbers.


If anyone wants to take the map and draw rough arrows for what order they believe the invasion forces will proceed in, they're more than welcome to.

It would probably be easier to take this one invasion force at a time.


The Second Army is Ferrus' pet project, so if any of you wish to do something similar, you're more than welcome to. Just as a note, the forces will need to be split again, keeping this in mind:


Tazad: 14 moons

Capital Moon: 12 hives

Hive Moons: (3) 3 hives, 4 hives, 6 hives

Agricultural Moons: 10

1,000,500,000 population

39,719,850 soldiers


Uffros: 12 moons

Capital Moon: 7 hives

Hive Moons: (3) 5 hives, 5 hives, 6 hives

Agricultural Moons: 8

920,400,000 population

36,539,880 soldiers


Iber: 9 moons

Capital Moon: 8 hives

Hive Moons: (2) 4 hives, 6 hives

Agricultural Moons: 4

Civilized Moons: 2

3,120,200,000 population

123,871,940 soldiers


Raztur: 9 moons

Capital Moon: 6 hives

Hive Moons: (2) 2 hives, 4 hives

Agricultural Moons: 5

Civilized Moons: 1

1,680,000,000 population

66,696,000 soldiers


Iber and Raztur will have larger groups than Uffros and Tazad.

I'll probably start working on Iber and the Third Army for my own project.


Just drop a post below if you're interested in fleshing out either the First or Fourth Army.

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"The Planetary Defense Force's recruitment increases gastronomically."




i'm guessing spell check did this to you. you mean astronomically.




also in that same section, it's titled unsurprising instead of uprising.

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Hmm. you could have two badges, one for the guard with spears and another for the astartes with swords?


Unfortunately, this idea doesn't meld with the idea of a unified effort though the same badge :) ?


I was tired. :P


How about four chapter-coloured swords with some kind of decoration on the pommels/hilts in the colours of the IG regiments?

Heck, you could even do the whole handle in the regiment's colours, and use the astartes colours for the blades.


...Yes, I'm still tired. But hopefully this time I can talk sense while in a sleep-deprived state. :P

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If anyone wants to take the map and draw rough arrows for what order they believe the invasion forces will proceed in, they're more than welcome to.

It would probably be easier to take this one invasion force at a time

My ideas for the Second Army, with the larger the arrow the larger the force:


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Hm. If I might make a small suggestion as to the campaign badge, perhaps add small [insertcolorhere] dots around the main badge to represent each of the moons? I'm a little leery about it, but I thought I might toss it out there. I'm concerned that we might end up making it far too complex of a badge, y'know?


EDIT TIME IS NOW: OR, alternately, make the main campaign badge as suggested, and underneath the badge, put a number of dots underneath the badge to represent the number of moons/worlds that particular Company/Soldier/Chapter/etc actually participated in conquering. That would make things slightly more manageable, I think.


Also, to expand on my previous post, the circled worlds are the ones the Eldar concentrate on defending (from orbit) to aid the Perditians:




The Ordo Xenos would likely mount somekind of mission on each of those planets, in one form or another (Deathwatch Kill team or Storm trooper reconnaissance force) to check it out, not to mention their ships would try to capture enemy Eldar ships that show themselves during battle (as impossible as that sounds).

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Just to lay out my thoughts on the badge...


I don't see why we should have several different badges. It's the Perditia Campaign Badge, a badge for the unified forces of Humanity in that campaign, no matter how some of the different groups view each over. IMO, it should be one badge. This also works better with Ferrus' idea of using the badge as a background for every page, and it would be good to have it as a single cover symbol.


As for the symbol itself, I've already said that I think using the 'beast' in some way would be good. It's symbolic for the Gas Giant, and driving a sword through the beast would really drive home the mission of the Imperials. Taking into consideration what King mentioned, that the appearance of the beast might be slightly confusing if it was a demonic face or something similar when there isn't anything demonic in the campaign, I was thinking we could limit the beast face to just the maw of the beast. I think the maw, in combination with the swirl pattern, gets the point across, without being to complex. Other than that, I don't really want to add more to the badge, like moons and stuff. Keeping it simple also makes it easier to get a good silhouette of the symbol, which helps make it look better as a background image for the pages of the booklet.


My two cents...

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